The Three Knight Errant

by Ebony Gryphon

Chapter 11 of mares and men...

vacil growled softly outside the chambers of her mistress, her partners eyes fixed forward a blush on his cheeks. A moment ago, from the closed doors, they both heard a soft moan, and whimper, "oh, not so rough.."

"Come on now, it will only hurt little a bit..."

"I kinda feel like im losing a friend, Aduros..."

A gentle chuckle, followed by a soft moan from Luna. "Will it do you much good to have it?"

A pause, then another whimper, "No, i guess not... ok, take it..." followed by another moan. Her male partner face-hoofed, and Vacil nostrils flared and eyes bulged, her fury surmised simply "Oh fuck no!"

The door of Lunas chambers burst from the hinges and feel with a boom before the Stygian guards fury, her lithe and sinewy at the ready to defend the princesses honor from the perversity of that filth.

Both Aduros and Luna jumped at the sudden intrusion, the human at loss, the princess not so much. Glaring at the guard, she shouted "By my sisters name Vacil, whatever is the matter!"

Stamping her hoof, she bellowed, "My Princess, I allow cannot this dishonorable behavior! What would your sister think of that thing and you... you..." she finally saw the both of them "Wait, what are you doing."

Biting gently into her fore-hoof to let off a soft whimper, Luna seemed unable to answer as Aduros continued to run a hand through her right wing. Seeing this, and hear a gasp from the princess, she sputtered and choked indigently as Aduros answered, "Well, problem with wings is sometimes the feathers are damaged. So Luna asked me to help check hers today," As he spoke, Luna squirmed slightly, eyes closed, the blue of hiding her blush as she moaned again. Frowning, Aduros said, "Got one." Luna just nodded. With a quick pull Luna hissed softly, then shivered as the human continued his work, the princess biting her bottom lip. Unable to take it anymore, Vacil turned, and stomped away.


A couple of hours after Luna lowered the sun and raised her moon, she and Aduros were reading in the royal library, or at she was. Aduros didn't seem much interested in equestrian writing, so aside some gentle ribbing, which didn't seem appropriate after what happened that afternoon, the mere thought of still made a blush rise under her dark blue fur, they could only settle into a comfortable silence. Looking up, she caught the eyes of the human across from her and feeling the heat in her muzzle grow hotter, she looked backed down at her work. Damn it girl, cool your flank! The male just helped with a little grooming, and you want.... at the she shook her head to clear it, berating herself... your not even the same species! Not to mention how many eons he your younger. Unable to stop herself, she glanced back up, and gulped at the crossed arms and thoughtful look on the humans face. She looked down, and suddenly felt an unpleasant chill, and looking up, found her snout inches from from Aduros's face. Eyes rolling into the back of her head, she could only manage a small squeak as her chair toppled backwards.


Whimpering, Luna shot her head up from her pillow, and looked wildly around, ears flattening against her skull. Even though she could see all was well, her books on her shelves, even the glow of her moon, her was still gripped in the throws of her dream. No, not dream... memory. Drawing her forelegs against chest, she laid her head back down, an involuntary shudder running through her body. Feeling the bed shift slightly, she murmured "Hey Aduros."

He only nodded, sitting at the edge of her bed. Turning her head, she felt a twinge of annoyance that the shadows covered his face. Rolling over to the opposite end of her mattress, she rose up till she only was sitting on her haunches, eyes still haunted by her dreams. Not looking, she asked softly, "Aduros, please turn and look at me."

She didn't look anywhere but her pillow as the human shifted around and saw cross legged on her mattress. He didn't or do anything, but she knew he was looking at her. Slowly, she looked up.

And for moment they only gazed at each other, and moving slowly, Luna drew closer, and laid her head against the humans chest, being careful not to accidentally stab him with her horn as well as she could, and just whimpered again as she listened to his heart beat and feeling his arms as they wrapped around her. Slowly, he began to run his fingers through her ethereal mane, and she just closed her eyes, trying to feel again. Moving her head up, her eyes regarded his a moment, and for the first time since he'd met her, he was afraid. The eyes of Luna, the eyes which could win the hearts of her kingdom if she'd only let them, those eyes were now vacant. No anger, sadness. joy.... nothing. Tilting her head slightly she drew close, lips parted, offering all....

And Aduros turned his head away. Drawing back slightly she closed her mouth, the cold pupils roaming over the humans, and with a dead "I understand." she tried to pull away, but his arm still held her. Turning back, she look at him again, eyes dead, voice dead "Have you changed your mind Aduros."

He shook his head. She looked away, and still feeling his grip said "Let me go then,

"No Luna."

She looked back, eyes not changing at all. "I'll break you."

He only shook his head. She continued her cold calculations. "You wont fuck me, you wont let me go,"

He answered back in the same tone "Fucking is one thing. Love makings another."

This time her tone carried a thread of anger. "Shut up."
He slowly stroked her mane, feeling her beginning to tense up slightly. "Fucking is just like you are right now..."
"Shut up." her eyelids narrowed somewhat, but the eyes still dead.

"Cold, heartless, empty..."

Her jaw clenched, and her body shivered. "Shut up."

"Pathetic. Who could ever love a wretched thing like you?"

She began to breath slowly in and out of her nostrils.

"Not your people, not your sister..."

She still looked away, but her teeth bared slightly and her nostril began to quicken. Lifting her head with a a finger, he gazed into her void like eyes, and said softly, 'And not me."

At those words, her eyes flamed up in an instant. Teeth bared to their fullest, blue flames shoot from but nostrils, and placing her hooves on him she shove the source of her fury backwards into the mattress, and pushed her visage close to her next victims face, her low and soft voice somehow more terrible then her Canterlot voice. "Shut... up..."

Suddenly Aduros grinned, his formerly cold blue eyes warming instantly, and with a exuberant "There's my girl!"

He dug his into the back of her neck slightly, the mare too stunned to protest as she her muzzle was brought to his mouth. Letting out a muffled sound of rage, she struggled and dug her into the mattress hard, trying to stop the sudden assault, but in a matter of seconds she slowly relaxed, and her lips pressed against his just as eagerly. There wasn't any tongue, it wasn't a passionate or seductive gesture, it was a happy greeting from a man thrilled to have one of the few friends he ever had back again. Eyes fluttering somewhat, even the usually stoic sister couldn't help moaning as she collapsed on top the human. Slowly, he released his hold, and she pulled back panting. Grinning, he said, "I thought your wings were sore."

Eyes widening, Luna looked behind her, and seeing her wings at half mast, gave a frustrated yell.

After sitting down to her meal after lowering the sun, Celestia smiled at the two at the other end of the kitchen table, one delicately sipping the soup of the day while the other stood behind her, hand folded behind his back, a hoof shaped bruise still visible. Tilting her head the sight, the elder sister asked pleasantly "So, did anything interesting happen while me and Marcum were away?"

For a moment they shared a look, then Aduros just shrugged, saying "Nah,' and nodding Luna concurred 'Nothing of note." Now giving her sister a return smile, she asked "What about you two? Enjoy your vacation?" And like their siblings the two shared a look, then offered the same answers.

And life as it was , was good.