Left 4 Ponies: Friendship VS Zombies

by Spiky

Rockin' And Killin'

"Alright, heres the plan. Y'all know the Midnight Riders? They're gonna save us." Coach said.

"I hate to break it to ya Coach, but I don't think they're actually here." Ellis replied. Coach turned to Ellis.

"We'll set off their finale and the chopper that we saw earlier will have to know something's up. And nobody, and I mean NOBODY has a bigger light show than the Midnight Riders." Coach explained. A smile started to grow on Ellis' face, he liked the idea. Nick sighed and crossed his arms.

"Coach, that is the stupidest idea I've ever agreed with." Nick commented. Rochelle and the ponies all nodded in agreement.

"Sounds like fun! Listenin' to the best band ever while beatin' the shit out of zombies! Its gonna be awesome!" Ellis yelled as he jumped up from his seat. He grabbed his Grenade Launcher and ran over to the door, waiting on everyone else. "COME ON!"

The other survivors nodded and grabbed their weapons, but when they looked back, the door was opened and Ellis was missing. They could here gunfire outside followed by a scream.

"Oh shit! I'm down!" Ellis yelled. Nick put his hand to his face and groaned. The mares were all worried about Ellis.

"We gotta help him!" Applejack said putting on her hat. She ran towards the door but when she was running outside Ellis jumped out.

"BOO!" he yelled. Applejack screamed and fell onto her back. Ellis chuckled a bit and helped her up. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash both laughed at the prank, while everyone else just gave Ellis looks of disappointment.

"What?" Ellis said while shrugging.

The survivors and mares didn't answer and instead walked past him and out into the entrance hall of the stadium. Ellis sighed and followed closely behind. The team walked along and looked at the all of the infected who were unfortunate enough to be in the sights of Ellis and his gun.

"Damn Ellis! I knew you were good with a gun, but not this good!" Coach commented.

"Thanks! I knew all them video games I played would help in this kinda situation!" Ellis replied with a look of accomplishment on his face. But that face soon faded when he saw the entrance was blocked by a Charger and an overweight zombie. Twilight and Pinkie Pie, however, did not notice the infected. Ellis ran over and grabbed the two ponies, and just in time as well. The large zombie vomited where Pinkie and Twilight were at and the Charger ran forward, slamming into a wall instead of a pony.

"I got this!" Rainbow Dash said as she charged towards the fat infected.

"Don't do it Dash!" Coach yelled, but it was too late.

She turned and raised her back legs. She bucked the infected with explosive results, literally. The fat infected blew into chunks, with a green liquid spreading all over the place.

"I CAN'T SEE!" Rainbow Dash screamed, she was cover in the green goop. When things couldn't get any worse, a horde of infected charged towards the cyan Pegasus. The survivors got in front of Rainbow Dash and unleashed hell on the zombies. Rochelle ran over to Rainbow and wiped the goop off her eyes. Nick pulled out a pipe bomb and threw it towards the horde.

"Chase this you zombie bastards!" he yelled as he let go of the bomb. A red light started blinking and the bomb made a beeping sound. The zombies chased after the grenade, but they weren't the only ones. Pinkie Pie was also attracted to the pretty blinking light and beeping. Pinkie set her gnome down and made a mad dash to the pipe bomb.

"PINKIE NO!" Ellis yelled. She was jumping on top of the crowd of zombies, trying to grab the pipe bomb.

"I got it!" Pinkie Pie screamed The bomb went off right when she grabbed it with her hooves.

"PINKIE PIE!" the mares all screamed followed by silence…just a disturbing silence. The smoke soon cleared revealing scattered body parts, but none of them were pony body parts. The group heard a faint yelling. It got louder and louder. Suddenly Pinkie Pie landed on the ground, still in one peace.

"WOOHOO! That was fun!" Pinkie Pie said hopping back onto her hooves. "Let's do that again!" She hopped back over and put her gnome on her back. The survivors gave her confused looks.

"You ain't hurt?" Ellis asked. Pinkie Pie shook her head quickly. She then walked back outside. The survivors were still confused with what had happened. Who knew that these ponies, who looked weak and harmless, were so tough and brave? The humans soon shook out of there confusion and walked outside.

"Okay everyone! Split up and find supplies! When were done meet back at the stage." Coach explained.

"C'mon! Lets get to settin' up the show!" Ellis said with excitement. Everyone agreed and split up.

1 Hour Later

Nick and Twilight were rummaging through the top of the seating area. Nick suddenly remembered something; he looked over to Twilight.

"Hey Twi! I forgot to give you this!" Nick said pulling a scroll out of his pocket. Twilight grabbed the note with her magic and quickly scanned through it.

"Nick! Do you still have those fire makers?" Twilight asked.

"Incendiary rounds? Yeah we still have some!" Nick answered.

"Good! Go get some paper!" Twilight ordered. Nick nodded and pulled off a piece of an advertisement, he got out a pen and began writing what Twilight said.

"Dear Princess Celestia

Thank you for writing back as soon as you did! I assure you that these humans are trustworthy and will keep us out of harm's way! There is no need to worry about them at all!

Your Faithful Student

Twilight Sparkle."

Nick finished the letter off and set it on the table. He pulled out an incendiary round and aimed at the paper. He fired a shot with the unusually usual green fire. (Sorry if that didn't make much sense.) The paper evaporated into thin air and was on it's way to the Princesses.

"Alright, now that that's done, lets…" Nick was suddenly interrupted by the sounds of lights turning on. He looked and saw Rochelle, Rarity, and Fluttershy over by the lighting machine.

"Well never mind then! I see Ro's already done it!" Nick said. On the stage, Ellis was messing around with the microphone, while Rainbow Dash and Applejack watched him.

"Check one!" Ellis said into the microphone. He smiled and started to sing. "Every ladies crazy when her daddy's not around!"

Nick leaned on one of the stair railings and yelled at Ellis. "Ellis, I now know two things that you suck at! Shooting and singing!"

"I thought he was pretty good!" Rochelle counter argued.

"Yeah! He's an awesome singer!" Rainbow Dash complimented. Ellis smiled and scratched his head.

"Thanks for the compliment!' he said.

Meanwhile, Coach and Pinkie Pie were at the sound board, he looked around and found a tape that read 'Finale'. He was enraged with what he was looking at. He had a look of anger in his eyes.

"Coach, are you okay?" Pinkie Pie asked. Coach shook his head while still looking at the tape.

"Lip-syncing old ass bitches! They got a tape back here!" Coach yelled. Ellis turned towards the two and raised an eyebrow.

"They lip-sync?" he asked. Coach slowly nodded and raised the tape to where Ellis could see it. Ellis' smile turned to a frown, he sat down on one of the stereos.

"Ain't that a load shit…" Ellis muttered under his breath. Pinkie Pie noticed the survivor's sadness and hopped over to him.

"C'mon Ellis! Turn that frown upside-down!" she said. Ellis just sighed and looked at the floor. Pinkie looked back at Coach, who's head was also hung. "C'mon guys! You said you were fans of this band!"

"Yeah! But that was before we found out they lip-sync!" Coach replied. "Those cheating sons of bitches!"

"Okay! So they cheated, but that shouldn't make you guys so upset!" Pinkie said. "What about before all of this? Do you think they cheated then?"

"Well now we do!" Ellis answered.

"Hey everyone! We'd best get this show on the road, or we'll never get out of here!" Nick said while walking up to the stage.

"C'mon you two! I know that deep down in your hearts, that you are still huge fans of this band!" Pinkie Pie said. Ellis raised his head and smiled.

"You know what, you're right Pinks!" Ellis said. He jumped up onto his feet.

"Ah hell! She is right!" Coach said. "Well! Its time for some Midnight Ridin'! Who's with me?"

Everyone else nodded. Nick walked over to the sound board and pressed the play button.

"You guys ready to rock?" he said. The song and fireworks started, with the sound of the horde fused in with it as well.

"Turn it up! TURN IT WAY UP!" Ellis yelled. The horde made their way towards the group, but they were caught in a hail of gunfire. Rainbow Dash got another cloud and looked at her pray, she would pull back and SMACK! A lightning bolt flashed and hit the horde with amazing force, cutting down a large portion of them.

"Look out Ellis!" Applejack yelled. Ellis looked to his side and saw a hunter pounce onto him.

"Get him off!" Ellis screamed as the hunter scratched into his arms and chest. Applejack ran to Ellis and bucked the hunter off of him. The hunter retreated to the roof of the stadium. But when it least expected it Rainbow Dash flew down and kicked the hunter off and down to a painful, fatal drop.

"Payback you creep!" she yelled. Nick gave Dash a thumbs up.

"Nice Job!" he yelled. He looked back and noticed the zombies had flanked the group. "Look Behind you!" He opened fire on the zombies. Rochelle turned around and helped Nick in suppressing the attackers. Coach grabbed a gas can and tossed it out to the horde in front of him. Ellis took dead aim on the tank and fired, causing it to burst into flames. The zombies were being cooked into Southern style steaks!

Suddenly the guitar solo began and the sounds of an angry Tank followed. Fluttershy looked and saw a rock being thrown her way, she looked to her sides and noticed that the other mares already ran out of the way. She tried to run but was to scared, she fell to the ground and covered her eye. Amazingly, her cowering saved her from getting decapitated from the rock.

"Don't stop now! Shoot it!" Coach yelled as he opened fire on the tank. Another rock landed right next to Applejack and Twilight, startling them. Ellis got in front of the two ponies and pulled out his Grenade Launcher. He pulled the trigger and watched as the grenade lodged into the Tank's chest and went off…lets just say, it was raining Tank guts after that.

"Keep on Rockin' and Killin' everyone!" Ellis yelled. He pulled out his magnum and opened fire into the last of the infected. Once when all of the zombies were dead, the music stopped.

"Was that it?" Applejack asked.

"Nope! It's just begun!" Ellis answered. After those words, the music played again and the zombies attacked once more. Ellis pulled out his guitar and yelled out a war cry like scream. He ran towards the horde and started beating them with his guitar.

"Holy Hay dude! Look at him go!" Rainbow Dash yelled. She cheered from her cloud as Ellis was beating down the zombies. The survivors opened fire on the zombies that got past Ellis, but not that many actually passed him. In three minutes all the zombies were killed and another guitar solo began.

"Now that was some zombie killin'!" Ellis yelled. He looked at the group, they all had looks of fear on their faces. Ellis turned around and saw another Tank.


"Ah sh- AAHHHHHHHHH!" Ellis said while getting punched by the towering zombie. Rainbow Dash quickly flew down and caught Ellis. She struggled with the survivor but managed to lay him on the ground.

"Ellis! Are you okay?" she asked. She was worried sick about Ellis.

"No…I ain't doin' good at all!" Ellis responded. He groaned in pain and felt his ribs. "Well! Nothin's broken! But that thing knocked the wind outta me!"

Rainbow Dash sighed in relief. She took a step back and let Ellis stand up. Ellis tipped his hat and pulled back out his magnum. He took aim and fired.

"Shoot that big motherfucker!" Coach yelled. He loaded his shotgun and aimed. 'All I need is one perfect shot!' he thought. He got his sights on the Tank and waited. The powerful infected ran right in front of Coach. BOOM! The Tank's head busted open from the power of the shotgun.

"RAAaauuugh…." the Tank yelled before falling to the ground. The music ended with a barrage of fireworks launching into the sky. The fireworks stopped and the faint sounded of wind chopping was heard. Suddenly the helicopter was seen it turned and stopped by the stairs.

"Get to the Chopper everyone!" Nick yelled charging ahead. Everyone followed closely behind and made their way to the helicopter. Applejack and Nick were the first one to get in. The pilot looked at the pony, with an eyebrow raised.

"Howdy partner!" Applejack greeted. The pilot's eyes widened and he began to freak out.


"Please don't panic! Just turn around and wait fly us out of here!" Nick insisted. The pilot nodded and turned around. Everyone else hopped aboard the chopper and began to fight off the infected. The helicopter lifted off the ground and flew away, with everyone safely aboard.

"We made it! New Orleans here we come!" Ellis yelled as he watched the last few fireworks go off in the stadium.

"New Orleans? Hell no kid! I'm flying us to the Florida Keys!" the chopper pilot said.