Left 4 Ponies: Friendship VS Zombies

by Spiky

Carnival Games

"Alright, lets go!" said Coach.

The safe house door opened up and the group of ten walked out. Just beyond the entrance was a horde of zombies. Their were some throwing up and some fight one another. Nick pulled out his AK-47 and aimed at the closest zombie he saw. Once he opened fire, the other three, the other three joined in. Twilight and the gang stood back and let the survivors do the work. A strange growling started to ring in Rainbow Dash's ear.

"Did you hear that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Ya," replied Coach, "Punk ass, Hunter around!"

Just then, a loud screech broke the two's conversation. A hooded zombie leaped onto Rainbow Dash and started to tear into her skin. Coach fired a shot at point blank range, the power of the shotgun round made the Hunter's head explode. Rainbow Dash was horrified at the headless zombie, she was about to throw up. She quickly kicked the Hunter's lifeless body off of her.

"You okay?" asked Coach.

"Ya… I'm fine" said Dash as she slowly got up. She only had a minor cut on her side, it wasn't enough to keep her from flying.

"These sons of bitches ain't got nothing'" taunted Ellis as he fired into a group of zombies with his Desert Eagle.

The group had no trouble getting through the entrance. Once when all the infected were killed, Ellis and Applejack went looking around the entrance to find supplies, while the others looked around the park, memories filling their heads.

"Mmm…Cotton Candy! The king of all foods!" said Coach.

Fluttershy looked at one of the signs with a confused look on her face.

"Uh… Mr. Coach," said Fluttershy, "What is a burger?"

"It's a type of food we, humans, eat," replied Coach.

"What's it made out of?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Cows!" said Nick.

The ponies started freaking out, They thought eating cows, or any other animal, was cannibalism. Fluttershy freaked out the worst. She flew off, crying.

"GOD DAMMIT!" yelled Coach, "I'll get her."

Coach ran off in search for Fluttershy. Nick and Rochelle were stuck with the job of calming down the four ponies that were left.

Meanwhile, Ellis and Applejack were searching around the gates. Ellis kept a close eye on Applejack, he was very excited that he was actually seeing a talking pony and his love for horses made the excitement triple.

"Man, I can't believe it! Talking ponies… It's so…AWESOME!" thought Ellis. He looked back at Applejack, he noticed a strange marking on her leg.

"Hey, what's that thing ya got on your leg there?" asked Ellis

"Oh, it's a cutie mark. It shows what our special talent is!" said Applejack, "Don't you guys have cutie marks?"

"Uh… Not that I know of," replied Ellis.

"Then what's that marking right there?" asked Applejack pointing at Ellis' arm.

"It's called a Tattoo, it's like your mark, except it doesn't show us our special talent," replied Ellis.

The two heard someone, it was Coach. He ran over to the two, breathing heavily.

"Have you guys *Deep Breath* seen Fluttershy?" asked Coach.

"Nnope!" said Ellis. Applejack listened closer to what Ellis said. It sounded just like her brother, Big Macintosh.

"Well come on! We need to get back with the others," Coach said while catching his breathe.

The three walked back over to where everyone else was. Nick and Rochelle had finally calmed all the mares down. Now they had to find Fluttershy. But when they got ready to go look for her, the screams of zombies filled the air, the horde was on it's way.

"Lock and Load, people!" yelled Coach as he revved up his Chainsaw.

A large crowd of zombies came charging in, with the leading zombie being a clown!

"That clowns attracting the horde!" said Rochelle. She loaded up her M-16 and opened fire, the first thing she took down was that annoying clown.

Rainbow Dash flew towards the zombies, she wanted in on the action. But Ellis pulled her back, by the wing. It made the small wound on her side even worse.

"What are you doing, I can take 'em!" she yelled.

"Leave this too us, we know what were doin'" replied Ellis. A zombie ran up to Ellis and went in to attack, Ellis turned around and fired. The zombie's arm was blown off but it kept running. Ellis punched the zombie and fired another shot, this time it was a fatal hit.

The survivors treated the panicking zombies as if it were just another day at the office. Once the horde was completely killed off, the survivors called out there names and checked to see if they were wounded or not. Once when the survivor's roll call was done, they made sure that the mares were all okay.

"Okay now we gotta find, uh, what's her name…uh," said Nick.

"Fluttershy," said Rarity.

"Yes, thanks for reminding me," said Nick.

"Nick, I'm surprised, you said Thank You and you aren't freakin' out 'bout these ponies!" said Ellis.

"Are you serious? I am freaking out, we're stuck in a god damn zombie plague, then we find a bunch of talking ponies! This week has been a fucked up one!" Nick yelled.

"Can you please quit with the awful language!" pleaded Twilight.

"Uh No!" said Nick in a douchebag like tone.

"Listen! All of you need to quit arguing and get moving! We still have to find Fluttershy!" yelled Coach, "Follow me!"

Everyone did what Coach said, everyone kept their eyes peeled searching for the missing pony. There was no sign of Fluttershy anywhere at the front gate. After ten minutes of searching, everyone was expecting the worst, but all of that changed when they reached the shooting game. Rochelle looked over the counter and found Fluttershy hiding under it.

"Hey, are you okay?" asked Rochelle. Fluttershy just simply closed her eyes and hid behind her mane.

"Oh come on, sweetie, we're not going to hurt you," said Ro. Fluttershy looked at the survivor, Rochelle just simply gave her a sincere smile. Fluttershy had calmed down and walked out from under the counter.

"There you go!" encouraged Rochelle, "Come on the others are just around the corner."

Rochelle and Fluttershy walked over to where the others were at. When the mares saw their lost friend, they ran over to her and they all had a group hug.

"Good job findin' her, Ro," said Ellis.

Once the ponies finished celebrating, the group of ten got back on their journey. The survivors were walking steadily through a storage building. Pinkie Pie hopped into the building with a strange object on her back. It looked like a human, but with pointy ears and a beard. Everyone gave her strange looks, wondering why she had that object.

"Hey everypony! I found this little guy in a box outside of that game Fluttershy was hiding under," Pinkie Pie quickly said.

"What is that?" asked Rarity.

"It's called a Garden Gnome," Rochelle answered, "It's what humans have in front of our houses, for decorations."

"Why do you need it?" asked Rarity, "It's unstylish and creepy."

"It would be a great party decoration!" replied Pinkie Pie.

Rainbow Dash slowly walked into the building, in massive pain. The wound that Rainbow Dash had was starting to burn worse then before, she hadn't been having such good luck since the attack. Who knew that such a small cut could turn into an awful wound. She was getting slower and falling behind the group. Coach noticed the poor condition of the cyan Pegasus, he knew that she needed medical attention. Unfortunately, no one had a med kit to heal her with. Coach lifted up his hand, telling everyone to stop.

"Hold on," said Coach, "Lets search these rooms for supplies."

Coach tried opening one of the doors, but it was locked. Coach suddenly got an idea, he had seen shows where SWAT teams would breach doors by using shotguns. Coach had always wanted to do just that, so he pulled out his Spas-12, loaded a shell into his weapon, and fired. The door knob flew off the door. He pushed open the door, the room was pitch black.

"Lights on everyone," he whispered. The survivors clicked on their flashlights and entered the room.

Everyone was checking the corners, making sure no infected would sneak attack them. Ellis looked over to the table, he found some supplies that would help them. There was a long sword with a smooth curve and a small stick with an orange cap on it.

"Katana and Adrenaline here!" said Ellis. Nick ran over and grabbed the sword, but when he reached for the Adrenaline Shot, Ellis grabbed his arm.

"Ellis let go, I need that shot," said Nick.

"Rainbow Dash needs it more then you," replied Ellis.

Nick looked outside of the room and saw Dash slowly walking towards the other mares, with a blood trail behind her, her wound was getting worse. Surprisingly, Nick nodded his head in agreement. Coach and Rochelle were stunned, Ellis and Nick never agreed with each other before.

Ellis grabbed the shot off the table and walked outside. He went over to Rainbow Dash and knelt down.

"You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah… I'm fine!" said the cyan Pegasus. Ellis knew that she was lying, so he took the cap off of the shot. Ellis tried to prick her hoof with it but she pulled back. Rainbow Dash was afraid of the needle.

"Listen Dash, this shot will help ya, there's no need to be afraid!" said Ellis.

"Are you sure?" asked Dash.

"One hundred percent!" replied Ellis.

Rainbow Dash slowly held out her hoof, she closed her eyes. Ellis stuck the needle into her hoof and pressed the button. He took the shot out of the hoof of the rainbow maned pony. She still had her eyes closed and hoof out.

"Uh, Rainbow, you can open your eyes now," said Ellis. Dash opened her eyes and looked at her hoof, there was a tiny red dot where the needle was inserted. Sadly, she still felt the pain of her wound, which confused the survivors.

"It should've taken effect by now," said Nick.

"I guess it didn't wor-" Rainbow Dash said before being interrupted by a strange feeling running through her body. A huge amount of energy built up in her body and she flew into air at breakneck speeds.

"WOOHOO!" she yelled. The shot worked! Rainbow Dash was back to her normal self, her speed, agility, everything was back to normal. The pain in her side was gone.

"Rainbow's back to normal!" yelled Pinkie Pie, jumping up and down.

"Yeah she is, but it's a temporary fix," said Nick, "It will only last for about an hour."

"Who cares!" replied Rainbow Dash, "I feel great!"

"We'll need to heal you up before the effects wear off," said Coach, "We need to get moving!"

The group got back on their journey to the next safe room. Ellis looked to his left, his eyes widened and his smile grew larger.

"Check it out! It's Kiddy Land!" Ellis screamed out, "I wanna ride one! Just let me ride The Screaming Oak once, just once! Man we're never gonna be here ever again!"

"Great! Now I wanna ride one," said Nick.

Ellis was cheering as if he were a child. His happiness was uncontainable and started to become contagious. Soon, Pinkie Pie was starting to cheer with him and then Fluttershy joined in.

"Ellis, now's not the time for childish stuff," said Coach.

Ellis shook out of his excitement and pulled back out his Grenade Launcher.

"Lead the way, Coach," said Twilight.

Coach walked down, with the others right behind him. He looked to his left and right, he found a scattered horde. He loaded up his shotgun and walked forward. A zombie had turned around and saw the large survivor, it started to run forward. Coach grinned and pulled up his weapon, he squeezed on the trigger. The Spas-12 lit up the infected, both of its arms flew off and the zombie fell to the floor. Coach looked to his left, a clown had rallied the infected and they charged towards him.

"Game On Baby!" Coach yelled as he pulled out his chainsaw.

"You six might wanna look away, this could get gory," said Nick.

The mares paid no attention to Nick's words. They watched as Coach sliced into the small horde. They were disgusted, but they were also amazed at how Coach easily dealt with the horde.

"EAT THAT SHIT!" Coach yelled as he cut into the horde. There were zombies getting torn to bits, getting cut in half, and many more things. It only took thirty seconds for Coach to completely destroy the group of zombies.

Coach motioned for everyone to follow him. Nick was laughing as he looked at all the unlucky undead. Rarity was trying to avoid the pools of blood, Rainbow Dash covered Fluttershy's eyes so that she wouldn't freak out. Twilight and Applejack were both trying not to vomit at the sight they were seeing, but they couldn't hold it, both of them threw up at the awful massacre.

"Ugh… Lets get out of here," said Twilight, "I don't want to see anymore of this."

The group walked along until they found a doorway into another building. There was a red box hanging from the wall and a table with weapons lying on it. But there was a problem, a Witch was guarding the entrance.

"She sounds like my ex-wife," said Nick.

"I'm gonna give her something to cry about!" said Rochelle, "Coach, give me your shotgun!"

Coach handed over his weapon. Rochelle loaded a single round into the weapon and slowly walked over to the crying infected. The Witch looked up and started to growl. Rochelle aimed the weapon and fired! The shot pushed back the Witch, but it didn't kill her. The infected ran towards the lone survivor and began slashing, Rochelle fell to the floor, dead!

"ROCHELLE!" screamed Coach.

"Oh shit, Oh shit man, OH SHIT!" said Ellis.

The mares started to scream, well almost all of them, except Fluttershy. She was angry at what the Witch had done to her new friend. Fluttershy flew as quick as she could over to the Witch and gave her the Stare! Suddenly Flutterbitch mode was activated in her brain and she began to yell.

"HOW DARE YOU HURT MY FRIENDS? Don't you have any manners?" she screamed out.

The Witch stopped dead in its tracks. The zombie was actually showing fear. Fluttershy flew closer to the infected. The Witch stepped back until it knocked into Nick. It turned around and saw the White Suit survivor wielding his Katana. Nick screamed out and stabbed the Witch. The infected girl fell to the floor.

"Holy shit," said the surprised Ellis, "I never thought someone like Fluttershy could ever do that!"

Fluttershy shook her head and stared at the others.

"Uh, sorry about that," she said in her normal silent voice.

"Don't sweat it!" said Nick, "That bitch deserved what was coming to her!"

The group looked at the body of their fallen comrade. The mares had tears in their eyes, while the survivors just put their heads down, ashamed of how they didn't act quick enough to save Rochelle.

"Well, there goes repopulating the Earth?" said Nick, "If only Zoey had came with us!"

Ellis looked at Nick with an offended look on his face.

"Don't you dare! Talk about Zoey in that way!" yelled Ellis.

An argument began between the two. The mares watched as the two thrown insults at each other. Coach was too busy praying over Rochelle's body. So Twilight stepped forward.

"Will you two quit arguing and tell me who this Zoey person is!" she said. The two stopped with their verbal war and looked at the purple unicorn.

"Well Ellis, show them the picture!" said Nick.

Ellis pulled out a photo of three other humans. There was one wearing a vest, another was in a white T-shirt with a red tie, and the last one was a woman with a red jacket. Ellis pointed at the woman.

"That's Zoey," said Ellis, "She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen!"

"What happened to them?" asked Rarity.

"We asked them if they wanted to join us on our trip to New Orleans, but they denied it," said Nick, "They said they were sailing off to the Florida Keys, a bunch of Islands of the coast."

Twilight was writing down what the two said. Ellis put the photo back in his pocket and walked over to Coach.

"I think it's best if we head inside, there could be a med kit for Dash in there," said Ellis. Coach nodded his head and motioned for everyone to follow him.

Nick opened the red box, in it were four health kits.

"First Aid!" he yelled. He grabbed one of the kits and walked over to Rainbow Dash.

"I probably should be saving this for myself, but you need it more than me," said Nick as he opened the bag. He pulled out a roll of medical tape and placed it over the wound.

"Thanks!" said Rainbow Dash.

"Don't mention it," replied Nick.

Applejack walked over to Ellis and tapped him on his leg.

"Uh, Ellis, what is that thing over there?" she asked. She was pointing at a little box with two paddles with handles on them. Ellis smiled and ran over to the strange looking object.

"This, Applejack, is called a defibrillator. It's used to revive people who are having medical problem, it also can help bring Rochelle back to life," said Ellis, "C'mon!"

He and Applejack both ran over to Rochelle's dead body. Ellis pulled out the two paddles and rubbed them together.

"C'mon work!" Ellis said to himself. He placed the paddles onto the chest of the dead survivor, an electric sound came from the machine and the body jerked.

Rochelle started to open her eyes, she saw Ellis and Applejack looking at her. She slowly got up to her feet.

"So that's what being dead feels like," said Rochelle.

"Wow, that was amazing, bringin' her back to life without any magic? That's remarkable!" yelled Applejack.

Ellis handed Rochelle her M-16 and axe. "You're gonna need these," he said.

The three walked back into the room, the mares were surprised that Rochelle was back to life. Nick and Coach just simply smiled. Now that the entire team was back together, it was time to move out.

"We're going to need to climb the ladder!" said Coach.