The Worst Hearts and Hooves Day Ever

by super3rainbow1

Hearts and Hooves Day

Rainbow Dash woke up with sweat on her forehead. She had trouble falling asleep last night. To make it worse, when she did fall asleep she didn't have pleasant dreams. In other words, she had a nightmare.

In her dream Fluttershy was with her. Suddenly, they were surrounded by ponies mocking them and spewing hurtful names at them. They took shelter in Sugarcube Corner. Before Rainbow Dash could think they were seated at a table. They both looked down at the table to see a messy plate of cake in front of them. Fluttershy glared at her with eyes full of hate.

"Is this what you call a romantic dinner?" she harshly asked.

"I.. I'm's just that," Rainbow Dash said, stumbling on her words.

Fluttershy stood up. She was already leaving Sugarcube Corner. "You'll never be good enough for me! You will never be kind enough. You will never be romantic. You will never win my heart!" she yelled and disappeared.

Rainbow Dash shook her head and wiped the sweat off. She tried not to think about the dream. She didn't have any time for that. She needed to get ready for her date.

She went into her crude shower that consisted of a rain cloud floating at the ceiling. There was an absorbent cloud that made up the floor. Every once in a while she had to replace it or it would rain old soapy water. She searched around for the fragrant shampoo and body soap that she didn't use often.

She tapped the cloud with a hoof and stood under. With her hoof and mouth, she let out a fair amount of fragrant shampoo on the other hoof and ran it through her mane. After thoroughly the soapy stuff, she rinsed it out and started to apply the body soap. At first she tried to avoid the smells of the shampoo--and now the body soap but soon she found herself unable to resist the pleasant smells. After fully rinsing herself in the shower, she walked out and brushed her body through a white cloud to dry off. Before leaving, she grabbed her toothbrush and scrubbed her teeth clean. Now that she was clean and pleasant smelling, she felt a secret love of this feeling.

If Rainbow Dash had to guess, Fluttershy probably was already at Rarity's boutique getting her mane done and her dress on. She grabbed the bag with her outfit inside and held it in her front hooves. She couldn't forget about the feather she had been given. She carefully picked it up at the thicker end with her mouth.

She glided in the air towards Twilight's house. Rainbow Dash had to put down the clear bag in order to knock on the door. The door opened, revealing Twilight in her gala dress.

"Come on in," she said and moved out of the way.

Rainbow Dash moved her outfit inside and set the flower down on a table that had been set up. She saw why Twilight had moved the table over here. On the table was makeup and other things such as a comb.

Twilight gave her a look. "Why did you bring her feather?" she asked.

"Duh, it's supposed to go in my mane," Rainbow Dash replied in a dry voice. "It's a pegasus tradition. You wouldn't understand, Twilight," she added.

Twilight stared at Rainbow Dash in confusion. It looked like she was lost in deep thought. Rainbow Dash waved a hoof in front of her face.

"That's it!" she exclaimed. "I had a book on pegasus mating and cultural tradition! I can't believe that I haven't had the time to read it yet!

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at Twilight. Now she was just being weird. It wasn't too much of a surprise that she had a book like that. It still seemed pretty creepy.

"That's so uncool, Twilight. Why do you even have a book like that?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I thought it would be interesting to learn about their traditions," Twilight replied.

"Whatever. Can you help me get ready?"

Twilight nodded and Rainbow Dash pulled out her outwit. Twilight used her magic so Rainbow Dash could get dress on right. She levitated the comb and brushed her hair. Twilight then lifted the head piece and put it on Rainbow Dash. She then proceeded to apply the makeup on her.

"Please don't tell anypony that I used makeup," Rainbow Dash pleaded.

"I won't do that. You must really like her," Twilight said.

"Yeah, I'm really lucky to have such an awesome marefriend," Rainbow Dash said.

Twilight smiled. "You look very nice now," she complimented.

"You forgot something," Rainbow Dash said. She pointed to the feather.

Twilight levitated the feather up and carefully stuck in Rainbow Dash's mane. Now Rainbow Dash was ready for her special day with Fluttershy.

"Heh.. thanks Twilight," Rainbow Dash said.

"No problem, Rainbow Dash. Now go find Fluttershy. I bet she's waiting for you," Twlight said.

Rainbow Dash turned around to leave. She paused for a minute. At this point she was making her relationship public. She ignored her fears and confidently marched out. She was supposed to meet Fluttershy by the water fountain in town.

When she got there she didn't see Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash was surprised. If anything, she should have been the one late not Fluttershy. She sat on a empty bench and looked around anxiously. All of a sudden, a young filly's voice called out to her. Rainbow Dash looked to the left to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders heading towards her.

"Oh no.. not now," she whispered to herself.

"Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo shouted.

"What? What do you guys want?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"We were looking for you. I couldn't wait to ask you something!" she said.

Rainbow Dash was starting to get annoyed. She had a strange feeling that Scootaloo already had known about her relationship with Fluttershy. The three young fillies were sitting in front of her.

"Ask me what?"

"I heard that you were going out with somepony," Scootaloo said and leaned over to Rainbow Dash's ear. "Are you really dating Fluttershy?" she asked.

Rainbow Dash looked around and then spoke. "I guess you heard the shameful truth about your favorite idol," she said in a much quieter voice.

Scootaloo gave her an odd look. "Shameful? What do you mean?" she asked.

"Yeah! What's so shameful, Rainbow Dash? Applebloom asked.

Rainbow Dash looked at the expressions on their faces. They weren't trying to be funny. "I thought you would be disappointed that your awesome idol was dating a mare," she said.

"I wouldn't be disappointed by that! You're in love! There's nothing wrong with that!" Scootaloo said.

"Rarity told me that ponies like you are just born that way," Sweetie Bell said.

"Speaking of Rarity.. look, Rainbow Dash! There she is with Fluttershy!" Applebloom said.

Rainbow Dash looked around wildly. Applebloom wasn't trying to pull a fast one. Fluttershy was walking towards them along with Rarity. It became very clear that Rarity was forcing Fluttershy to walk towards her. She could see the nervousness in her marefriend.

"We're going to just leave you alone then. Bye!" Scootaloo said quickly.

Just like that, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were gone. Rainbow Dash got up and walked to meet Fluttershy. She started to grin when saw that Fluttershy was wearing her feather.

"Sorry, Rainbow Dash," Rarity apologized. "Fluttershy was so nervous about other ponies in public knowing about her affection for you. I had to drag the poor dear over here."

Fluttershy trotted up to Rainbow Dash and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm so sorry, Rainbow Dash! I got so scared. I don't know a lot of the ponies around here and how they would react to us," she said.

Rainbow Dash pulled Fluttershy into a hug. The smell of her marefriend was so intoxicating. Rainbow Dash was overwhelmed with how nice Fluttershy smelled.

"It's ok," Rainbow Dash whispered into her ear. She let go and they both looked at each other.

Rainbow Dash was stunned by how beautiful her marefriend looked. Fluttershy looked really cute in her gala outfit. The cyan feather in her mane made Rainbow Dash feel excited.

"Rainbow Dash, you look so pretty!" Fluttershy said.

Rainbow Dash returned the compliment. "Aww thanks! You look beautiful, Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy blushed and shyly moved her hoof against the ground. She couldn't have looked any more adorable to Rainbow Dash. Finally, Rainbow Dash moved to her side and put a hoof around on her shoulder.

"Come on, I got us a reservation for lunch at that one place Twilight likes," Rainbow Dash said.

"Reservation for lunch? But I thought not that many ponies eat there," Fluttershy said, becoming nervous.

"Well I overheard other ponies making theirs so I decided to make one just in case," Rainbow Dash said.

"So there's going to be lots of ponies there?" Fluttershy nervously asked.

"Yeah, I guess we're both lucky that I decided to make a reservation! We wouldn't have been able to get a table until like a hour!" Rainbow Dash said. She seemed to be unaware of her marefriend's nervousness.

"Couldn't we just have a simple picnic?" Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow Dash looked away for a minute. "You know I had planned to do that but I found out that all my bread got all moldy and icky. Besides, they have the best sandwiches and Rarity told me once that the soup was amazing! You love soup right?"

"I do but," Fluttershy said but was interrupted.

"Come on, I promise you'll like it!" Rainbow Dash said and nuzzled her.

Fluttershy gave a small nod. Rainbow Dash started walking so she tried to stay as close as she could to her. Her eyes wandered around at all the ponies they passed by. Some of them looked back at her.

When they arrived there it was very crowded. Many couples were there seated at the tables. They approached a stallion who was sitting at a makeshift counter.

"Sorry ladies, reservations only now," he said. "Also I'm sorry to say but we are only allowing couples to have the outside tables," he added.

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes. "I have a reservation and we are a couple. Got a problem?" she said.

The stallion realized his mistake and pulled out a paper list. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry! Please, I didn't know!" he said with a strong look of embarrassment on his face.

Fluttershy spoke before Rainbow Dash could say something else. "It's okay," she told him and nuzzled Rainbow Dash. Her marefriend sighed.

"What was your name?" he asked.

"It's Rainbow Dash. It should be on the list. I did this like two days ago," she said.

He squinted and looked through the list. Sure enough it was there. "Here we go. Outside table for two. You're even here right on time," he said.

He led them to their table and returned to his counter. Their table was in the corner near the wooden fence that surrounded the area. They had a nice view of the grassland that was filled with flowers and other nice looking plants. They sat down and looked at the menus that were already on the table.

Fluttershy still was nervous. Rainbow Dash was starting to get nervous too. She looked around at all the couples. It seemed like all around them were straight couples but then she spotted two earth pony mares sitting at the table behind herself. She felt a little more at ease. At least they weren't the only ones there.

After ten minutes of looking through the menu, the waiter finally came. Fluttershy had ordered some kind of special soup and Rainbow Dash had ordered a club sandwich. He didn't seem to bothered that they were couple. He just wrote down their order and left.

"Are you glad that I brought you here?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I guess," Fluttershy quietly said.

"I thought that you would be happy to be here," Rainbow Dash said.

"Wow, I can't believe they let your kind in here," A mare said in a dry voice.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy reluctantly turned to glance at the pony who just said that. Sure enough it was one of the ponies who sold vegetables in the market. Her date was a light brown earth pony stallion who had an orange mane.

"Is there a problem?" Rainbow Dash asked. This was what she had worried about happening.

"Well of course there is. Look at both of you pegasi wearing each other's feather. Two mares clearly shouldn't do that," she replied.

"Hey mind your own business!" one of the mares behind Rainbow Dash said.

"We can do whatever we want," Rainbow Dash said.

Her coltfriend gave Rainbow Dash a look. "I've seen you before," she said pointing at Fluttershy.

"Leave her out of this," Rainbow Dash said.

She ignored her and continued. "It's bad enough that you are dating a mare but this one?" she said.

Rainbow Dash was getting pretty agitated. "What's that supposed to mean?" she asked.

"Look at her. She's that lazy good for nothing who clears the clouds. Why would you go so low for such a pony. Do you really want to date some loud and thoughtless tomcolt like her?" she asked.

One of the mares at the table behind Rainbow Dash got up and walked away. Rainbow Dash had gotten up and was yelling at her. Other couples had stopped talking and were looking at them. Fluttershy sat down shaking, trying not to draw attention to herself.

Suddenly, a large unicorn came from inside and approached the jerk who had been insulting Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash and the mare stopped talking at looked at him.

"You need to leave my restaurant, Ma'm," he said.

"What?!?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Not you," he replied. He looked at the mare and her coltfriend. "Nopony disrespects others here. Especially over something like love," he said.

"Why would you side with those two? It's disgusting!" she said.

"Get out or I'll have charges placed on you," he said.

The mare got up and gave the unicorn a look. Her coltfriend followed her without saying a word. Other ponies starting clapping in approval of his decision. Rainbow Dash sat back down and the unicorn disappeared back inside.

"Fluttershy? Are you ok?" Rainbow Dash asked. She was trying to calm down after being so angered.

Fluttershy nodded a little but still wore a sad look on her face. The waiter came back levitating their food onto the table. Rainbow Dash was hungry and couldn't have waited any longer.

"The owner wanted me to tell you that your lunch is on the house," he said.

"Really? That's awesome!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Thanks," Fluttershy said.

The waiter nodded and left. Fluttershy slowly started to eat her soup. Rainbow Dash was already half done with her sandwich. She was trying not to think about the dream she had. It was only brief and made no sense. That mare clearly didn't know anything about who she was. Still, her words did damage to both ponies.

They both ate in silence not knowing what to say. Rainbow Dash was starting to feel tired from the lack of sleep. Fluttershy even seemed a little tired.

Rainbow Dash sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't think this would happen," she apologized.

Fluttershy sighed too. "It's okay, Rainbow," she said very quietly.

"Are you done? Do you want to go?" Rainbow Dash asked. Fluttershy nodded right away.

They left without saying another word. Rainbow Dash tried to ignore the eyes that looked at them. They came back to the fountain to decide what to do next.

"What if we just took a nice relaxing nap?" Rainbow Dash suggested. She had been out of ideas. All along she thought she had everything planned out. After what happened at the restaurant she changed her mind.

"That would be ok," Fluttershy agreed.

There were no clouds in the sky for Rainbow Dash to grab so they went over by the pond. Rainbow Dash had spent some time there before reading and relaxing. Nopony else goes here except their friends. They laid down on the soft grass and cuddled. They both fell asleep quickly.

When they woke up it was dark. Rainbow Dash was upset about this. She didn't mean to take such a long nap and waste the day.

"Shoot! I didn't mean to fall asleep so long, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said.

"It's okay, I did too," Fluttershy mumbled but Rainbow Dash didn't hear.

"Let's go, Fluttershy. I have a nice romantic dinner planned out for you," she said. Rainbow Dash wasn't sure why she said 'romantic'. She felt bad. Almost the whole day seemed to be ruined.

"Okay," Fluttershy said. She was now standing up, ready to join her marefriend.

They walked back into Ponyville to find that there were still couples out there. Candles and electronic decorative lights lit up homes and stores. Fluttershy stuck next to Rainbow, expecting that they were going to her cloud house. She was wrong with that assumption.

Rainbow Dash stopped for a second before they went in Sugarcube Corner. Fluttershy was starting to get nervous again. Finally, Rainbow Dash pushed the door open and walked in. Fluttershy let out a sigh of relief that Rainbow Dash didn't quite hear.

There was nopony else inside but Pinkie Pie standing behind the counter. The place was covered with silly looking decorations. It looked like a place for foals.

"Oh my gosh you guys came!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"Hi, Pinkie," Fluttershy greeted. She looked around at the decorations and smiled.

Rainbow Dash didn't say anything. She was overwhelmed with guilt. She felt like the worst marefriend ever. She couldn't get any positive thoughts in her head. The dream finally had gotten to her. That one mare back at the restaurant had a point. She wasn't good enough for Fluttershy. The whole day was supposed to be full of fun and romance. Instead, it turned into a day that was completely wasted.

"Rainbow Dash, are you okay?" Fluttershy asked. Her marefriend had been standing there, shaking and eyes starting to fill up with tears.

"I'm so sorry!" Rainbow Dash suddenly yelled out. Tears were already falling down her cheek.

"What?" asked a confused Fluttershy.

"I ruined your day! Your special day that you deserved!"

"But," Fluttershy tried to say.

"This was supposed the most romantic day of your life and I let you down," Rainbow said, choking on tears.

"Rainbow Dash!" Pinkie Pie yelled, trying to solve this mess.

"No! That jerk was right, Fluttershy. I never deserved you. I never was good enough for you," Rainbow Dash said. She ran a hoof through her mane and took the feather out.

"I don't even deserve this feather," she said and left a teary Fluttershy behind.

Rainbow Dash flew back to her cloud house. She took off her gala outfit carelessy. She then threw herself onto her bad and cried even more. It wasn't going to get any better.

"I'll never have that special somepony that I wished for. I'm no good for her," she said to herself through tears. She sat up with her knees against her chest.

Suddenly, something yellow came into her tear blurred vision. She wiped the tears away to see that it none other than Fluttershy. Before Rainbow Dash could say anything, Fluttershy had climbed onto the bed and spread her wings out. She engulfed Rainbow Dash with a tight comforting hug in which only her prismatic mane stuck out.

Rainbow Dash tried to speak but Fluttershy hushed her. She was so confused now. This was the kind of hug that she was supposed to give Fluttershy not get. They sat there for a while until Fluttershy spoke.

"I love you, Rainbow," she said in her softest voice.

"Why?" Rainbow Dash asked. "Today was the worst hearts and hooves day ever!" she exclaimed.

"Because you are the kindest and most awesome marefriend," Fluttershy replied.

Rainbow Dash couldn't believe it. "How?" she asked.

"Remember that one time there was that scary storm and I hide under the blankets of my bed? And when you let me hold on to you and snuggle?" she asked, blushing a little. "Nopony has ever given me that comfort. Nopony has ever made me feel loved like that. That meanie was so wrong about you, Rainbow. You are the perfect mare for me."

"But I still ruined your special day," Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow, it was our special day! You shouldn't have tried to make it a surprise and plan it all out on your own. We could have done it together. I'm not mad at you," Fluttershy explained.

"I'm sorry, I wanted it to be special.. because," she said and paused.

"Because.. I love you too, Fluttershy!"

Fluttershy hugged even tighter and then slowly released her grip so her marefriend could get more comfortable. They both blushed and grinned with a wide smile.

Rainbow Dash didn't mind anymore that Fluttershy was holding her a tight hug; trying to comfort her. She liked that feeling so much. Fluttershy had only wanted to do the same like she had done for her. Rainbow Dash did learn something from this whole experience. She was the right match for Fluttershy. She will be there to protect and comfort her from harm and fears. Fluttershy will be there to fill her life with kindness and happiness. They will share their feelings and always be there to comfort each other.

Rainbow Dash let out a yawn and blinked her eyes. They both were slowly drifting off to sleep. Fluttershy closed her eyes and held Rainbow Dash close to her heart.