//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 of the unstoppable, and the unmoveable... // Story: The Three Knight Errant // by Ebony Gryphon //------------------------------// Celestia let out a very un-princess yawn as she rubbed the royal eye and wearily meandered into the castle kitchen, the raising of the sun taking its toll. As she walked, she jumped and gave a small scream as a voice next to her said softly, "Master, are you all right?" Glaring at the human, she snapped 'Damn it Marcum, wear a bell wont you?' then felt guilt at the wince her words caused. Raising a hoof to stop an apology, she shook her head. "No, no, now don't you dare. I'm sorry Marcum, my duties exhaust me more then I'd like to admit." Turning back to her predetermined course, she giggled. "I guess you could say I'm not exactly a morning mare." As she continued on, her servant close at hand, she made a disapproving tsk sound. "And i thought i told you not to call me Master. I can understand a need for decorum and such in front of others, but when were alone, or in the presence of friends or family, you are more then welcome to call me Celestia." Turning her head, she saw a slightly uncomfortable look on the males face, and for a moment was confused. Then going over what she said in her head, she giggled again, and stuck her tongue out a little, and said in a sultry tone "Of course, when we are alone, you could call me Tia...' and after a clear wink, couldn't help but laugh at the sudden blush and the warrior stumbling somewhat. "Celestia, you wouldn't! the.... what are you implying!" With a nod of approval, she said "Good boy.' and ignoring the glare she felt hitting the back of her head, she walked into the kitchen, her stomach giving an audible rumble. Smiling at her deep blue color furred sister, she said 'Good morning Luna.' Smiling up from her bowl, her mouth opened to reply, then seemed like it couldn't as the mare saw who was walking behind her sister. Seeing the adorable look of her usually so serious sibling was showing, she chastised gently 'Now Luna, you know that if you make a face like that, it could get stuck that way.' Clamping her jaw shut again, she looked annoyed, then shook her head. "Don't you dare distract me sister" she said, incredulous as the creature stood behind one of the only creatures she cared about. 'Your... your acting like its' at the words, her sisters eyes flashed sternly, and Celestia cut Luna off. "He Luna, he. And his name is Marcum." Looking a little abashed, the mare looked up at Marcum, and she gave a mumbled "I'm sorry, Marcum was it?' With a smile and shake of his head, he replied, "No blood no foul, Milady." Looking down at her bowl, she lifted another bite of oatmeal. After a couple of minutes of discomfort, he asked 'Mast... i mean, Celestia." Looking up from her food, she smiled weakly. "Yes Marcum?" "Forgive my presumption, but is there a reason for this sort of reaction? I hope i haven't caused friction between you two just when you finally got her back." A couple of seconds passed, and the two sisters shared a look before the elder replied curtly 'Yes, but it has nothing to do with you, and is a private matter. I would rather it remained between us for now." "As you will my lady. Luna?' The mare looked up, surprised at the sudden lack of formality. "My brother should arrive either today or tomorrow, barring any trouble.' She merely nodded mutely, and the rest of the meal passed in silence. ..... The Lady of the dusk lay curled up in her bed, a very unladylike snore resounding from the sleeping Diacy, Suddenly, the snore halted halfway, and in a flash she awoke, eyes roaming quickly, ears alert. Though nothing appeared out of place at the moment, a casual "Good afternoon." caused to jerk her head to jerk in its direction. Seeing the human sitting at her table, book open as he propped his chin on a palm, flipping a page from one her books, she was stunned into silence. ..... In the day court, Celestia was happily going through her duties, quill signing a series of documents, when a sudden shriek echoed through the castle. Look up, she gasped. "Is that Luna?' Nodding sagely, Marcum only said "Sounds like she met Aduros." ..... A petrified alicorn pressed as hard as she could against the headboard of her bed, eyes wide, pupils dilated, her voice loud "You... what are.... who the..." the human merely stood, but before either could do anything else, the doors of the bedroom burst open, her guards at the ready. But seeing who it was, one relaxed and laughed, saying "Well captain, you owe me twenty bits." Glaring at her comrade, she opened her mouth to reply, when Aduros jumped up and said happily "Hey its the cool guy and the bitch mare!' The stygian male laughed as his superior whirled around, her glare focused now on her current annoyance. "I'm not a mare, or a bitch, you... you insolent little...' she choked and sputtered as the human stood and asked 'What are you then." Shocked into answering, she growled "I'm a stygian, and i told you...' but was driven into another tizzy when he muttered 'Ok, stygian bitch then." "I am not a bitch!" Crossing his arms, he shouted back "You are too! Your a bitch not for failing protecting your lady, which you do an admirable job of, but for failing to tell me she was such a beauty!' Eyes widening to their fullest, she stamped her hoof in fury "How dare you speak of her in such a way." "Uh, captain, human..." the other guard stuttered. "What, she is beautiful." "I know that!" "Its a compliment, why you getting your tail in twist?" "Guys..." "Because of you, you good for nothing!" "Stygian bitch filly fooler!" "Guys!" Both of them glared at the panicking stallion, snarling what, and looking where he was pointing, both felt the same chill as their blood went cold. Luna stood upon her bed, fury etched into her features, her eyes dilated to pinpricks, her mane and tail ablaze with blue fire. "All of you..." she said softly, the words terrible, the calm before the storm... "get out!" Luna fumed over her meal as the idiot stood behind her, the slight smell of smoke still coming from his clothes, a hoof shaped bruise on his cheek. And the other rooms occupants could only, both with looks of amusement and annoyance as they both lectured their respective siblings. "Damn it Aduros, I told you to stow that at home!" "Little sister, really now, two guards in the hospital..." "You have to think these things through..." "You room demolished, looks like you'll have to sleep elsewhere..."