//------------------------------// // Attack dog! // Story: Living The Dream: Love conquers all...Right? // by Kickass222urmom //------------------------------// Chapter 10 "And now we're here." I said, finishing up the entire story of how we have been gathering all the bronies and the adventure's we've had during that time. Seth nodded and smiled, "So, you fell into a girls restroom?" I laughed and rubbed my hands together, "Yeah, it wasn't as fun as you would have thought. Those girls can be pretty vicious." Zorrow nodded and chuckled, "Oh yeah, I know what you mean there." Peter began to laugh, "Not much of a ladies man, are ya?" Zorrow looked at him, "Shut it! I can get a girl." Peter leaned forward and said in his best Twilight voice, "Prove it." Twilight chuckled, "Your copying me." Peter shrugged, "Everyone does. Now, back to you Zorrow. Prove it." Zorrow smiled, "Easy, some people just moved in next door, and their daughter is nineteen. Like me." Peter smirked, "Okay then, lets see you get her." Zorrow stood, "I'll get her, in like ten seconds flat." We all stood, and looked at Zorrow. He looked confused, "What? Now?" We all nodded, "Yes now!" Zorrow sighed, "Fine, just watch and see the master at work." He then walked to the door and opened it. We all followed, snickering to each other. He turned and walked to the right, over the small fence that separated the yards, and up the front door. We all piled up on the side of the fence to watch, staying out of sight. I snickered, "What do you think will happen?" Seth chuckled, "He'll be rejected." Zorrow knocked on the door and put his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. The door opened to reveal a girl, that I had to admit was pretty damn hot. Zorrow began talking, make motions with his hands. The girl laughed, probably at something he had said. Seth whistled lightly, "I'll be damn, hes actually doing it this time. His luck must be getting better." Zorrow did a pelvic thrust towards the girl and she laughed loudly, nodding her head. Peter sighed, "Damn it, he just beat me." Zorrow rubbed her face and said something. She nodded and pointed to the car. Suddenly, a pair of hands grabbed the girl by the shoulders from behind and pulled her into the house. A large man in a muscle shirt walked out holding a beer bottle. The man, who must be her father, began to yell at Zorrow. We could barely hear him though, "My daughter... play thing... Neck... Run... Dare you..." Zorrow was waving his hands in front of him and said something. The mans eyes widened in anger and he slammed the beer bottle into the side of Zorrow's head. Zorrow fell backwards and down the small stairs. The man spit at him and walked back in his house. Seth laughed, "I knew this was to good to be true." Zorrow stood shakily and walked our way, holding his head. When he was near, Peter smiled, "So, how did it go?" Zorrow glared at him, "Her damn father said I couldn't us his daughter as my personal play thing. He told me that I better run or he'll beat the shit out of me." I chuckled, "And what did you say to get hit upside the head?" He shrugged, "The guy over reacted. All I said was that he shouldn't be keeping his daughter for him self and that he should share her fine ass." Seth sighed, "There's the problem, you need to learn to watch what you say." I nodded my head, "You have to know how to work with the ladies, and their dads." He looked at me, "Oh yeah?" I smiled, "Yeah, all you have to do is be persuasive, like me." He raised an eyebrow, "Like you? Really? You couldn't talk anyone in to doing anything." I smirked, "Wanna bet? Who is your meanest and most hated person on this road?" Seth chuckled, "Most hated? That would be Zorrow." Zorrow shook his head, "Shut up!" He looked back to me, "Well, I guess the house in front of ours. That guy hates everyone and everything." I smiled, "Well then, I bet I can talk him into buying a box of cookies." He laughed and crossed his arms, "I bet you can't. If you can, I'll strip down naked and run through town." I chuckled, "Your on. Peter, go get that box of cookies that you bought at the gas station." Peter frowned, "But those are my cookies!" I sighed, "Come on, it will be worth it to see him run through town naked." David shook his head, "Not for all of us." Peter thought it over and shrugged, "I guess your right." He ran to the truck and grabbed the box of cookies. I began walking towards the mans house, grabbing the cookies on the way. I walked across the road and up to his house. I then knocked on the door and put on my best smile. The door opened and a guy with no shirt and unbuttoned blue jeans opened the door, "What?" I smiled bigger, "Yes, would you like to buy some girl scout cookies?" He raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you a little old for this, and aren't girl scouts suppose to be girls? Not teenage fags?" Oh, I hate him already, "Nope, they made an exception for me." "Why?" Shit! Think of something Lance! "Because I'm part girl." Lance, your a fucking idiot! He raised both of his eyebrows, "That's creepy. Now, get out of here freak of nature!" I held up a hand, "First, you have to buy some cookies." He shook his head, "No, I don't want any damn cookies!" I grinned, "Come on now, they are the best. Buy one box." He smirked, "Okay then, let me get my wallet." He turned and went back into his house. I smiled, Zorrow better get his none exciting balls ready, because he's going to be running through town naked. The man returned holding a leash, on the end of it was a large pit bull. Oh shit... The man smiled, "Here's my payment. Go get the freak boy!" He undid the leash and the dog jumped forwards. I jumped to the side and the dog flew past me. I turned to the man and glared, "Have yo cookies!" I threw the box of cookies at his face, hitting him square in the eye. As he fell to his knees, I twist and ran down the porch, followed by the very pissed of pit bull. I ran past everyone else waving my hands, "Stop that thing!" I ran around the corner of the house, the dog still on my heels. I jumped the plastic fence and landed on the other side. Safety! The side of the fence a few feet away from me blew outward. The dog had jumped through it and was now looking at me. Shit! I jumped to my feet and ran through the backyard of someones house and jumped the next fence, also plastic. As I ran through the next yard, I heard the fence behind me being smashed. My phone vibrated, but I didn't pay attention to it. My adrenaline was pumping through my veins like crazy. I kept jumping fences, only to have the dog smash through it and continue its pursuit of me. Finally, I jumped over a fence that was wooden. I turned to it just in time to see it shake violently as the dog ran head first into it. I began to laugh and fell back on my ass, still laughing. My laughter was cut short when I saw the dog come flying over the fence, its face full of furry and anger. I jumped up and began running again. This dog wasn't just a dog! It was more like parkour dog! That's not right! I slammed into the next fence and pulled my self over it... and cursed. It was a field, with a road on the other side. I began running as fast as I could manage, the dog just jumping over the fence. As I ran, I saw that Mark's truck was speeding down the road. Fucktastic! Safety is only a fourth of a mile away. I pushed myself to the limit. I could hear the dogs heavy breathing only a few feet behind. As I neared the road, Mark stopped the truck right in my path. Thank you Mark! When I reached it, I literally flew into the truck bed. The second I made contact with the truck, Mark hit the gas and the truck jumped forward. I laid back, and relaxed. Thank god that's over. Suddenly, something heavy landed on my stomach. When I looked down, I almost screamed in horror. Because, on my stomach lay the dog. Looking more pissed then before. How the hell is this even possible! I pushed the dog off of me and crab walked back a foot till I hit the window that lead into the front of the truck. The dog stood and steadied its self. It turned to me and growled, well the wind carried the growl away before I heard it, but you could tell it was growling. It lunged forward. I caught it, holding it back with both hands. Its mouth snapping at me, inches from my face. I threw it off of me, causing it to slam into the tailgate. I jumped forward, and held it down. It twisted and slammed its head into the side of my face. I fell back, holding my jaw. The pit bull jumped on me again. But this time, I was ready. I caught it by the neck and put my other hand on its stomach. I stood up and steadied myself. I didn't want to do this, but it has left me with no other choice. I threw the dog out of the truck bed and into the air above the highway. Then, something unexpected happened. The dog soared through the air... and through the front window of a car. The car started going from side to side before it slammed into another. A third car slammed into that one, followed by a fourth, and a fifth, and a sixth, and a... Lets just say cars kept piling up. I slumped down and rubbed my hands together, this is not good! The small window behind me opened and David stuck his head out, "Get your ass in here!" I crawled through and fell into the back seat, David and Seth on my right, and Twilight on my left. David shook his head, "You didn't have to kill the poor thing, and cause a major pile up." My mouth hung open in shock and surprise, "Poor thing! Did you see that thing? That wasn't a poor thing, it was a demon!" David chuckled, "Still, you caused a major crash." I smiled weakly, "Its all for a greater cause." He raised a eyebrow, "Which is?" I shrugged, "Let me think of one." He laughed and leaned forward to talk to Zorrow and Peter, who was up front. I sat back, I can finally say this. I'm safe! Twilight snuggled up to my side and picked up a book. She grabbed my arm and put it over her. I smiled and relaxed. Wait, didn't my phone vibrate when I was being chased? I reached into my pocket to see a message from my uncle. "We got another message from my uncle." Peter clapped his hands together, "Hell yeah, on to our next adventure. Who's next Lance?" I grinned and opened the message. As I finished reading it, I smiled, "Pack your bongs guys, we're onto our next stop."