//------------------------------// // Letters to the Future (23.5) // Story: Embrace the Darkness, Carpe Noctem // by musicman722 //------------------------------// Dear Gunhaver, I want to thank you in advance for your cooperation in our request for more information. We were disappointed that your forces have reported a significant loss on most of the escaped prisoners you have been tracking. We had hoped that you could capture one of them who could shed some light on the situation. I know that your agency has enjoyed a high degree of freedom with little scrutiny during your employment. It is not our intention to disrupt your progressive military program, but instead, to find a way to work together in a manner that befits all our responsibilities. I am certain you will agree and look forward to making this process as painless as I possibly can. Sincerely, Princess Luna ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Luna, While I am obligated to assist you, I ask that you not waste my time with irrelevant questions. My agency is usually unconcerned with directives, such as troop reassignment. Except, of course, in the most critical of matters. Sincerely, Gunhaver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gunhaver, Due to your busy schedule, we have begun interviewing members of your staff. I'm certain you will let us know if this bothers you. Our debriefings keep coming back to a single subject in both mine and your territory. Can you explain what this matter is and what your plans are for it? Sincerely, Princess Luna ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Luna Rest assured, I have this situation under control. While the prisoners are proving to be an elusive enemy, my agents are already closing in on them. I expect, and hope, that this incident will reach a conclusion soon and I will be able to return to my research. Hopefully, without further interruption. Sincerely, Gunhaver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gunhaver, We can all understand that a shift from Mercenary to Royal Guard can be a difficult adjustment for anybody, but especially for someone of your standard. In that spirit, we have attempted to accommodate your brief explanations to our serious inquiries. Nonetheless, I feel compelled to inform you that even our trust has it's limits. Sincerely, Princess Luna ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Luna, As I've told you before, the prisoners are simply entities seeking to increase their power in these confusing days after their release. In my perspective, that seems to be a very common occurrence at the moment. Sincerely, Gunhaver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gunhaver, Your Program was granted the use of some of our top scientists and resources for your military experiments. Yet, records show that some of these resources have gone missing or simply not appeared in the projects you are working on and my little ponies do not recall any details about this. Surely, this must be a documentation error or that it means you have some potent alcohol stored and they have severe hangovers the next day from drinking all night at your base. We anticipate proper records soon. Sincerely, Princess Luna ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Luna, I understand your concern for your precious subjects and that increased activity would bring increased risk in this work. However, my fail-safes are simple, but fool proof. A drunk or ill personnel's beacon will automatically notify the medical staff to retrieve them and they will be on the scene immediately to secure them and make sure they receive treatment. Sincerely, Gunhaver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gunhaver, I feel you are avoiding the question. If the staff are able to acquire this alcohol on a regular basis and suffer these horrid hangovers, why are you not restricting their intake? Would not that verify, as indicated earlier, that your base now runs unsanctioned experiments with this missing resources? If so, where are these resources going and, more importantly, how are you using them? Sincerely, Princess Luna ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Luna, My records in this matter are impeccable and I will refer you to them. It is true that I was granted the use of these scientists and resources, yet with special condition to conduct my experiments. That is all I was allowed to do, and that is all I have done. Of course, I'm sure that we will agree that the core mission of any scientific endeavor is to find creative solutions to unexpected problems. Sincerely, Gunhaver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gunhaver, Do your “creative solutions” include circumvention of safety protocols that every member of the military and science fields must follow? If they do not, then I fail to see how these experiments of yours have managed to secure not just our, but several sources of materials for your projects. Protocol is not a guideline, dear Gunhaver, it is doctrine, and no one is above it's rules. Sincerely, Princess Luna ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Luna, I, too, hold protocol in the highest regard. The doctrine keeps all safe during any experiment. If you are insinuating, ma'am, that I violated it in anyway or that I was derelict in my duty to you, then I suggest you be direct and tell me exactly how I did so. Sincerely, Gunhaver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gunhaver, My laws are not designed to cover every possible infraction that may take place. However, this edict of the law is clear: Blatant disregard for the safety and well being of citizens in any form will always be a punishable offense, regardless of how well or by whom that offense has been just. Sincerely, Princess Luna ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Luna, While I appreciate your concern, allow me to correct you in one area. I value all subjects well being, but I revere above all else our ability to continue as a species, our ability to survive. No committee, no bureaucrat, will ever convince me otherwise. Sincerely, Gunhaver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gunhaver, Please do not attempt to recast this investigation as some type of personal vendetta. My questions to this point have been fairly standard, your reactions have not. As such we will secure all your records and logs by my authority granted as Goddess of the Night. Now I shall see what exactly it is that you have to hide. Sincerely, Princess Luna ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Luna, I imagine this investigation of my program is providing you with the attention that politicians crave so much. How very predictable. What has surprised me most about mankind, ponykind, and every species I've met so far, is not the ability to adapt to the new arenas of conflict, but our willingness in victory, to so quickly return to the old. Sincerely, Gunhaver ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Gunhaver, It is clear that your agency and primary program, Project Freelancer, have abused the trust and freedoms that I have provided you. Your abuse of the staff and resources will now become the subject of a criminal investigation. I'm sorry, but you have seen the end of my patience. Sincerely, Princess Luna Goddess of the Night Co-Ruler of Equestria ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Princess Luna, I don't give a damn about your investigation or your opinions of my work. Have you forgotten that we will be going to war? A fight with an alien race for the very survival of our species? I feel that I must remind you, that it is an undeniable, and I must say fundamental quality of life, that when faced with extinction, every alternative is preferable. Sincerely, Gunhaver The FuckMothering Night Shade Director of the Freelancers ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sent the message on it's way and sighed. This indeed was hectic times for me ever since I arrived here. I pulled out my Codex and began to write down more ideas when a voice interrupted me. “Director,” “Not now, Phyllis. I'm busy.” I said impatiently. “Of course Director, but one of our agents in the field has reported in. They said they've found the Spire and that the targets are congregating around it.” I stopped writing. “Phyllis, I want you to print out that report. Then I want you to have the Vengance, Daedalus, and Achilles prepped for battle.” “Yes sir, anything else?” “Notify the crews that we will be going with two contingents of SPARTANS, ODSTs, and Commandos.” I closed my book and put it away. I stood up and floated over to my personal armory. “But sir, wouldn't it be wise to take the Leviathan instead?” “No, It's not entirely ready yet and I'm saving it for emergencies.” I clipped on my satchel and filled it with supplies. “Would the Spire not count as an emergency?” “Trust me Phyllis, I'm saving it for the End and this isn't it. I've seen it. However, have it on standby and ready to move at a moment's notice, should it be necessary.” I attached two bandoliers to my robes and placed my rifle in it's holster. “Yes sir.” she said before disappearing. I sighed before leaving the room to go down to my ship, “And so begins the end of everything.”