Help Me! My Parents Are Bronies!

by Enfield

All This Seems Very Familair

"Dad, mum? How did you make it here?" Douglas asked.
"Isn't this great?" his mother asked, failing to address Douglas' question.
"Don't mind her, I've a little pleased about what's happened too but I'm more glad that you're okay," Barry said.
"How did you get here?" Douglas asked for a second time.
"I found them while I was out in the forest," a bright yellow pegasus said, she also had a bright pink mane and tail. This sparked something in Douglas' mind but he lost it within a second, he felt as if he'd seen the pegasus before.
"Something up?" Barry asked.
"I still have no clue to what's going on or how I got here," Douglas said as he sat down next to his dad.
"The lightning, we crashed, ended up in Sweet Apple Orchard."
"Do you even know where we are?"
"All I've gathered is that it's called Ponyville."
Barry pulled Douglas' cap off and examined his head wound.
"I think that you must have hit your head pretty hard if you don't know where we are."
"Why don't you tell me then? Tell me where we are."
Margret and Barry exchanged glances, Barry leaned against the table.

"Do you remember the name of that show that we watched?"
Douglas nodded, he was a little uneasy about what his dad was going to say.
"Well son, welcome to Equestria, setting of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic."
Douglas bit his lip and then gingerly touched the side of his head.
"How hard did I hit my head?" he asked.
"That is a bad little bump you have," the yellow pegasus said as she looked closer at the bandage.
"Douglas this is Fluttershy," Margret said, "Element of Kindness and the pegasus who found us."
Margret went on to introduce the ponies that sat at the table with them. She started with Rainbow Dash and ended with Rarity, who was examining Douglas' jacket and jeans.
"How in Equestria did your coat get so dirty?" she asked. Douglas shook his head
"What the hell is it with my jacket? It's meant to look like this."
"You mean, you like this?"
"Yes," Douglas said as straightforward as he possibly could. Rarity gasped and then faked a faint.
"How could you match multiple, boring, drab colors with blue?"
"It's a popular fashion where I come from," Douglas said sarcastically.
"Do stop overreacting Rarity," Margret said,"Rainbow Dash, when is Twilight going to be back?"
"Knowing her she's buried in books," Rainbow Dash said.
A second later the door to the house tree burst open and a purple unicorn that Douglas guessed was Twilight exited, a book hovering in the air in a purple aura and a small dragon carrying several books followed her.
"Oh, there's another one of you," Twilight said.
"Twilight, this is our son Douglas," Barry said, he then nudged Douglas, "Say something."
"What am I meant to say?" Douglas asked, "Something like 'Oh hi Twilight, I'm from a place that you've never bloody heard of and guess what, you're from a fecking TV show'!"
"Your parents already filled us in on that," Pinkie said.
"Ah knew he wasn't from around here after he told me that his kind eats birds?" Applejack said.
"You eat birds?" Fluttershy asked.
"Not today at least," Douglas said.
"Maybe we can bag something later," Barry said. He and Douglas started laughing but Margret nudged them and pointed to the six, who were all staring at them in amazement.
"I've got a lot to learn about your species," Twilight said.
"I've got a lot of remembering to do," Douglas said.
"Too right, I think that you might have gotten a concussion from that crash," his mother said. Douglas couldn't deny that, he knew that he hit his head hard on something and now because of that crash he'd lost some of his memory. But what made the amnesia even worse was that he'd forgotten a little about his life in Ireland, the only thing that was clear in his mind was that his parents were both bronies but he didn't know how bad they were.

"If you don't mind I really need to study one of you," Twilight said, "I won't take long."
"Um, what are you applying here?" Douglas asked.
"It's okay," the dragon said, "Twilight just wants to know a little more about your physical attributes, nothing more."
"You go, son," Barry said. Douglas span around to face him.
"Hang on a second, that's a little too quick."
"You might as well see if you do have a concussion," his mother said, "After all, me and your father need to see what the culture's like around here so we can blend in."
"I'm not going to fully agree with this but I do want to find out if I've got minor brain damage. Fine, I'll do it but I'm warning you, any wrong movements that I don't like and I will retaliate."
"Ooookay then, follow me," Twilight said. Douglas followed Twilight, gripping his air rifle in one hand and holding the door open for the dragon with the other. He watched as his parents left with the others, laughing and joking. He saw his dad say something to Applejack and to his surprise she started laughing alone with them. Douglas sighed and followed Twilight through her house, the entire thing to Douglas looked like Yoda's hut from Star Wars but much bigger, much cleaner and stocked high with bookshelves.
"So what is this place? Some sort of research center?" he asked the dragon.
"Nah, it's just a library. My name's Spike by the way."
"Douglas. So are you Twilight's assistant?"
"Yes, I've been helping Twilight for years," Spike said, "She managed to hatch me from an egg."
"That does make a memory stir inside my head," Douglas said, "I feel as if I know more about this place the more memories will return."
"Meh, it might work."
Twilight was waiting for them at the top of set of stairs that led into a basement.

"This way Douglas, and I promise you that I'm only testing your brain patterns and physical attributes," she said.
"Attributes like strength and reactions? Nothing that I would consider invasive?"
"No, nothing like that." Twilight said reassuring Douglas that nothing he was thinking of was going to happen.
Douglas followed her down the stairs and into a large laboratory, Douglas saw some sort of treadmill and a chair with what looked like a metal bowl with lights sticking out of it. The lack of a examination table relaxed Douglas but he still kept a tight grip on his rifle. Twilight led him to the chair first.
"Okay, first what I need to do is test the electric patterns in your brain."
"Shouldn't this be done in a hospital?" Douglas asked.
"It's okay, I know enough to make this work. You're in no danger."
"Twilight's really smart, just trust her."
Douglas sighed and let Twilight continue her experiment. As she set up the machine Douglas fiddled with his Swiss army knife, Spike watching in wonder.
"Okay Douglas, if you'd kindly remove any head wear we can get this over and done with."
"Can this thing detect any concussions or brain damage?" he asked as he sat in the chair and tossed his hat to Spike.
"I'll run the test a few times and then see if there's any noticeable changes," Twilight said as she placed the light covered helmet on Douglas' head. Twilight pulled a lever and the machine started to hum softly, Douglas watched as the computers kicked into life and started beeping and spitting out papers. Douglas was a little nervous but the helmet started to vibrate softly and it eased his tension, his eyes then switched to Spike who was looking at the air rifle.
"Don't touch it," he said.
"Is it dangerous?" Spike asked.
"Only if you arse about with it," Douglas replied with a small smile.
"Interesting," Twilight said, Douglas looked over to her.
"What?" he asked.
"Your head injury, it doesn't look like right for a concussion. I think your memory was erased."
"Erased?" Douglas asked in disbelief, "No way that's possible, I got into a car crash not brainwashed."
"Well there's some sort of interference within your head. What ever happened to you was deliberate."
Are you sure that it's not just picking up the booze I had yesterday?"
Twilight looked over to him, seriousness written all over her face.
"Douglas, I know what a memory spell looks like when I see it and believe me when I say this; your mind was wiped."

A few minutes later Douglas was on the treadmill, trying to run at a steady pace. The treadmill was too small for him but he tried to make do with it, he just wanted the tests to end.
"So where did you come from, Douglas?" Spike asked him.
"I came from Ireland," Douglas said, "It's a lovely place but I can't remember much about my life there."
"Because of the memory wipe?"
"It's just a concussion."
"But Twilight said-"
"I know what the fecking unicorn said!" Douglas shouted. Twilight looked up at him.
Douglas let out a heavy sigh and stopped running.
"I'm sorry, I've just been a little stressed lately and I've been through a lot. Now that you've told me that my memory was erased I feel out of place and disconnected."
"It's okay, once we're done you should go talk to Pinkie, she can make anypony smile no matter how bad their mood is," Twilight said, she looked at a computer then to Douglas, "Okay, now I need you to run as fast as you can."
"Can I get a bit of motivation?"
"Like what?" Spike asked, "Something like 'go Douglas!'?"
"No, I'm not a football player," Douglas said, he picked up his rifle and gave it to Spike, "Shoot a few rounds over my head. That'll make me shift."
"I don't think that's a good idea," Twilight said.
"It's okay, so long as he misses every shot I'll run like a bat our of-"
A shot rang out and Douglas, startled about the pellet that just missed his ear, took of running. The treadmill was whirring as he sprinted on it, he could hear the computer working and Twilight reading papers.
"Okay, that's enough," she said. Douglas stopped dead and flew forwards, landing face first on the floor.
"Was I good?" he asked after he picked his head up.
"You've got a good speed," Twilight said.
"So am I done?" Douglas asked.
"Yes you can go now," Twilight said with a small giggle. Douglas stood up and retrieved his rifle from Spike. The dragon grinned uneasily at him but Douglas smiled.
"I'm guessing that you're a god shot or I'm just lucky."
"I'd go with luck," Spike said.
"Well I am Irish."

Douglas went up the stairs to leave but he stuck his head through the door.
"By the way, where can I find Pinkie Pie?"
Twilight returned the question with a sly smile.
"You don't have to find her, she'll find you."