//------------------------------// // Staying Alive // Story: Requiem for a Clone // by FictionaryThought //------------------------------// “So, it’s over. Hmph. Death doesn’t frighten me. Good riddance to a phony life. My heart was never real. I’m sure, even what I feel right now, is probably all fake.” “What are you feeling?” “What happens when a fake dies? One like me. Where will my heart go? Does it dissapear?” “It’ll go somewhere. Maybe, to the same place as mine.” “Teh, a faithful replica, until the very end. That’s...ok.” … Darkness… I was such an idiot. I had a chance to live my own life, and I gave it up. And for what? To try and take another life for my own? I could have protected Namine…I could have been someone close to her. And now, all that’s left of me is darkness. I don’t even know how I’m thinking right now. Am I still partially alive? Is there some piece of my existence still left behind? And what the heck is that light? … The first thing I notice is how cold it is. I felt like I was laying down in a block of ice. Second, I noticed I had a massive head ache. Thirdly I noticed I actually had a head. Somehow, someway, I had a body again. I couldn’t open my eyes yet, it was too bright. I moved my fingers around, just to make sure I actually did have a body again. I was right. I had my gloves on, so I couldn’t quite place what my hands had felt, but my arms felt grass. Was I outside of Castle Oblivion? I must have been. Or maybe I was still there, and this was the grass of a world from someone’s memories. It was too bright to be Twilight Town. After all, the sun never moved in that world, it was always sunset. Vexen told me that Twilight Town was a place where Nobody’s were born, and If I wasn’t there, then I still had my heart. Not that it mattered much, my heart was still fake. I slowly tried to open my eyes, vision adjusting a bit. I was in a forest, and a cold one at that. There was frost all over the grass around me, and I could feel a freezing cold breeze blowing in the wind. It was a wonder how I didn’t freeze to death. The clouds above me seemed to be alive, and the trees looked the same, which was odd since they weren’t moving. I slowly get up expecting a sharp winching pain. All I got were some slightly sore muscles, which the numbness of the cold censored most of, and a pounding in my head. Man I was cold. I switch into Dark Mode, putting on my organic suit to keep myself warm. Darkness wasn’t exactly known for making things warmer, but the cold of darkness was better than the cold of having a sleeveless shirt on. I look at my hands, now covered in organic muscle formed by the Darkness. I could see my breath turning into mist as it came out of my mouth. It was really cold. I look around, and see a small pond near by. I crawled my way to it, and looked into the water to see my reflection. Yep, I was alive. Somehow I made my way out of the Darkness, and wherever I was, it was really cold. I think for a moment trying to remember how to use my Dark Aura. After a few seconds of thinking, I remember, and threw a ball of blue flames out of my hand and into a patch of grass. Desperate for heat, I go to it, only to find that it had barely any heat to it. Like I said, Darkness isn’t known for bringing warmth. I think some more for a few minutes, trying to remember a basic fire spell. Magic is much easier at Castle Oblivion, where all you have to do is find the right card to cast a spell. And having never used magic outside of Castle Oblivion, it makes sense that this is a little difficult for me. Oh yeah, and it doesn’t help that Namine fractured my heart and destroyed all of Riku’s memories, thus making me forget all the magic he learned during his adventures. In other words, I was doomed, I had absolutely no means of making a real fire to keep myself warm. So I’d have to do the next best thing, and look for shelter. This was going to be one hell of an evening. … It was a bright winter day in the calm town of Ponyville. While the younger ponies threw snowballs and made snow angels, the older one’s, like Twilight, spent their time indoors. Twilight was practicing a new spell. This one would allow her to see into other’s thoughts, which would be necessary, now that her dearest friend Applejack wanted Twilight to play the role as her therapist. The spell had it’s limits of course, no deeply hidden secrets revealed, and nothing shown that she doesn’t want Twilight to see. Twilight was worried however, by what was bothering Applejack. She seemed like such a well living mare, and Twilight would have never expected a day like tomorrow would come. Never the less, she would do whatever she could, and maybe even get a friendship report about it made. … Cold, and dark. Those are the only two words I can think of in regards to this forest. There was a single dirt path, like the one outside Castle Oblivion, but I had no idea wether I was getting any closer to the exit. Besides, I was too confused by what my senses were noticing. First of all, this world was filled with magic, and I could tell by all the magical auras my eyes were picking up. Small traces of magic were blowing in the breeze, matching magical auras in all of the plants around me, and even streams of magic flowing beneath the ground I was standing on. Second, my skin was focusing on the cold wether I was walking through. Thirdly, I was hearing strange noises coming from the forest around me. Lastly, I could smell all kinds of strange plants I’d never encountered before. This world filled with magic was enhancing my senses so much that I could barely think. “Try and look at the bright side of things. Not that I can see it or anything.” I stopped, and turned around to see who was talking behind me. No one was there. “Don’t go paranoid on me now.” I looked all around me, and saw nothing. Maybe the trees were talking to me or something? “That wouldn’t surprise me, but no.” Now he was reading my mind. “Show yourself!” “I’m afraid I can’t. You can’t see what’s in your own mind unless you visualize it.” Now I was freaking out. Whoever this was, they were in my head. I held my hands to my head tight. “Get out of my head!!” “Oh sure, right after I escape from your body and regain my own. Before you go and try raming your head into that tree, which may or may not hit back, try and remember when you last heard my voice.” I could feel myself blushing. “I wasn’t gonna ram my head in a tree.” I lied. “Does the name Zexion mean anything to you?” I thought for a moment, knowing I recognized that name somewhere. An organization member? Had to be, since the name had an X in it. “Let me give you a hint.” Suddenly a powerful energy came surging out of my body, putting a large aura around me. “This is…that power I took from you. You’re the Nobody I absorbed.” I put my head down, filled with shameful memories. “I’m sorry.” “Yes, well I suppose I can’t very well protest when I don’t really mind any more. In any case; Like I said, you can’t see what lies in your own mind. You have to visualize it. You have my powers of illusion, so make me appear, if you want to see me.” I could’t disagree with that idea. After all, talking to a visible person was better than talking to a disembodied voice in my head. I try and tap into Zexion’s power, and visualize him. Since I was a replica, my memory was photographic. I watched as I slowly made him fade into existence. He was definitely one of the Organization’s younger members, and you could tell that by his height and youthful face. Not that you could see much of his face, since half of it was covered in that steel blue emo hair of his. He looked at me with one bright aqua eye, the other hidden behind his hair. He smiled. “I’m impressed.” The newly formed persona stated. “You made my appearance just as it was on your first try. Not a hair out of place.” I smiled, feeling some satisfaction from how well I did. Then I decided to ask- “What are you doing in my head any way? There shouldn’t be anything left of you.” “No, there shouldn’t. But it seems you're feeling lonely, and your mind decided to make me a more influencial part of your subconscious. I’m here to help you.” He stated mater-of-fact-ly. I gave him a quizical look. “Why do you care about me?” I asked. He smiled. “I don’t. One who has no true emotions can not ‘care about’ anything. But due to a lack of any other beings absorbed into you, your mind chose me. Now then-” He pulled out his Lexicon. “You need a basic fire spell, don’t you?” I didn’t even notice I was cold, until he mentioned it. I guess talking to a figment of my imagination was a distracting thing. “You’re just as much a figment of imagination as I am, given you aren’t even real.” I got angry. “Stop reading my mind!” “I don’t have a choice.” He said, eyes closed. “I am a part of your mind, and therefor your thoughts also belong to me.” “Then why can’t I read your mind?” I asked, hoping to catch him by surprise with that question. “You can’t surprise a being that shares your thoughts you know. In any case, you can’t read my mind because I don’t really have one. Whatever I’m saying is just what you imagine I would say. And since you absorbed my very being into yourself, the way you imagine my responses just happens to be very accurate.” He looked into the Lexicon in his arms. “Now then, fire spell. Try to imagine that mission I had with Roxas during his first days in the organization.” I gave another quizzical look. “Isn’t a Lexicon just a dictionary? How is looking in there going to show how to cast a fire spell?” He grunted. “Again, this is how you imagine me. Me looking in a book while teaching you magic just makes sense to you. I’m not actually reading. Now please silence yourself and remember that mission I mentioned.” I decided to shut up, thinking that maybe trying to have a full conversation with him wasn’t a good idea sanity wize. I could tell he wanted to comment on what I was thinking, but I shut him up, and made him think about how inturupting me wouldn’t get us any warmer. I try to visualize Twilight Town, where the mission took place. It was down town, where most of the markets are placed. Somewhere near the entrance to the nearby forest. Zexion and Roxas were both fighting the Heartless in order to obtain hearts. Zexion served as Roxas’s guide for the mission, and as such, was assisting in fighting Heartless. He used his Lexicon to fight them off, showing how a book can easily be used as a weapon, and cast a few spells during the fight as well. One spell in particular caught my eye. I watched as Zexion levitated the book in front of himself, opened it so that it’s pages were facing his enemy, and focused a specific spell through the book, letting it’s pages turn the spell into a ball of fire that set his foe alight. I had what I needed. I focused the exact magic I needed into my hand, and was greeted by a flash of light, and a burning flame that hit the ground. The fire greeted me with warmth I hadn’t felt at all since I got here. Zexion smiled. “Well done. I couldn’t have done it better myself.” I smiled back to him. “Nothing to it.” I got down on my knees and got as close to the fire as I could without burning myself. It was like finding a spring in a harsh desert. This was going to be one hell of an evening.