//------------------------------// // The King Must Die // Story: King Harkinian goes to Equestria // by Dash Attack //------------------------------// Chapter 7 No major ponies were harmed during the making of this chapter. That includes ponies like Lyra and Bon Bon. However, many generic guards and background ponies were. The following chapter contains graphic food launching and bomb throwing. "Fall back men, protect the civilians." shouted Shining Armor from within the safety of his purple bubble shield. Twilight, Applejack, and Spike watched in horror from within the shield. Ponyville was in a state of Chaos. Burgers, magic, spears, and bombs were flying everywhere. Any soldier who wasn't fighting was trying to escort anypony they could away from the battle zones. Rainbow Dash, who was just waking up, was dragged off the battlefield by one of the guards. "Ahhhh, I like colts dammit, that one time I was just drunk, I swear." "Mam, that's good and all, but is now really the time," Her eyes shot up as she became fully alert. She looked up at the guard and scowled. "If you tell anyone about that I'll clobber you." "If we weren't under attack I'd have you place under arrest for threatening an officer." The King had set his Dinner Blaster into rapid fire mode, and was mowing down the guards with steak, burgers, and pizza. Morshu, was throwing lamp oil onto the guards, making them more vulnerable to his exploding bombs. He tossed a bomb at a nearby guard, but accidently threw it into one of the windows of Sugercube Corner. "No," cried Pinkie Pie, "My Cupcakes Will Burn!" She watched in horror as the gingerbread bakery blew up from the inside, sending crackers and frosting in all direction. Some of the local unicorns in the area tried to help with the fight, but none were powerful enough to harm the King. "Shining Armor," cried Twilight, "did your bring the Elements of Harmony." Her brother nodded as he focused all his mental energy into keeping his bubble shield intact. "They are in the chariot, but it's too dangerous to get them. You need to get out of town and get to safety." "Big brother my friends are still here, I need to find them before they get hurt or worse." "Don't ya worry about a thing captain; I'll make sure she stays safe. I swear on my element." "And I swear on my dragon's code to protect Twilight at all costs, you can count on me sir." "And I Pinkie promise" said Pinkie who had somehow gotten through the barrier. "What this King person is doing is illegal you know." Shining Armor nodded his head. "When I release the shield, make a run for the elements, me and my men will stall as long as we can." Spike hopped on Twilight’s back and the two mares turned to face the chariot "Now run!" shouted Shining. The shield disappeared and the girls ran for the chariot. While the king was focusing his fire on some airborne soldiers, Shinning Armor charged. As he ran he began shooting magical projectiles from his horn. His spells were strong enough to throw the King off balance and make him trip. "OAHHHHHH!" cried the King as he fell forward onto the ground. While still on the ground, he turned to face his opponent and fired his gun. "Eat this!" The brave captain avoided the projectiles, not once losing sight of his target. "You’re going to pay for what you did to my sister you bastard." Just as Armor was about to impale the King with his own horn, the sneaky monarch summoned his own bubble shield with the Triforce. Luckily for Armor, his special talent didn't stop at just making shields. Just before he was about to collide horn first into the barrier, he charged his horn with enough magic to diffuse the shield. When his horn made contact, the shield started to dissipate. Without stopping he lowered his horn and aimed it at the Kings heart." Before Armor could go for a killing blow, the King raised his hands and began shooting Sith lighting out from his fingertips. "DINNNNEERR!!!!!!" he shouted "UNLIMITED DINNNNNNNERRRRR!!!!!!!" Shining Armor was no match for the Kings movie reference, and his body began to go numb from the lighting. Before he passed out, he saw Pinkie Pie and Applejack pull the chariot containing the elements and his sister to safety. He had failed to defeat the King, but now his sister was safe. ------------- Lauren Faust sat in the office of the president of Hasbro. "We can't have kids exposed to this insanity, we need you to fix this or the show will have to be cancelled." "I'm sorry sir, but from what you told me, the episode is being hijacked by another media source. There is nothing any of us in the real world can do about it." "I don't understand Lauren." "That man from the episode, I've seen him before, on YouTube, but I have no idea what he's from or who he is." "This is insane, in all my years as president this has never happened before. Characters from other media don't just invade cartoon shows. Now we already got the episode off the air, but if this happens again, someone is libel to sue us. I want you working with the writing team and to make sure the next episode is age appropriate, or we will have to cancel Friendship is Magic. ---------- From the outskirts of town, Doctor Wooves watched the town of Ponyville burn. Had the King not broken his back, he would have gone to stop him. But, he was in excruciating pain, and the only thing he could do was watch helplessly as the town fell apart. Had he been looking behind him, the doctor would have seen a giant rainbow hot air balloon floating towards him. The balloon landed and Sombra and his henchmen stepped out. "Doctor, I have a fever and the only prescription is your death." The Doctor turned around to face a bipedal King Sombra and two other creatures. "Oh bloody hell!" Sombra lifted the doctor with his magic and drew him closer to his face. "Bloody hell is right good doctor, unless you can tell me why I look part human, and how I can change back." The Doctor scratched his chin with his hoof as he thought about what could have caused this. When a theory came to him, his eyes were wide with fear. "Oh no, I think I know what happened to you! But you’re not going to like it." "You better pray to that witch Celestia that I do, or I will choke snap your neck just by thinking." The doctor sighed. "Very well, here’s what I think happened. When the TARDIS crashed, time energy was leaking everywhere. Some of that energy must have copied DNA of to that King fellow who attacked me. After we left, you saw it appropriate to regenerate yourself, but only part left of you - your horn - was too weak. So, logically your horn took in whatever energy it could find to help you regenerate. When you absorbed the time energy, it gave you powers beyond your comprehension and understanding, but it also altered your regeneration. The Kings DNA is inside of you Sombra; I wouldn’t be surprised if parts of his personality started to -" "OAHHHH, you piece of shit, I'm going to make you rub my Wii Wii for Dinner" Sombra released the Doctor from his magical gasp and covered his mouth in his hands. What on Earth compelled him to say such a random and creepy thing? The situation was worse than he thought. Looking like an abomination was one thing, but this was ten times worse. Slowly he removed his hands from his mouth and began kicking the doctor using his right hoof. "Fix this now and I might spare you. I have a new focus for my vengeance, but it was still your TARDIS that did this to me, so fix it." Slam Slam Slam "Och! I- Och- can't- Och- but stop kicking me and I'll tell you how to control your multiple personality disorder. Sombra stopped his assaulted scowled. "Go on." "Your split personality is temporary; it will get better once you learn how to control it. Just expect to say random things from time to time, it will pass. Now if you let me go, I can try and find a way to get you back on all four legs again, but you have to promise me that you will stop your mad crusade of enslaving everypony and getting revenge." A sinister smile crept onto Sombra's face "After you scrub all the floors in the Empire, than we can talk about stopping, Mr.Meen take him away." "Yes Lord Sombra." said Meen as he made a bowing gesture and took out his magic book and threw it at the doctor. The book opened and the Doctor was sucked into its pages. He was now trapped in the magical labyrinth of I.M. Meen, which was very scary and confusing. Sombra looked at the burning town in front of him. He had a feeling that the human King was in that town causing mayhem. A man after my own heart. Nevertheless, I will make him pay for taking my form and stealing the joy I would have felt from such great power. "I believe our enemy is in this town somewhere," stated Sombra, "You, Rabbit, set up trap so nopony leaves town. Meen, I want you to check on that farm in the distance. As for me," He raised his hands and summoned a magic sword that was as red as his horn. "I will search the town, in the morning. I wonder what's for Dinner." He then left his henchman to go find dinner in the Everfree Forest. His henchmen just shrugged and went their separate ways. ---------- Meanwhile at Frollo's house, he and Gaston were preparing for war. Frollo sharpened his sword while trying to avoid contact with his fireplace. Lately, he had developed a lustful obsession for Rarity, and kept seeing images of her dancing in the flames. Not wanting to repeat his mistakes with Esmeralda, he kept his hormones under control and focused his attention on saving her. Gaston loaded his gun and began eating his eggs. As he did, he thought of Twilight and how much she reminded him of Bell. Maybe this time, she would fall in love with him after he saved her from the King. When the two were ready a thought crossed Frollo's mind. "How are we going to get to Equestria?" Gaston rubbed his chin with his hands and pondered for a moment until a light bulb lit up on top of his head. "I Know." he said. Gaston took out his I-phone and called someone. A few minutes later, a familiar robed figure came finally to Frollo's balcony on a magic carpet. "We must hurry." said Gwonam, "It is written, only Gaston and Frollo can save Equestria" "Do you know where it is." replied Frollo. "Luckily I made a copy of my map; now let's go kick his ass."