//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Gilligan's Island; Aloha, ponies // by Fireheart 1945 //------------------------------// Just sit right back And you'll hear a tale, A tale of a fateful trip That started in the tropic port Aboard this tiny ship The mate was a mighty sailing man, The Skipper brave and sure, Five passengers set sail that day For a three hour tour, A Three hour tour The weather started getting rough, The tiny ship was tossed If not for the courage of the fearless crew The Minnow would be lost, The Minnow would be lost The ship struck ground on the shore of this uncharted desert isle, With Gilligan, The Skipper, too, The Millionare, and his wife, The Movie Star, The Professor and Mary Ann Here on Gilligan's Isle! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Gilligan!", the Skipper shouted. "Gilligan!" It was yet another day on the island. The sun was shining, the few birds were singing, and the Skipper was calling for his first mate. Everything was normal. Well, normal for the castaways, at any rate. It was the third year the Skipper, his first mate Gilligan, the millionare Thurson Howell III and his wife, Mrs. Howell, the movie star Ginger Grant, the Kansan farm girl Mary Ann, and the Professor had been marooned on the deserted, uncharted island. They had barely gotten out of the storm with their lives, but the real problew was in getting off the island. fate was simply against the castaways. They had come a hair's length from being rescues numerous times, only for something to foul it up everytime; the weather, Gilligan, greedy and self obsorbed visitors, Gilligan, natural disasters, and Gilligan were just a few of the reasons they had failed every time. Even the dictator Rodriguez had managed to get off the island... before being exiled to the Andes Mountains after he was pronounced insane because he had stated that he had been on an island with people on it, and that he had become it's ruler for a while. The Skipper went down to the lagoon, still calling for Gilligan. He was about to lose his temper when the first mate answered. "Over here, Skipper." The Skipper walked over to where Gilligan was preparing to cast his line. Just before he could begin to ask what the kid was doing, Gilligan threw his line back, in preparation for the cast. The hook snagged on the captain's hat. "Wait, Gilligan, dont...!" Too late; Gilligan cast the line, and the Skipper's hat went with it, all the way into the lagoon, and into the water. Temper rising, the Skipper walked over to the first mate. Gilligan heard him, and turned around. "Hey Skipper! I think I caught one!" He reeled in the line. "Oh, look at that, it's just a silly old hat." He picked it off the hook. "It needs some work before it's fit for wearing." "Gilligan, that's my hat, you featherbrain!" The captain yanked the hat away from Gilligan and, for good measure, hit him over the head with it before squeezing the water out. "Your hook got stuck on it." "Oh, sorry Skipper." Gilligan sounded submissive, as usual around the Skipper. "I was just trying to catch something really good for dinner." "I have nothing against that, just don't use my hat as your bait." "Ok, Skipper." The first mate cast again, this time managing to do it correctly. "Gilligan, aren't you supposed to be working on the raft?" "I was, but I got hungry, so I decided to go fishing." The captain sighed, annoyed. "Why didn't you just get a banana? There's tons of them on the island!" "I didn't see any close by, and anyway I was afraid a gorilla would get me if I started looking for them." At least that was a real threat, even if it wasn't likely to show itself for real. "And how long ago was it that we even saw a gorilla?" "I don't know. A while ago, I guess." Gilligan began reeling in the line. "Well, in any case, get to work on that raft after you're done, or you'll have me to answer to." "Okay." Suddenly there was a boom, and the ground shook slightly. Gilligan jumped and dropped the fishing rod. "Skipper, what was that? Was it the volcano again?" For the first time in the conversation the Skipper was stumped, and a little worried. "I don't know, Gilligan. Maybe the Professor was using dynamite for some reason, you know he used to have some." "Yeah, when I put everyone in jail, including myself." Gilligan cut off when he saw his superior's stormy face. "Oh, right." "Hmmmm... I'll go talk to the Professor, maybe he has something to do with this." The Skipper began to walk away, then turned around. "Make sure you finish that raft." "I will, Skipper." "Alright then." The Skipper left, for real this time." Why am I always the one picked on?, Gilligan thought. He picked up the fishing rod, and reeled in the line, only to reveal that there was only a coconut on the end of the line. "I didn't know coconuts grew underwater." He heard something, not far away. He dropped the fishing line again. "Skipper?" he whispered. "Is that you?" No one answered. He began looking in the bushes near by. He found nothing. Abruptly he began hearing voices, talking some way off. Gilligan began walking quietly towards the sound. He got close enough to hear someone talking; he could make out some words, but the voices didn't sound familiar. "I don't know... wrong with... Princess's spell... bow Dash, but... have to wake the others." "Ya don't have ta wake me up, ah'm here", said a loud voice in a Southern-accented drawl. Gilligan heard something scuffling in the sand. "Where... we?", it asked, quieter this time. "I don't know... not on the maps we were... iven. Maybe somewhere... Zebrica." "Oooooh, look, coconuts!", came a girly, energetic voice. "Coconuts? We can't... in Zebrica.. en, we.. ust be on... opic island." "What? ...ow? Princess... ell should... us in palace!" "..irls, focus... eed to find out where... are, and... help." "It's a rescue crew! We're saved!" Gilligan said excitedly. Suddenly a pink blob threw itself out of the bushes and landed on him, knocking him onto his back. He looked to see a pink horse standing on his belly. It began speaking; "Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, what's your name?" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Gilligan screamed as he got up, knocking the horse off him, and ran away, back toward the huts.