Mega Man In Equestria

by The Destined One

Blades and Brawls

They arrived at Twilight’s house. Or, tree house.
“That’s an... interesting house design,” Mega Man said, careful choosing his words. “So...she lives in a library? Huh.” Wanting to make it look like he was interested so they wouldn’t attack/all start crying, he was the one who knocked. “...Pizza.”
“I didn’t order any food... Spike, could you get that? I’m busy studying some mechanical stuff.”
“You got it, Twilight.” Spike flew off the bookcase and opened the door. “Hey, gu-
uhh...Heh heh...hello giant.” He said, referring to Mega Man. Um, please don’t hurt me. I’ll give you my gems. I’ll, uhh...I’ll give you this!”
“Dude. I’m not here to hurt people - or ponies - or... what are you?”
"I'm a dragon," Spike replied. "Why are you here, exactly?
"I'm supposed to be meeting someone named Twilight," Mega Man explained.
“TWILIGHT!” Spike yelled. “Pizza pony wants to see you.”
“I’m not a PONY! I’m a ROBOT!”
Twilight whipped towards the door. “A robot?!”
“I said, he’s a pizza pony.” Spike dozed off on the bookshelf, not wanting to partake in this.
“But he just said he was a robot!” Twilight dashed to the door.
“Are you... Mega Man?! Strange... my book didn’t say you would be landing here...”“...How do you know who I am? Have you been stalking me?” Mega Man asked, squinting at Twilight in a suspicious way.
“I have a book on you, of course! I have TONS of books!”
“You have books on other planets?”
“Well, of course! Just look around!” Twilight laughed.
Mega Man looked around. Indeed, there were hundreds of books---no, THOUSANDS of them. How one pony managed to hold all those books and such a large capacity to knowledge was beyond him.
“What does it say about me?”
“Too much to say,” Twilight said. She began bombarding him with questions. “Who was your favorite Robot Master to fight?”
“Probably Knight Man. He fought with honor, unlike someone else I could mention,” Mega Man replied.
“Favorite weapon?”
“Okay... that’s a hard one. Probably the Shadow Blade, the Silver Tomahawk, or the Slash Claw.”
RD, Fluttershy, and Pinkie were staring at Mega Man blankly while Twilight asked questions.
“Hold on,” RD interrupted. “Could you tell us about all of this?! We’re not eggheads.”
“Okay. It all began when I was first built...”

Galaxy Man looked at Metal Man’s ship. “About time,” he grumbled. “Sweet ride, I’ll admit.”
The ship looked very cool. It was dark red, with gray-tinted glass, yellow fins, and a metal blade similar to the one on Metal Man’s head was on the hull.
“Hey, you were off radar,” Metal Man protested.
“So... I secretly followed Mega Man, and made sure he would stay still for a while. He kept moving, but he stationed himself at a tree house.”
“Why didn’t you attack him?” Metal Man demanded. “You could have taken him out!”
“I was in public! Even I wouldn’t stand a chance against tons of ponies!”
“Good point,” Metal Man mused. “Shall we head there now? I’m armed with my Metal Blades.”
“You can take this one. I’ll call some more Robot Masters in so we can take Mega Man out easily. Maybe we can construct a base for the Master!”
Metal Man trotted off.

“... And that’s how I defeated Dr. Wily for the first time.”
“Wow,” RD breathed. “That sounds awesome! But we need proof that you did this.”
“Oh, I’ll show you proof. But we can’t do it indoors. Let’s go out in the open.”
Mega Man walked out with Pinkie Pie in the lead. But just as they got out of the building, a familiar robot leaped out of a bush.
“It’s been a long time,” Metal Man said.
“Metal Man,” Mega Man growled.
“Ooh! Isn’t he the one who dies in one shot from his own weapon?” Twilight volunteered.
“SHUT UP!” Metal Man yelled.
“Yes! Some action!” RD cheered, then flew upwards to watch.
“This looks fun! Want some cake?” Pinkie Pie asked Metal Man.
“Sorry, pink pony. I have business to deal with. Besides, I can’t eat food.”
Fluttershy hid, naturally.
Mega Man stared at Metal Man.
Then they clashed.
Mega Man rapidly fired shots from his Mega Buster. Metal Man jumped over them and threw Metal Blades, which Mega Man sidestepped.
“Go, Mega Man!” RD cheered.
Mega Man had an idea. Metal Man had a split second time to recover after landing from his jumps, so he would have to time his shot carefully.
Metal Man jumped over the first shot, but was hit by the second shot.
Mega Man dashed to Metal Man and pressed his palm against him. A beeping sound was heard. “Data complete.”
“Check this out,” he said to the ponies.
He switched to Metal Blades and took one out.
“You wouldn’t DARE,” Metal Man said, with fear in his eyes.
“Good-bye.” Mega Man tossed the Metal Blade.
It cut Metal Man right in half. There was no blood, only some circuitry.
“Wow, he DOES die in one hit from his own weapon. What a weakling,” RD commented.
“Indeed. Want to see some things I can do?”
“Sounds like fun!” Pinkie Pie bounced happily.
“Does that pony act sad at all?” Mega Man whispered to Twilight.
“Well, there was one time where... you don’t want to know,” she whispered back.

Galaxy Man had radioed Yamato Man, Spark Man, Commando Man, Freeze Man, Grenade Man, Guts Man, Drill Man, Napalm Man, and Crash Man. He KNEW he would win with this many robots.
Strangely, Metal Man hadn’t returned. He headed towards the tree house to find Metal Man cut in half.
Galaxy Man was stunned. Metal Man had died. Metal had been Galaxy Man’s best friend ever since they were created. Dr. Wily couldn’t fix him when he was so far away from this place!
Galaxy Man shook. He then did something he had never done before.
He cried.