The Three Knight Errant

by Ebony Gryphon

Chapter 7 Understanding

Aduros paused momentarily outside the wooden door, rubbing the back of his neck. He was disgusted with himself. From what he had heard from Vacil, after the equally disgusted mare gave him the chewing out he so richly deserved, she told him what happened. While the physical damage was minimal, after his aunt nuzzled him, the stallion became hysterical. Not throwing a tantrum over being hit, but more like he was reliving some old horror all over again. Lips curling, he banged his head on the door, revulsion over his actions deepening.

As he stood there, hand lifting to turn the door handle to let it fall again he didn't know how many times, a soft voice said "Excuse me." Jumping and letting out a shout, he turned sharply to a somewhat elderly orange colored mare, who jumped back, looking up at the human nervously. Seeing the bun styled mane, the bifocals, a lack of uniform, he dully surmised 'Your not one of the maids are you?' Smiling, she shook her head.

"No. I'm Doctor Mandarin, Bluebloods therapist. Seeing your behavior, your either about to tell you gave him a venereal disease, or you must Aduros."

Smiling slightly, he nodded "Good one doc." His smile faded, and he looked down again.

"How... is he ok?"

Her smile also fading, she looked thoughtful a moment.

"I... sir, you have to understand that my patient suffered trauma. We were making great progress, he was starting to come around. When you attacked him...' her words took on a steely edge that made the human feel two inches tall ' It brought that nightmare back. He'll survive.' She looked up at him, not glaring, but not a happy camper either.

Looking away from her stare, he mumbled 'I gotta make this right doc.' Hearing his tone, her expression softened, and she nodded. "An apology is a good place to start." Looking at the door again, he said dryly 'I am really not good at this emotional stuff.' Chuckling, she came over, and lifting a foreleg patted the human on the back

"A common ailment among males."


Blueblood lay under the blanket that Aunty Celestia left for him, his eyes puffy, dark bags under them. Sniffing, he clenched them shut, a bad memory causing a pained sob. Rubbing his snout with with a hoof, he looked dejectedly to the floor. The headmaster was right... he was pathetic. Shaking his head, he protested inside, remembering his doctors words, but they were muted out as his younger days roared in his mind. Not able to even cry anymore, he felt his heart beginning to break further, his ear flattening against his skull, when the flicked up hopefully as the door started to open. Seeing the elderly mare enter, he jumped up, happy to see a friendly face, which quickly turned to abject horror when he saw who was behind her. Eyes tearing up, he backed into a corner, and screeched.
"Nooooo... please no....' he sank down, covering his head with his hooves, his cry deadening to a whimper. "please...' he begged, trying to curl up into a ball. Seeing this the doctor started forward, but stopped by a hand on her shoulder. Looking up, she saw him mouth let me. About to protest, she saw the look in his eyes, and sighed, whispering 'Be careful.' Walking forward slowly, he saw the stallion beginning to rock back and forth, mumbling.

Coming closer, he heard the words 'Daddies right.... teachers right.... i'm a bad boy.... please ill be good.... ill learn...' hot tears streamed down his cheeks from clenced eyes, the mantra of the past coming from his lips. Kneeling next to him, Aduros put a hand out, then drew it when Blueblood cried out as though it burned him. Putting his hand back on the stallions shoulders, he whispered

In the reaches of his mind, in the fog of his pain, Blueblood was being torn. They were right,... mother, daddy, teacher, that mare he was with at the gala.... he could never be good enough, never try hard enough, he was just a broken
worthless waste of air. And through all this, the place where nothing mattered and all he wanted was death, something cut through the fog. Feeling now the hand on his shoulder wasnt going to hit or... do anything else, he lowered his hooves, cheeks still wet, and looked at the one who attacked, unbelieving of what he heard. Emotions threatening, he asked weakly

The man gulped, and rubbing the spot where his hand was, said "Your not bad Blueblood. I am. I'm... i'm sorry. I didn't... i didn't know, and i know you are furious with me that i shoved you back where you were... but I.... I'm sorry.' For a few moments, the two males merely looked at each, one repentant, the other thinking it cant be. Seeing that he wouldn't be forgiven, and not blaming the equine, Aduros began stand up when both of Bluebloods hooves shot up, and dragging the human back down, began to bawl again, cheek pressed into the mans chest. Initial discomfort quickly being quashed down by the gravity of his actions, Aduros's arms moved slowly, like one who moves in a way there not accustomed too, and slowly wrapped around the equine. Feeling this. the equine shut his eyes tighter, sobbing.

Aduros sat next to the cot that Bluebloood was laying back on, the stallions head turned away. Still having his hand on the males shoulder blades, neither he nor the noble spoke. Looking back, Blueblood smiled weakly

"You don't have to stay, Ive forgiven you." Aduros merely nodded, still rubbing his shoulders. Closing his eyes, the noble muttered "I wish i were you."


Blushing slightly, Blueblood didnt open his eyes. "Cause your strong, and kind. I said something that insulted you, you were more then justified. But then you come, and to someone who insulted your master, you ask forgivenes, and not only that, you let a weak thing like me cling to you." Sniffling, he open his eyes, trying not to cry.

"Your wrong."

Surprised, the stallions head jerked to the side, looking at the man rubbing his back. Seeing him open his mouth, Aduros cut him off. "Blueblood your wrong. I don't know what happened, and its none of my business. The people who hurt you... you cant bring yourself to blame them, so you turn it on yourself. You become a lightning rod, taking all the abuse, and not only that still try to do everything you can to please your tormentors. Me?' He chuckled darkly, 'Im the bad one. I acted impulsively, letting my pride and anger lash out at someone hard, all for mere words. Not only did you take it, but when it comes screaming back, you bear with it. Me? I would have killed myself or them a long time ago.' Suddenly, a hoof pressed against his lips, and smiling Blueblood said gently 'Aduros, shut up." Pulling his hoof back, he yawned, then asked 'Could you go now? I'm kinda tired." Aduros smiled and nodded, patting the spot gently before standing. After a few minutes of silent contemplation, he grunted out "I'm and idiot..." another memory of his own behavior cropping up.


The next evening, in a small rural town, a certain purple maned white coated bearer of a certain element walked towards her businesses door. Wondering who would bother her so late at night, she opened it to find a new stallion at her doorstep.


Meanwhile, a certain bored dark blue coated looked up from her itinerary at the somber new man in her court. Tilting her head, she asked 'Aren't you going to needle Vacil a little?" And much to the relief of the captain stand on the opposite of the properly standing human, he said "Nope."