//------------------------------// // Epilogue // Story: Once More unto the Breach // by Wheller //------------------------------// Epilogue They were dead. They were all dead, they had to be dead. Rainbow Dash knew that they were all dead. However, when she opened her eyes and looked around, she realised that she was still in the jungle. Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy were all lying next to her, their eyes shut up tight, but still very much all alive. She looked towards their assailant, and discovered that the same could not be said of Duval de Cheval, who was slumped on the ground in front of them... and missing his head. Rainbow Dash blinked a few times, not understanding, and then turned around to look behind them, a bright smile appeared on her face. She let out a chuckle. ‘You follow us everywhere we go?’ ‘Well somebody needs to make sure you don’t get yourselves killed’, Benjamin Willoughby said with a chuckle as he lowered his Emerald Rifle and hopped towards them. ‘What are you doing here Benny?’ Rainbow Dash asked as Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy all uncovered their eyes and turned to look at their saviour. ‘We were already on our way here when the Op heard your cry for help over the wireless’, Willoughby said. ‘The Cheval Fourth Republic asked for our help in retaking Sainte-Hélène after a prison revolt put the island in the hands... er... hooves, rather, of the prison population. Elements of the Royal South Island Regiment and the Royal Kingsland Fusiliers assaulted the island by land, while the Cheval Aéronavale hit the island from air’. Rainbow Dash looked back up at the sky, and watched as the aeroplanes darted about through the sky. ‘Those are cheval? But... their Pegasus ponies aren’t they? Why do they need aeroplanes?’ ‘Increases their combat effectiveness, the planes are little more than an extension of their own flying ability, and as a result. The cheval Armée de l’Air and Aéronavale are some of the best fliers in the world’. ‘Pff, I could take ‘em’ Rainbow Dash said as she rolled her eyes. ‘Sure ya could Rainbow Dash’, Willoughby said rolling his eyes back at her. ‘Well come on you little ponies, let’s get you off this island before you get into more trouble’. Willoughby led the way back to the boats where the group were reunited with Pinkie Pie, Princess Luna, and Spike. They boarded the boat and sailed away from the island, where they had no intention of ever coming back. Rainbow Dash looked over to Applejack, who had set herself down in the far corner away from everyone else. She trotted up to the apple bucker and gave her a smile. ‘Hey, AJ? Don’t worry about it, we’re going to figure everything out, I promise’. Applejack looked up to Rainbow Dash and smiled. ‘Thanks Rainbow’. ... ‘Today’s the day girls! We’re gonna earn our cutie marks as... Cutie Mark Crusader Saleponies!’ Apple Bloom cried out to her friends as they all stood in front of the stand they had set up in the centre of town, right where everypony in Ponyville was going to be walking. They stood looking enthusiastically, waiting for everyone to go to lunch so that they could start selling. That was when two ponies trotted into view. Carrot Top and Caramel. ‘Well howdy Miss Carrot Top!’ Apple Bloom called out to her, waving her hoof ecstatically. Carrot Top waved back and trotted over to them. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle grinned, they were about to get their first sale. ‘Good Morning girls’, Carrot Top said with a smile. ‘What are you doing?’ ‘We’re salesponies!’ Scootaloo cried out. ‘I see... what are you selling?’ Carrot Top asked. ‘Toasters!’ Sweetie Belle cried out excitedly. ‘Toasters?’ Carrot Top asked. ‘Toasters!’ Sweetie Belle repeated. ‘Exactly!’ Apple Bloom said, pointing at the sign that they had made. Carrot Top took a look at it, but was able to make it out despite the crusaders messy mouthwriting. ‘“Introducing the Toaster... from FutureTec...?” What’s FutureTec?’ Carrot Top asked. ‘Oh! They the ones that actually make the toasters’, Apple Bloom said. ‘We’re jus’ sellin’ em! Watch!’ Carrot Top watched as Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle pulled out some bread and a small metal box and placed it on the table. Scootaloo placed the bread into the top of the box and Sweetie Belle pushed on a little lever. The bread went inside and about a minute later popped up again, having been darkened by the device. Sweetie Belle pulled the toast out of the toaster and offered it to Carrot Top, who took it and took a bite. It wasn’t half bad. ‘Ya see, tha FutureTec Toaster is a completely self contained, self powered unit, that’s guaranteed ta work ferever! In fact, buy one now, and you’ll not only get a wonderful toaster, but a guarantee that it’ll never break! And if for some inexplicable reason that it does break... you’ll get yer money back! And then FutureTec will fix it for free!’ Apple Bloom said. ‘Well I will say this’, Carrot Top said with a smile. ‘You’re certainly making a good pitch, how much?’ ’10 shillings!’ Apple Bloom said. Carrot Top mulled it over in her head for a moment, but then gave the filly a smile. ‘I’ll take one!’ she said, promptly handing over the money, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle handed over a toaster to Carrot Top. Thanking her for her business as the earth pony walked away. The three fillies grinned at each other, the day was young, and if this kept up. The bosses at FutureTec were going to be very... very happy with them.