//------------------------------// // Chapter 6 // Story: Are You Ready? // by Dirty Bit //------------------------------// Chapter 6 Party peo-I mean, ponies The sun was already setting over Fluttershy's cottage, with the animals settling into their respective homes. Inside, Fluttershy was making some tea, while Dr. Facilier was entranced by each page the book he borrowed had to offer 'Why didn't I think of just using my horn before? Time for a little test...' He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, clearing his mind as he began to focus. In no time at all, his horn began to glow a luminescent black and grey, and the book he read was covered in the same aura. He lifted it up sans effort and opened his eyes to beam at his success 'First this book, then whatever chump decides to get on my bad side...' He chuckled to himself at the thought of sending an unfortunate soul flying out of his sight, but stopped as Fluttershy called to him "Dr. Facilier! Your tea is ready! That is...if you want any..." He looked up and called back. "I'll be there in a minute, Fluttershy! Right now, this page jus' caught my eye!" He couldn't take his eyes off of each and every page in this book, and it was only the start of his quest for knowledge and magic acquisition. He studied every page without hesitation, wanting to know every up and down so he knows how to manifest his powers better. Fluttershy peaked from her kitchen at his excitement, observing how he was learning almost as fast as Twilight. She went back into the kitchen and sipped some of her tea with Angel, who could only glare at Fluttershy in disbelief. Fluttershy looked at Angel "Do you...Do you think he likes me, Angel?" Angel shot a look that said 'Are you fucking kidding me?' and shook his head to reassure her, only to have her look down dejectedly "You're right...seeing as how he already has most of Ponyville falling for him...I've even seen how Rarity eyed him after he introduced himself..." Angel could only facepaw at what she just said and hopped to her face across the table and made some gestures. He pointed to Dr. Facilier in the living room, then walked in place while flashing an evil grin, then quickly streaked his paw across his neck under his chin and fell down on his back, looking dead. From each gesture, he was stating his opinion that Fluttershy had just let some evil stranger in her house, but Fluttershy could only reply with one of her oblivious statements "Now now, Angel...Just because his hat and cutie mark look..." she looks back at the Shadowcolt still engrossed in his literature, cringing a little, turning back to her bunny "...scary, doesn't mean he's all bad...I'm sure he'll come around and be a good addition to Ponyville in no time..." she smiled, wondering if Dr. Facilier could be as good as Zecora. Angel gritted his teeth, and then waved a paw as a gesture of saying 'Screw it' and hopped back into his little home. Fluttershy could only watch him go with a look of sadness and confusion on her face 'Why does he have to be so sore with me?' She then heard what sounded like evil laughter, gasping and cringing as she looked around, and noticed it came from the living room. She saw the doctor laughing with triumph as he closed the book and made his way towards the kitchen, only to stop in front of a shaking Fluttershy "Wh-Wh-Wh-Why were you laughing like that?" Dr. Facilier coud only grin as his horn glowed and the book he read floated towards him. "I read this book from cover to cover! I should head down to Twilight's and get another!" Fluttershy gasped in awe as she placed a hoof over her mouth "You finished that whole book in just a few hours?? You and Twilight could be good friends!" When she heard herself say that, she could only look down, appearing like a sad puppy, and only succeeded in making the doctor look confused. "Hey now, girl, what's up with you? Did I say somethin' wrong? What'd I do?" Fluttershy shook her head "No, it's not your fault, Dr. Facilier...I'm just thinking too much is all..." She continued looking down, only to have her face lifted by a gentle hoof under her chin, looking up at the doctor and blushing a little as he grinned with reassuring eyes. "Nothin's more sadder than a sad little lady. Jus' tell me what's up, no need to get shady..." Fluttershy could only stutter at his words, but then defended herself "B-B-But didn't you say that you should 'grind curiousity to a halt?'" The doctor was impressed that she had listened to him so much, and shook his head with a smile. "Ain't nothing wrong with a little freebie... Now why doncha share your problems with me?" Fluttershy looked away, blushing a little more "W-Well, umm...Dr. Facilier...I wondered if you...umm..." she kicked at the ground, then looked up "If you..." her eyes widened as she gasped and looked at the clock. It was 6:45, only 15 minutes until the party started. She galloped to the door "Oh my gosh, we're gonna be late!" Dr. Facilier looked at her and could only question her change in moods. "Slow your role girl, what's the hurry? Why'd ya go from shy to worried?" Fluttershy turned to the Shadowcolt and reminded him of an earlier event "The party! The party for you! We have to head to Sugarcube Corner quickly! We're going to be late!" The doctor shook his head at how she acted, but decided to go since he already finished his book. He levitated it to the living room couch and followed Fluttershy outside as the two broke into a fierce gallop into Ponyville. While they galloped, Dr. Facilier noticed that nopony was outside. He wondered if they retired into their respective houses since it was starting to get late, and that nopony in this village ever heard of the term 'Night life'. Focusing back on the trail ahead of him, he followed Fluttershy to a house that looked like it was made entirely of confectionary treats of all sorts. This caused him to take a step back with a hesitant expression on his face 'Better not be no cannibalistic witch in that house...' he then noticed one of his hooves being weakly pulled by Fluttershy "In here, c'mon..." He followed her inside, but the whole place was pitch black. The doctor looked around each imaginary corner of the shrouding blackness, and felt as if this were some kind of joke. "Hey, Fluttershy, this ain't right. Why ain't there no sign o' light?" Fluttershy nodded "Don't worry, Dr. Facilier...I'll get it..." she shut the door and trotted to a switch, turning it on, only to be welcomed by a myriad of ponies of different colors, a familiar pink one in front yelling 'SURPRISE~!' the moment the lights turned on. This caused the doctor to yell and stumble backward, landing on his haunches at the sight in front of him. He gave a dirty glare to Pinkie. "What the hell was that about!? You trying to kill me or wear me out!?" He wasn't a fan of being scared out of his pants, and watched as Pinkie drooped her ears and grinned sheepishly at Dr. Facilier "Oops...sorry, Dr. Fa-silly-a. I never thought you wouldn't be a fan of surprise parties." She then perked up as she spread her hooves "But, hey! We still got a party for you to enjoy! C'mon!" She pulled him further into the crowd and introduced him to many folks he probably won't even remember once he accomplished his goals. After the pleasantries and formalities have been made, Dr. Facilier convinced Pinkie that he should mingle before participating in any party games that she had in mind. He trotted along, and was lucky enough to run into Twilight, who was sipping some punch contently. The Shadowcolt made his way to her, wanting to thank her for furthering his quest for power before going back to sitting in the nearest chair and waiting for the party to blow over. "Hey there, Twilight, I just wanna say thanks For refreshing my memory and movin' my ranks! That book you gave me did me a favor! I can't wait to read more for my mind to savor." Twilight giggled at the doctor's grateful rhymes, and felt so good about knowing there were more ponies interested in books "I'm glad you liked it, Dr. Facilier. How far are you on that book, I wonder?" The doctor grinned triumphantly and stated his claim with pride. "Took care o' that thing in a few good hours. I'd be happy to read more and strengthen my powers." Twilight was impressed "That whole book in just a few hours? We could get along just find, you and I!" She said with a friendly grin. It was funny how he heard that same line from Fluttershy not too long ago. She then felt like talking more "Say, Dr. Facilier...Where exactly do you hail from? And do you know Zecora at all? She's the only other zebra I'm familiar with an-" A pink blur shot up and stopped next to Twilight to reveal Pinkie, who looked serious, yet flashed some comical sense to her expression "Twilight! I know now!" Twilight raised an eyebrow at Pinkie "Know what, Pinkie?" Pinkie raised a hoof "I read up all the facts about Dr. Fa-silly-a!" The doctor was getting annoyed with how three mares including Pinkie had to pronounce his name, yet was intrigued as to how exactly she 'knew' about him. Pinkie struck a pose as she began to sing "He's an evil enchanter, and he'll charm you with banter-" Twilight scorned Pinkie at this "Pinkie! We've been over this! Don't act this way now!" She couldn't believe that Pinkie had to sing a different version of a song she made for Zecora. Pinkie stopped, looking sad, but then nodded "You're right, Twilight! I shouldn't spoil the story just yet! Even though most of the readers know already!" Both Twilight and Dr. Facilier looked confused "....What?" Pinkie turned to the doctor "Sorry, Dr. Fa-silly-a!" The doctor nodded as he spoke to her in a kind tone. "We all make mistakes, I don't think you bad. This party's the best I've ever had. He wanted to make sure she was in good spirits so she won't act so differently around the other ponies and cause some rumors about him to rise. He wanted to stay in the dark and keep it that way. Pinkie, who had an improved mood, asked him a question "Dr. Fa-silly-a, where are you from? I mean, not like in Louisiana of course, but where in Equestria?" Dr. Facilier was dumbfounded at how this one pony could know so much about him, yet keep a bubbly and childish nature going. He felt like he had almost nothing to hide from her, but he decided to humor her with an answer. "I came from a forest very far. With what I've seen, it's been bizarre." At least he was dodging bullets with small bits of truth, and felt his relief vanish as Pinkie replied "You came from a forest? That's happened so many times before! You definitely aren't the first pony to land in the Everfree Forest!" He began to sweat. How did this one mare know so much about him? He shifted his eyes, hoping for possibly sanctuary from Fluttershy, who was nowhere in his sight. Twilight caught on to Dr. Facilier's expression and turned to Pinkie "Pinkie, I think you're making him nervous. Maybe you should give him some air." Pinkie turned to Twilight and smiled "Okie Dokie Loki!" She then turned back to the doctor "See ya, Dr. Fa-silly-a! Enjoy the party~!" she hopped back into the crowd, leaving a confused pair of ponies behind. Twilight turned to the Shadowcolt "I'm sorry about her. She can be such a strange pony sometimes." Dr. Facilier waved a hoof at her. "I've witnessed many strange things in my time. One of them being I was born to rhyme..." Twilight chuckled "I've always wondered about that, actually. Do all zebras rhyme, or just certain ones?" He couldn't find a straight answer, and decided it was best to go look for his favorite pawn. "While I'd love to lift your darkness, dear, I'm gonna find more folks to talk to here." Twilight, feeling as if she just been avoided and denied a chance of expanding her knowledge, looked at him with a faint sense of disappointment, but then smiled "Okay. Have fun, Dr. Facilier" She said as he trotted off in search of Fluttershy. This was going to be a long night... End of Chapter 6