//------------------------------// // GO TO SLEEP (Not A Chapter Just One Fucked Up Dream That Nick Had) // Story: Left 4 Ponies: Friendship VS Zombies // by Spiky //------------------------------// Inside A cottage, The 4 survivors and 6 ponies Were fast asleep While A Finger was going into there Room Nick Can Feel Someone Breathing on him he woke up to this.. A smiling Face that was very creepy and said. "GO TO SLEEP." Jeff said, "GET OFF OF ME!" Nick said while pushing jeff off No one was in there with him it was only jeff. AAAAAHHHHHHHHH! Nick screamed While Jeff was coming towards him. "GO TO SLEEP." Jeff said while holding a knife. "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH." Nick Yelled as he woke up everyone was there awake by the sudden burst. "Man..... that was one Fucked dream." Nick Said.