The Tales of Prince Onyx

by Stanislas

4-Diary of Celestia 1


The diary of Celestia - 1

27th of Draconoques, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

Today, will be exactly 6 months since I have adopted Onyx. I’m really happy at how the things have become, everypony was more, curious than frightened by him... Strong Shield had advised me that a little group of ponies hate him and we should take care of them, but I’m sure he was worried over nothing. By the way I have found that Onyx will need something for cover his body. Unlike us Pony he does not have fur and his... stallionhood was not hidden like our stallions, maybe I should ask Silver Heart if she knows somepony who can make some clothes for him or something like that.


Princess Celestia


2nd of Unicornus, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

Today, was the day where I took Onyx to the Royal Cloth Shop. We had spend many hours trying to find and make something for the form of his body. I think we have spend around 4 or 5 hours just for determinate what we should make, I have nearly forgotten to raise the moon, but at the end of the day, we have found what kind of clothing to make for him, and his clothes will be ready next week.


Princess Celestia


9th of Unicornus, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

I had finally received the clothes for Onyx and he looks, just so cute in is black pajamas. All his clothes are made with pure black or gray, and with a little emblem of my cutie mark on his shoulder. I just find him so... I don’t know, he’s just so adorable! Maybe I’ll ask Silver Heart to bring her camera, I will never say it but, I will LOVE it when it’s time to take some pictures of Onyx.


Princess Celestia


27th of Unicornus, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

I don’t know why, but I found Strong Shield acting strange when he was close to Onyx, like if he found him... disgusting... No I think is more like if he found him dangerous... Maybe I should keep an open eye on him. Anyways, I had bought Onyx a little plushie of a phoenix, I’m sure he will love it, maybe I should wait for his birthday or Hearth’s Warming to give it to him. It can be a good gift... right?


Princess Celestia


1st of Crystalia, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,




2nd of Crystalia, Year 980 after the NMM.

Dear Diary,

Today, Silver Heart had took Onyx to her house, so I will be able to FINALLY get some sleep, but... I’m still wondering why he was cry like that, since I had adopted him, he had cried about, 3 or 4 times, and each of those times lasted for around 3 minutes, not WHOLE hours!... Maybe I should use a detection spell on him.


A really sleepy Celestia


4th of Crystalia, Year 980 after the NMM

Dear Diary,

When I used my detection spell, I found out why he was crying all the time! It was because his tooth is coming out, so for the good of everypony in the castle, I have given him a anti-pain spell. Everypony will finally be able to sleep like a baby... or more like a tree.


A really happy Celestia


13th of Crystalia, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

I am really worried, I had discovered that this morning when I woke up Onyx, that he had a FANG! Not big one, but it’s still a fang! That means he can eat meat, which means he came from a predator species. I was trying to hide it with some magic before somepony else could see it, so I can give myself some time to think of what I should do next. But before I could finish the spell, Strong Shield had came into my room and was trying to tell me something, I don’t know what because, before he was able to say what he had wanted to say, he saw that Onyx had a fang and after that, he tried to persuade me that ‘He is dangerous.” and “We never should have taken care of him.”’

I had convinced him, that Griffins too eat meat and they are not a threat to us ponies, but I cannot convince him of the same with Onyx... I just wish that his species was a omnivore one and not carnivore... It will be too much, and too hard to try and convince the population that he’s harmless, if they found that out.


A worried Celestia.


25th of Crystalia, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

The tooth that Onyx had, finally finished growing up and hopefully, I had discovered with the form of his new tooth I would say he is a omnivore. That will help a lot with what I have planed for him later. I will only need to ask the Griffin Kingdom to send me some... meat when he will grown up, *shudder* I’ve been thinking, that maybe he doesn’t need meat, but because I know nothing about his species, maybe it will be dangerous for him NOT have some. Now I will go sleep, because today was a really hard day with the meeting I had.


A unworried Celestia


23rd of Hearth’s Warming, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary

I am so excited, in 2 days it will be the first Hearth’s Warming Day for Onyx! I have planned everything, first we will go to the annual spectacle of the creation of Equestria, then we will go to the dinning room, I have invited the family of Silver Heart, I have invited too Strong Shield but he wants to pass this time with his family. After we will all have eaten, we will go in the throne room where I have put all the gifts, for Onyx it will be the phoenix doll, for Silver it will be a dress that she wanted since the past few month, but cost too much high for her. For her husband, (who is a wonderful husband to her) it is 2 tickets for the next galloping gala, and finally for their son, it is a certificate that I will give him for gifted unicorns. The only thing that I will miss is my dear sister... I don’t know how hard it could be for her, to be alone on the moon on the Hearth’s Warming day.

Princess Celestia.


26th of Hearth’s Warming, 980 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

I had a most wonderful Hearth’s Warming Eve, I had gotten from the family of Silver a picture of me giving a bath to Onyx (I think she knows how I love this picture of Onyx and me). After the show, we all went to the dinning room, where we all shared laughs and fun. Then when I gave then my present, the Silver family were really happy. This was the first time, since I have banish my sister, that I got a good Hearth’s Warming Eve.


Princess Celestia


6th of Winterium, 981 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

IT FINALLY HAPPENED! Onyx had said his first word! At first I was starting to begin to worry, because he is 14 months old, but he have finally say it, we where at the park, I was reading a book called “How to Eat More Without The Fat Flank” and then he say it, he had said ‘CAKE!’. It was so wonderful, so I had taken him into the kitchen and I had asked the chef to make us a big cake with writing on the top of it, with the word ‘cake’. It was delicious.


A full Celestia.


24th of Alicornia, 981 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

Today is the birthday of Onyx, I had bought him a another plushie, but it was a plushie of a little tiger, it even makes a little squee when you press it’s belly. Onyx was looking really happy and we had invited his friends, Shadow Hearth, the foal of Silver hearth, and for the occasion I had made myself a cake. It was a little burnt, but it was still good.


Princess Celestia


13th of Gryflius, 985 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

Onyx has been with for 5 years now, 5 wonderful years of smiling, laughing and he has learnt so much. I have learned alot of things since these years I had him, first his kind walk on 2 legs, like the Diamond Dogs, and even if he likes the meat I give him, he can always eat vegetables and fruit like us, but he cannot eat plants, like hay, flower etc.. I have tried one time and he became sick for the next 4 day after that. I have discovered that his species don’t have cutie marks, so I guess when he will find out what he is good at, then we will just add a emblem of it on his clothes. Onyx started to get a little collection of plushies, he has 5 plushies for now; a phoenix, a tiger, a penguin, a pegasus, and the last one I give him was a little wolf. Strong Shield still has this strange look in his eyes when he saw him, but I think he just a little stressed.

Onyx and Shadow Hearth are always together and are always playing knight and dragon.
But I’m stressed, in less than 2 years I will need to send Onyx to school, with other ponies, but unlike us, he doesn’t have the ability to fly like Pegasus, he doesn’t have the magic of Unicorn, and he doesn’t have the strenght of a Earth pony. I have asked Strong Shield to train him a little but he had decline, saying that he is too young. I need to find a solution.


A worried mother


28th of Moon Festif, 986 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

Today I had a meeting with the ambassador of the Gryffin Empire. Nothing to worry about, but when we go out after the meeting, the ambassador had asked to meet Onyx, and I had accepted his request. I don’t know why, but I have a bad feeling, he didn’t do anything wrong, he had just talked with him about how the Gryffin Empire works. But I’m worried, why the ambassador of the Gryffin would want to talk about that to my son.


Princess Celestia


25th of The Sun Festif, 987 Years after the NMM

Dear Diary,

In less than 1 week, School will start, and I need to add Onyx in one as one of the students there at the school in Canterlot. I cannot put him into the School for gifted Unicorns like his friend, Shadow Hearth because he does not have magic, the Flight School of Commander Hothead is for species who have wings... and Onyx can’t fly soooo.... The normal School of Earth, he can’t go in it because everypony there are really strong... I have only 2 other choices, The Royal School and the Inter-species School, for the first one, Onyx will not have trouble in it because he will be the only student but still, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea. So the only one is the Inter-Species School, but I’m a little scared of this place... But I don’t have any other choice. I will talk about it with him tomorrow.


Princess Celestia
