//------------------------------// // Pinkie, Parties, and LSD // Story: Forgotten Soldier; Wrong War // by rocketlvr //------------------------------// Twilight was on a late night walk through Ponyville, she thought that this would just be a good night to go out and enjoy the scenery. She was returning home to her library when she started to hear a dull deep thumping. This was rhythmic like music, but none she had ever heard before. She rounded the corner of a large building and saw her library. Light through its windows were flashing in a bunch of different colors and she could make out the noises of talking. She ran over to the building and flung open the door. She was greeted by a cacophony of rap music and shouting. "CAUSE IM A MOTHA FUCKING GANGSTA!" Victor was shouting along to the music holding his glock in the air.He was shirtless and wearing his aviators. "WOO!!" He fired a single round into the air. It was just barely louder than the music and dancing. "YO SPIKE!" Spike ran up to him out of the crowd, he was wearing a lampshade. "YEAH?" "HOW'S PINKIE HOLDING UP?!" "SEE FOR YOURSELF!" He pointed over his shoulder at Pinkie Pie. She was ridiculously hyper, bouncing off the walls, LITERALLY, and chasing around anyone who got near her. She somehow managed to find a LAW rocket nearby and now had it held above her head. "PINKIE NO!" Victor shouted, but it was too late. She fired it and the deafening roar obscured the music for a second. The back blast fried a perfectly good batch of muffins causing a certain grey pegasus to burst into tears, and the rocket to crash through a glass window, and majestically soar out into the night sky where it exploded after a short while giving off a lovely display quite similar to fire works. The event went largely unnoticed by the crowd and party patrons, except for Victor, Spike, Twilight, and any pony who happened to be close enough to Pinkie. Twilight stood mouth agape and immediately rushed over to Pinkie. "PINKIE!? What are you doing?!?!" Pinkie responded with a series of shrieks, giggles, head spins, and gibberish before jumping out of the same window the rocket had gone through which is kind of impressive considering it was a window twenty feet off the ground. Twilight just looked at the window for a moment before turning around and walking through the crowd to find Victor. He was found break dancing with Spike doing wicked spins like a boss. (please forgive me any real break dancers for I know nothing of the sport). Victor noticed Twilight and stopped spinning, posed on his side with his arm supporting his head. "Draw me like one of your French girls" he said with a smirk. Twilight blushed, shook her head and focused. "Uh, Victor? I can forgive the party, but what happened to Pinkie. She's pretty hyped up... more than usual." "Oh! uhhhhhhh you remember that vial that I gave you?" "yeah?" "Weeeeeeeelllllllll she found it and drank it all." "Oh my gosh! will she be okay?" "Yeeeeeeaaaaaah...... give her a few hours, I don't know too much about LSD, but I think that was a safeish dose she took. So how do you like the party? Flam helped me set up my ipod-er-thing that makes music to the loudspeakers some blue maned red eyed horse lent me." It was at that moment when a great roar erupted from the outside. Louder than the music and causing the party to grow silent. The roar happened a second time and this time the music stopped. It was silent for a while before the door caved in and Pinkie Pie burst through the front door riding on top of a Manticore. "OH SWEET MOTHER OF FUCK!" Victor cried as he dove away from the door behind a cider bar that had been rolled in for the occasion. He huddled next to a possibly drunk pink mare with a few berries as its cutie mark. He looked over the bar just in time to see Twilight and Spike dash out of the building screaming "MANTICORE" "Oh shit, Oh shit, Oh shit, OH SHIT!" he said as he realized that the manticore was getting closer. he looked down and saw that he still had his glock in hand. "......oh yeah....." and with that he came out from behind the bar and leveled the sights. They were all lined up on the manticores head. Perfect kill shot. Right as he was squeezing the trigger an object like a midieval flail smashed the weapon right out of his hands. It was its tail. "GOD DAMMIT!" the glock flew across the room and landed on a shelf. His hands were miraculously unscathed though and thus he ducked back under the bar and hid. The manticore seemed to ignore him and rampaged throughout the rest of the library. Victor looked throughout the bar and found no other armament other than an empty Vodka- I mean cider- bottle. He cracked his knuckles, swore so heartily it killed a nearby parasprite, cinched the bottle in one hand and lept over the bar screaming. The manticore didn't even notice him until they were within five feet of each other when it did it swung its tail directly at him which he narrowly ducked under, jumped into the air and then brought the bottle down on the creatures head. The sound of breaking glass was interesting as it was mixed with both a roar, and a scream of "FUCK YOU", and was followed by a thump. The big furry creature was on the ground with a decent amount of blood coming from its head. It was however, still breathing. Victor was wide awake, on his feet clutching his very bloody hand and jumping about like a chicken with its head cut off. Forget what happens in the movies, when you break a bottle over somebodies head there are a lot of cuts to both people.Pinkie pie was still on the manticore as well; however, she was unconscious. A large amount of dribble and vomit coming out of her mouth. The other patrons of the party were either trapped partially under rubble, huddled in corners, or passed out from fear. This was the scene that Twilight and Spike were greeted with as they returned with a platoon of the Equestrian Royal Guards. A Pink mare with a groggy expression poked her head out from behind the bar "wha...huh? wasss goin' on?