The Three Knight Errant

by Ebony Gryphon

Chapter 12 bonding

Chapter 12
Aduros rubbed the back of his neck, and looked at the back of the blue toned mare who had been friends with since he first arrived at the palace. At least until he fucked everything. They both remembered what was said that night, and even though he'd done it pull her out of her funk, he knew he crossed the line with that damn kiss. He was just so happy to see something other then that dead look, he couldn't help himself. But he could tell she was furious with him. It was so much worse then when she just ignored him.

Every morning, he greeted her, and while she spoke back it wasn't with warmth as before. When they walked, neither talked unless necessary, and the night court had fallen silent. All day and night, she asked him a question, and he answered, but things were wrong. She was always polite, but she barely even looked at him anymore. And he couldn't blame her. He just couldn't think of any way to make amends. Folding his hands behind his, his assume a standard military stance. For a time, only the scratch of Luna's quill and the ticking of clock filled the air. And with one last flourish, Luna levitated the quill to its pot, closed the ledger book, and rose to walk out the door, Aduros close behind.

A few minutes later, Aduros sat at her bedrooms table, book open, but wasn't really focusing. When she returned to her bed, she turned face to the wall she wouldn't have to look at him all night. Suddenly, his musings were broken by soft "Aduros?" Flinching slightly at the sudden use of his name, he said, "Yes Luna?"

"I'm sorry."

Eyes widening, he muttered, "Sorry... but why?"

"Because I know how horrible I am." At those word he felt a stab of sadness in his heart for his master, Taking a breath, she added 'And I know how weak and worthless I am." He was stunned, he could only rise and began to walk over the Princess as she continued, 'And i know you've only been with me because you." Gulping back a lodged throat, he asked, "Is that what i did to you? Oh by Elohie...' hearing the Luna turned over, and was horrified. Aduros was crying. And rushing forward, he kneeled on the bed, looking disgusted, "Luna... I'm sorry... I... i couldn't live with my self if I...." Jolting up, Luna help up a hoof, realizing what was happening.

"NO, NO, NO! Stop right there you damned foo!" Wincing slightly at her word, he was stilling kneeling on her bed. Lower her hoof, she gazed a moment into his eyes, stunned into silence for moment.

"Aduros... Aduros you saved me.'At this he drew himself close, and Luna looked down in shame " You offered me shoulder when i had my moon dream? and what do i do?' She closed her eyes. "I try to... I'm so sorry Aduros!"She whimpered pitifully as her wings sagged in her sadness, tears beginning to leak. And still Aduros drew closer moving slowly on his knees. "I know you only put up with me because you have to...." she sobbed, her voice falling to almost a whisper, "And I... and I know I'm not pretty..." Ears completely flat against her skull in misery, she just clenched her eyes tight, trying not to shatter again. She felt him gently lift her muzzle with his finger, and say softly, "Luna. Luna please look at me." Whimpering, she slowly opened her eyes. He was not crying, or smiling. In fact he was even more somber then then when he attacked Blueblood.

His eyes and her looked into each other for what to both of them an eternity, the humans unreadable, the alicorns terrified. And with a shake of his head, and in a voice of no mirth but serious as she'd ever heard, he said "your beautiful." Bottom lip quivering, the princess tried to pull away, whispering, "No, your just..." but was forced to look into his eyes again. This time, her eyes shone with hope. "You... you really think I'm beautiful?"

"I do."

He let her chin go, and it fell to give a stunned look at her bedspread. No, he couldn't have just... it was impossible. But he was still him, it had to be a joke, that's right.... heart beginning to crack again, she cautious looked up again, and looked imploringly at him. He just looked back, not smiling or frowning, his eyes not betraying anything. Tears beginning to stream down her cheeks again, it just couldn't be true....

Seeing that desperately sad look of hopelessness in those beautiful blue eyes of the alicorn, Aduros knew there was only one choice. Slowly his fingers traced along the underside her muzzle, and then across her cheek to the back of her head, the whole time there gaze of each other never wavering. Shivering as he once again dug his fingers in her mane, she nodded. And with all the gentleness she had ever seen from him, he drew her forward, pressing his smooth to her furred ones. Slowly Luna closed her eyes along with Aduros, and he gently opened her mouth with his to slide his tongue into muzzle to explore it gently, slowly twining his tongue with hers for what seemed and eternity, But what seemed to soon, he pulled away from the mare, who was so stunned by this she couldn't even whimper in protest. For a split second there lips parted, only to be forced back by the hoof on Aduros's shoulder. Mrrring now, she probed the humans mouth hungrily, the taste of his breath delicious, the feel of his canine like teeth against her soft tongue making shivers run up her spine. But soon she began to feel a little out of breath, and slowly pulling her tongue out, she felt his fingers release there back of her neck as he pulled back slightly too. And for a moment, a bit of spit kept the together, but the both leaned back slightly, gasping for air.

Eyes suddenly shy, Luna looked down, mumbling out a hurried apology, Smiling gently, he reached over and slowly ran his finger through the her ethereal mane gently, its owner looking back, eyes wide and hopeful. Seeing hue colored blushes on her cheeks getting deeper, he said softly "Whats wrong?" Sighing, she closed her eyes and nuzzled the humans hand a moment, getting some comfort, and when here eyes open, there cast down, away from Aduros's. "I... i know what supposed to happen next, it's been a while since.... uhhhmmmm,' she gulped, eyes still downcast, 'you know.... and i want you to be happy! Bur I'm scared...' she sniffed, "Scared ill be no good, or i don't do it you'll hate me." And with that her eyes traveled to Aduros's gaze, who smiled gently. "Luna, you don't have any obligation to me at all. and whatever happens, I;ll always love you." Eyes brimming now with tears of elation at those words, she suddenly giggled, and pressed herself against his chest.