//------------------------------// // Misconceptions // Story: What Is This, Tron?!? // by artsofallkinds //------------------------------// -Datalog cont.- There was a ticket to one heck of a place and one heck of a girl on my person that entire day. Honestly, it was horrible. As I worked, I kept getting distracted by thoughts of Romi. I thought about a lot of things, like how she looked, smelled, felt... I had to snap out of it a few times so I could actually take care of some of my obligations, but it wasn't long after that I'd be imagining myself back in my iPod, saying one of the many, impressive one-liners I'd come up with. Yeah, I thought a few times if it was weird that I kept crushing over a pony. I mean, she's a pony, or at least looked like one. But, like earlier that morning, I just couldn't seem to find it strange. Although every time I thought of her, I didn't really think of much else except for her herself, so technically it was never given much thought. Yet the more I remembered, imagined, and planned, the slower the day went by. Stupid brain. The clock ticks regardless, though, and a good week's worth of waiting later, five o'clock came around. I was the first to clock out, the first in my car, the first one out of the parking lot, and probably the first one home. I got back into my apartment and closed the door behind me, leaning on it, barely able to contain anything and everything going through my head. It came out as a really high pitched scream that I can't say was completely masculine, but still summarized my mental process. Girls just have that ability. They flip you inside-out, blend up your brain, open the stomach-butterfly cage, and yet manage not to even flinch. It was like a kind of painful torture, but it wasn't exactly unpleasant. I didn't even bother checking Equestria Daily, my E-mail, FimFiction notifications, or anything else. I closed my blinds and tried to get it as dark as possible. The bed made a creak as I dive-bombed onto it. I closed my eyes, but my belly had the nerve to remind me I hadn't eaten dinner yet. Stupid stomach. So I got up and fed myself. My iPod's buds hadn't left my ears since after I'd parked my car, so the music kept playing as I ate my food. I'm sure it was the quickest sandwich that I'd prepared and consumed in my life. After I finished my sandwich, I ran into the bedroom again, this time changing into pajamas. I carefully slipped between the covers, plugged my iPod into the wall (I mean, this app has got to take up a lot of battery life, right?), and layed there. Although my heart was pounding, I still managed to drop the artificial walls I put up to hide how tired I normally am. After all, staying up until 2 AM may be fun, but it's still nowhere near how much sleep a human actually needs. So, with the softness of the bed slowly growing softer, and my eyes drooping to the pace of my subconscious, I swiftly but slowly drifted into sleep. Just to fall flat on my face. It was still cushion-y, but what I was on certainly wasn't my bed. It was way too new for that. I pushed myself off of the firm but comfortable pillows and looked around. With a sigh of deep, deep relief, I saw I was back in Romi's room. Thank goodness... It worked. I was so happy that I fell back on the couch, although sideways this time instead of face-first. It was startling, although not surprising, to see the appendages out in front of me ending in a singular hoof, but I quickly remembered that's how it was here. I was a pony, the inhabitants all were ponies, she was a- Ooo... She. Her. I'm gonna see her again. The thought alone sent shivers down my ponified spine. Listening, I couldn't detect any kind of other noises from inside of the office. No, not really an office; it's purpose was to be an office, but considering it had a couch, a coffee table, a kitchenette, and only a small desk pushed over to the side, it didn't resemble it's namesake. In fact, it didn't looked touched from how I last remembered it. I moved off the couch and gained my balance on my four hooves. The elevator seemed to be the only way down, so I trotted in and hit the button with a "1" next to it. Glass doors shut me off from the room, and I descended almost quick enough to pull me off the floor. Luckily, though, I didn't get dragged into an unwilling flight, and reached the ground floor in, dare I say, 10 seconds flat. The elevator's panels opened, leading me into a lobby stuffed with ponies. Most of them had cutie marks just like Romi, but unfortunately all of the ones I could see sported the reverse color scheme that labeled them as a helper program. Standing on the tip of my hooves (then falling on my face, getting back up, and trying again), I could see not a single strand of blue mane. I turned to the mare on my left. "Uh, excuse me," I started, "but have you seen Chrome anywhere?" "It's a good thing I'm the Google Maps outlet!" the pony cheered. "One second." The pony stood stock still for a moment, which was kinda creepy, but she returned to normalcy and smiled. "She's on her break, so you can find her at the outdoor cafe! It's on your right, two blocks thataway, you can't miss it!" the pony directed, pointing to her right, perfectly parallel to the street outside the large front windows in the building. "Thank you," I answered. The automatic doors pulled themselves open as I nearly raced into them, almost barreling into a few programs on the way out. "Two blocks thataway," I repeated to myself. I trotted down the street, and found myself watching the pegasi programs fly above. Quickly, I realized I wasn't looking where I was going, and returned my gaze to the crowd I was following along in. Sure enough, the cafe was on the right. It was mildly busy, with program ponies drinking strange blue stuff I could only assume was battery power. Most of their conversations seemed to be about computer-related stuff, like RAM and App Usage. "-Crome way too much! When the new update comes out, Safari-" "-and nearly got a new high score! I so wanted to see-" "-the whole device heated up. I was a bit worried-" I blinked. This was all stuff I kinda remember happening. I was using Chrome a lot more than Safari recently, I did almost get a high score, and my iPod did almost overheat a few days ago. What a weird way to hear all of these average occurrences. I scanned the tables. Wait, how'd my breath smell? Hold up, did my mane look good? Gah, I forgot to take a shower! I couldn't show up like that- Found her. She was sitting alone at a table, sipping a drink and grinning as she flicked her hoof across a floating panel hovering in front of her. She hadn't seen me, but boy could I see her. I felt blood rush into my cheeks as I looked at her shimmering blue bobbed hair and perfectly white coat. Everything kinda seemed to slow down, in my head. My thoughts took a second to process correctly, like they were in an orbit being pulled a bit off course by her gravity. I swallowed and began to walk forward. What would happen? Would we start off where we left off? Would things just be awkward? Had she even thought about me since last night? Before I knew it, there I was, right next to her table. "Hi, Romi," I barely got out. She looked up, and her eyes widened. "User," she almost whispered. Then her face lit up. "User, you're back!" She shot up with the biggest smile and did a little jump before giving me a huge hug. Geez, that was the cutest thing I had ever seen. I returned the hug, very happy to see her, too. I could smell her coat; it was like a sweet electricity. Full of energy, and just beautiful to take in. We weren't the only boy/girl pair in the cafe, but I could tell we were attracting attention. "Uh, everyone's kinda looking at us," I said. Romi giggled and pulled back, her face a very low amount of inches away from mine. She surprised me by touching our noses together for a brief moment, giggling as she did so. "Do you wanna get something?" she offered. Past my large blush, I nodded. "I don't know if there's anything here a User would eat or drink," Chrome pony smirked sheepishly, "but you can try whatever you'd like." Her gaze, those light-blue orbs that go far beyond just the cliche descriptions of pools, had stayed on me since the hug. "Sure, why not," I smirked. "What do you recommend?" The chair I had sat in was like most outdoor chairs; not very comfortable, but meant to withstand harsh weather conditions. Romi gave a sigh so big her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "The Charger Chardonnay is just heavenly. I could drink it all day!" "Then I'll get one of those-" Before I could finish my sentence, a glass popped up from a panel in the table, already full of the liquid. "... when the... waiter..." The beauty across from me gave a sheepish giggle. "The service here is excellent, by the way," she said through her smile. "No kidding," was my response. I picked up the glass in my hoof, which was surprisingly easy. The lack of fingers apparently made no difference, and the small cup was balanced perfectly. The drink was electric blue, almost green. That didn't make it look very appetizing, but it was a thin liquid, so at least it didn't look like sludge or anything. A whiff of the stuff told me nothing, so I stole myself and took a sip. It felt like a blazing streak of lightning shot through my body as I swallowed the stuff, and I lost the taste in the pure energy that had coursed through me. "Holy crap!" was all I could say. Romi giggled. "Glad you liked it." "That was..." I poured through my brain, trying to find the right word. "...shocking." The Chrome pony rolled her eyes. "That's because it's electricity, you dummy!" she laughed and sighed at the same time, and regardless of what that's called, it was amazingly adorable (and made my cheeks warm). I decided that blushing wasn't the most masculine of things to be doing, so I managed to take my eyes off of Romi for a second and look around. The buildings were all very angular, jutting out in ways that looked straightforward, but still odd and sometimes plain unnatural. Their colors didn't seem to follow any pattern but one, and that was that there were pulsating blue streaks along the buildings' edges. The sky still sported the odd blue clouds that some buildings poked through. The streets honestly looked like regular, real-world streets, although full of ponies instead of people. "It's nothing like your world," Romi said from across the table. I nodded. A strange thought crossed my mind. Romi and I lived in completely different worlds. Meeting each other like this shouldn't be possible. I returned my gaze to her, happy that I could. Romi was looking puzzled. "... Is there something on my muzzle?" she asked. I blinked a few times. "Wh- Oh! No, I, uh..." Admitting that I was staring at her because she was drop-dead gorgeous and the fact I'm here with her shouldn't have ever happened proved hard. Romi giggled, deepening my blush. "I love it when you get all flustered," she smirked. She got up before I had the chance to retaliate and trotted over to my side of the table. "Hey, wanna go see something?" she asked. Assuming that trying to defend my masculinity was pointless, I nodded and got up, ready to follow where she went. Romi flared out her wings. "Oh, you think we're walking?" she asked with a wicked grin. Before I could even guess as to what she had meant, I was jumped on, grabbed, and pulled into the air. The ground slowly disappeared below me as the white hooves holding my midsection took me higher and higher. My eyes were wide with shock; I wasn’t really expecting this. But I didn’t scream. Much. Eventually, Romi flew us to the top of one of the taller buildings in the city-scape. We sat on a tier a few stories below the cloud layer. I swore I could see the whole city below us, in all of it’s strange beauty. “I wanted to take you here yesterday,” Romi said, sitting next to me, back hooves dangling off the edge. I quickly realized she was pretty close to me. My mind flashed to yesterday, when she had kept me warm; she was keeping my face red a lot these past two days. “You kinda... vanished, though. I was worried.” “Sorry,” I replied. “The alarm clock kinda did it’s job. But I was excited to get back, you know.” The cold air, seemingly normal in this city, did nothing to cool my cheeks. After I had thought about her wanting to keep me warm, my mind wandered to the other happenings of that night. “This city... compared to your world, I’m sure it must be strange.” She was looking over the cityscape, seemingly a bit lost in thought. “Definitely,” I agreed. “I’m not sure most of this is possible back home, you know?” “Yeah...” Okay, something was on her mind, I knew it. It was a bit odd, seeing her even a bit sad considering how often she seemed happy. Something was up. “H-hey...” I began. “You know, I-” “Listen,” Romi said suddenly. “Yesterday, I said...” She let out a breath, trying to compose herself. “I said something before I could really think it over. I’m not really the think-y type, I’m designed to connect more on an emotional level with a User, but I... I said something I didn’t mean to say...” Her eyes were closed, squeezed shut in concentration. My heart sank. She didn’t really like me, did she? “N-no... No, it’s okay.” I tried, feeling downhearted. Of course she didn’t. She was a program. For all I knew, she mistook her ‘admiration’ for a sudden power surge. “You can’t control your feelings, they just happen-” “User, I didn’t mean to say that I liked you so quickly. I shouldn’t have pressured you into anything, I should’ve been more cautious, I should’ve kept my emotions in check, and I’m sorry.” She was looking at me in a determined way. Her blue eyes were furrowed in self-loathing, and with a sigh she dropped her gaze. I felt a bit helpless, sitting there, watching her regret what she had done in a moment’s frenzy of happenings and new experiences. But I recalled how ecstatic she had been to show me around yesterday. She had run up and hugged me when I arrived earlier. There wasn’t a single moment in my memory I hadn’t seen her happy while she was with me. And it hit me; now she thought I didn’t really like her. She thought I didn’t like her beautiful white fur, soft to the touch and always freshly groomed. She thought her eyes weren’t crystal-blue enough to catch my attention every time I looked at her. She thought she wasn’t funny enough, nice enough, smart enough, caring enough, for me to be impressed. I looked at her and blinked. Heh... Oh, by the way, she thought wrong. “Hey, no, don’t be sad,” I said as I leaned over onto her. “I’m not mad, I promise.” “B-but that’s not the problem!” she sobbed. I hadn’t realized that she had started crying. I gulped. “...You’re right.” I reached up with my left hoof and held the side of her face, leading her gaze up so she was looking at me. Her eyes were a bit wet, her gaze somewhere between shock and a kind of disapproval she apparently thought of herself with. Quickly, before I could overthink anything, I leaned in and pecked the other side of her cheek. Woah... Dang, now that I think about it, that had probably looked pretty cool! As I moved my head back a bit to look at her, I noticed a small, shocked gasp come from her mouth. When I looked, her eyes were filled with disbelief, shock, and a kind of faint hope. “Romi, I never want you to think you did anything wrong,” I said with a bit more force than I intended. I guess I was a bit off-put by what I had just done. It was definitely daring by my standards. I calmed my voice and continued. “What I mean is, you didn’t pressure me. Truth be told... I couldn’t really stop thinking about you this past day.” There, I had said it. It was actually easier to admit then I had thought it would’ve been. Romi hadn’t stopped looking at me with that same expression. We looked at each other for a bit, staring in silence. She blinked twice, then looked down, then looked up at me again. And proceeded to throw her hooves around my neck and kiss me. For a second I didn’t really know what was happening. Alarms were going off in my head, but I couldn’t figure out why. It was after Romi had pulled her head back did I realize what had happened. Romi was looking at me again. She turned her head away, dropping her hooves from my neck and blushing madly. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered quickly. For another second I blinked. Then I composed myself, or as much as I could. “Romi?” I asked. She looked at me, and I took the moment to lean forward and hold my lips to hers. Now that I knew it was coming... I could feel it. It was warm, a kind of warmth that spreads through your body and helps your muscles relax. And when I pulled back, it felt like I was leaving a part of me behind. “Don’t be sorry...” I reassured. My words were breathy, because I was trying to inhale as much air as possible while also talking. I pressed my forehead to hers, looking into her eyes. A wonderful feeling coursed through me when I heard her giggle. If this was love, I loved being in love. "You finally kissed me..." she whispered. "Finally?" I responded. She rolled her eyes and smiled. "You know what I mean." And we sat there for awhile. I'm happy to report that I didn't just have a first, second, and third kiss there, but also my fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh... After that, I lost count. In a beautiful kind of way, each moment with her blended into the next, creating a mosaic of feeling and joy. We didn't talk much; we didn't have to. Eventually she took me back down to the ground. We trotted around for awhile, not really to anywhere specific. She taught me more about her world, showing me the different places and their functions. Games, Apps, Programs, the like. But I wasn't really paying attention. I walked next to her, letting her lean on me. We stowed away into an alley a few times to kiss again in hiding. We kept walking until the roads ran out, and from what I could see, a blank expanse continued on until the horizon. She kissed me again, and I (having gotten a lot of practice) kissed her back. For whatever reason, I loved it. She pulled her head back, and so did I, both of us looking at the other. "I studied the program you're using to be in this device," she said. I nodded, understanding why. "You can only stay an hour here. After that, you go back." I blinked a few times. "But... But I'm asleep longer than that!" She smiled at me. "I'm not sure how it works either. But right now... You're at 59 minutes." I looked up at her, but she was looking away, towards the nothing that I guess was unused disk space. I put my hoof on her cheek, and she looked back towards me. "I'll be back tomorrow," I promised. She nodded, and I felt relieved. I gave a little grunt. "I'm about to say something very, very cheesy." She smiled. "If I only have a minute left," I began, "I... I guess I should use it wisely, huh?" I leaned in a bit, closing my eyes. She met my lips with hers, and we kissed. We kissed, and I never wanted to leave her side. We kissed, and I wanted to be together forever. We kissed, even as I felt some nagging feeling tapping on the back of my brain. I felt her kiss slip away. No, really, I felt feeling in general slip away for just a half-second before I jolted up in bed, breathing hard. I smiled. I was gonna have to get used to this.