Tears of a Changeling

by Monsieur-Flatterer


Hope’s eyes opened slowly, a soft grunt leaving his lips as he reached one of his hooves to rub his forehead. He shook his head slightly and slowly got up, glancing around. He had no idea where he was, the whole place was dark and ice cold. Hope walked forward slowly, until his head bumped into some bars with a loud clung. The changeling yelped and backed off.

“This isn’t Canterlot...” Hope muttered, glancing around and trying to see anything in this dark, cold room. He gulped as he heard a grunt to his left, but looking over in that direction didn’t help much, he couldn’t see a thing. The person over there started to mutter, while sounds of shifting were implying the person was getting up.

“Who’s there?” Murmured Hope, backing away slightly.

“I-It’s Flash.” The changeling responded. Hope let out a sigh of relief, until his hoof pressed on to someone else. That changeling let out a grunt as the hoof bumped against him.

“Stark? Is that you?” Hope whispered.

“Yeah...” The changeling responded, grunting as he started to get up. “What’s happening, where are we?” He asked.

“I have no idea...Just some dark room.” Hope responded. He reached out to Stark and felt him, sighing.

“Weren’t we in Canterlot moments ago?” Flash muttered.

“Yes, we were...Did something happen? Are we imprisoned?” Stark asked. Flash gulped and walked back to the bars, touching the cold metal.

“I... I think we are.” He said softly, sighing. “Those ponies caught us.” Flash gulped, sniffling slightly. “I knew this would happen. I just knew it! The whole thing was a failure from the beginning! Look at us, we’re trapped in some sort of dark room with absolutely no awareness of time and place! We’re probably going to starve to death or end up eating each other!” Flash yelled, before suddenly being pulled away from the bars by his shoulders and given a soft hug.

“Calm down.” Hope said, gulping. “Stark’s smart, he’ll get us out of here in no time,” Hope told Flash, who nodded slightly and pushed himself out of the hug. Stark was just feeling around in the dark, sighing.

“I can feel some bedrolls lying around, but that’s it. And we’re in some sort of cage, inside a larger room. But I have no idea what kind of room.” Stark said, sighing as he kept feeling around. Flash, however, was reaching out of the metal bars to see if he could find something. But he just ended up cursing and slamming the bars.

“We’re probably going to get executed, or worse.” Hope muttered as he sat in the middle of the cage.

“Shut up and stop with those bad thoughts, Hope, You’re not helping anyone!” Stark yelled.

“Calm down, Stark, we’re going to get out of here. We’ve been able to get out of every situation we’ve encountered so far!” Flash said.

“Not this time! We’re stuck in a metal cage in Chrysalis-knows-where!” Stark yelled back, but they all fell silent as the lights of the room suddenly sprung on. They were blinded, at first, but as they got used to the sudden bright light, they could finally see what they were stuck in.

They were in some sort of laboratory, containing a few tables with vials and pictures, together with tools. In the middle was a metal table with straps and some metal arms suspended above it. That cage was just in front of the cage. The three changelings gazed at their surroundings in fear and disgust. Who would do this? Celestia? Some sort of crazy scientist? No, the culprit was on the other side of the room, where the only door was. There stood a purple unicorn with a dark purple mane, a pink streak going through the hair. She gazed at the Changelings, seeming as unsure and scared as them. She slowly trotted inside, placing a saddlebag on the metal table as she stopped in front of the cage. She looked up into one of the corners, to some strange device. The changelings followed her gaze, it looked like some sort of suspended photocamera, but judging by the fact a not working lightbulb was on it, they guessed it was off.

“Red eyes...” Twilight muttered. She gazed at Hope, gulping. “I’m Twilight Sparkle... If you don’t mind me asking, what’s with the red eyes?” She said softly, but the changelings kept quiet as they cowered away from the unicorn.

“Look...You’re probably wondering what’s happening he-”

“Probably?” Stark muttered sharply.

“Okay, You’re wondering what’s going on here...” Twilight said. “This is my laboratory. I’m ordered by the Equestrian government to research changelings. Your behaviour, feelings, anatomy...” Twilight explained. “After the Canterlot incident...They found you three unconscious in one of the houses. The forcefield probably slammed you into a wall instead of properly banish you from Equestria. So they assigned you three to me.... For testing. You will be fed on time 1300 and 2000 every day and the nicer you three are to me, the nicer I will be to you... Respect is really important right now. If you ever want to get out of here, you will have to obey. And I promise, you will get out of here, but probably not soon. Now...I’m running behind on my agenda so...”

Twilight sighed and looked down to the floor, guilt visible in her eyes. “If it matters, I’m really sorry for this...” She said, reaching to flick a switch on the wall, activating the device in the corner. The unicorn stepped back as her horn started to glow, the same glow surrounding the metal arms above the table. The arms moved to the cage and unlocked it, opening the door. They couldn’t escape, for those same metal arms were blocking the exit. Suddenly, one of the arms reached for the Stark. He cursed loudly as the arm grabbed his hind leg and started dragging him out of the cage.

“Stark!” Flash exclaimed in panic, while Hope was still cowering away against the wall of the cage, his eyes locked on Stark. Flash wasn’t just going to let this happen. He jumped and grabbed Stark’s hooves, trying to pull him back in.

“Flash, you idiot!” Stark yelled out. “Just let me go!”

“No!” Flash responded as he pulled on Stark’s hooves. The arm slowed down because of the force it suddenly had to endure, but it was still successfully dragging Stark out. Twilight frowned at these actions, she didn’t expect them to be so lively. She squinted her eyes and put more force onto her magic.

“Hope, help please?” Flash yelled. The silent changeling gulped and jumped up, grabbing Flash’s waist and pulling on him. The arm had stopped now, the force of three changelings pulling on it too much. However, Twilight wasn’t stupid. Her magic moved to the cage door, which suddenly slammed shut and smacked Flash and Hope back in the cage. Flash smacked on to Hope, who groaned and squirmed from the impact. Twilight winced at the sight of this, hurting them wasn’t really her first intention. The two changelings whimpered in defeat, as Stark was lifted on to the metal table and strapped to it. Twilight pulled on a lab coat and sighed, locking the cage door again.

“Let’s see...test subject 03...” Twilight muttered, crossing something on her clipboard as she leaned on the table.

“My name’s Stark.” The changeling protested, tugging on his restraints lightly.

Twilight sighed, looking at the changeling with a saddened gaze.

“Of course... Let me change that...” She said silently, while scribbling something quickly on the small board. “Uh, today we’re going to test reactions...” Twilight muttered, lifting a bottle with vinegar out of the bag and opening it. “I need to see how you react with certain types of edibles, pains and actions.” She explained. This caused Stark to frown and gaze at the vinegar, but his eyes went wide. Before he could protest, the bottle was forced into his mouth, and was quickly filled with vinegar. Twilight pulled the bottle back out and placed a hoof on Stark’s lips, forcing him to swallow it down. Stark tried to spit it back out, but he saw himself forced to gulp the disgusting liquid up. Once his mouth was empty, he let out a groan of disgust, gagging slightly.

“Why?” He blurted out, almost throwing up. “Would you like it if I force fed you vinegar? It’s disgusting!” He yelled out. Twilight merely shook her head, noting the results down with a smile. Stark was getting to get rather mad, tugging on the restraints more forcefully. “Yeah, don’t forget to note down that you’re heartless, what kind of sick bastard experiments on other living beings!?” He spat at Twilight. Twilight looked up from her clipboard, her gaze more saddened than insulted. She leaned down and gulped, her lips only inches away from his ear.

“I’m sorry...I have no choice...” Twilight whispered. She stood properly again and looked behind her, to the small device hanging in the corner of the room. When she put her concentration back on Stark, she gained a confused look from him.

“There’s no reason for all of this!” Flash yelled from his cage, while Hope was still recovering behind him. “What did we ever do to you?” Flash yelled at Twilight, tugging on the metal bars of his prison.

“Aside from trying to conquer our entire country and drain us of love and friendship? You ruined my brother’s wedding, almost killed Cadence, made my princess and tutor look like a fool who can’t protect herself and wrecked Canterlot.” Twilight responded to Flash.

“You’re an idiot.” Hope muttered to Flash.

“Hey, I’m trying to stand up for us!” Flash yelled at Hope, staring into his eyes.

“Next.” Twilight said, lifting some salt out of the bag and getting a large pinch out. Stark forced his lips shut, glaring at the unicorn. But Twilight shook her head, the metal arm lowering again to pinch Stark’s nose shut. The changeling tried to hold his breath for as long as he could, but he suddenly gasped for air. Just as he did, salt was thrown in his mouth. Sounds of gagging and cursing emitted from the changeling.

“Oh dear Chrysalis my tongue’s drying up!” He yelled, squirming as he coughed. “Water, please!” He begged. But Twilight nodded and noted things on her clipboard. “What kind of stupid tests are these? How is this contributing to your research in any way?” Stark yelled. Twilight sighed and shut Stark’s mouth by forcing a bottle of water on it, so he would stop complaining.

“Smart words for a changeling...” Twilight muttered, sounding rather impressed.
“We’re looking for emergency defense weapons found in the everyday home.”
She paused to look up from her clipboard.
“In case you ever decide to attack us again, of course.”

“Pfft, smart words for a changeling? Stark is our leader! He outmatches you in every way!” Flash yelled from his cage.

“Shut it, Flash!” Hope mumbled.

“Mark my words, Twilight, our queen will come for us, I’m sure of it! She loves all her changelings!” Stark said to Twilight, just after he spat the empty bottle out.

Twilight then opened her saddlebag, taking out various types of foods like a lemon, some bad milk, a raw piece of chicken, an egg, et cetera. Stark started his complaining once more, telling Twilight how stupid these experiments were and that she’s not right in the head. But Twilight continued her research without bothering with Stark’s complaints and insults too much. All the food disappeared down Stark’s throat bit by bit, with the necessary gagging and complaining. it was a wonder that Stark had the stomach to hold all the things he was forced to eat. Meanwhile, Hope and Flash were watching.

“She’s going to end up killing us... Hope muttered, sighing. Flash winced, still holding the steel bars as he watched the experiments. He sighed and placed his forehead on the metal bars, his wings keeping him in the air.

Flash was not the brightest of the bunch. He’s not a complete idiot, but he could be pretty stupid sometimes. But, he was the fastest flyer in the hive. He used to impress the others with his tricks and he had always been Hope’s guardian angel. Flash had protected Hope as if he was a child of his own. The bond between him and Hope was an unbreakable one. They’ve been through thick and thin, have avoided every obstacle thrown at them, but they could’ve never done it without each other.

Once Twilight was finished she placed the saddlebag on the floor. She gulped as she checked the clipboard, wincing slightly as a hammer suddenly floated in front of her. Stark’s squirming and protesting grew again, but Twilight slowly and reluctantly ticked the hammer on one of Stark’s wings. Stark frowned and looked down.

“T-That’s it?” He muttered. Twilight nodded and gulped, gazing up in Stark’s eyes. He could see desperation in it. He could just read it off her face. The unicorn gazed back at her clipboard, before shaking her head and placing the hammer away.

“Physical testing is over.” She muttered. She loosened Stark’s restraints, before a metal arm grabbed him and placed Stark back in the cage. Twilight turned the device in the corner off and sighed, leaning against the cage and gazing at the three changelings. “I’m sorry...” She whispered, trotting to her saddlebag and pulling some bread and butter out. She placed it in the cage, together with a bottle of water. The unicorn then took a seat in front of the cage. “I’ll need to ask you three some questions...remember, work well with me and things will improve...” Twilight said softly. She turned to the changeling with red eyes, who was the most interesting to her.

“Do you have a name?” Twilight asked softly. Hope nodded and softly muttered his name. Twilight noted it down and sighed. “Tell me about yourself...I’m really interested in your eyes...” Twilight spoke gently.

“Umm...” Hope muttered, looking over to Flash, who was nodding, then to Stark, who was shaking his head. But he slowly shifted closer to Twilight, sighing. “Normally, all the changelings are alike...e-except for me.” He said softly. “I’m the only changeling so far to be ever born with these...eyes... Some say it’s a birth defect or an error in my genes, but either way they’ve made it so I’ve always been an outcast in the hive... It’s exactly because of that that I mostly keep to myself. S-Stark and Flash are my only friends, they were always with me. I’m really happy they’re here. If I would’ve been locked up with other changelings they’d probably blame me for the whole situation and beat me to death...” Hope told, gulping as he finished his story. Somehow, it felt good to get it off his heart, but why he trusted Twilight enough to tell her, he didn’t know. Twilight was gazing at Hope, not really believing that changelings could have this much of an emotional value. She turned to the next one, Flash.

“What about you...?” Twilight asked. Flash looked around.

“I’m Flash...I’m just a normal changeling, I guess. But I’m a great flyer! I’m in the flying club of the hive!” He chuckled, Hope and Stark giving Flash a disapproving look for his enthusiastic nature. Flash gulped and sat down. “Also...Hope’s my best friend...” He muttered. Twilight was noting almost everything down with a smile. She then turned to Stark, who glared at Twilight.

“You forced me to eat the most disgusting stuff. Don’t think I’m going to say anything to you.” He growled. Twilight sighed and wrote down.

“His name’s Stark...” Hope muttered.

“Hope!” Stark yelled, causing Hope to whimper slightly. Twilight sighed and stood, looking at her clipboard.

“That’s all...” Twilight muttered, reaching for the switch to turn the device in the corner off. “I’ll see you three tomorrow.” She said softly, picking up her saddlebag and moving to the door, reaching for the lightswitch.

“Can you keep the lights on...please?” Hope muttered. “I-I don’t want to be in the dark...” He said softly. Twilight looked back to Hope, and nodded, leaving through the door.

Stark sat back in the corner of the cage, holding a hoof on his stomach. Flash took a piece of the bread, slowly eating it, before suddenly stating the harsh truth.

“We’re test subjects...” He whispered, gulping as he looked up to Stark and Hope. “We’re stuck here...to be researched...” He said softly. Hope merely nodded and sighed, looking over at Stark.

“I’ll find something...” Stark reassured. “But right now...I’m having difficulty digesting that disgusting stuff she fed me..” Stark muttered, his stomach letting out a protesting grumble.

“At least we’re still together...” Hope said softly, still blankly staring at the floor. He looked up to the table, gulping. “But for how long...?”
None of them said anything for a while.