Paranoia: A Growing Bond

by FluttershyAllTheWay

Important Things to Know Before Reading

I start this chapter exactly where I left off with Paranoia. If you wish to re-cap either where we are starting from or just the whole story in general, go back to the description and click the link that says "Paranoia". (I'm too lazy to make another link here)

So yeah. With no stories currently active, I can spend all my free time tending to this story. I want it to be long, well-written and fluid. The description is very vague because I like keeping things a mystery until they are actually written.

For reference, yes this story is Vinyl Scratch x Octavia shipping, or "OctaScratch" for short.

Once again, thanks to Scopetime42 for the time and effort put into the cover art.

Without further ado, I will get on with writing what I hope will be an enjoyable story for anyone who reads it.