//------------------------------// // Pinkie's Promise Part 2 // Story: Shattered Memories // by Leoheartxx2 //------------------------------// Twilight grew more uncomfortable as they journey through the small valley. The sound of Spike's trampling foot and Applejack's noisy power-suits fills the eerier silence, but it was not the sound that was making her restless. She try her hardest to take a slow breath, but the air was thick with a scent all too familiar to her. Death. The smell was heavy and rather ill. " How far do we still have to travel? " Applejack comment. She too is getting little restless. " Just a little longer. We will know when we get there. " Spike calmly reply, his eyes remain focus on the paths ahead. Despite his large size, the vegetation and fog would do well in hiding him on ground. Applejack walks in-front, while Spike stay at the back, just in-case anything might be following them. An hour later they reach a small run down shack, where they agree on to take a short break. Applejack however remains in her suit, not willing to exits the safety of her machine. " How are we suppose to find Pinkie here? There's noting here but dead vegetation and fog here. " Applejack speak up, as her nerves are getting ever more tense. Spike kept silent, which make things a lot more uneasy for the group. Moments later they reach a clearing. " We should take a rest here for now". Spike gently carry Twilight off his back using his massive claws. Applejack does the same by powering down her suit. Mechanical sound hisses and gears grinds as she exits her metal giant. " So what's our plan now? Last I heard Pinkie ain't exactly the type to show up since she's now extremely paranoid." Applejack sigh as she takes a deep breath. She's sweating plenty and even cloths are soaking wet. Must be real hard to pilot those mechanical suits. " Our plan now is that we do nothing." Spike utter those words without hesitation. Both Twilight and Applejack were stunned by his words. Twilight lance over to Spike and wonder if he has lost his nerve. " You alright in your head there Spike. Because one thing for sure we AIN'T gonna find Pinkie by just doing nothing. And what? She's just gonna show up on our door step?! " Applejack response with frustration in her tone. Spike merely glance at her and gave her a sly grin. His claw reaches to a bag next to him and pulls out a vial of liquid and uncork it. "Well not exactly but this will draw her attention, if my info was right." A very peculiar yet metallic scent swirl around the nostril of Twilight and Applejack. Twilight immediately covers her nostril, trying not to barf from the smell, but it didn't bother Applejack. Instead her eyes narrows. " If that's what I think it is you better hope your information is right. I'm starting to doubt this info you keep getting from anonymous sources I don't even know of. " Applejack walks away in displease , Twilight still a little confuse by what she meant. " Spike, care to enlighten me on this vial of fluid? It's not like it's something that the Pinkie I know would even be attracted to" She walks up to the big purple dragon, her eyes gleam in need for an answer as she look into his eyes. Spike eyes her back tentatively and sigh. " Twilight, I'm afraid that everything that you ever know about this world is already at an end. The world is not the same anymore from what you knew all those years back. As the world has change, so have I and everypony that you every knew, including Pinkie. I can only hope for the best that our other friends fare far better than us." Spike cork back the vial and lay it down gently by the bonfire. The liquid glimmers of a pale green under the dim light, and somehow it make Twilight felt a little uneasy. She glance to the skies hopping she could gaze upon the moon that once used to shine bright at night, but only to be disappointed by the dark clouds that hands over the skies. " You know Spike, although I will eventually know what or how much you guys have been through, I'm not afraid to face those changes that has you have experience. I'm not as weak as you think I am." Twilight grumbles, knowing Spike may still think she's as weak as she is. " I do not doubt that Twilight. After all, you save us plenty of time and Equestria, I'm sure you will pull it off again. But this time, you will be stronger and much more fearless. Equestria deserve a second chance to see the light of day again. And perhaps when this is all over, I just might go back to be your best number one assistance." Spike chuckle as he nuzzles Twilight gently with his large muzzles. Twilight smiles back in return. Cute as always, Spike never once forget those stuff. Even when he was just a little baby dragon he would at time know how to comfort Twilight when she's down and sad. In a way he posses a gift even her brother could not share. It's like her own child she would raise. He's more than an assistance, and much more than just a dragon. A sibling or perhaps a child. Either way what it is, she's glad to have him and is still with her by her sides always. " Well Spike, I have faith in your next decision. I can only hope Pinkie still remembers who she is. With you by my sides together with Applejack, I am sure we will pull this off together." Spike only smile at her, knowing Twilight have his full trust.