//------------------------------// // Chapter 4 Marcum // Story: The Three Knight Errant // by Ebony Gryphon //------------------------------// Chapter 4 Marcum Aduros took a deep breath atop the cliff overlooking the beach he landed, and after a moment of relishing the taste of fresh mountain, he let it out. Looking behind him for a moment to admire the view, he raised his sleeveless arm to wipe the sweat from his brow. As the back of his palm wiped the salt from his forehead, something sort of flittered in the corner of Aduros's eye, giving him reason to pause the lowering his hand. Slowly moving said hand, he curled his fingers around the cold steel of the handle(1) , and with a brief prayer for Elohie forgiveness, he turned swiftly, assuming a defensive to face... nothing. Not even a butterfly flitted across the mountain flowers. Eyes still narrowed, and ears still alert, he slowly sheathed his blade. And when he lowered his hand to his side once more, something flitted across the periphery, causing to whirl around again. Scratching his head in confusion, he suddenly heard a single bird chirp, and with a smile he knew what was going on Pursing his lips, he let out a low and quick series of whistles, and on the songs end, lifted the sleeve covered arm into the air. Another note graced his ears, and seemingly from nowhere, a blue feather phoenix perched itself on his arm. Chuckling, the human playfully poked his companion on the beak. "Caeruleus, you naughty girl. You know you shouldn't act like that." Letting out what can best be described as a very dirty phrase said in bird, the majestic avian lifted one claw, showing a roll of parchment tied around it gently with a piece of twine. Gently undoing the knot, he unrolled the paper as the phoenix lifted to only light again on his shoulder, looking down at the note. As his eyes wander across the words on the piece of paper, his cheerful disposition darkened, and let out a shout. "He's fucking where now? And how in the Fucking bloody Hel did he get to Cantrerlot so quick?" to which his pinioned companion shrugged her wings slightly and closed her eyes for a nap. ..... Celestia's hoof made a a loud as she hurried down the hall to the Court, her usually kind smile somewhat diminished by a look of annoyance at the armored earth pony keeping step behind her, his nerves well hidden under years of discipline. "Why," she asked, eyes still forward, but the tone saying all her eyes couldn't. "Why in the name of all the moon and stars and worlds didn't you wake me? A people and a species i was told was merely myth and tall tale, and one of them shows at my door, and you detain him?" Clearing his throat, and thankful she hadn't sent him the way of her sister, he gave and unnecessary shake of his head. "Apologies your majesty, but it's protocol. New and unstudied species are assumed hostile until cleared." Lips now to down in a definite frown, the lady of the dawn stopped, and looking behind her shot the equine a look of annoyance. "I, captain' she said "I can decide for myself the measure of another, and i can certainly care for myself." Seeing the guards usually neutral expression and the downcast of his eyes, her heart gave a guilty twinge. Turning fully, she smiled, and nuzzled the top of the top of his head. "Its all right, Falchion. I'm not angry, merely annoyed." The guard merely nod and returned to his typical neutral guard expression. Smile now returning, she turned and with a glow of her horn, turned the handle to open the door to her court. Five unicorns and five pegasi were in circle, the unicorns horn glowing with their spells at the ready, the pegasi wings outsthretched, the blades along the wings edges glinting slightly in the sunlight that filled the hall. All were assuming the same defensive stance, and all eyes were focused were on the kneeling figure in their circles center. Passing his monarch, the equine guard growled, "All of you, stand down! Make way the lot of you!" and as they took there usual silent vigil, Falchion looked back at the Princess, giving her a small nod. She walked towards her throne, eyes not even glancing down at the human. Taking a seat, she poured herself a glass of water, and regarded the young man shackled before her. Knees folded under him, his hands laying flat in his lap, his upper body bare, an odd tattoo sketched into the flesh on his chest. His... well, mane if you will, the color of the wheat fields, his otherwise unmarred figure broken by a large jagged scar that ran down from just above his right eye, and down his cheek. His were closed, his expression hard to decipher. Right brow raised slightly, Celestia asked softly, "Young one, would you be so kind as too look at me?' Expression unchanging, he did, the mere movement causing the guards to visibly tense. Ignoring the sweet if sometimes annoying gesture, she kept her studious frown as she finished her assesment. Blue... his eyes were like the morning sky, or perhaps with their slightly coldness like a glacier. Unfazed by the eyes she had seen on too many of her little ponies, she smiled brightly, and with a cheerful "Thank you very much." she looked over at her captain of the guard. "Did he, and forgive me kind sir if i make an insulting assumption, did he have anything with him?" The Captain let out a curt "Yes princess..." and gave a nod to the unicorn a few feet away. Horn glowing, the white dyed mare levitated a sword (2), dyed blue leather armor, which from what the white alicorn could see had the inside lined with some chain mail, and a scroll with a wax seal, and laid the at the steps leading up to the twin thrones. Her own magic surrounding the armor, Celestia brought the armored leather closer, hiding her surprise at how light it was. And the metal... she'd never seen such work, or what type they used to make it. With a hmm, she returned it to its owner, who without a word undid the clasps in the front, undid the metal holding the mesh together under the leather, and put after sliding into and redoing the clasps, merely layed his hands back palms down in his lap, his eyes never leaving the equine leader. Somewhat unnerved by the steady gaze, she drew the sword from its sheath, eyes slowly running along its length. The weapon seemed to made of the same mysterious alloy as the chainmail, a strength the seemed to mock the seeming thinness of the weapon, its design being contrasted to that of the broadswords she, her sister, and most sword wielders used. Eyes looking back up, she saw the still steady gaze, and with a snort, sheathed it, and lay the weapon in front of the human. This time, he merely looked down, eyes regarding with, to much to Celestia's surprise, sadness. Doing a internal shake of her head, she levitated the scroll in front of her, and undid the seal. The paper suddenly burst into flame, causing the diarch to give a gasp and the soldiers to start forward. Shooting the troops a steely glare, she stopped their attack, and watched as the flames turned green, then began to snake down to the floor. Curling into a ball, the flames began to speak. " Daughter of Solaris," Celestia gave a start at the name, then resumed her stoic posture. "I am Katrina, Justiciar of the Territories. Please forgive the impromptu and informal message, but my people are not one for the endless red tape of your kingdom." At this, the human let something slip, a small chuckle, but when the Diarch looked away, his expression and gaze were unchanged. Giving a internal movement, this time a shrug, her gaze went back to the flames. "As my species representative, it falls upon me to extend a offer of friendship and alliance. While some wounds from the past still linger, its time closure was brought to the issue." at this, Celestias regal brow lifted... what wounds, what issue?... but she put that away for later as the voice continued, "And too that, i have sent two fine young soldiers, both of whom i trust completely. Marcum," the voice shifted slightly, and seemed to be amused "I highly suspect, will arrive first, and he is yours Celestia. Use him as a servant in whatever way you see fit." At this both her brows were raised, "I also assume that you suspect this as slavery, but it is tradition. Both of these men are volunteers, and if you wish, you are more then welcome to pay them for your troubles. You could also send them back, but many would regard that an insult. You may also kill them," this time, Celestia muzzle puckered, the very idea repulsive. "But from what i know, you would not do such a thing." "If i am right, within the next few days, or perhaps a couple of weeks, the other young man I've sent will arrive. His name is Aduros, and he is for your sister. I assure you, he and she will get along famously. Now, as we are both busy maidens, i shall wrap this up. When Aduros arrives, he will be in the company of a blue phoenix. Use her to send your reply. I look forward to what i hope to be a continue correspondence." With that, the flames winked out with a small pop. Brows raised to the point of threatening to fly of her royal head, Celestia muttered "This never leaves this room, but that woman scares me." At this, Marcum finally smiled, his eyes losing some of their chill. And for the first time, he spoke. ` "I know the feeling. She's my mother." =============================================================================== Falchion frown slightly in concentration, eyes fixed on the parchment on his desk, his teeth clenched as he mouth wrote. Laying the quill down, he looked up at the human, hands folded behind his back. In the few hours he'd known the young male, this was relaxed as the stallion had seen him, and he suspected that was about as relaxed as the newly appointed member of Celestia's personal guard would get. Spitting out the quill, he grunted, "All right son. here's your papers. With the position, your required to have at least the rank of lieutenant. Usually that means you'd have to bunk with the others" as he spoke, Marcum walked forward, and after studying them for a moment, folded the paper, slipping it into his pocket. "But in your case..." Falchion paused a moment "Perhaps i could find separate quarters..." at this, Marcum shook his head. "That won't be necessary sir, thank you." Giving his usual curt nod, the stallion grunted "Dismissed." then looked back at his paperwork. The human still stood, his expressions still hard to decipher. In then in what the stallion was quickly learning was a rare occurrence, he spoke, "Sir, May i speak freely?" Regarding the human a moment, he grunted his assent. A few seconds passed, and then Marcum walked to the map of Equestria, looking over it silently. Falchion waited. Hey knew how colts had trouble with this sort of thing. Sighing, not turning around, the young soldier muttered, "I owe you all an apology." Thanking his years of service for giving him a poker face to hide his surprise, Falchion merely said "Whatever for?" Still looking over the map, only his voice conveying his turmoil, he responded, "Since Celestia and Luna made the Diarchy, many equines have fought and died for this land. And many struggle today, never receiving praise or accalaide, never mind what I've gotten without even trying." At this, he glanced down, "I am not worthy." Rising from his seat, Falchion stretched, back popping somewhat, and went and stood by the human. Looking up, his eyes widened. The human, he had looked Celestia straight in the eye without flinching, was crying. Uncomfortable now, the captain looked down, an odd sort of pride of the young fellow filling his chest. Suddenly, he grinned, and bumped his hip against the human. "Hey, hey...' his tone strangely managing to sound soft and gruff at the same time, 'None of that soldier.' Smirking as the normally composed human wiped his eyes muttering "No sir... its not tears. Just this damn dust... sir" Regarding the map, the captain chuckled. "Of course your not son. Of course your not."