Pony Poems / Songs

by Joseph Raszagal

Willing Monster

Willing Monster
A poem inspired by Nightmare Moon

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Heart consumed by jealousy
I watched as I twisted
Into something that wasn't me

I know that I should have cared
But somewhere down deep
A burning hatred flared

And so I slipped
Down a slope too steep
My sister was there
I heard her weep
For as I felt myself fall
All I did was laugh
Because soon this world
Would face my wrath

I embraced the monster
And she embraced me back
Together we'd gone too far
A train barreling off of its track
Guided by a force
A wicked puppet stained black
With ropes too taught
No remaining slack
And as it pulled me
I thought of all that I lacked...

The recognition that I so righteously deserved
The sun would set and my night preserved
An everlasting darkness to creep across the land
And finally everypony would understand
Because while they feared it before
They feared without reason
But to snub my night now
Would be considered high treason
All heads would bow
As I ascended the stairs to my throne
For the reign of nighttime eternal
Daylight overthrown
An abomination, a monster
My dear sister called me
And with a jagged smile of razors
I more than happily agreed