//------------------------------// // Binding // Story: Chronicles // by Whiles34 //------------------------------// Clover the Clever looked all around her, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. She found herself in what seemed vaguely like a small chamber with large windows. The strangest thing about this room, however, was the white light that saturated the area. Brightness seemed to permeate the air, walls, and floor and yet did not seem to emanate from anywhere. “Where am I? Am I dead?” the aged unicorn asked. The last thing the magician remembered was beginning a ritual. One that held the promise of saving Equestria. It was an act of desperation, and Clover was the only pony powerful enough to carry it out. Tears fell from Clover’s eyes. “It didn’t work! I’m sorry, my friends. I have failed you.” You need not be afraid; you are still very much alive, a kind-sounding voice suddenly said. Like the light, the sound was disembodied, seeming to come from everywhere at once. You are the unicorn that not only discovered the Music of the Spheres, but performed the rituals, are you not? I am most impressed; I truly did not think any pony had the skill and magical ability to succeed. “Succeed?” Clover echoed. Summoning up courage, the magician looked up and replied in a firm voice that belied her confused state: “I am she who performed the ritual. Are you an astral spirit, unbound by time or destiny?” I am. “You know, then, of our plight! The being that calls himself Discord governs our land. He not only rules as a tyrant, but he twists reality. For his own amusement, he distorts the very fabric of space, time, and magic. The astral spirits surely must oppose this affront to nature. Why do you not act?” It is not simple, my little pony, the voice answered. We sympathize with you; We realize Discord must be overthrown. But We are above nature, We are not of it. We must not, and cannot, interfere with your world. “So my efforts were wasted! You will not help us!” Clover cried. Once more, it is not simple. We possess neither form nor substance. We do not exist but by the agreements we make with your world. As such, We cannot at once be as We are and change your world. But… Clover turned at that last phrase. “But?” she asked. You are more powerful than you know. I wish to help you, and I know another of my kindred who also wishes to help. But we cannot take forms of our own accord. You, however, might be powerful enough to bind us. To give us forms. So bound, our power will be greatly diminished, but we can then interfere on your behalf. Clover was dumbfounded. “Give you forms? H-how can I do that?” It will be neither quick nor easy, but I will teach you. First, you must give me a name; it is the first step of granting me a destiny. Think on it, but give me a name you feel is right. Let your heart guide you. For the first time since entering this place, the unicorn felt hope. After several minutes of thought, the magician smiled and said in a strong, clear voice: “Very well, I name you ‘Celestia.’” That is a very good name.