//------------------------------// // This Isn't A Dream...It's a Nightmare // Story: Help Me! My Parents Are Bronies! // by Enfield //------------------------------// At first there was nothing. Then slowly, Douglas regained consciousness. He had no clue as to where he was, but as he woke up it all became clear. He was inside of a clear gooey cocoon, suspended in the air. Douglas panicked and tried to claw his way out but it was no use, the membrane that held the cocoon together was too thick and too slimy. Douglas tried to reach for his shank but it was gone along with his Swiss army knife. In desperation to escape he tried to see if he could dislodge the pod from the ceiling but as he shook around the cocoon lit up in a green light and a burning sensation engulfed Douglas. He screamed and struggled more but the pain kept increasing, he gave up and the pain stopped just as suddenly as it started. Douglas breathed deeply and tried to look out of the goop that coated the cocoon, he wiped some of the foul slime away and saw all the Changelings looking up at him, sneering and liking around their mouths. "Oi, let me down from here you little feckers!" One of the Changelings flew up and kicked the cocoon, sending Douglas swinging from side to side like a ball on a string. Douglas got annoyed and tried to fight his way out of the cocoon. "I swear to God that once I get out of here I'll pull your bloody wings off!" "Such harsh and violent words coming from a creature in one of my pods," a voice said. Douglas looked around and then saw who the owner of the voice was, it was the Changeling from earlier. "You." "Yes, me," The Changeling said. Douglas squirmed in his cocoon. "Let me down you freak!" A burst of light hit Douglas and the burning sensation returned only this time it lasted only a second. He grunted with pain and stared down the Changeling. "Since you're not going to let me go anytime soon, why don't you tell me who you are and what you want with me?" "My name is Queen Chrysalis," the Changeling said, "As for what I want with you, I'll tell you once you calm down." Douglas shifted around in his cocoon and leaned against the side of it. "Okay, can I come down now?" "No," Chrysalis said. Douglas curled up and tried to make himself look like he was calm. "Look, I'm calm. Can I please come down now?" Chrysalis smiled and lowered Douglas down. The pod opened up and Douglas emerged, coated in slime and smelling like a sewer. "Do you usually greet your guests like that?" he asked as he tried to wipe the slime off his jacket. "Only if they have hurt my Changelings." "They bloody attacked me first," Douglas said. Several of the wounded Changelings behind him growled, Douglas reached down for his shank and then realized it wasn't there in his pocket. "Silence!" a Changeling next to Chrysalis said. The Changeling was a little bigger than the rest of them, and the commanding voice helped with quelling the angry Changelings. "I know for a fact that it was you who attacked my Changelings first," the Changeling said. Chrysalis put up a hole filled hoof. "Now now Xinkz, no need to become hostile to our new asset." "New asset?" Douglas thought, he then spoke up, "What do you mean?" "I'm offering you a proposal," Chrysalis said, "You help me and I give you a little something in return." "No," Douglas said as she shook his head, "I don't make deals with bugs." Several growls and hisses came from the surrounding Changelings as they advanced on him. Douglas looked around and saw he was cornered. Xinkz ordered them to back off. "I know what you want Douglas and I'll give it to you," Chrysalis said as she held up a green crystal ball, "But only if you'll agree." Douglas walked closer to the crystal ball, he reached out to touch it and brief flashes of his memory came back to him. He stood back and looked at Chrysalis who was smiling. She tossed the ball to Xinkz who kept it out of Douglas' reach. "I know that you've lost your memory, and if you'll agree to help me you can have it all back." "So it was you who took my memory," Douglas said, "At least you've kept hold of it for me." "Do we have an agreement?" "Sure, I need to know what my life was like before I came here." Xinkz gave the crystal ball to Douglas and he looked into it, hoping to find something about his brony parents. That's when the memories of his life in Ireland streamed back into his subconscious, instead of feeling at ease and relaxation for finally getting his mind back he felt humiliated, withdrawn, depressed, and angry. The memories of his parents as bronies was worse than he had predicted. He stood frozen as he stared into the crystal ball and watched fragments of his memories played inside the ball. His parents absolutely humiliated him, at parties, at school, even at home. Douglas' parents would never shut up about the show, they would always use words and quotes that were in the show and worst of all, his own family and friends left them or laughed at him. Douglas watched as other haunting memories flooded back. His grandfather, who he thought died of old age, commits suicide to escape his life's troubles. His Uncle Geoff gets arrested and is never seen again and as for Douglas's last friend Ted, the betrayer who humiliated Douglas at the party by pointing out that his parents were dressed as the Royal Caterlot newlyweds. Fueled by nothing but rage Douglas crushed the crystal ball and smashed it against the ground. He looked up and saw Chrysalis laughing, she then leaned down so that she was head level with him. "I knew you wanted to know, and now you do." "You fecking tricked me," Douglas said through heavy breaths. "I did no such thing, you found out for yourself." "Was this my life?" Chrysalis nodded. Douglas looked at the shards of the crystal ball and at his hands. Now that he had gained his memory only one thought consumed his mind. "I am going to get my revenge for what they did, mark my words." "They are not the only ones," Xinkz said. Douglas looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?" "Those ponies that you met, they are working with your parents. they are all trying to ruin you life. The entire town is conspiring against you." Douglas pulled his ski mask out of his pocket and slid it over his face. He then turned to Chrysalis and Xinkz. "I don't care what they are planning, they...will...pay!" "Are you willing to fight for our Majesty Queen Chrysalis in the conquest to dominate Equestria?" Xinkz asked. Douglas dropped to one knee and bowed in front of Chrysalis. "I will fight by your side, I shall serve no other." Chrysalis smiled and nodded. "Good to have you on our side Douglas."