//------------------------------// // Confusion Born of Oblivion // Story: Requiem for a Clone // by FictionaryThought //------------------------------// Have you ever had one of those awkward moments where you enter a room and all conversations just drop? Try being a different species, and dropping from a tree to say hi to a duo of ponies. The silence is much longer. It probably didn’t help that I was wearing a skirt, but that was the darkness’s fault, not mine. Besides, I made it work. Fashion sense aside, now I had two ponies starring at me. Twilight had her mouth agape, inspecting every last inch of me. The orange one was just weirded out, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Meanwhile Zexion was laughing at my expense, and Zecora just hid in her hut, probably listening to what would be spoken from beside the open door. I speak. “Still gonna keep your composure?” She didn’t respond, momentarily confused by the question, after having been way too distracted by my looks. Zexion laughed some more. “Oh yeah, your a real stud. Need some more guy-liner?” He laughed some more. Twilight spoke. “Y-you’re…human.” “Am I?” I joked, looking at my hand for a few seconds. “I didn’t notice.” “Uh, pardon my interuptin’ Twi.” The orange one interjected. “But, what the hay is a human?” She didn’t turn to look at her friend, too busy looking at me instead. “It’s a form of simian that only has hair on the top of it’s head. A bipedal creature that’s been extinct for over a thousand years. Some ponies even speculate that they never existed.” She ran up to me with a huge smile on her face. “And now there’s one right in front of us! Oh I have so many questions! Is it true your kind invented most of our society’s technology? How are you here? Cryogenic suspension? An advanced form of time travel? Is there a secret city filled with humans?” “Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down. First off, I have no idea what tech you use. I also have no idea if cryogenic suspension even works. The laws of time travel clearly state there must be some variation of myself at the destination, so unless there’s two of me here, no time travel. And I don’t know anything about any city.” I could tell Zexion face palmed. “You just disproved all of the theories that could have explained how you’re here while maintaining the world order. I know you have my brain, so I don’t need to tell you how stupid that was.” Well, now I felt stupid. “You are stupid.” I hate you. “At least insult me intellectually.” Twilight interrupted our little argument. “Sure, little.” Shut up. Twilight spoke. “Wait a moment.” Her horn started glowing, as she inspected my outfit. “Not only do you use dark magic, you have a suit made out of it!?” She was getting angry. “And now it’s back to being the enemy.” Zexion commented. “You’re not good at this.” Twilight glared at me. “Care to explain why you’re wearing that?” “Be honest.” Zexion said. “She might have a lie detector spell.” Here goes nothing. “It’s Winter, and I was getting cold in my sleeveless shirt.” “You have no proof you were wearing a sleeveless shirt.” Twilight deadpanned. I switched out of my Dark Mode, catching her by surprise, and gestured to the sleeveless shirt I was wearing. “Oh.” She said. “Why the heck were you wearing a sleeveless shirt during the Winter?” “Again, be honest.” Zexion said. “Two reasons. One, this is the only set of clothes in my wardrobe. The other is because I didn’t expect it to be Winter when I came here.” “Again, pardon me for inturuptin’.” The orange one said. “Don’t take this the wrong way mister…” “Replica.” I stated. “My full name is Riku Replica.” She blinked. “Uh, ok mister Replica. Don’t take this the wrong way or nothin’, but those pants make you look like a clown.” Zexion burst into a fit of laughter, but sadly only I could hear him. “In what way was I supposed to take that?” I asked. She shrugged. “Ah recon’ you could explain why it looks funny.” Twilight looked over my outfit. “Actually, I’d like some explaining also. Your pants seem like two pairs in one. The first part seems heavily form fitting, making me wonder if it’s uncomfortable. The other pair is very baggy, and seems to compensate for the fact that you’re wearing tight pants. It seems inefficient.” Zexian spoke. “She just told you how your pants look ridiculous in the most intellectual way possible. I like this pony.” “Fine.” I say. “Give me a moment to think.” Never thought the perfect distraction would be my pants. Zexion snickered. “Sexy back, those other boys just don’t know how to act.” Ignoring him with all my might, I think for a moment. I then realize Namine took Riku’s memories away from me, and Vexen never explained Riku’s wardrobe. I think a little longer, hoping Zexion knows anything. “Sorry, but my knowledge on Destiny Islands is minimal. Little to no heartless would show up at that tiny world, making it pointless for Organization members to go there.” Great, no explanation. “I don’t know, ok? I’m a clone. The guy who made me based my clothes off of the clothes Riku wore.” Twilight’s eyes widened. “Clone? As in carbon copy based off of the DNA structure of a living organism? You actually know of science good enough to make a perfect clone!?” She was smiling goofily again. This was definitely a nerdy pony. The orange one raised an eyebrow. “Carbo-what-now?” Twilight ran to her friend at a remarkable spead, still smiling. “Carbon copy! An exact duplicate of a living creature! Normally it would take super advanced magic only an alicorn could achieve, but scientific research has shown other means of cloning. None of which however are efficient, as they lead to a life form that won’t live as long, and doesn’t grow as healthily.” She ran back to me. “Was it magic, science, or some combination of both?” She was still smiling. “At least she’s easily distracted.” Zexion commented. “How am I supposed to remember the process of how I was born?” I ask. Twilight blushed. “Oh, right.” Her eyes widened. “Wait, I’m supposed to find you suspicious.” She got angry. “Who are you? Why are you using dark magic? How did you get here? And did you corrupt Zecora?” Zexion sighed. “Just tell her the truth. I’m getting tired of this never ending conversation. Just break the world order and tell them.” Not like that was the first time that’d happened. Sometimes informing a select few about the world order is a necessity. Besides, people who care about the balance of light and darkness tend to keep secrets well. “Come with me to Zecora’s hut and I’ll tell you everything. It’s cold out here and I want to go inside.” … “Excuse me?” Twilight said, bewildered by my words. “You heard me, I’m from another world. The world order is meant to keep the concept of other worlds secret, and that’s why Zecora didn’t tell you.” We were inside now, which I was thankful for, since Twilight wouldn’t allow me to put on my Dark Mode suit to get any warmer. Though I had to admit, I kinda liked wearing normal clothes. Dark Mode creates a suit that acts as a second skin, with nerves and everything. Plus it’s more suited for combat purposes. Clothes are just, soft pieces of cloth you get to wear. The feel is totally different. “But your pants still look like you got them from a clown.” Shut up Zexion. “That doesn’t make any sense!” Twilight stated. “Humans existed in Equestria before. You expect me to believe they were aliens?” “Repliku, make me visible. I think I can explain this.” Zexion asked. Feeling tired of talking I agree. “Look Twilight, I brought a friend with me who might be able to explain that. Someone who’s been listening the whole time.” “What are you talking about?” Twilight asked. I make Zexion appear, making both Twilight and ‘Applejack’ freak out. “What in tarnation? There’s two of you?” Applejack asked. “Wait a moment.” She scanned him with her magic, and glared at me. “He’s an illusion! What are you trying to pull!?” “If I may.” Zexion interrupted. “I’m Zexion. Yes, I’m an illusion, but I’m also Repliku’s friend. Let me show you something.” He snapped his fingers, making the whole room go dark. When we could see again, a familiar scene appeared. … Zexion walked out of the dark corridor, wrapped in pain from a torturous battle against Riku. “What is he? No one’s ever worn the darkness the way that he does, it’s impossible.” He stopped musing, as he noticed Axel had come inside with Repliku along side him. Zexion freaked out, thinking he was looking at Riku, and braced himself against the wall. He then realized just who he was looking at. “Oh yes, the replica, of course. We can use this Riku to defeat the real one.” He stared at Axel for a moment, not sure if he could trust the expression he was showing. “Axel?” “Wouldn’t you like to be real?” Axel asked to Repliku, who only responded with a nod. “All you need, is the kind of power that Riku doesn’t have. If you can get that, you can be a new person. Not Riku, nor anybody else. You won’t just be a copy of someone. You will be unique, your own self.” Repliku was liking this idea. Zexion couldn’t believe what he was hearing. A replica couldn’t be their own person. Not to his own vast knowlege. “Axel! What are you saying to him!?” Axel put a hand on his hip. “You know, he’s as good a place to start as any.” Zexion was outraged. “You can’t do this!” Repliku gripped him by the coat, and shoved him against the wall, receiving a pained groan in response. Zexion struggled, trying hopelessly to free himself from Repliku’s grasp, knowing full and well what was coming next. He felt all the magic being forcibly pulled out of his body, as his very being was being absorbed into Repliku. “So sorry, Zexion.” Axel said, watching as his friend slowly died. “Humph, you just found out way too much.” … Back in the hut. Twilight and Applejack are silent, trying to process what they just saw. Zexion decided to speak before they could comment though. “I’m more than just an illusion. I’m all that’s left. I’m Zexion’s mind and soul. And now that Repliku has me as a part of his mind, I’m his conscience. Now, here’s what you could do. You could send this misguided toy out of your world to cause trouble in another, and I wouldn’t blame you for it. But, you could also nurture him. He sees a world of wonder, something he never encountered, and that he’s sure Riku’s never been to. Teach him, and he’ll be that much closer to walking the road to light. You want to keep the balance so badly, teach him not to use the darkness.” To be continued.