Running from Twilight

by Brony-Sibling

JUST a... hug?

"Oh wow... What big teeth he has!"

"Oh my... What long canines he has! "

"Opf! What bad breath he has!"

You are slowly beginning to regain consciousness, and as you do you feel a comforting breeze gently playing with your hair. It's ever so slightly warm, and it even smells a slight bit of... Toothpaste?


Suddenly you feel something touching your mou- no... Your teeth?


You open your eyes to come face to face with the most beautiful blue eyes you'd ever seen. Wait, that wasn't a breeze you were feeling... that- that was breathing!

What do? Come on brain... Think of something!

"Hi?" You manage to get out while smiling nervously. Wait, something was touching your mouth? What is-

"Haha! I knew it!" The blue mare excitedly interrupts your train of thought. "You're a carnivore!" She says practically squealing the last part out.

"Um..." You start to try to say something, but the blue mare interrupts you.

"They look so... Sharp!" She says, her excitement causing her voice to quaver. She quickly presses against your body, and leans forward almost nose to nose to get a better look at your teeth.

In shock you push her back to an arms length and gasp out, "Miss! I don't even know you!"

"Oh... Right!" She nervously chuckles, then she slides up a little bit closer to you and sticks her hoof out for a handshake. You cautiously shake her hoof gently. She beams and excitedly says,

"I'm Colgate! I live here in Ponyville, and I'm a dentist! I've always loved taking care of teeth, and honestly I would just... Love to touch yours!"

Colgate wasn't making eye contact. Her hoof still hadn't let go of your hand from the handshake, and she was very clearly staring at your mouth.

*Ahem* "Colgate? My eyes are up here." You say irritably gesturing to your eyes.

"Hmmm...? Oh! Right...." Colgate says while blushing, "I just... They are so big!" She squees.

You roll your eyes. "Listen Colgate... You need to-"

Colgate quickly reaches her hooves forward and squeezes your cheeks (not THOSE cheeks you pervert!) and beams as soon as she sees what she's been looking for with such intensity.

"Hey!" You say, swatting her hooves off you. "No touching!"

"Oh come on!" Colgate says with a flirtatious smile. "If you didn't like them being touched you wouldn't be flashing those beauties around!" She starts reaching forward to your mouth again and you swat her hooves away a second time.

"I can't believe I'm having this conversation! No means NO!" You announce loudly.

Colgate's ears droop. "So... You don't like me?" Small tears start to form at the corners of her eyes. "You... Think I'm weird and obsessed like every other stallion has?"

"No... Nonono!" You can't take it. Those gorgeous puppy eyes had you. There was no WAY you could let yourself hurt her feelings! So you carefully shake your head while smiling reassuringly at her. "I just think that you have to respect my personal space. I mean you can't just come out of nowhere and just.... start..."

You just noticed the increasingly vacant expression on Colgate's face, and the little bit of drool starting to trickle down her mouth. Ah crud... you've been smiling at her. Quickly covering up your teeth you admonish her,

"Colgate! Hey! Did you hear anything I just said!?"

Colgate snaps out of it and stutters out, "What? Um.... Yeah! You were talking about... Personal.... Things?"

You facepalm.

"Colgate... If you can't do anything but stare at my teeth then I'm going to have to stop smiling around you!" You say frustratedly.

"No don't do that!" Colgate hurredly says, "You have... The most BEAUTIFUL smile I've ever seen! It'd be a crime to cover it up!"


"I mean... If you have it, flaunt it!"


"Why would you-"

"Colgate!!!" You interrupt. "I'm more than just my teeth!" You say while crossing your arms in frustration.

"I'll SAY!"

You were just interrupted by a mint and white unicorn from the door, holding what seems to be a bag of groceries. "Have you seen those hands!"

"uggggh...." You quietly groan as you massage your temples.

"Oh... Are those STRONG hands bothering you?" Lyra says saucily while trotting over. "Here, let me help..." Without asking the mint unicorn drops her bag of groceries and grabs your hands in her hooves, and shaking your hand says, "I'm Lyra! I... Hope we can be good friends..."

With that she gives you the biggest puppy eyes you've ever seen, and then right as your guard goes down...

Straight away she begins to nuzzle your hands.

Wow... She sure is soft...

"UM! *Ahem* Excuse me!" You quickly tear your hands away from Lyra and back a few steps away from the mares.

"You two.. Just..."

You pause, take a moment to compose yourself, and yell.

"Quit touching me!" You stick your hands into your hoodie's pocket in frustration and notice Lyra's face fall in disappointment. "I don't.... Like being grabbed at!" You mutter out, completely red faced.

Lyra and Colgate both look at you, than eachother, then back to you. They both smile and open their arms for a group hug. After a few seconds of hesitation Colgate beckons you in, after another second of hesitation you slowly join in the hug.

Colgate gently squeezes you and says, "We're sorry... It's just... You are so.... So...." Colgate pauses, searching for the right word.

"Gorgeous!?" Lyra exclaims.

"Yes! Gorgeous!" Colgate affirms. "And we've never seen anything like you... So... We're curious!"

"Well..." You start to say, "I guess that-"

"HEY! Whose hoof is that!" You yell in alarm.

With a sheepish squee Lyra holds up her hoof. "Hehe... My bad."

"That's IT!" You angrily yell. You push yourself away from the soft... Incredibly... Soft... *ahem* group hug and blushing you say.

"Alright. Sit down! We need to talk!"

You begin pacing around the two mares who are sitting and listening to you, gesturing wildly as you speak (Lyra seems to be drooling now...)

"I just was kidnapped, almost turned into a mare, pursued by a MAGICAL UNICORN, almost made into a state-sponsored baby-maker, groped by a forest, kidnapped by rainbow dash, and now...."

You turn on the two sheepish looking unicorns, "I'm being felt up by two unicorns who didn't even bother to ask my name!"

"Oh! I know!" Lyra happily squeaks out, "I'll call you Mr. Handsy!"

You facepalm. "Girls... Just call me America. Every other pony has." You groan out.

"Nice to meet you 'Mare-ica!" Lyra happily says, "So.... Friendship group hugs??" She blurts out a little TOO enthusiastically.

"Any OTHER ideas..." You say, your eyebrow twitching angrily.

"Toothpaste fight?" Colgate timidly suggests.

Rubbing your temples you sit down."Girls.. I.... Where do I start with you two!" You say.

Lyra begins to say, "Back massag-"

"NO!" You interrupt. "Are you girls interested in anything OTHER than my body?"

Colgate hesitantly asks, "What... Else... Is.. There?"

"What else is-..." You exclaim in frustration. "Lots! LOTS!There is lots of things about me other than my body! Like my personality!" You exclaim.

Lyra looks at you quizzically and says,

"But... You don't look fat..."

"Urrrgh!" You groan out. "You mares are impossible!"

You begin storming toward the door, right as you are reaching toward the handle, you feel a hoof gently rest on your butt. You start to turn around to angrily tell off the grabby mare when she speaks first.

"'Merica?" Colgate says timidly. "I'm sorry... I just... Haven't been around stallions much and... I- we.... Don't know how to talk to guys..." Colgate removes her hoof and looks at the floor bashfully.

"We... We many not know much, but... If you'll have us, Lyra and I will do our best to be... Respectful." Colgate smiles at you, and Lyra places her hoof on Colgate's shoulder and nods.

You think for a few seconds... Well.... You don't know how to get out of Equestria, and even if you did, would you want to leave? Plus... You currently are trying to escape being ponyfied, and while these mares are a bit grabby... They strangely enough seem to LIKE you as a human...

"Alright." You say more to yourself than to anyone else. "Look. I need a place to stay, and... If..." You pause for a second. This feels really.. weird to be bargaining with two girls... Like this...

"If... Ifyouaregentleillletyoutouchme!" You blurt out.

Wow. Did you seriously just say that?

Lyra and Colgate's eyes both open wide, "Wow! Seriously!"

"It's a deal!" Lyra says quickly, sticking her hoof forward for a hoofshake.

While you feel a bit nervous... This should be a safe place to stay....

"Deal." You say, gently shaking Lyra's hoof.

Lyra starts to drool a slight bit and you barely hear her mutter excitedly, "Think of the possibilities!"

Oh my. What have you done.