//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 // Story: Are You Ready? // by Dirty Bit //------------------------------// Chapter 8 New day, new threads, new plan. Last night was amazing for Fluttershy, sitting next to her newest friend whom she cared so much about while staring at the moon under the trees with him. The funny thought is, she'd like to be a tree, but she digressed with the heartfelt moment. It was short-lived, however, seeing as how the day after the party, it was as if none of the events involving the two never happened. In fact, it was much more different today despite her guest's company. Dr. Facilier was busy with more books he borrowed from the library, studying hard as he read each page with an excited grin similar to a foal in a candy store. He really enjoyed reading those books as much as Twilight, and it bothered Fluttershy slightly, seeing as how he ignored her a bit. She felt a bit torn to see him pay attention to more books than the same mare that welcomed him into her home, and was kind enough to give him a small tour of Ponyville. She stroked a hoof under her chin, wondering if she should take Rainbow Dash's advice and be more assertive around the Shadowcolt, although, he hasn't done much wrong since he arrived. She blushed at the thought of them being together, but then hung her head down knowing he didn't particularly want to go that far. Maybe she just needed to give him time to understand her feelings towards him, but for now, she wanted to talk to him and maybe convince him to help feed her animal friends. Mustering a small hint of confidence, she trotted over to Dr. Facilier's side and smiled, although he didn't acknowledge her, and cleared her throat to try and get his attention "Umm, Dr. Facilier? As much as you are having fun with your books, do you think maybe you could help me with my chores? I-If it's not too much to ask, that is..." The doctor, not even turning to Fluttershy, simply waved a hoof, as if shooing a fly from his personal space. "I'll be with ya, darlin', I'm jus' a bit busy. All these books are downright nifty!" He almost drooled at the newest spell he had his eyes on: A 'Coming to Life' spell. He wondered if he would pass himself off as a necromancer as well, conjuring some slaves to do his bidding 'I really do need another set of hands to do my work...I mean hooves...Damn, this place is really gettin' to me...'. But before he could think further, Fluttershy tried speaking again "P-Please, Dr. Facilier? I would really appreciate your help...and I don't want to keep my animals from starving..." The doctor sighed and looked at the small hint of sadness in Fluttershy's eyes. While he thought he was his old self again, for some odd reason, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt for almost brushing her off 'The hell is wrong with me?'. He clenched his eyes at his feeling, then took a deep breath as he got up. "Sorry, Flutters, I can't help myself... Every page in these books are considerable wealth." Fluttershy smiled, and responded with a better mood "Oh, it's alright...I understand you only want to expand your knowledge since you want to stay here-" There was a knock on the door, causing the timid mare to flinch a little and turn to it. She looked back to Dr. Facilier with a smile "Could you please get started while I answer the door? I really appreciate your help..." she said as she gave the Shadowcolt a small nuzzle and went to the door. Upon answering, Rarity stood with a smile on her face "Fluttershy, darling! Is Dr. Facilier here?? I need to see him!" Fluttershy tilted her head at Rarity, then turned to see the Shadowcolt levitating sacks of animal feed as he trotted over with a question. "Hey, Fluttershy, where do I begin- He saw Rarity and flashed a charming smile Hey there, Rarity, how y'all doin'?" Rarity giggled at his greeting and beamed at him "Just the gentlecolt I wanted to see! I need you for a favor, if you don't mind!" Fluttershy obviously knew Rarity's intentions, what with how she wanted new designs and the like in her line of fashion, but was surprised to hear Dr. Facilier speak. "Politely declined, I'm afraid to say... Perhaps I'll help later today." This caused Rarity to pout a little "Oh, but I really need you right now! I have a new design and YOU'RE just the pony I'm looking for!" Fluttershy cut in with a suggestion "Umm, Rarity...If you don't mind me asking...why haven't you talked to Big Macintosh yet?" Rarity shook her head "Nonono! This design was meant solely for Dr. Facilier and nopony else!" She turned to the doctor with pleading eyes and a begging smile "Please come by to my boutique?? Pleeeease~?" Dr. Facilier couldn't handle dealing with a woman who wouldn't shut up about what she wanted, let alone a unicorn mare that admired his charm. But when he thought about it, he felt rather naked with only his hat, and he didn't want to feel like a lowly quadraped that feasted upon grass the whole time despite his new magical discoveries. He looked to Fluttershy, who looked back at him "I-I won't stop you, if you want to go, Dr. Facilier..." she looked down with a smile "Um...I-In fact...I'd love to see what you would look like in a set of clothes..." She looked up at him "Since it's Rarity who's doing it, she's bound to give you something nice..." The Shadowcolt was happy to know that he didn't have to deal with feeding some animals he didn't even care for, and he even gets a nice suit for it. It's a win-win. He gently levitated the sacks of animal feed he carried on the floor of the living room, and looked at the two mares with a smile. "Guess my mind's made up today... I'll follow ya, Rarity. Lead the way." Rarity could only give off a cute fangirlish squeal as she trotted in place at a fast pace. She then turned herself and nodded her head for him to follow "This way, please! This is going to be SPECTACULAR!" She said as she began trotting along the trail to Ponyville with a wide grin on her face. Dr. Facilier reluctantly followed, thinking that he might be in for a world of hurt. Giving one last look to Fluttershy for reassurance, she could only look at him with a confused expression, only to grin at him. He thought he heard a cute squeal the moment she grinned, but smiled back at her as he turned and followed Rarity to her shop. He never got the chance to see Rarity's home, and he had to admit, it looked marvelous on the outside, reminding him of an old Carousel ride back in his world. Rarity looked back at him with a smile "Well, here we are! Welcome to Carousel Boutique, where every thing is chic, unique, and magnifique!" The Shadowcolt gave a low whistle to the exterior design. "I'm likin' the looks or your place already... I'll bet your business is nice and steady!" Rarity raised her nose in the air with a smile after giving her stylish mane a toss with her hoof "Your charm just knows no bounds, does it?" She then turns to him "Oh, but what are we doing out here? Let's get you fitted, shall we?" She said as she opened the door and led Dr. Facilier inside. He looked around and saw many pony-shaped mannequins (or ponnequins) covered with exotic and stylish dresses, most of them appearing feminine. He always wondered about the gender ratio in Ponyville, but paid it no mind as Rarity lead him to a large stand. "Now you just stand right up there! I'll be right with you!" she said as she trotted to get some supplies. The doctor watched, thinking this probably wasn't a good idea, as he felt like one of his voodoo dolls about to get poked with a pin at every angle of his body. He spotted Rarity pulling out a large roll of dark purple fabric, some balls of thread, and one of the sharpest pins he ever seen since his failed plot back in his old life. Rarity looked at Dr. Facilier with a wide smile "Now, hold still! I can't WAIT to get started!" The Shadowcolt could only twitch his eye as he regretted his decision completely. After what felt like a long period of small mistakes and stifled yells, a new suit had been made for the witch doctor. He had to admit, while the wait was painstaking, it was very much worth it as he began admiring himself in the mirror with a grin on his face. He had a purple tuxedo similar to the one he wore as a human, only instead of a shoddy light purple undershirt, he got a suave white dress shirt with black buttons. The sleeves on his tuxedo were complimented with small topaz cufflinks for extra flair, were he to come around higher-class ponies. He couldn't be more happier with this article of clothing, feeling like his old self again, minus his signature cane. He then looked down at his shadow, and his brightened mood slowly began to wither away as he realize his old friend might be lost forever. His shadow was all he needed to complete the set and feel like he was on top of the world once more, and all it could do was stare back at Dr. Facilier, mimicking his movement as he raised a hoof to look at his clothes. Rarity, upon seeing his faint depression, looked as if she were about to be told a loved one was dying "Do you not like it? Did I overdo it? Was it not enough!?" She asked frantically, snapping the doctor back to reality as he turned and gave a smile to Rarity. "This is the best thing I've ever seen! Your style of fashion is very serene!" Rarity, smiling upon his words, sighed in relief "Thank you, darling. I've never thought I would make something like this for anypony in only a few hours! You really have done me a good service!" It was good for the doctor to know that she wasn't about to smack a filly, but then looked back and wondered about his clothes. ...How much was this going to cost? He flinched upon the very thought of money, remembering he was more broke than his old talisman, and wondered how exactly he was going to pay. Maybe Fluttershy would be kind enough to lend him a few bits of cash in order to pay off the expenses for the suit. He did not want to part with something so amazing that it could increase his charms and good looks tenfold. He slowly turned to Rarity, an embarrassed smile on his face as he asked. "Just to be sure that I'm not lost... How much exactly will all this cost?" Rarity, who only tilted her head in confusion, only waved a dismissive hoof with a warm smile on her face "Oh, don't worry yourself at all about the costs, Dr. Facilier. You modeled for me, and the suit looks positively ravishing on you! Also, it's not like you needed something to go by to begin with, seeing as how you've only been in Ponyville for a day. Consider this one free of charge, courtesy of Your's truly!" She said as she batted her eyelashes in an attempt to look attractive and give the doctor some charm of her own. Dr. Facilier could not believe his ears. This suit, which would probably cost thousands back in his world, just given to him. By a pony. for FREE. He thought this was some kind of sick joke at first as he raised an eyebrow at her. "What's your game, girl? You sure about this? You sure there ain't any terms I've missed?" Rarity looked taken aback "You think I'm joking? Darling, I would never joke about giving away such fabulous clothing away to a friend! And that's only the first reason. I need to stick to my element after all!" He almost paid attention to the next part, remembering Twilight talk about something called the 'Elements of Harmony' when he was borrowing more books. The books! He wanted to go back and manifest more power from each page 'The sooner I get outta this place, the sooner I'll be wakin' the dead! Hehehe...'. So he wrapped up his little episode with Rarity and spoke with a smile on his face. "Thank y'all, darlin', for these new threads. I'm bound to turn me some more heads!" Rarity was overjoyed by his grateful statement, thinking that the Shadowcolt might do her proud in trotting around with his new suit. When she was about to reply, her door slammed open, revealing Twilight, who had Spike sitting on her back "Rarity! Are you here!?" Rarity trotted over, a little annoyed at Twilight's entry, yet thought something big might have happened and began to feel concerned "Twilight? What is it, dear?" She turned and smiled to Spike "Hello, Spikey!" Spike stood up on Twilight's back and bowed to Rarity "How's it going, milady?" He said with a smug smile, and lifted up to see his worst enemy behind the love of her life. Spike really had a thing for Rarity, and Dr. Facilier and his charismatic aura would only cripple his chances of happiness. He glared a little as he muttered "What's he doing here?" Twilight looked up at her assistant, looking stern "Spike, be nice!" She turned to Rarity "I'm actually here because of him!" Rarity tilted her head "Why? Did he forget to return a book on time? I'd consider a stallion of his type to be more punctual-" Twilight interrupted "Not that! I got a letter from the Princess wanting us Dr. Facilier to come to her castle!" The doctor couldn't believe his ears as he heard Twilight. It was only his second day in this village, and already he's being summoned to a castle. He grinned at the thought of bending the princess to his will, giving him whatever he wanted, be it money or a spot in the royal courts. Rarity could continue "Really? Why, that's fantastic! With the doctor in his new suit, I'm sure Princess Celestia would be thrilled to meet him!" Spike scoffed at the thought of Dr. Facilier being liked by the princess, let alone Rarity. He admitted he was jealous of him, but he just couldn't handle a random stranger of a stallion to just waltz into Ponyville and try to sweep his girl off her feet. Rarity smiled "What are we doing standing here? Let's get the girls before the train leaves!" She turned to the Shadowcolt "Dr. Facilier! Why don't you head back over to Fluttershy's and tell her the news! Oh, and do be careful with the suit! I want you to look your best for the princess!" She added with pleading eyes. Dr. Facilier thought this was going all too well for him after dealing with enough crazy stuff in his time. Perhaps he just might break ties with his newly made friends if everything he ever wanted comes to him soon enough. He trotted along the trail back to Fluttershy's college with an evil grin on his face, ready to turn his first crown-adorned head with his new suit. End of Chapter 8