Suddenly... Ponies!

by Liquidfirest0rm

Chapter 5

Brandon removed the keys from the ignition and tossed them into the passenger seat. Letting out a long, drawn out sigh as he rubbed his face with both hands. Letting his hands fall, he stared at his reflection in the rear view mirror for a moment. Retrieving his keys from the passenger seat, he opened the door and got out.

“Time to see if I’m delusional or not.” He muttered to himself as he approached the front door.

Sticking his key into the lock, he turned it and opened the door. Stepping inside, he punched in the number on the keypad to turn the alarm off. He turned around and deposited his keys in their usual place on the little table, followed shortly after by his wallet and phone.

Taking a quick look around, he noticed nothing out of place. Not hearing anything either, he kicked off his shoes and left them in the doorway.

“Must have been my imagination.”

A slight movement at the end of the hall caught his eye. Looking to where he had thought he saw it, seeing purple hair and two huge violet eyes peering around the doorway to the study. The rest of the head and the purple body of Twilight soon appeared, a smile on her face as she turned her head back towards the room.

“It’s OK everypony. Brandon’s back!”

The six ponies made their way out of the room and down the hall, coming to a stop in front of him.

“Well I guess that rules out hallucinating.” He said under his breath.

“How’s your head?” Twilight asked, a pang of guilt crossing her features.

“Good, it was all superficial so all they needed to do was put a proper bandage.” He pointed to the white gauze bandage on the side of his head.

“B-But what about all that b-b-blood?” Fluttershy asked timidly.

“Yeah… Sorry I’m a bit of a bleeder. Something to do with my blood not clotting very fast. Always made my mom worry over the smallest cuts because they would bleed so much.” He let out a chuckle at the memory of his mom freaking out over past injuries.

His face sobered up and he gazed down at them.

“Alright, time for answers.” He said, and motioned towards the living room.

He followed them in, watching as they all took seats, standing between the rest of the furniture and the T.V. stand.

“OK. Since you all obviously aren't some kind of delusion concocted by that hit to the head; what are you doing in my house?”

“Well we’re actually here by accident.” Twilight spoke up. He cocked an eyebrow at her but said nothing. She took this as a sign to continue. “We… I was performing a long range teleportation, when something went wrong.”

Her eyes flicked over to Rainbow Dash as she said the ‘something went wrong’ part. Dash looked towards the floor with a slightly pained expression, her hears folding back against her head.

“The next thing we knew, we appeared in the room upstairs shortly before you entered.”

“Wait… When you say teleport… You mean… ?”

Twilight let out a sigh and opted for a visual demonstration. Focusing the required magic into her horn, it started glowing with its usual lavender glow. After a few moments there was a flash, and Twilight was gone. A split second later, there was a similar flash on the other side of the room where Twilight was now standing. Brandon’s mouth opened and closed a few times before he managed to get any sounds to come out.

“How… But… That’s impossible!”

“No that’s magic.” Twilight replied as she retook her place on the couch.

“Magic doesn't exist!”

“Yes it does.”

“No, it doesn't.”

Twilight’s horn started glowing again and then he was surrounded in the same lavender glow that her horn had. He suddenly found himself floating a couple feet off the ground.

“Is this real enough for you?” Twilight said with a snort of indignation.


Twilight released him from her hold and he crumpled on the floor. He rose to his knees and stared at his arms for a moment, then looked back up to Twilight. He started to say something but was cut off by Twilight.

“Based on your reaction, I’m guessing that magic doesn't exist here?”

“Not real magic.”

“What other kind of magic is there?”

“What we call magic is mostly sleight of hand, doing something faster than the eye can see, so it appears to be magic.”

A silence fell over the room, lasting only a few moments before Twilight spoke again.

“If there really is no magic here, then we have a big problem.” All eyes went to her as she continued. “I left the book I originally used for the spell back in the library; we’re stuck here.” Her ears folded back and she let her head droop.

He looked around the room and saw the looks of despair that were washing over all six of their faces. He felt bad for them, they had just been told that they would never be able to see their families, heck anyone from home, ever again. That’s one heck of a bombshell to drop on someone.

“I’m so sorry. Look, I know it’s not going to help much… but you’re more than welcome to stay for as long as you want.”

Twilight solemnly nodded before getting up from the couch.

“Thanks.” She said quietly and then walked out of the room, her head hanging low.

The others followed close behind her, he watched as they headed to the end of the hall, then back up the stairs to the second floor.

He flopped down on the couch and let out a sigh. Even though this news didn't affect him in any way, he still felt bad. It bothered him that he couldn't do anything other than sit on the sidelines and watch as they dealt with this. As he sat there, his mind drifted, trying to come up with different things that he could do for them. His brainstorming was interrupted by the sound of his cell phone ringing.

Getting up, he crossed the six feet or so to where his phone lay on the table beside the door.


“Hey man, what happened to you last night? You just up and disappeared on us.” It was his buddy, Chris.

“Yeah, sorry about that. Something came up.”

“It’s cool bro. You get everything for TJ's party tonight?”

Brandon’s eyes went wide and he nearly dropped the phone. How could he have forgotten that he was hosting his buddy’s 21st birthday party tonight? Oh… Right… Colorful horses.

“Not yet. Hey can you meet me here soon, I have something I need to talk about.”

“Uh, sure man, I’ll be there in like half an hour.”

“Thanks bro.”

He hung up the phone and sat it back in its usual spot.

“Well this should be interesting.”