Becoming One With the Night

by Spacecowboy

Chapter 5 - Might and Grace

        Canterlot Castle dominated their view as they walked up the steps leading into the castle proper.  In front of the doorway, two guards, one on either side, spared a sideways glance at the new arrivals, the waning sunlight reflecting off their highly polished gilded armor.  Passing through the open archway, the two mares found themselves in the structure’s massive foyer.  It was accentuated with high, arching ceilings that perfectly caught and reflected sunlight to illuminate the entire hall.  Silken banners lined the sides of the room, each one a perfect harmonious blend of white and dark blue.  In the center of each banner lay a crescent moon resting inside a radiant sun.

        Twilight and Rarity entered the throne room, another expansive space within the sprawling castle.  Greeting their sight were two ponies, the waning light being filtered through the stained glass mosaics, casting colorful rays over them.  Celestia broadly smiled when she saw the two unicorns enter the room.  She and Luna began to walk over to meet them halfway.

        “Twilight, it is most good to see you again, my friend.  And you as well, Rarity.  Welcome back to Canterlot.”  She met the smaller unicorn halfway, gently nuzzling her left cheek in greeting.  How she has grown in such little time...

        Twilight leaned into the caress of her longtime mentor, pulling back only to give her reply.  “Thank you, Princess. It is always nice to come and visit.”  Her attention shifted to the darker mare as she managed to wrap both hooves around her lover’s neck.  She felt the alicorn return her embrace, although only briefly, so as to keep up their charade.  “It’s nice to see you again, Luna.  Have you been well since your last visit?”

        “Indeed I have been, Twilight.”  A warm smile graced Luna’s features, her white teeth a stark contrast against her dark coat.  “Rarity, it is also good to see you once again.  It was most entertaining, watching you during my visit so inebriated.”  The fashionista’s pale coat flushed with crimson in embarrassment.  “I must thank you for making part of the evening so memorable, so I have also decided to have a dress made for the Gala too.”

        Rarity’s embarrassment quickly faded as the news flooded her ears, flipping a hidden switch somewhere within the mare as she jumped into her ‘high society mode’.  Turning her attention towards both alicorns, she bowed slightly as she greeted them.  “I very much appreciate the chance to craft a masterpiece for you, Princess Luna.  I thank you for the invitation as well, Princess Celestia.  This truly is a most generous opportunity you have given me.”

        “It is no problem at all Rarity, out of all the ponies I am familiar with in the fashion world, it seems you are currently the one to go to.  Not to mention that you will do it simply because you enjoy it.”  The solar alicorn pointed towards a side door leading out of the throne room.  “Now, after the ride the two of you had, I am most certain that some appetite can be found.  Would you both care to join my sister and I for dinner?”

        All four ponies left the expansive throne room and walked through the halls, guards saluting at their posts as they passed by.  Deeper they went into the massive structure, until a solid oaken door opened to reveal a simple dining room.  Inside, a table was set for dinner, although two occupants were already awaiting them.

        "Shiny!"  Twilight exclaimed as she bounced over to her brother and tackled him to the ground.  Although his time as the steward of the former Crystal Empire hadn't taken his edge, his sister had gotten stronger.  A giggling sound was heard as she struggled to get all four hooves around Shining in a massive crushing hug.

        As he lay there on the floor gasping for breath, his wife spoke, breaking the laughter floating on the air.  "Hi, Twilight!  It’s nice to see you again, it really has been too long."  The unicorn climbed off her brother who laid there twitching slightly as he began taking in air once again.

        "Hi, Cadance!"  She embraced her sister-in-law before remembering the three ponies she had entered the room with.  Rarity was simply standing there, scandalized.  The sisters, however, were laughing quite heartily at her reaction to seeing family.  Crimson flooded her cheeks as she shuffled backwards. 

        "Well, now that you've nearly strangled your brother, shall we take our seats?"  Celestia spoke, her words broken by occasional laughter as it subsided.  Passing by Shining, she offered him a hoof as they all moved to find a spot.  Bowls of salad and pitchers of water already adorned the table, having awaited their arrival.

        "So, how are things going in the Crystal Territories?  Not being too overworked I hope."  Twilight enquired as she levitated some salad onto her plate, the other ponies also beginning to take their share of food as rolls, greens, and dressing all marched in the air towards their doom.  Her eyes lingered upon Luna while no one was watching, a ghost of a smile etched upon her face.  I can't wait until tomorrow night...  I just hope we don't have to keep this secret for too long.

        "It’s actually been very easy, ever since the populace decided that they wanted to be part of Equestria. Although we’ve been tied up for the last two years, now we're really just left with holding court in lieu of the princesses.  Things have actually slowed down enough that we should be able to regularly visit Canterlot more often.  It will sure beat staying there for months on end without a break!”  Shining beat Cadance to the punch, the words pouring out of his mouth, food momentarily forgotten on a plate.

Cadance chimed in after her husband finished speaking.  “You didn’t tell them the best part though!  We're thinking of having a foal in the future."  

“What?!”  Twilight nearly jumped out of her seat, scrambling to process the information.  Foal.  Shining and Cadance.  Me an... aunt?  She calmed slightly as the others applauded the couple’s decision.  “That could be really great Shiny...”  She trailed off as thoughts of the preparation required for being an aunt filled her head.

Temporary silence swallowed the occupants of the room as their appetites routed the numerous salads and rolls laid out before them.  Glasses were refilled as new food and pitchers of water were brought in to replace the ravished dishes.

        Rarity broke from her meal and set her sights upon Cadance, a glimmer of curiosity lighting her pupils.  "Princess Cadance, what sort of fashion is prevalent in the Crystal Territories, if you don't mind my enquiry?"

        "Well, if you recall your last visit there, the weather is rather chilly for most of the year, that has influenced fashion recently.  The focus has been on the thicker materials that have been dyed with bright colors.  Full body dresses with some heavier accoutrements near the mane have been the result."

        Rarity closed her eyes and visualized what was being described to her.  Oh!  I could use that with this year's Winter Line.  This could be used for the hem of that dress...  Focus Rarity!  She forced herself out of her thoughts and back to the dinner, glad to have the ideas flowing in her mind.  "Thank you, it has given me a few ideas of my own that I shall have to try."

        "Can I have everyponies’ attention please?"  Celestia spoke up as she passed out six goblets of wine that had appeared at some point during the dinner, setting each one down in front of a pony.  "I want to take a moment and give a toast.  She came to me a young filly, full of potential, and so I took her under my wing.  Twilight, ever since you moved to Ponyville, you have continued to do as I ask with your friendship reports.  As time has passed, you learned a great deal about the magic of friendship.  Just recently, you and your friends had to face the hardship of death, yet you managed to find a silver lining despite the tragedy.  While nopony can claim to know everything about the magic of friendship, you have reached a point where I no longer call you student.  This is to you, Twilight, my friend.  May the bounds of friendship bring us even closer together!"

        "Hear hear!"  They responded as one, accompanied by the gentle clinking of glasses as they were brought together in toast.  Wine was sipped by all present in honor of the target of Celestia's impromptu speech.  Twilight lowered her goblet to the tabletop as blood rushed to her cheeks and tears gently began to pour from the corner of her eyes.  I thought I knew what she meant with her letter, but this...  this is so much more!

        "T-Thank you very much, Celestia..."  Twilight brought a napkin to her face in a futile attempt to stem the joyful flood of water.  "I always believed that, well, I would always be your student.  I never gave thought to the potential of becoming something... more.  It's funny really, growing up I almost saw you as a second mother.  But now, I hope to have a long time to get to know you, as a friend."  Damn eyes, cooperate with me!

        Twilight felt a lone hoof rest upon her shoulder in reassurance, tracing the dark furred leg to its owner, Luna.  "I would agree with my sister, you have shown many ponies, myself included, just how powerful friendship is.  I have always felt most blessed to call you my first friend after my return."  The alicorn had a large grin resting on her face, sending the poor mare further into the throes of crying.

        Small conversation consumed the rest of the dinner, the wellsprings in Twilight's eyes eventually drying themselves out.  Empty plates adorned the table top, glasses once containing water drained of their contents and long forgotten.  With a sigh of content, the solar alicorn came to her hooves, the other occupants following suit.

        "Shining, Cadance, thank you for joining us this evening.  I was glad that the two of you could return on such short notice.  We shall see you in the morning for breakfast I presume?"  She paused just long enough to receive an affirmative nod from them before continuing on.  "Miss Rarity, there is a guard outside waiting for you, he shall show you to your room.  In the morning after breakfast you'll meet the two ponies tasked to aid you during your stay."

        "Thank you very much, Princess Celestia.  Have a pleasant evening, I bid you adieu."  Rarity courtsied towards both royal sisters before turning her attention towards Twilight, leaning in so her words could only be heard by one.  "And do have a good evening, darling.  I shall see you in the morning, try not to have too much fun this night."  She left the room in a leisurely manner, trailing right behind Shining and Cadance.

        "Twilight, Celestia and I would like to extend an invitation to you tonight to see the changing of the celestial bodies."

        The unicorn nearly leaped up in excitement, before her stomach reminded her of the heavy meal she’d just consumed.  "I would love that!  I've never seen it with both of you at the same time!"

        The trio left the private room behind them as they began navigating the corridors of the castle interior.  After many turns, they began ascending the tower that housed the sisters, eventually coming to a balcony that gave a magnificent view.

        Twilight's attention was forced to the alicorns as their horns flared, the very air becoming pregnant with raw, unbridled energy.  She felt electrified with the amount of power surrounding her, and closed her eyes, 'seeing' the event unfold through her magic.  Complex patterns took shape from Celestia first, as she began to send the sun below the horizon.  A breeze picked up, causing Twilight to shiver slightly as the warming rays of the waning celestial body ceased their caress.  It's so beautiful! The patterns, the intricacies, the feeling of life!

        Luna was next, as the magic in the air shifted to come under her command.  Where Celestia's setting of the sun had required her to forcibly move and push large amounts of energy, the younger sister's approach to the moon was completely opposite.  With a grace befitting a ballerina, she deftly weaved and plucked the magic together into a lattice like form, which then seemed to gently coax the moon up into the sky.

        The power lingered in the air, slowly dissipating as the alicorns horn's dimmed and then died.  Twilight slowly opened her eyes, their gaze unfocused as she was still reeling from what she has just focused.  That much raw power...  The possibilities are endless, so many possible permutations.  She finally blinked numerous times, looking like she had just emerged from a dream.forcing her sight to focus.

        "What do you think, Twilight?"  Celestia asked quietly, doing her best to not interrupt the moment her friend was experiencing.

        "It was indescribable.  It’s been so long since I last watched you raise or set the sun.  When Luna would take care of the moon at the library, it was impressive, but...  I don't think I'll be forgetting this anytime in my life.  Celestia, Luna...  Thank you."  She surged forward and attempted to encompass both sisters in a hug, managing to get a single forehoof around a leg of each sister.

        Luna bent down to gently nuzzle Twilight as her sister copied her movements on the unicorn's other side.  The three of them stood there in an embrace for some time before finally breaking apart.  The now chilled night breeze ruffled their fur and feathers alike, forcing them to retreat to the warm interior of the castle.

        They found themselves in a shared sitting room, gathered around a fireplace as the night moved on.  Twilight glanced around at the sisters, taking in every detail of what was around her.  Wow, that’s odd, they seem...  almost naked without their regalia.  I've seen this side of Luna before, but never Celestia...  It feels...  right.

        "Twilight...  I just want to let you know that the castle will always receive you with open arms.  Tomorrow there really isn't anything planned; I figured that we could simply 'wing it' after breakfast.  It’s time to call it a night however, so I will take my leave.  Goodnight, Luna, Twilight."  Celestia picked herself up from in front of the fireplace, and left for her room.

        Luna paused for a few moments after her sister left the room before snaking her head over to her lover's, catching her off guard with a quick kiss to her lips.  "It is nice to see you again in the waking world, Twilight, the dream one just never quite compares."

        She blushed at being caught off guard by Luna, warmth flooding her.  This night is one that I won’t be forgetting anytime soon.  "Same here Luna, I’m looking forward to tomorrow evening so much!  I have a surprise for you.  I think you'll love it, no, I know you will."  She smiled happily at her love before she boldly moved and attempted to equally catch the alicorn off guard with a kiss to the lips.

        Both mares held it, closing their eyes and savoring the taste of each other's lips.  The salad dressing lingered behind, mingling with their natural 'flavors' as their horn tips barely touched.  The moment lasted for an eternity before they broke their kiss, each one looking the other directly into their eyes, firelight flickering over the surfaces.

        Luna was the first to move.  She rose to her hooves, then offered one to help Twilight up.  "Your room is right there, I know you enjoy your old tower, but this way you are really close to us both.  Sleep tight love, and may your dreams be good."

        Twilight wordlessly embraced Luna once more before ambling off to her room.  She flopped on top of the bed, magic moving the covers aside without her even thinking about it.  The exhaustion of the day caught up to her in one fell swoop as she quickly succumbed to the inevitable call of sleep.


        Celestia flew under the cover of her sister's new moon, no light illuminated the sky on this night.  She revelled at the feeling of the air flowing through her feathers, ruffling her mane, whistling past her ears.  She saw the lights of Canterlot with a glance behind her, rapidly receding as she left it behind.  Ahead, the small town where Twilight had spent the last five years at lay in the distance, and she corrected her course.  Veering off to the side of town, she began her flight over the Everfree Forest.

        The forest was eerily quiet, as usual, even with all of the predators that claimed it as their home.  Hmm, I really need to do something about that.  It’s been too long, I can’t keep letting the past hold me back.  Countless trees passed below as she slowly descended, her hooves barely clearing the canopy.

        Her destination coming into focus broke her from the past as she was forced to the present by its state.  The once majestic structure lay in ruins, the spells keeping it together and safe having long since been destroyed.  A spire adorned the earth, claimed by numerous vines.  The forest itself was dangerously close to reclaiming the whole castle, trees coming up to the edge of what walls were left standing.

        Coming to a gentle landing in a courtyard that was mostly intact, she stood silently as yet more memories flooded her, visions of a childhood long since forgotten by history coming back.

        Two fillies pranced about in an open courtyard, the warm sun shining down on them.  "Tia..."  One of them whined to the other, waiting on the slower pony to catch up to them.  "If you don't hurry, we'll be late!"

        A stream of tears travelled down the side of her face as she walked inside the structure, taking in what little bit was left undamaged.  Time has been harsh...  She listlessly wandered through random rooms until she found herself standing in a room adorned with a large mosaic in the floor.  Time had done little to dull its beauty in her eyes.  Topaz gems created a wide circle, their inner cores still holding a faint glimmer of the sun's energy and color even now.  They were only broken up by the lustrous diamonds that nested inside the sphere, forming a crescent moon shape.

        Walking back outside, she glanced back at the entrance once more before taking to the air to return before she was missed.  Her thoughts turned towards the rest of the weekend and her mood brightened.  Hovering over the castle ruins, she looked at the structure.

