Universe 63

by CarmenColor

A Visit With Rarity

Twilight sat in the blissful vacancy of her mind for a long while before she actually reached out to Rarity's mind. The white unicorn blinked and looked around. She spotted Twilight and galloped over. "Twilight, darling! I was hoping that we would talk again soon."

"Rarity, I hope you don't mind, but I really need to talk to you, and it'll probably take awhile. I've got a lot on my mind..."

"Why, of course! What do you want to talk about, dear?"

"Well, I don't know, but I guess I can start with how much I miss you guys. It's been a long time since I talked about any of this to anypony besides you though. I just can't stand being away from you guys much longer. The guys are nice and all, but-"

"But they're not the same. Yes, you told me. I can't imagine how it must feel to be away from us all the time, though we all do miss you dearly."

"Yes, but I can't even talk to all of you, and even when I here, I don't really talk to anypony's duplicate except your's and my own. Well, and Spike's and Celestia occasionally. Mostly yours, though..."

"Is he as fabulous as I am?" Twilight giggled at that.

"Well, he is you, so I should hope so. He's been very nice to me the whole while that I've been here." Her cheeks began to turn a little red. "I spent a lot of time at Carousel Boutique." Rarity was giving her an amused look.

"Really?" she asked slowly, with a slightly sly tone, "Does somepony have a colt friend?" Twilight started in shock. How did she know?

"W-What!?" Twilight stuttered. Rarity gave a little cheer of glee.

"Ooh! I'm right, aren't I!" she grinned, "Despite the fact that it is essentially me, I'm sooooo happy that you found a special somepony!" Twilight's face turned red. "Oh, don't be shy, darling. Like I said, I am very happy for you!"

"Thanks..." she mumbled, "Uh, Rarity? Do you think that you could keep this a secret? At least for the time being?"

"Why, of course, darling! I won't say a word."

"Thanks," Twilight smiled, "Hmm..." A sudden thought had come to Twilight's mind. "Rarity, have you ever heard of unicorn stone?" The alabaster unicorn was slightly surprised at the change of topic.

"Why, naturally, darling. They taught all unicorns about it in school. I've never actually seen any, though."

"Okay, so do you know that it's a very powerful mineral, capable of performing one or two unicorn spells indefinitely?"

"Oh, my... I don't think they ever told us that, just that it was helpful in aiding spells and was very easy to cast on."

Twilight nodded, "Yes, I thought as much. It's possible that nopony besides us and the Princess...or Prince, I suppose, even knows that unicorn stone can hold a spell indefinitely. Hmm... Maybe that's why it's almost never used..."

"Twilight, what are you getting at?"

"I had some once, unicorn stone. Princess Celestia called it Merencrith, which is 'Magic Stone' in old Equestrian. She gave it to me, and I cast a levitation spell on it. It floated around my room all the time, until I left the window open one day and it flew out."

"Twilight, I don't understand."

"Rarity, if we could get some of that stone, some from each universe, and cast my universe hopping spell on them and a linking spell, we could essentially create a permanent portal between the two universes. Any race of pony could use the portal, because the spell becomes part of the rock."

"Could we really do that?" Rarity was staring at Twilight with such utter amazement that Twilight couldn't help but grin.

"I think so. I can get Dusk to help me with the spells. Oh, and I should talk to Solaris first... Do you think you could talk to Princess Celestia about it?" Rarity nodded. "Great! Oh, this will be wonderful! Thanks Rarity! I should go." The void around them fizzled and Twilight found herself back in the library. Dusk looked over at her from the rocking chair.

"That didn't take long." He set the book down.

"It didn't need to," Twilight replied, "Come on! We need to write a letter!" She galloped up the stairs.

"A letter?" Dusk asked, "Why? Twilight!" He galloped after her, very curious as to what she was doing.

"Dear Solaris..." Twilight began, scribbling the letter on a piece of paper.

It has been reminded of me that I will be able to cast my spell to go home again soon. I was talking to my friend Rarity through a magical mind link when I remembered a particular mineral called unicorn stone, or Merencrith in old Equestrian. If what I know is true, then this stone can be permanently enchanted.

This has gotten me thinking. I would like to cast a few select spells on some to create a permanent portal between this universe and my own. That way, I can keep in touch with you all and I will not have to expend magic. Not only that, but ponies in this universe, such as Dusk Shine, could come to my universe for research or other reasons.

I request a piece of Merencrith, if it would not be a problem. I would very much appreciate a way to contact my new friends.

Your student,
Twilight Sparkle

"Unicorn stone..." Dusk mumbled, "Twilight...that...that's ingeniously brilliant! It would be a pathway between the universes for unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies alike to use! Genius! This could put our understanding of magic years ahead of our current progress!" The two purple unicorns spent the next half hour looking for Spines to send the letter.