//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 Talios // Story: The Three Knight Errant // by Ebony Gryphon //------------------------------// The incessant cold and bitter winds blew hard across the dead lands of the northern parts of Equestria, the only thing akin to life the train that plowed through its snow covered to its depot. At said depot, a warm fire warmed the fur of a couple of very content ponies, while outside the guards who had just taken guard shivered in the chill. Even though both were pegasi, and were wearing as much warm clothing as though could and still be able to fly, the experience was still an entirely miserable one. Teeth chattering, one of pegasi glanced through window, and glared furiously at the winged mare inside, who seeing his look, smiled brightly, lifted the mug to her muzzle for a drink, then stuck her tongue out at the long suffering stallion. Fuming, he snapped his head forward again, the weather doing nothing to cool the internal temper tantrum. As all this happened, his partner stood by, his usually stoic expression failing spectacularly in the face of what was happening. Seeing his partner give him an annoyed look, he grinned, "I love the summer months, dont you?" While the guard let forth a litany of curses that would make one of the noblities mistresses blush, it was more of less business as usual under the pale blue barrier of the crystal empire. Recently freed, then renewed with the defeat of Sombra, the empires apply named crystal ponies happily went about their lives. The baker baked, the blacksmiths forged, the farmers farmed. Merchants haggled and when they could cheated their patrons, and the guards not freezing in the tundras marched proudly through the polished stone of the market and city. The weather in the barrier was warm and sunny, a gentle chirping of what few birds could be brought to the empire went whistling through the trees. And all this time, the Empress Mi Amore Cadenza sat on her thrown, stiffling a yawn as she wiped the sleep from her eyes. Smiling appreciatively at the greying blue furred unicorn mare that brought her a cup of tea, she took a sip and sighed softly before shifting into more regal pose. "So, Mary sue, who wishes to attend the court." Returning the smile, the horn of the mare glowed softly, first floating a pair of bifocals onto her nose, the levitating and clipboard in front of her. After a moments consideration, her smile widened into a look of pleasant surprise. "Actually, my Empress, there's nothing scheduled for today." Tilting her head to right and putting on a very non royal deadpan look, asked "Then why the fuck are we here?' earning herself a gasp and very stern look from her assistant. After a few minutes of removing her royal vestments and preening, she and Mary stepped out into the warmth of the city. At first they both enjoyed their unexpected day, but after a few moments of perusing the various shops and vendors, Cadence got an odd feeling. Holding out a wing to stop Mary, she looked behind and said softly, "Don't say anything, just watch the vender in front of us." Coming up next to her monarch, the equine watched a earth pony being served some roasted carrots by one of the venders. "Welcome, welcome to my stall! I must say, its a rare treat to serve an outsider, what can get for you this fine day? A small serving, ahhh that's a goodin that its is. Thank you" he handed the pony his change. "And have a marvelous day" Looking at Cadence curiously, she shrugged "I'm afraid i don't understand." Looking back at her a moment, Cadence powered up her horn, then levitated a few bits from the saddles on her back. "Now, go buy us something." Hmming softly, Mary took the bits, and walked to the concession stand. Still smiling, the sparking green equine turned around from her, then turning back, his eyes widened somewhat when he saw her horn. Smile falling, he looked down, and said softly "May i help you?" Nonplussed, Mary order a couple of orders of sliced apples, though when the stallion turned back to give her change, he merely placed it on the counter, still looking down. Confused by the sudden change, she gave a small thank you, though the vender didn't answer. Returning to the Empress, she looked a little hurt. "Milady, what was that about?" Shaking her head, Cadence lifted her wings in a who knows gesture. "Ive been noticing that a lot. It only seems too happen with pegasi and unicorns." Nodding towards the venders, she said softly "And have you noticed too that all the crystal ponies all earth ponies?" Eyes widening, Mary gasped. "No, but now that you mention it... you don't think..." But what the princess couldn't think was suddenly interrupted by a stampede of guards in full regalia rushing, barking orders for any stray citizens to move. After the group had rushed through, Mary looked back at Cadence, and seeing that small smile and her slightly raised eyebrows, she whimpered, knowing what the Empress was going to say. "So Mary, feel like a little adventure today?" ============================================================ The guards who recently were running through the city joined the comrades who were already in a half circle, and while catching their breath, gazed in wonder what they surrounded. A tall, somewhat thin looking creature stood in the middle of the half circle, the wall he was backed into offering no escape. Eyes desperately searching for escape, he shouldn't have noticed as a pegasi leaped up, and tried to dive tackle the odd biped... suddenly a blur of motion, and the guard was flung to the floor, gasping and pressing a hoof to his throat, his right wing clearly snapped in two. Snarling, the El-tee stomped a hoof on the street, and bellowed "Take this bucker down!" Keeping distance, various hued horns lit up, shackles suddenly leaping from the wrapped up chains at their, flying through the air, only to be knock aside, but the creature snarled, and clawed at the iron collar around his wrist, only to have his free one captured from another, his arms stretched out until they felt like they were trying to pull them from their sockets. Breathing heavily, numerous scratches and slashes bleeding to pool somewhat under his feet, he began to draw his arms in, dragging the unicorns forward. "Sir! Its... we cant hold it!" A cold smile crossing, the scarred officer snarled, "Swords forward..." and with that the sound of metal leaving its sheath rang out. Suddenly, a voice boomed, causing almost all to flatten their ears in pain "That is enough!" Turning to unleash his fury upon whoever was foolish enough to stand, the deep blue stallion somehow managed to blanch at the alicorn who was walking up to him. Hard eyes not leaving his for an instant, the usually loving mare hissed 'Stand down Swiftblade." Eye twitching sporadically, he opened his maw to argue, then snapped it shut, and gritting his teeth, moved to side, ordering his soldiers to do the same. Walking through the sudden opening, Cadence smiled softly at the creature in the center of the semi circle, her heart aching at the terror and pain she could feel coming from what felt like a male. Horn glowing, she reached out with her magic, trying to touch its heart... and stopped short when it did nothing. For the first time, her magic failed her. Not daring to show her uncertainty, she continued forward, speaking softly as she would with any wounded creature "Shh, its ok... its all right..." The creature took a step backward, and winced as he touched his shoulder letting out another hiss of pain. Realizing that it was dislocated, Cadence had repress a sudden urge to shove a flugeLhorn so far up Swiftblade plot that someone could play it by honking his nose, she continued forward slowly, undoing the collars around his wrists, still speaking softly as her eyes locked with her. Smiling softly, she shivered slightly at his eyes, one blue the other green. "Its okay, your safe..." Suddenly the thing lunged forward, wrapping an arm around the Empress's neck, and causing the blue furred stallion to bellow again, ordering his men forward, but they were stopped by a mere glare from Cadence, and after they relented, she turned her head back, and feeling the fingers dig into her mane slightly, heard "Please..." and she wrapped a forelimb around the human as he finally collapsed against her. Night had finally settled upon the Empire, but while most went to a warm bed, Cadence paced across the floor of her home. Ears perking at the sound of an opening, she walked quickly to the brown furred unicorn stallion, eyes wide. "That was quick...." Seeing the look on his muzzle, she stopped short. "Oh no, he's not...' Looking shocked, he shook his head. "No no, its just..." Looking uncomfortable, he raised a hoof, rubbing the top of his head. "From what i saw this afternoon, and when i fixed his shoulder, it would taken weeks to heal, if he survived... but... " he shook his head, and stood aside making a sweeping motion with his chin. "You have to see this." Looking at the doctor for a moment, she began her walk down the hall, stopping for a moment at the door at the end. Taking a breath, she used her magic to turn the handle, and walked into the room. Sitting up in bed was what she had learned was a human, currently tearing his bandages from his arms and chest. Opening her mouth to protest, she suddenly clamped it shut when she was that wound had already begun to close, some even already fading.Looking up, his eyes locked onto the Alicorns for a moment, then pushing aside the covers, he began to rise. Tsking, she walked forward, frowning "You shouldn't move yet, you've been.' suddenly, the man sank to one knee, and Cadence started forward until she saw he wasn't passing out, he was kneeling. Still looking down, greasy hair hang down hiding his face fully, he said "You... Cadence... you saved me..." Nodding numbly, she gave a small snort "I wouldn't have just left you..." Shaking his head, the human looked up, his eyes causing her to stop short again, before he spoke "No, you saved me... I am yours, your servant." A rare smile crossing his lips, he continued 'What are your orders, Master Cadence?' Thanking whoever had decided on such for her fur hiding her blush, she looked at the human a moment, then the same small smile that so many learned to dread crossed her muzzle. "All right then... I don't know your name I'm afraid." His own smile fading at the oddly unsettling smile on his Masters muzzle, he said "Talios, Master." Nodding once, she walked forward "Talios, then. I accept your servitude...' she laid forehoof on the humans right shoulder, 'But only on a few conditions..." 3 weeks later.... Shining Armor trudged slowly up the stairs of his home, every bone and muscle aching from his trek through the political clusterfuck of Canterlot. Using his horn to open, he let out a weak "I'm home Cadence..." sighing as the cloak he wore take from where he hung it across his back. Smiling softly, he turned to.... a six foot tall human, who after giving him a slight bow, said in an absolutely pleased tone "Welcome how Lucara, it is a joy that you've returned safely..." Folding the wet coat over his arm, he walked to the dolly and the tea kettle atop it, and smiling still "Do you take one lump or two?" Jaw still hanging open slightly, Shining snapped it shut, then the birds that nested in the trees of their manor took flight in terror at the shout of "CADENCE!"