//------------------------------// // Apples and Trix // Story: Equestria's Mirage // by Alchemystudent //------------------------------// Apples and Tricks         Trixie looked around at the black cats, their bodies seemingly growing a little larger as they walked to the two unicorns, “ Mind telling Trixie, just what in Equestria are those!?” Trixie asked, backing away a little. “They’re fearcats. They like to feed on one’s fear of them to increase their power.” Twilight said, her horn beginning to glow a violet aura. “ That must be why they are growing larger...they are draining your fear.” Trixie said, a smile on her face, “Don't worry, though; I, the GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRRRRRRRRIXIE, will take them down.” Trixie then caused her horn to glow bright blue, and firing a bolt at a leaping fearcat. The creature stopped in mid leap, and fell into the void below. Twilight looked impressed as she fired an energy bolt at two of the creatures, “ Wait, why did he stop?” “ Oh, Trixie just made him think that the distance was shorter than it was to come here. He misjudged his jump and fell thanks to Trixie’s unbelievable illusion magic.” Trixie said, throwing a few more illusion spells at the fearcats, making them fall. Cocking her head a little over her shoulder, Trixie looked at Twilight, “Bet Trixie can hit more than you.” “WHAT??? We’re fighting for our lives and you, WANT TO TURN THIS INTO A COMPETITION!?” Twilight yelled, leaping out of the way of a claw swipe. “Why, yes. How else is Trixie going to prove that she is better than you?” Trixie said, her voice sounding shocked that Twilight wouldn't want to compete. “Fine! If only because I know you will do it anyway.” Twilight said, firing a few more energy blasts at the remaining fearcats. In time, the fight was over with the remaining fearcats running away and licking their wounds. Painting, Twilight turned to Trixie who had conjured up a magical scoreboard that read: Twilight Sparkle-23 The Great and Powerful Trixie-22,000. “Wait, there were only 45 of them.” Twilight said as she used her magic to grab a few stones here and there and began to line them up. “So, Trixie may be off by one or two... What is your point?” Trixie asked. “Never mind.” Twilight said as she lined up the stones and began to conjure her tracking spell. Making sure of the links that will guide her to her friends, she turned to Trixie, “ Why are you here though?” “Trixie was sent here by her teacher on a quest to save and protect the element bearers from some sort of evil creature. Trixie, forgot that it was you six who are the bearers unfortunately.”  Trixie said, moving her hat a little and walking up next to Twilight. “Your...teacher?” Twilight asked. “Yes, Trixie got herself one after astounding her with some marvelous feats of magic. Maybe after Trixie is done saving you all, she will introduce her to you.” Trixie said, “So, which one of your friends are we going to save first: the redneck, the suicidal daredevil, the crazed maniac, the over dramatic diva, or the timid one.” Trixie asked as she watched Twilight create a path for them both. “Applejack.” Twilight said as she began to walk away from Trixie. “ The redneck? Why her? The rainbow maned dunderhead would make a far better choice with her speed.” Trixie said as she followed Twilight. “That is true, but Applejack, “ Twilight then moved a few more rocks to get an even path before them, “ Applejack has a way for looking deeper into ponies and has enough common sense to see reality from fiction. That is something I am going to need to break whatever is holding the others in their dream prisons.” “Trixie doesn't think you really need. Trixie could do all of the work, BLINDFOLDED!” Trixie said with an air of arrogance. “ Also, her strength...could protect you while I am busy.” Twilight said, softly to herself. “She, is thinking about me?” Trixie said as she followed Twilight across the stones. ___________________ Mirage watched the scene play out before her eyes, a low growl coming from her mouth, “Oh-, how sweet my little pet; you found a companion that can keep you company through this ordeal. It gives you hope doesn't it?” She then slowly scratched the arm of her chair, smirking to show her fangs. “But, what is this I see? A small tiny seed of hatred? Lets see what happens when I let it grow and see if I can shatter your hope with but five simple words, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!” With that she disappeared in a flash of smoke and then appeared next to Trixie’s ear and whispered, “what makes her so special?” and then went back to her chair, to watch the fun before her. _______________________ “You know? Thats right? WHAT ON EQUESTRIA MAKES YOU SO SPECIAL?” Trixie asked, her horn flaring up with blue magic. “ What?”” Twilight asked as she turned to see Trixie glaring at her. “You heard Trixie! What makes you so special that you get so much handed to you on a silver platter!” Trixie said as she fired a bolt at Twilight, making the purple unicorn jump back. “What do you mean? I haven't had anything handed to me!!” Twilight said, looking shocked. “OH NO?! You have a royal guard brother, became the princess's ROYAL STUDENT, and was chosen to bear an ancient relic!” Trixie took another shot, this one almost hitting Twilight were it not for her shield, “All because of one, ONE little incident with a rainbow” “H...how do you know so much about me?” Twilight asked. “Trixie’s master told her a lot. IT was to help her get a better understanding of you and now...now TRIXIE just realize just how unfair life is and just how much of a self important DAUGHTER OF A JACKAL YOU ARE” Trixie yelled as she grabbed two large stones with her magic and threw them at Twilight. Moving fast, she leaped out of the way of the stones and blasted both of them. “Ok, first, I have had NOTHING handed to me!” Twilight yelled as she summoned some binding stones to hold down Trixie, “ I have had to work for everything I have!” “BULL!” Trixie screamed as she struggled to dispel the binding, “Your brother, foal sitter, and parents were all easy passes to the school.” “My brother? Foal Sitter? They weren’t a free pass to the school, I was LUCKY to get a pass thanks to my mom and dad. Second, I study every day just to make sure I keep my magic at its peak!”  Twilight said as she used more of her magic to keep Trixie down. “I am always worried that I could be expelled at any given moment because I failed to live up to her expectations, and considering that she is a PRINCESS those expectations are pretty damn high!” “ So? SO!” Trixie yelled as she broke free from the stones with a hard burst of magic, “  DON'T YOU THINK THAT THERE ARE PONIES WHO HAD IT HARDER? I HAD TO PUSH MYSELF TO GET EVEN AN INCH TO WHERE I AM RIGHT NOW! Trixie had to pray to get a spot to enroll and then it was taken away from Trixie by you!” Trixie yelled  as she fired an energy blast at Twilight, only to have it countered by Twilight’s energy blast. “I am sorry for that, Trixie.” Twilight said as she increased the force of her blast causing an explosion between the two and blasting them both back.         Twilight was the first to wake up, and when she looked at Trixie she began to laugh her butt off, “What is so funny!” asked Trixie. “You...your mane is ridiculous! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA” Twilight said as she demonstrated with her own mane. “Well, so...haha, so...SO DOES YOURS HA HA HA HA HA HA.” The two then sat there for a few minutes, laughing their butts off about each other. “ Trixie, what did you mean by taking your spot away from you?” Twilight asked as her laughter receded. “When you were dazzling the princess with your power, I was being monitored by her at the same time. Just when I was about to wow her with an illusion that would’ve knocked her off her feet, she saw a dragon.” Trixie said. “Spike.” Twilight said as she noticed Trixie nodded her head. “Oh my, if I had known I would’ve gave up my spot for you instead.” “Wait, you would’ve? But getting into that school would be everything.” Trixie said, shocked at Twilight’s generosity. “Not, if it meant hurting anypony. I want to study magic, sure, but I prefer to do it without a sacrifice. And I never thought of myself as special or anything great, I am just the student of Celestia who has a great potential. However, I still work for it by studying to the point I think my friends are worried I’ll go mad and I am always worried about if I am good enough.” Twilight lets out a small chuckle, “I almost wish I had you or Dash’s confidence. At least I would feel as great as certain ponies think I am.” Trixie looked at Twilight, getting up and grabbing her hat, “Oh come now, Trixie should not have a rival who thinks of herself as not special. She will have nothing less than the best to contend with her.” Twilight got up soon after and put her hoof out, “And I wouldn’t have any less than the Great and powerful Trixie to help remind me...that you can have a great rival for a great friend.” Twilight said. “You consider Trixie...a friend? Even after what she has done and how she resented you for taking her spot?” Trixie asked, shocked. “Well, yeah. What happened is past, you said you were sorry and I said I was too. I think we all make mistakes and I would like to make it up to you, if you want.” Twilight said, still offering her hoof. “Fine, Trixie accepts you as a rival” Trixie said as she hugged Twilight, “ and maybe a friend as well. Now lets go and save those friends of yours!” Twilight nodded as she performed her magic, a sixth string of magic wrapping itself around Trixie’s hoof. ____________________________ “ I think we’re almost there!” Twilight shouted as they neared a glowing orange shell. As they approached it, they saw inside its clear casing an orange pony resting with her hooves in a prayer position, “Applejack! Hang on, we’re coming.” Twilight yelled into the case, hoping that her friend would hear her. Trixie walked up to the egg-shell like casing, charing up her horn to ready her spell, “Ok Twilight, Trixie is going to link you to Applejack’s mind and send you to her dream world. Once there, Trixie should warn you, you may see things that won't make sense. That, and you won't be able to touch her directly for a bit. She may be too deep into the dream to tell what is real anymore, you’ll have to find a way to communicate with her in another way.” “Why aren't you coming?” Twilight ask as she looked behind her and saw some fearcats looming. Concentrating, she formed a shield spell to protect them both for a bit. “Your friend doesn't like Trixie, so anything coming from me would only be dismissed or worse, she’ll actively attack Trixie, and you don't want to risk that.” “Ok. Oh and the shield should hold for about 10 minutes.” Twilight said looking back. “Take your time, time passes by differently in the dream world so you won't have  to worry about being too late.” Trixie said as she completed the spell and sent Twilight’s mind into Applejack.. _______________         Twilight opened her eyes as the spell completed, taking a good look around her surroundings. She could identify instantly by the rows and rows of apple trees lining the hills, their fruit dangling from the branches. “Should’ve figured, her dream world would take me straight...to...” Twilight stopped at the front gates of the farm, seeing something new on the sign that was not there before, “Flim Flam Acres!?” Twilight Exclaimed as she read the sign, shocked by what she was seeing. Then she remembered what had occurred in her nightmare, how the events there seemed to take everything she placed hope in, everything she would put faith in, and destroy it just to break her. Moving her hooves as fast as she could, Twilight began to gallop through the farm trying to search for Applejack. “I am so sorry, so so sorry ma, paw.” Said a southern voice from behind the barn. This attracted Twilight and led her to the direction where the voice was coming from as well as two other voices, talking down the farm gal. “You should be sorry YOUNG LADY! Your pride ruined everything I sacrificed myself for, ruined the Apple name, and killed your grandma.” Said a stallion voice. “Not to mention, ruining Apple Bloom’s life. I thought you loved her, but now I see you just saw her as an extra hand, me and paw should have known better than to leave her in your hooves.” A mare said. Walking to the back of the barn, Twilight took a step back in shock. “I don't believe it. Mirage...you BITCH!” Said Twilight as she saw what was talking down to the farmer, Applejack’s parents. Their bodies now rotting, with holes in their flesh so bone was visible. Parts of their ears were missing, with the father in the worse shape thanks to the additional spear and knife wounds. “Don't worry though, Abigail. We’ll make sure that your little sister will have a good home, far away from YOU.” Said the father, his voice distorted and almost demonic. “NO! Please, don't take her away paw...She’s all Ah got.” Said Applejack, her hat on the ground while tears streaked down her face. “ And risk you ruining her even more than you have? Risk your influence to destroy her like you lost this farm? Never! We will not let our little Applebloom to suffer being homeless and useless all her live. To allow to be ruined by your stubbornness, your stupidity, and your inability to help her when she needs it.” Said the mother, her cold eyes looking deep into Applejack’s soul. “Applejack, that isn't true....” Twilight put a hoof over her mouth as the words came out. She noticed that she couldn't say anything to her friend, no matter how hard she tried. It was then she remembered what Trixie had said, that she may not be able to communicate with Applejack directly, the dream could be affecting her that much. “How am I going to get through to her? How...” Twilight began to think of indirect methods she could use, anything would be good at this point. Her eyes drifted to the fallen stenson that lay next to Applejack and a smirk came to her lips. “Furthermore, little Applejack, all I have to say is...” The father was about to finish his insult when he was interrupted by his own voice coming from the fallen hat. “No matter what happens to me my little AJ, I will always be proud of you...Don't ever forget that.” Rambo Apple said as he nuzzled his daughter, “Now take good care of that hat for me. Its very important.” Applejack raised her head at the sound of that voice and looked down at the hat. She saw herself as a young filly waving goodbye to her father as he walked away from her, one last time, “ What...” The memory then changed to a few months later as a tearful Applejack is being held by a pregnant mare, “ There, there. It gonna be alright Applejack.” Said Gala Apple. “I am sorry I broke the bowl ma.” Applejack sniffled as she adjusted her hat, “ I was just tryin to help with supper so you wouldn't strain yourself and the baby.” “You should’ve asked for Big mac to help, he wasn't too busy. I swear you, “ Gala then wiped a tear from Applejack’s eye and kissed her forehead. “Put way too much onto yourself, you need to let others help you.” “Ah...ah am so sorry that I am too stubborn fer my own good.” Applejack said as she cuddled close to her mother. “ Don’t be. Being stubborn...just means that you know fer a fact, that there isn't anything that can beat you when you set your mind to it. And,” She then playfully nuzzled her little girl, “ that is what makes you a great little filly, don't let anypony tell ya differently.” “Thanks maw.” Adult Applejack said as she grabbed her hat and saw a new memory, this one after her first Applebuck season with her five friends. “PHEW! That was exhausting...but worth it.” Applejack said as she fell back onto the grass. “Eeyup.” Big Mac said as he rested with his little sister, looking up at the clouds. “Sorry for bein a stubborn mule Big Mac. I just really wanted to show how well I could handle the farm, like paw did.” A thought came to her mind, “Hey, Big Mac? Do ya think, maw and paw are proud of how I’ve handled things so far?” “Eeyup.” Said Big Mac, smiling at his sister. “How can ya tell?” Applejack asked. “Because I am. And that’s good enough for me.” Big Mac said, rolling over to his sister and giving her a hug. “And that is all I need Big Mac.” Applejack said as she put the hat on, one last memory coming to her as she turned to the zombies. “Honestly Applebloom, doing all that hard work, organizing all of that by yourself. Jest Where in tarnation did you get such a conflabbled idea?” Applejack asked. “From the greatest pony in all of Equestria!” Applebloom said, a smile on her face. “And who would that be?” Applejack asked and in answer got a big hug from Apple Bloom, “Oh...I see.” “You know? They’re right.” Applejack said as she stood up, anger in her green eyes, “My parents would NEVER be disappointed in me! And even if they did, thats just two ponies saying I am bad versus a whole town and my family saying something else. So you know what? I think someone is bucking with me and I DON'T LIKE TO BE BUCKED WITH!!!!” With that Applejack turned around, and gave a very hard kick to the dream parents shattering the entire dreamworld. ___________________ “Ohhhhhhhhh buck Trixie all the way to Tartarus.” Trixie said as she watch the shield around them shatter, letting the Fearcats in. As they walked closer to the two unicorns, read to swipe their claws they got hit by a flying  shard of glass from the container. “Which one of y’all varmints is the one who put me in that Bucking glass case?” Applejack said, standing in the middle  of the shattered glass, growling low. Not even bothering to ask about the creatures, she went to work kicking the two fearcats’ flanks until they ran away. “Applejack, you are all right!” Twilight said as she went and hugged Applejack tightly. “Course I am sugercube. Thanks to whatever it is you did and...what is she doing here?” Applejack asked, looking at Trixie.