//------------------------------// // The Poem // Story: Backwards: Insanity is not Sane // by chewyrainbow //------------------------------// The silver wheels squeaked and squealed as they rolled down the isle. The air now was permeated with a terrible stench, bringing Dash back to the cottage outside of the Everfree. Her ears bent back, yet in her heart she couldn't tell if she felt remorse or hate. She could feel a rushing twist in her heart again, and the pegasus's ears began to ring. She clasped her hooves around her ears, ignoring the stares she got. The pony pushing the cart, led up and bit down on the corner of the sheet, waiting. "Permission to show evidence to the court?" CourtCase asked the judge, who was now holding his nose due to the smell. "Um, yes." he sounded unsure, and his ears were bent back. Rainbow Dash lowered down to the table. She felt the rush of air through her mane when the sheet was lifted off the cart. As the grey sheet was pulled off, a shriveled yellow mare was revealed. On her back were the three words, carved in blood; 'SHE HAS SLEPT'. The blood had dried into an almost black gunk that was caked onto the coat and peeling flesh. On her face, there was an empty socket with dribbles of red oozing to the nose and out of the depleted cavity. And her mouth was plastered into a wide grin that left Rainbow's stomach churning. Twilight was silenced as she laid her hoof on the cyan pegasus's withers. "See! Her reaction proves that she recognizes this evidence!" GavelHoof rubbed his head, the smell has almost become gagging fumes. "Anypony would have a sickening reactions to the appearance and stench, show me how the defendant has any relation to the...body." You could see the displeasure in his face. "With pleasure." The upper-class mare trotted over, picking up a pair of tweezers, she plucked out a few pieces of fur. CourtCase stepped to the stand, placing them on his desk. "A blue feather, and three strands from a mane, of which are part of that of Rainbow Dash's. A yellow, red and purple one are seen here. Also, identical DNA samples were taken, of which also are and exact match. I can show you the papers, if you like." she asked, a defiant grin on her face. "That would be helpful, please do." He examined the strands. The bailiff stepped up, with some papers in his mouth, then handed them to the robed stallion, who then read them. He twisted uncomfortably. "All evidence shows towards the defendant..." there was a low mumble among the court room, the purple unicorn gave a slight gasp, which was followed by utter silence. "I have no choice but to agree with the Plaintiff. Rainbow Dash is held guilty against all charges. I do not believe the mare was having mental issues at that time whatsoever." *** Rainbow Dash stood defiantly as the white alicorn with an ever-flowing mane waited in front of her. The Princess's horn glowed brightly, sparks flew from it. A smaller, but still intimidating alicorn stood at her side, dark blue coat shimmering against her brilliantly illuminated horn. A distance away, Twilight Sparkle stood, tears pouring from the corners of her eyes. "She didn't do it! I swear she didn't!" She screamed loudly, it burned in the back of her throat. There was a quiver down Dash's spine, and inside was and echoing voice. Menacing and eerie. And so here we are again. Back where we began. A choice to be made that no one wishes to decide. "Leave me alone!" she mumbled lowly to herself, as a small tear dripped off her cheek to the ground. The brightness of the two Princess's horns grew. Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Day Dash. You will sleep. *** Three small foals gathered around an elderly pony. Her greyish, faded purple coat was wrinkled with age. "Come on Grandma! Tell us a story!" One of the ponies asked. His deep blue mane spiked up and green eyes wide with excitement. "Yeah! Please, please, please please!" A small unicorn filly giggled with excitement as she bounded over her brother and sister. "You tell the best!" the small pink filly laughed as she huddled in between her siblings. "All right, all right." Her voice was calm as she had a gentle smile. "Listen very carefully, and pay attention. You might need to know it for future reference." she almost had a look of pain in her eyes. "Go on!" "Okay, here it goes," she took in a deep breath. "There is a tale, aged and old. A tale that is soon, soon to be told. It's about a young pony who's heart turned cold. A young pony who used to be bold. She woke one day, everything was right. All until, right before night. Her mind swirled, and eyes blood red. As she rested on a purple unicorn's spare bed." She was interrupted. "Like you!" The pony laughed lightly, "Yes, like me. Now, let's continue. After watching three friends die, inside her head, it was all a lie. Fears dug themselves deep inside her mind, she was more than sleep deprived. Every dream was a nightmare, then her heart was full of tares. Screaming she cried and waited. Rife with everything. Finally she gave in, no longer resting on a gentle wing. An eerie voice took over, she was chained up in her own mind. She watched as every day, all...slipped...by... "She was greeted with a question, more so like a threat. She was given only seconds, before she met her match. Another two were murdered. The first, with a rock. The second was not nice at all, three words were carved on her back. After all the madness, a tall figure appeared. The voices all stopped. She thought she was free. Until the pony woke up, in a room without a key. She was drug into court, with the help of a friend. She had remorse, when a cart rolled in. "The wheels squeaked, the pony's heart skipped a beat, as they lifted up a grey sheet. What she saw, left her mouth in disgusted awe. She paid her price, but then counted the cost. A nightmare is gone, but seven ponies were lost." "That was great! But what was is about Granny Sparkle?" She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. "No one knows. They say that when it happened, the Princesses cast a spell to make everypony forget." The unicorn sighed. "But they say the spirit of the young pony still lives, to make sure that little fillies don't give into to the eerie voice inside."