//------------------------------// // So I'm guessing this was not part of the plan? // Story: Changelings Together // by Oviraptor_Pony //------------------------------// Changelings Together By Oviraptor_Pony Chapter 3 So I'm guessing this was not part of the plan? In Sugarcube Corner Mayfly and Aphid where still simply sitting in there booth. “This plan may not be as good as I had originally planed.”Said The small changeling as he leaned back in his seat. “What? Its going great we can just sit here and feed off the love of the customers and staff and soon we will have enough so we can home.” Mayfly stopped her positive rant and sighed and changed to a somber tone. “I hope the Larve are fine with out me. I mean i know there are more caretakers but i kind of felt like I’m missing out on them growing up and you know finding out what cast they will become.” “I know you miss the hive but we cant even find it without access to the full effect of the hive mind. But returning to my original problem this plan is not going too work we cant just sit here all day somepony will notice.”Aphid whispered back to her. Suddenly the front door to the sweet shop slammed open and a small exhausted looking dragon was trying to catch his breath.He looked at the two changelings in disguise and asked “Is Pinkie pie here?” They both pointed towards the kitchen. “Thanks.” Spike then entered the kitchen. After a few moments both he and Pinkie exited the kitchen and the sweet shop. As she made her exit she called out too the changelings. “Sorry you too but I'm going to have too put the party plans on hold i have to get to the library for a meeting on changeling bye.” Both Mayfly and Aphid stared at each other. Until  Mayfly broke the silence. “Should we check that out?” witch Aphid quickly responded “We should check that out.”They both got up from there seats and followed the pink pony. “Mayfly we should split up so that there is less of a chance that we would get spotted.” “Ok Aphid, Mayfly entering spyfly mode.” “Um you just need to follow the pony without her noticing you. The name is not necessary.” “Now see if you where an actual larva you would have found that funny.” “Yeah if i where a hatchling. Remember keep the hive mind clear we need to conserve the love we've gathered so far.” With that Mayfly was truly alone. The lack of voices in the back of her mind didn't feel right. Back at the hive she would teach the little hatchlings how to use there natural abilities. The hive mind is the one thing that cannot be controlled by any hive or any queen, it is in away a separate being that had its own voice that it hid amongst the masses. It is said that only a Queen or members of the hive called prophets could speak directly with this unheard voice. The hive mind was something magical in the Mayfly’s mind something that should be protected in a way. Wow I'm starting to contemplate my need for the hive mind. I wonder if this is normal? I know the others explained it too me when they had to go to separation training but i never thought I would actually have to go through the actual experience. Mayfly had been taken back to reality when she impacted something hard. When she opened her eyes she saw three small fillies were recovering from the crash. Aw fillies there just like the larve well except for the fact that there actually ponies and not hatchlings practicing there shape shifting. “Oh where so sorry for running in to you.” said the small unicorn. Her apology was quickly followed by her friends giving apologies as well. “Oh don't worry about me are you three ok?” “Nothings broken so where fine.” said the orange pegasus. “Common Crusaders we’ve got some crusading to do.” The three fillies started to run off when Mayfly stopped them. “Whait what are you little hatch.. fillies up too? It must be important if you where going to fast that you didn't notice me.” “Where on a crusade to find our cutie marks, I’m Applebloom, that's Scootaloo and this is Sweetiebell and to gather we are!!” The three fillies grouped up to to yell at the top of there lugs. “THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!!” This made Mayfly stumble back a bit, but in her mind Mayfly was practically addicted to the sensation mainly due too her natural caretaker instincts. They really are like little hatchlings trying to find there place in the hive!! Oh but i still have to follow Pinkie Pie. Aphid doesn't really need my help and anyways is it not the duties of a caretaker to aide the young find there place in life. “Well I guess its your lucky day, back where I'm from its my job to help young lar.. fillies and foals find there cast I mean special talent.” The faces of the three fillies light up hope and excitement that was ended the pause ended when Sweetiebell finally asked “Are you sure you can help us Miss..?” “Mayfly.” The caretaker added “Now come with me young ones we have a lot of work to do if we want to find your special talents.” This shouldn't be too hard i have been able to help plenty of changelings find there cast it cant be that different then ponies. Now I just need to find a secluded place to cocoon them for there meditation. Ponies use cocoons for meditation wright? O well, I will find out one way or another. *** The argument between Firefly and Maggot had pretty much disinter grated into an all out brawl. Even a wounded and lazy warrior cast like Maggot can put up a fight if annoyed enough. The two twilight clones where pretty much destroying the library, throwing books, throwing each other at one point an owl was thrown to little effect.The fighting had led up too the point where the two Twilight copies where exhausted in the center of the library trying to continue the fight. Until a nock came at the front door, witch put both changelings into a bit of a panic. “Just a minute!!” Called out Firefly “Maggot we can continue this latter you hide in this closet while I distract them.” Firefly pressed ed to shove Maggot into what she thought was another closet, in reality they where the stares to the basement of the building much to the warriors disappointment as he fell down the stares “Ow”. Maggot took a look at his surroundings from his spot on the floor. The room was like a lab from some old horror movie. “Well this place just screams mad scientist. Well guess I will just have to look around for that anti-changeling divice.” Maggot searched the lab to little success, then again he was kind of hopping that the machine was clearly labeled or on some sort of pedestal. “O well cant find it. Maybe i can just nap right here. Hey a phonograph maybe i can listen to some tones while I sleep.” Maggot approached the phonograph, but noted that it looked kind of weird, it was covered in electronics and antennas. ”Cant say I'm familiar with this model but it cant be that hard to figure out.” Suddenly a purple flash came from behind him and he herd a voice yell to him. “Hold it right there Changeling.” Maggot turned and was shocked to see the people unicorn witch he was still disguised as glaring at him. “What your crazy I'm not a Changeling I'm your twin sister.” Oh by the qween`s silly crown please be dumb enough to believe that. The unicorn gave the changeling a confused look. “Um was that supposed to be convincing?” “Well I don't have much experience with this sort of situation. I probably should have paid more attention in situations class. So since that didn't work time for plan B.” Twilight took a defencive stance. “Do you have any snacks down here? Also do you know how to turn this thing on? I want to listen to some music while I take my nap.” Twilight's confusion returned as response to the response. “You want what?!” “You know chips, cookies maybe some jus. Actually just the jus would be fine I'm more thirsty then hungry. O and do you have just the one record for this or is there more of a selection i can choose from. I`m in the mood for some smooth jazz.” “Aren't you going to attack me?” “Well technically I should but I'm kind of injured at the moment and tired from fighting my friend upstairs. So no I`m not going to attack you unless i was at a major advantage in witch case i would escape or if there where more changelings here then i would pretend to fight you while they fought you so i could loot your kitchen for some snacks.” Twilight simply stood there with her mouth gaping open attempting to proses what the Changeling had told her. She was about to ask him if he could repeat himself when Maggot interrupted her. “Hold that thought can you give me directions to a washroom? I kind of haven't gone to one in two days so i kind of need to go.” The dumbfounded Unicorn simply responded with “Up the stairs to your left.” and let the changeling walk past her. Well Maggot you still got it. Now to find Firefly raid the kitchen and get out of here. *** Firefly had just thrown Maggot into what she thought was a closet and quickly open the door. Six pony’s and one baby dragon entered The Library. Firefly instantly recognized Termite and the little dragon but she had no idea who the five mares where. She welcomed them all in making sure not to attempt to guess there names. While she did this she talked to Termite via the hive mind. Termite what are you doing here?! I could ask you the same question and why are disguised as Miss Sparkle? She has an invention that can stop changelings so I knocked her out so me and Maggot could look for it. Wait a minute, how did you know the pony’s name? Unlike you hatchlings I have been socializing with the ponies and not fighting them. Good so you give me the info on these ponies so They believe I’m Twilight, so we can get rid of them and then search this place for the device! Termite rolled his eyes and agreed to her plan mainly so that the other ponies didn't find out. This situation would not help his plans for a peacefully agreement with them. “Twilight darling you seem a bit on edge.” A concerned Rarity asked witch the fake twilight quickly  reassured. “Oh Rarity I'm fine just eager to tell you about my plan. I have found in my research that changelings are repelled by...” Firefly had no idea what to say so she said the first thing that came to her mind. “ Lemons! There repelled by lemons just hang lemons over your door and they cant come in.”  Firefly gave her most convincing smile. Applejack gave Termite a look as if to say is that true. Witch Termite responded too with a shake of his head to signified that The Fake twilight was wrong. “Ok then meeting over, now everyone go get as many lemons as you can and start handing them out.” Firefly was attempting to quickly shoving the ponies outside of the library. “ Now i need to talk to mister Termite in private for a bit so I will catch up with you girls latter.” She waved goodbye to the ponies who where giving her stares of confusion. When Applejack asked in a suspicious tone. “What do you want to talk to mister Termite about Twi?” Let me handle this Firefly. No disrespect towards your abilities Termite but I'm just as good of a liar as you so i can handle this. No! Firefly! Wait! “O I know mister Termite from canterlot he used to be a guard there.” Replied the fake twilight. Applejack’s suspicion turned into a glare as she leaped onto the impostor yelling “I just neu you weren't the real Twilight!” Rainbow Dash rushed back into the library shoving the farmer off the changeling. “AJ whats wrong with you?” All of her friends shared the same worried and confused looks. The Farmer ignored her friends and turned her attention to Termite. “Y’all said you w’asent here to cause trouble I find one of your kind replacing ma friend!!!” “This was the exact situation I was Trying to avoid.” Termite what did you do? Applejack knows, I informed her so that I could make our stay here a bit more comfortable. Well I guess that plan backfired but i think i can salvage this situation. “Now Applejack I know your a little on edge about the changelings but there is no need too just start accusing ponies.” Rarity put a comforting hoof on  Applejack`s shoulder. “Twilight is right darling there is no need for theses baseless accusations.” The door behind the group suddenly op pend and Maggot came out of it still in his Twilight disguise. “Hey Firefly we should really get out of here The real unicorn is awake and I don't think my distraction will last for very...” Maggot just noticed the other ponies in the room and simply waved his hoof “Uh... Hi everyponie ...I’m here twin sister.” The other changelings facehoofed. *** Mayfly had just finished testing to see if the CMC where water barer cast. Needless to say the crusaders were not able to drink enough water to fill 3/4 of there body weight. So far the thee Crusaders had failed to pass a single of the 13 class assignments Mayfly would normally give to hatchlings. But she was used to it There where 24 different castes of changelings and it is  expected for changelings to pass one test. “OK Crusaders next on the list is scout cas... cutie mark. Now do you know of a place where the terrain is rough and is hardly explored.”The three tierd fillies the had just exited Sweetiebell’s house where they had just used the washrooms after there water barer ordeal. “Um Miss Mayfly could we take a break.” Asked a tierd Scootalo. “I geuss we could take a break where do you want to relax?” Sweetiebell instantly raised her hoof. “Oh oh I know we could go to the club house.” “Yeah! Miss Mayfly y’all needs to come see our club house.” “Too the clubhouse it is then.” On the root to the club house Mayfly decided too strike up some conversation with the fillies. She had learnd that they where at the Canterlot wedding during the invasion. “But then those evil changelings showed up and recked everything but the princesses took care of them.” Scootaloo explained witch was responded with a shocked and angered Mayfly who responded with. “Hey just because changelings invaded the city doesn't mean there evil!!” The Crusaders gave her a confused look. “ Um Miss Mayfly if there not evil, then what reason would there be too attack the city or replace the princesse?” Asked Sweetiebell. This made Mayfly pause since she was a caretaker the reason for the invasion but she soon was able too put a reason together. “I bet the reason for the invation was for the Queen’s Council.” “What in tarnation is the Queen’s Concil.” Asked the confused Applebloom “Well you see each changeling hive has one queen, and before the end of the year each on tries to do something impressive to show off at the council meeting the queen with the most impressive accomplishment gets to have final say in the border agreements. Naturally Queen Crisalis was trying to show off her military skill by concurring another species.” “That still sounds kind of evil.”Said Scootaloo. “Well it may sound evil but being able to get a bigger territory at the council meeting would benefit her hive greatly, and anyways its like the changelings like to do invasions.” “Wait a second Mayfly how do you know so much about changelings?” Asked Sweetiebell. Oh no! Stupid Mayfly! I said too much. I have to come up with an excuse. “Well... um you see I... Have a friend that is a changeling.” “What!!!” Screamed the crusaders. The Crusaders preceded to bombarded her with questions. Mayfly what have you gotten yourself into.