//------------------------------// // Reacquaintance // Story: Forgotten Soldier; Wrong War // by rocketlvr //------------------------------// Victor exited the hospital with plenty of thoughts in his head. Most of which were about the Humvee but one or two were on the 2013 Maxim calender he realized he'd never get. He shook his head clear and walked to the place where he thought the vehicle was last. He was accompanied by Rainbow Dash who noticed his silence. "So, ah. what is this thing we're going to get" "It's a Humvee, a sort of vehicle us humans use in order to get from point A to point B faster." "huh, well I don't need to worry about speed, you're looking at the fastest flier in Equestria!" the marine smiled and rolled his eyes "Cocky little glue sack aren't you? prove it, first one to the Humvee gets my last pack of skittles" He didn't wanna risk his skittles but he was sure he could beat a 4 foot blue pony in a foot race. "What's a skittle?" Victor's jaw flopped open "It's... It's like and edible orgasm!" "an edible what now? "Errrrr... it's like the awesomest food ever! You taste the Rainbow." "really?" Dash was the one to roll her eyes this time. "You'll see if you can beat me" With that they both hunkered down. Victor got into a running position, and Dash crouched down. "Okay on the count of three... "one... two.... three!" Dash took off like a lightning bolt nearly to the limit of a sonic rainboom, she covered the distance in less than 3 seconds. like a top fuel dragster on steroids. Victor was thrown to the ground by the blast the second Dash took off. He heaved himself off the ground and stood there mouth agape for at least 20 seconds. "holy... shit...." he said in a breathless near silent whisper. "holy.... shit..." It had covered nearly an entire mile in the span of three seconds, that was nearly 2 times as fast as the land speed record. That had to be at least........ (he took a moment to think)........ 1,200 mph. She just broke the sound barrier without even breaking a sweat..... "holy shit" he heard a soft "done!" in the distance and proceeded to jog the mile getting there in about 7 minutes. Rainbow Dash was leaning against the car. "Jeez what took you so long?" "I... you.... Nothing goes that fast! how is that even........" "I won fair and square. Now pay up." He rummaged through his pocket rubbing his temples profusely with one hand. He tossed her a jumbo skittles bag and wandered away dumbstruck. Rainbow causally tore the bag open with her teeth and popped a few skittles in her mouth. She chewed a little and her eyes went wide as a massive smile crossed her face. "OMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSHOMIGOSH!!!!!!!" she started stuffing them in her mouth until she looked like a chipmunk. She laid down on the ground and chewed. This she thought was euphoria Victor was still wandering around aimlessly trying to make sense of the technicolor pony which just went the speed of the Concorde. He took a moment, the laws of my universe do not apply and repeated this mantra in his head a good twenty times before he turned around and walked back to the sugar rushing pony by the military vehicle. "Hey Rainbow!" "Muph?" she replied, mouth still stuffed "don't get Diabeetus" Victor chuckled at his own joke while Rainbow Dash sat up confused "Muph hu-huhumph mph muh?" She swallowed and repeated "wait what's diabeetus?" "Ah, nothing you need to know about." He strolled around the Humvee, its exterior was in poor condition even without the massive dent in the side and red and white paint and... thing. "Hey Rainbow, "What?" "What's the thing hitched on the back of the car." He was gesturing at the massive wood and steel apparatus with large pipes going hither and thither throughout it that had been rather haphazardly attached to the car. "Oh that thing, I remember it from cider season a while back. They called it the super speedy cider squeezy 6000 if I remember correctly. It's a giant cider press that nearly put AppleJack out of business...... but, it did make good cider..... before they started putting rocks in it...........eeeeeehhhhhIIIIIII think I'll just take it off your hands, you know, to keep AJ's farm safe...... and not make any of my own cider.........eeeeehhhh yeah" with that she trotted over kicked the hitch off. "Do you still need me?" "Nah, I should be fine" "Great!" and with that she started pushing the super speedy cider squeezy 6000 off into the direction of Everfree forest for *ahem* 'safe keeping'" Victor watched her go and then turned his attention back to the car. He opened the shotgun door to see the classic Humvee interior he'd grown accustomed to. with all the modern luxuries one could need. With its luxurious canvas covered seats and casing coated floor, it was given a bit of artistic contrast by a splash of dried blood, it was all he needed to give him good old memories of Iraq. He climbed into the center of the massive vehicle and popped his head out of the machine gun turret. The M2HB was a bit wrecked. The barrel was slightly warped and the reciever was covered in scratch marks, the press button trigger was also a bit dented but against all good judgment, he racked the charging handle to ensure it was loaded, and fired off a 3 round volley into the air. A loud CHUNK CHUNK CHUNK sounded off in the town causing a moment of silence not heard in some time. Looking around, he noticed a few blinds in the houses shift and heads peep from around corners in his direction. He paid them no attention and instead proceeded to unload the box of .50 cal ammo and racked the slide twice hearing an unspent cartridge ping off the floor and pushed the trigger to hear a quiet *click*. He climbed down into the drivers seat with the massive box of .50 caliber ammo setting it down gently in the back. He looked to see the keys were still in place; and with hesitation reached for them. He figured it wouldn't work considering it just took a hell of a beating from an m203.... and quiet possibly evil cartoon horses; but hey, it's worth a shot. He grabbed the key took a deep breath and then turned them. The Humvee growled to life. Sickly, with a decent amount of burbling and gurgling, but it worked. He gently pushed on the gas pedal and felt the vehicle slowly move forward. He beamed with that. More than happy that his massive car would still run. He turned the car off and then decided to rummage through its supplies and scavenge what goodies he could find. First off was the trunk. He got out of the car and into the back and opened the trunk. He gasped at the belongings inside. It was literally everything that his squad was using in their Humvee. This was his Humvee. He started pulling out items one by one. First was a FIM-92 stinger missile. There was literally no good reason that his squad should have had this, but Lt. Randal, a former eagle scout, lived by the motto "be prepared". Next was a crate that put a smile on his face. It said "explosives handle with care" he immediately took it out and opened it up. It was his secret stash of well, everything, it contained everything a soldier could possibly want from a good 8 boxes of skittles 10 2L bottles of Dr. Pepper as well as, Hershey's, Crunches, and Milky Way bars, and who could forget the all important staple to a soldiers diet, pornography. He'd smuggled some magazines in from his last time on leave. He could normally sell it for a bunch if he chose. Normally he didn't though. Also were a collection of black market weaponry. He (being a Californian) was more than happy to get his hands on knuckle dusters, an Uzi, and 4 Molotov cocktails. Normally such a stash would be confiscated, and he would be demoted if not on latrine duty for the rest of his service should it have been found. Even his own squad members would have raided the stash if it weren't for Randal. He was a hell of a CO, and turned a blind eye so long as he got discount magazines. Victor was his squads "procurement specialist" he had the connections to get whatever someone wanted whenever. He pushed the crate off to the side and opened a bulky rucksack. Inside was a disassembled m82 Barrett, at least 10 m67 grenades with fragmentation jackets, 35lbs of C4, a "Jaws of life", a tool box, and a burrito. "AWWWW TITS!" he said as he unwrapped the not so fresh burrito. He sniffed it and his nostrils were filled with the scent of over processed meat. He tarted tearing into that burrito like a fat man with donuts. He finished it feeling quite content with the world around him and continued his work. He plucked out another few weapons including an mp5k, an m40a3, a glock 18c and last but not least a intimidating looking shovel. I mean honestly, there are few shovels out there scarier. It's like the Nicole Kidman of shovels cause its got these wicked spiks on the handle, and the edges are like uber sharp. I mean, you would have to see this shovel to grasp how terrifying it was. With the trunk clear, he went around to the shotgun seat and opened up the glove box. Inside were a list of papers, a few documents and at the top of the pile was an unopened envelope. It was addressed to a Corporal Victor Pineschi. He took it off the pile and examined it, turning it over in his hands a few times before putting the pile back and shutting the glove box. He carefully ripped open the envelope and with gentle hands took out the letter. The hand writing was terrible and the paper itself was the back of an ID form. It read: Hey Victor, It's me Randal. I have no idea if you'll get this message, or even if you're still alive. But, I didn't feel right leaving a loose end untied. We all miss you bro. Carod doesn't even know what the hell happened, he just keeps repeating it was a dream. Other than that, the rest of the squad still has their wits together. I hope that all this crap in the Humvee can help you. If you're wondering how it got here I have to explain. That thing that pretty much sucked you up got turned off after it got some holes blown in it, but all we had to do was reattach the severed wires and it was running again. We tried to throw it in reverse but you wouldn't believe what came out. A fucking bug ball thing. It's blue and looks like a giant fly with a smiley face. It ate a chunk of some fruit laying outside and threw up another bug thing. We threw them both back in the portal. With that said, I should move on the Humvee. Well we figured out how to make the portal larger and we had to stay behind to destroy the device. We thought that the Humvee might help you so we threw in what ever guns we had left and pushed it through. I don't know if you'll get it and I'm sorry man. If it makes you feel better we're gonna blow up the whole building afterwards and make sure that the machine is gone. The only downside is there's no way we can get you back now. We'll be fine. I have an idea on how we can come up with some B.S for the brass, replace the gear, and list you as M.I.A. No one will believe our story anyways. There aren't actually many people who'll give a fuck cause we work too close with the PMC's. So that's about it news wise. I hope you're okay buddy and I'm glad to have been able to call you my fellow soldier, squadmate, and friend Semper Fi brother, Randal Victor put down the letter and welled up a bit. He put his head in his hands and took a few deep, shakey breaths. He was homesick for the first time here. Not homesick really, more like he just wished he could have said good bye. He shut the door to the Humvee and sobbed.