//------------------------------// // Crossfire // Story: Universe 63 // by CarmenColor //------------------------------// "Twilight? This spell looks really simple. Are you sure you have to be asleep for this?" Elusive read the spell over several times. "I'm pretty sure. It's going to be another week at least until my magic comes back enough for that." "But...I could perform this spell, Twilight! Surely you-" "Wait...if you can perform the spell, you can probably cast it on me too, and I could direct it to Rarity as well. We could all be encompassed by it. Then I wouldn't have to be asleep! This is perfect." "But, Twilight... I don't really think that this is a good idea." Elusive cringed as Twilight tried to grab the book from his telekinetic grip. He held for a moment before dropping the object suddenly as he remembered what could happen. He didn't want to see anypony in pain, especially not her. "Please, Elusive? For me?" Twilight put on her best puppy dog face, to which Elusive could not say no, and leaned in really close to his face. "...Fine..." He lit his horn, reciting the spell pattern in his head. "So all I have to do is cast it on you?" "Yep, I'll do the rest. It's much less magic consuming, so it'll be safe for me." Twilight braced herself for the unreal sensation of somepony else casting on her. Elusive grimaced and let the spell sink into his horn and entwine itself in his mind. He built of magic in his horn for a moment before releasing it suddenly in a shockwave of magic. Twilight searched for Elusive's magic. There it was. She searched for Rarity's magic for a moment, before locking onto the unicorn's magic and pulling her into the spell. Then it was dark. Very dark. Twilight looked up to see two nearly identical white unicorn's standing in front of her. Their coats almost seemed to glow. "Twilight, darling! I was wondering when we would see each other....again..." Her eyes locked on Elusive. She stared at the colt for a long moment before throwing Twilight a questioning glance. "Oh, Rarity! It's great to see you again! This is Elusive, your...male counterpart." "Well, Twilight, that's all fine and lovely, but I have something really important to tell you." Elusive froze, horror-stricken. As soon as the frown had appeared, however, it was gone, replaced with a fake smile. He pulled Rarity away from Twilight. "Oh, before we do that, would you mind if we had a little chat? I've never talked to myself before, and I'd like to If I could." He looked pleadingly at her. She sighed and nodded her head. "Thank you, Twi. I just want to talk for a minute." He led Rarity away from Twilight. "Rarity, I know what you want to tell her," he whispered, "but I beg of you, please don't." She seemed taken aback. "Why on Equus not?" "Look," he said, "Twilight can't even perform this spell right now, much less the one that's been catapulting her through universes. Telling her will just make her even more anxious, and she's high strung as is. Give her some more time first. I don't want her trying to do more than she can. She's not used to having restrictions." Rarity was staring at him sympathetically. "Elusive, I know what you're trying to do," Rarity whispered, "but I am going to tell you right now that Twilight is not going to leave you forever. I do find sense in not telling her right now, and I'll wait for awhile. I'm not going to wait forever, though, Elusive." He nodded. "I know, I just..." His sentence trailed off into nothing. Rarity put a hoof on his shoulder. "I understand." She lowered her hoof and went over to Twilight. The two mares hugged and talked for a long while. Elusive watched them for awhile, and, true to her word, Rarity didn't mention what the two white unicorns had both figured out. It was very calm and peaceful in this little dream world place. "Twilight, we should get back. You can talk to Rarity again tonight while you're asleep." Elusive felt himself getting slightly tired. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up." "Alright, Elusive," Twilight said, "See you again soon, Rarity." As Elusive lowered his spell, he found himself back in the library. He sighed. "Twi, I should be getting back to the boutique. I have a stallion coming in later today for a suit fitting." Twilight seemed a little disappointed. "Oh, alright. I'm going to do a little studying on unicorn magic during sleep." She levitated over a few choice books. "I might not be over later if I find something really exciting." "That's fine, Twi. Take all the time you need. You deserve a little time to do whatever you want." Elusive gave Twilight a quick hug, and trotted out the door. He sighed guiltily as he entered the boutique and went into his inspiration room. He'd rather be with Twilight right now, not with some noble pony wanting a suit. The bell on the door chimed. Speak of the Nightmare... He put on his best smile and stepped it into the main room. "Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every garment is chic, unique, and magnifique." The pony was obviously of some noble class. His head was raised up, trying to make him look important. Elusive thought he looked like his neck was broken. Nobles always did take things a bit too far. After a very stressful time with the pony, Elusive sat down of his sofa with a good book. Twilight wouldn't mind him staying home for awhile, especially after that. Besides, she was probably still busy, and even if she wasn't, he was sure that she would approve of him reading something. As the alabaster colt attempted to lose himself in the pages of the book, he kept being reminded of what he'd done. How he'd kept that information from Twilight. It made him feel a little guilty that he hadn't let Rarity tell her. He knew why he had done it, but something about it felt morally wrong. He sighed, putting the book down. "Sorry, Twilight," he whispered.