Help Me! My Parents Are Bronies!

by Enfield

Questioning Dignity

Douglas didn't really have much of a choice about his new situation, he didn't want to go to a sleepover but he really needed a place to bed down. The barn at Sweet Apple Acres sounded like a haven compared to the upcoming slumber party. Douglas shuddered, he had never stayed over a friends house before nor did he have anyone at his. He wasn't one for sleeping with others but he did want to know Twilight and her friends better.
"So when is this little get-together starting?" Douglas asked.
"It's already started, we only left to come and find you," Pinkie said as she went from walking to hopping.
"All the girls are there and they've really wanted to meet you properly," Twilight said.
"Ooh I can hardly wait," Douglas said sarcastically.
Most of Douglas' dismay came from his predictions about what they might end up doing. He was thinking of the horrors of girly sleepovers were going to involve rather demoralizing games and idiotic little stories. He gripped his air rifle tighter and prayed in his head that none of his fears would come true, he hoped that it would be centered around him and what his life was like back in Ireland. Again as Douglas passed through the town ponies would come out and stare at him as if they hadn't seen him before, only this time he waved at a few of the ponies who smiled and waved back. He was glad that he didn't seem like a threat to them and he didn't really care if he was in Equestria, all he really wanted was his memory back, there was something that was hidden in the confines of his brain that he really wanted to see. Soon, they had reached Twilight's house.

"Here we are," Twilight said. Douglas looked up and saw a streak of rainbows shoot across the sky before it stopped dead in front of the door. Standing there was Rainbow Dash.
"Hey Twilight," Rainbow Dash said, she saw Douglas behind Twilight, "Look's like Douglas agreed to join us."
"Against my will," Douglas said. Rainbow Dash chuckled.
"What, did your parents force you?"
Douglas gave her a cold stare and Rainbow Dash stopped smiling.
"Don't worry Douglas, we'll make it fun for you," Pinkie said.
"It's going to be a first time experience," Douglas said as he followed the mares into the library. Twilight led him through the building until they came to what was a bedroom, Douglas could only guess that it was Twilight's due to the star pattern bed sheets. Several bedrolls and sleeping bags were all piled into a corner, there was a table stacked high with food and drinks, Spike was also there taking inventory of everything that was in the room.
"Hey Twilight," he said as he looked up from his parchment.
"Everything ready Spike?" Twilight asked.
"Everything except the rest of the guests. Guess I'm going to be staying huh?"
"You should," Douglas said, "I don't like it when the odds are stacked against me."
"Heh, you don't want to be outnumbered by girls do you?" Spike asked.
"You didn't want to either," Douglas said. Spike rubbed the back of his head and turned to Twilight.
"So when's everypony else getting here?"
"Soon I hope," Twilight said. The sound of a door knocking came from downstairs.
"Bang on time," Douglas said as Twilight went to answer the door.
"So how's this going to work out?" Douglas asked as he pulled off his ski hat and tucked it into his pocket.
"Twilight usually figures something out after we're all here," Rainbow Dash said, "But it might be a little more cramped because we've got the Cutie Mark Crusaders staying with us as well."
"You mean those four fillies?" Douglas asked.
"Yep," Pinkie said as she ripped open a bag of chips, "Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Babs Seed. This is going to be fun."
The sounds of what was unmistakably the fillies crying slowly drifted up the stairs.
"I really don't like the sound of that," Douglas said as he set his rifle against the wall.

"Ah'm tellin' you Twilight, it was fine yesterday," Applejack's voice said.
"But I don't understand, how can an entire tree house just get destroyed like that?" Twilight replied.
"It was Diamond Tiara!" Apple Bloom said through tears.
"Why does she never leave us alone?" Sweetie Belle sobbed.
"Hush now Sweetie Belle, it's okay," Rarity said.
Douglas cringed, he knew what they were talking about and he knew that it was his fault. He didn't want to say anything in case they turn on him but he didn't want to hold in the guilt as he heard those kids cry. Twilight was the first to enter followed by Applejack, the fillies, Rarity and Fluttershy. The fillies saw Douglas and ran over to him.
"Douglas, Diamond Tiara destroyed our clubhouse," Apple Bloom sobbed.
"Why, why did she do that to us?" Scootaloo asked.
"I bet she did it in revenge for Douglas breaking her tiara," Babs said.
Twilight looked at Douglas questioningly.
"What about you and Diamond's tiara?"
"Long story that I'll tell later," Douglas said as he crouched down next to the fillies, they all hugged him and started crying again.
"Ah want our tree house back," Apple Bloom said.
"Why did she destroy it?" Sweetie Belle asked.
"Yeah, that was me," Douglas said. The fillies stopped crying and looked up at him.
"You did it?" Scootaloo asked.
"I accidently blew it up with the party cannon. I didn't know that you clubhouse was in the path of the cannonball."
"But, why?" Babs asked.
"It was only an accident, I promise. I'm really sorry, can you forgive me?"
The fillies looked at each other and nodded.
"Sure, if you can help rebuild it," Apple Bloom said. Douglas nodded.
"I'll do the whole damn thing if it'll make you guys stop crying tonight."
The fillies laughed and hugged Douglas, who couldn't help and return the favor. Pinkie then burst up between them.
"Okay! Now we can get this party started!"

The sleepover was relativity interesting, instead of it being a sort of all girl party it was more of a casual hangout with friends. Douglas was slowly getting better acquainted with the ponies, he had never expected to have such good non-human friends. As night fell Douglas could see that the group was readying the sleeping bags, Twilight had rather thoughtfully provided Douglas with a sleeping bag that would accommodate his size. The floor went from a mess of trash to a mess of sleeping bags and pillows, wanting to get ready to sleep, Douglas took off his jacket and boots. As he looked for a place to hang his jacket he listened to the fillies as they told the older ponies about what Douglas did at their school.
"And then he yelled 'I'll burst him' to Diamond Tiara after she said that she'd tell her dad on Douglas," Scootaloo said.
"What does that mean?" Fluttershy said.
"Douglas, what did you mean in the school?" Babs asked.
"It's got multiple meanings but I was associating that I would blow him up," Douglas said.
"Does your kind do that when they don't like somepony?" Rarity asked.
"Nah, some of us do but those people are messed up in some nasty ways."
Douglas gave up searching for a coat hanger and instead decided to make one himself, he took out his shank and slammed the blade into the wall. Then he hung his coat on it.
"Seriously?" Twilight said. Douglas sat down on his sleeping bag.
"It's wood, it's easy to fix."
"Cool cutie mark," Scootaloo said as she pointed to Douglas' Dropkick Murphys shirt.
"It's just a shirt brand," Douglas said.
"What's it for?" Sweetie Belle asked.
"I got it at a concert, best band I've heard in a long time."
Just before anyone could say anything the lights went out and a creepy looking Rainbow Dash emerged from the shadows, illuminated by a flashlight.
"What I think we need now is a few scary stories."
"N-n-n-nothing too scary? Fluttershy stuttered.
"Yeah Dash, remember what happened last time," Twilight said with a evil looking grin. A spasm of fear crossed Rainbow Dash's face but she covered it up.
"I don't care, I want to see if Douglas can be scared."
"Try me," Douglas said as he opened a bottle of cider with his Swiss army knife. Rainbow Dash smiled and settled in the center of the group.

"This is the story of the faceless pony that stalks the Everfree forest."
Babs clung to Douglas in what he assumed was fake fear because she was giggling in anticipation. Rainbow Dash started telling the story.
"There's a legend that very few talk about. It's all to do with our very own forest, during the time of Discord's reign there was a stallion who was only known as the Operator. The Operator was at first an ordinary stallion who had a job in maintaining the communication lines in Stalliongrad, he didn't mind his life because it was easy and simple, that was until Discord came and took it all away. What Discord wanted the Operator to do was maintain order in Ponyville because there had been a few uprisings. The Operator didn't want to do Discord's job so he tried to run away. Discord however was one step ahead of him and he took his face away so that he could never see his way out of the forest, soon, ponies of all ages were disappearing around the Everfree Forest and Discord soon found out who it was. It was the Operator. Knowing that this was creating fear and submission in Ponyville he left the Operator to his job of consuming ponies who crossed his path and to this day he still lives in the forest taking anypony who comes near him. So if you see a pony without a face you better run or else..."
The light went out and then flicked back on under a sheet that covered Rainbow Dash.
The ponies all screamed and bunched up, Rainbow Dash laughed and bowed. Douglas just snorted.
"That was the most dreary story I've ever heard, and to be honest, I've heard it before."
"How have you heard the story of the Operator?" Rainbow Dash asked Douglas.
"There's a similar story where I come from; some big, unattractive, faceless bugger who wears a suit goes around and murders people. It's a bit overdone Dash but I'll give you credit for that version."
"Do you have a spooky story?" Pinkie asked.
"Sure I do," Douglas scoffed, "And the best part is that it's real, and very famous."
Rainbow Dash tossed him the flashlight and Douglas caught it.
"Now from what I know about this place I'm sure that none of you have heard the legend of the Banshee."
The ponies all gathered up next to each other.
"For thousands of years throughout Irish folklore and legend, many have documented the legend of the ghostly woman known as the Banshee. She's a well known spirit in my country, few have claimed to have seen her, most have heard her and many know her story. The Banshee goes around the country, wailing and spooking anyone who sees her, but the worst comes from her trademark scream."
Douglas switched the light off and the room was coated in darkness, all the ponies heard was his voice echoing around the room.
"Legend has it whenever you hear her scream, someone in your family dies. You'll know when you hear the scream, it has been recorded that it can be heard from over five miles away and if you hear it you'd better be ready. Because if you don't run she'll get you!"
Douglas then lunged forward through the darkness and grabbed Sweetie Belle around her middle, Sweetie Belle let out a high pitched scream and dove on Rarity. Douglas switched a lamp on and saw a huddled mass of terrified ponies piled in the center of the sleeping bags.

"Now that was scary," Rainbow Dash said.
"Story doesn't end there," Douglas said as he sat down next to Rainbow Dash, "I've actually heard the Banshee."
"You heard her?" Twilight asked.
'What did it sound like?" Applejack asked.
"Same a Sweetie Belle but a bit more distant," Douglas said. Sweetie Belle was in her sister's mane crying.
"Don't scare me like that," she sobbed.
"I'm sorry Sweetie Belle," Douglas said as he crawled over to her, "I just wanted to beat Dash in the scary story contest."
"Just don't scare me again," Sweetie Belle said.
"Forgive me?" Douglas said. Sweetie Belle looked up at him, tears still streaming down her face.
"Forgiveness hug!" Pinkie said as she pushed Douglas closer to Sweetie Belle. She hesitated at first but then Sweetie Belle wrapped her forelegs around Douglas. Douglas smiled and let her down.
"Come on everypony," Twilight said as she clambered into her bed, "I think we've had enough excitement for one night."
"Just for the record you lot are safe from the Banshee," Douglas said as he climbed into his sleeping bag, "I don't think it would follow me here."
"I can sleep on that," Rainbow Dash said.
"Ditto," Pinkie added.
"I'm glad you said that Douglas," Fluttershy said, "Otherwise I'd be scared to sleep."
"You'll be okay," Douglas said as he pulled his air rifle closer to his sleeping bag, "I promise."
"Goodnight everypony," Twilight said, this set off a chain reaction that ended with Douglas.
"Watch out for the Operator, muhahaha."
"Douglas!" Applejack said. Douglas let out an evil giggle. As he rolled over he felt something poke his ear, he turned and saw Babs standing next to his head.
"Can I sleep next to you?" she whispered. Douglas nodded. As Babs lay down next to Douglas he felt an overwhelming sense of friendship wash over him. He'd just done something that he would have never expected, he went to a sleepover and enjoyed it. Douglas pulled the pillow under his head and drifted off into a blissful sleep, realizing that he hadn't felt so good before during something so preposterous.