Star Trek: Equestrian Rescue

by Blake Skies

Chapter Six

Chapter Six: Pinkie Pie’s Party

Despite her official position as Ships Diplomat, Quells never really liked the job. Dealing with squabbling delegates, endless debates, handling the tours of the starship, and worse still dressing up for formal events, the job called for someone who could be egotistical and humble at the same time. Who was she kidding, she never liked the job; she loved it.
It was always the perfect way for her to flaunt her Q omnipotence as well as her fabulous social skills. More importantly, the job allowed her the singular honor of watching Blaze, Gorear, and Thatak make total fools of themselves at social events. The line “Soldiers never make good diplomats,” was never truer with them.
To say that they were terrible diplomats was a bit harsh true, as the trio did get better with age. But still, Klingons were neither diplomats nor peaceful party people period. Blaze was too much of a solider to even see the intricacies of politics, considering that he also hated it with a burning passion. Gorear did have that vision, but his often misuse of humor and sarcasm made him more of a people person. Get the three of them together for a diplomatic event and the humor just flowed naturally for Quells.
However the hilarity was going to be absent from today’s event, as it was a party after all. While Thatak was still going to be a fish out of water, Blaze and Gorear did well at parties. The only thing that made Quells and the rest of the bridge crew remember that it was a diplomatic event as well was they were all wearing their diplomat uniforms.
So after getting hers on, she walked into Blaze’s room to see how he was doing. Sure enough the Vice Admiral was just finishing straightening his pips on his collar. “How do I look?” Blaze asked.
“Like a diplomat waiting to go out clubbing.” Quells laughed.
“Thanks hun, ready to go?” Blaze asked?”
Quells nodded and the two departed for the Transporter Room. Along the way they ran into the rest of the bridge crew, all of whom were going down to enjoy Pinkie’s party. Quells was quite taken over the fact that even Lotar left behind his Reman officer uniform for the Starfleet Ambassador white.
“Looking nice everybody,” Quells smiled.
“Yes, well let’s surely push our luck; this is a party after all.” Viz agreed, adjusting her collar.
“Surely hope the music is good this time,” Gorear commented, “Last ambassador event we went to was really such a drawl.”
Many of the officers chuckled. Even Sul’Vin had to agree with that comment, “Gorear, I doubt these ponies will anything similar to the Bajorian hymns you enjoy.”
“Or even that of Klingon opera.” Thatak agreed somberly.
“Well I’m kinda wishing for some Rock’n’Roll.” Blaze smiled as they approached the Turbolift, “Hell I’ll even settle for some Rock.”
“Now that would be your music Blaze. Perfect for a hardcore man such as yourself!” Quells joked as the party reached the turbolift.
“Now I’ve said it before and I will say this again:” Blaze started as they entered the turbolift, “There is absolutely nothing wrong with Rock and Roll.”

The party that Pinkie Pie had set up was probably her best yet. She had set it up in Ponyville’s square. About two thirds of the ship’s crew was mixed in with the majority of Ponyville’s population. And everyone was having a great time. Admiral Johnson was having a conversation with Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Rainbow Dash about some interesting and funny event that had happened within his past while Twilight was mingling with Captain Sul’Vin talking about Scientific discoveries.
Vinyl Scratch provided the majority of the entertainment until Princess Celestia asked Vice Admiral Johnson if his crew had bands to perform. After a quick set up, the Evans’ band had a lively tune going.
Twilight was surprised to see how similar the instruments the two worlds had. Both had a the same instruments an normal Equestrian Orchestra had, which pleased Octavia greatly, as well as full band and a piano. However it wasn’t the classical element that had come down, thanks to Pinkie saying this party needed more pizazz. What was brought down were a good drum set, some guitars, and the piano.
The band that was playing called themselves “The Tin Can Sailors,” probably another reference to the ships namesake. They were playing what Dash called Rock music as well as helping Vinyl Scratch with some Pop. Twilight wasn’t much a fan of the upbeat music, but she did enjoy herself.
That was until the bands singer decided to include the ships Admiral. “Now ladies, Gentlemen, and Ponies everywhere, the next several set of songs we would like to play for you all we cannot play. At least without our guest singer, Vice Admiral Blaze Johnson.” The singer said pointing at the Vice Admiral.
Twilight turned to where the Vice Admiral was standing, she could see him clearly turn meek and shake his head no. Twilight could tell he wasn’t scared, he just didn’t want to perform for the crowd. This played right into the singers hands, “Oh looks like Blazey’s a little scared. Maybe he needs some applause to get him on?”
All of the present Crew, saved for the Vulcans, cheered and applauded for their Vice Admiral. Twilight turned to Sul’Vin, “Why are they embarrassing their leader like this?”
“Actually they are not,” Sul’Vin explained, “Blaze is an accomplished guitarist but has not played for several years. They are merely doing this to bolster his confidence and to see him perform. Quite an interesting move to say the least.”
After a few more chants and cheers, the Vice Admiral relented and headed towards the stage. Twilight turned her attention to the two attending Princesses, who were both keenly interested at what Blaze was going to do.
Once the Vice Admiral got on stage, he was handed what was called an Electric Guitar and strummed it for a bit. Then he approached the microphone and said meekly, “I must warn you all, I haven’t played in a couple of years. So I must apologize if it doesn’t sound great.” He strummed the guitar again, as if trying to remember a song, “Well there is one that I remember, it was written a very long time ago by one of Earth’s greatest. He wrote it for all you ‘lovely crazy people out there.’ Goes a little something like this.”
The Vice Admiral began playing a set of chords on the guitar, quite well actually. Then after a quick play, began singing when the rest of the band joined in. “Well this thing called Love, I just can’t handle it. This thing, called Love, I must get round to it. I ain’t ready! Crazy little thing called love.”
The crowd began to clap along as Blaze went to the next verse, “Well this thing,” Blaze sang.
“This thing,” sang the rest of the band.
“called Love,”
“Called love.”
“it cries”
“Like a baby,”
“in a cradle all night, it swings, it jives, it shakes all over like a jellyfish. I kinda like it. Crazy little thing called love.” Blaze sang before playing a riff. Then he continued, “There goes my baby, she knows how to Rock’n’Roll, she drives me crazy, she gives hot ’n’ cold fever, she leaves me in a cold, cold sweat.”
Then after a beat filled music break, the Vice Admiral sang again, his voice brimming with confidence. “I gotta be cool, relax, get hip, get on my track, take a back seat, and hitchhike. Take a long ride on my motorbike until I’m ready! Crazy little thing called Love!”
As the guitar part came in, Twilight was quite amazed at the Admiral’s performance. While this was not her favorite style of music, the Vice Admiral sold it well. He seemed to regain whatever skill he had at the guitar as he played the guitar riffs with ease and grace befitting a talented performer. Even the ponies were pounding their hooves rhythmically in tune with the humans clap.
Then when the guitar riff ended, Blaze stopped playing and began slapping his guitar in beat with the crowd. The band began either clapping or, in the drummers case beating, in tune as well. “Gotta be cool,” Blaze sang, “Relax, get hip, get on my track, take a back seat, and hitchhike. Take a long ride on my motor bike until I’m ready!”
“Ready Freddie!” sang the drummer.
“Crazy little thing called love!” blaze shouted. Then the band began playing again as Blaze sang, “This thing, called love, I just can’t handle it. Oh this thing, called love, I must get around to it. I ain’t ready! Crazy little thing called love, alright. Crazy little thing called love! Take it.” then he and the other guitarist began jamming away with their guitars in another, music break. The bands pianist began playing lively notes mixed in. After a few more riffs and beats, Blaze returned to the mike, “Crazy little thing called love! Crazy little thing! Called Love, yeah. Crazy little thing called love, hey, hey, hey. Crazy little thing called love. Alright!”
Then the beats began to build to what Twilight surmised would be the conclusion. As they did, Blaze stopped playing and lifted the guitar over his hand. He swung it around to his back and held it by the neck until the song ended. When it did the whole crowd cheered and whistled.

Meanwhile in another part of town, a wayward pony drunk off Cider had stumbled into the Everfree forest. His steps were erratic, and he was constantly on the verge of falling over. When he did, the colt slid down into an underground cavern.
“Huh?” he asked in a very slurred voice, “Now who put this here?” The pony continued into the cavern, too drunk to even know where he was going. It would be his fall. He found himself staring down a tall, dark, menacing figure. The scary sight made him sober up quickly. The colt spun around and tried to run. But the path was blocked by another being who grabbed the pony with cold, unforgiving hands.
The pony struggled and screamed. But his voice did not leave the cave. Then it was silenced forever.

High above aboard the Evans, Tran was overlooking the ships watch while sitting in the Admiral’s chair. Due to Blaze issuing shore leave for the crew, there was a skeleton crew left aboard. That didn’t bother the Breen in the slightest, it was shaping up to be a quiet night.
Then the acting science officer noticed something, “Sir our sensors are picking up something foreign upon the planet.”
[What sort of something?] the Breen asked.
“It was very brief sir, but it was strange signature.” The officer answered.
[Can you confirm it?] Tran asked getting up and heading over to the console.
“No sir, it’s not appearing on sensors anymore. I could run a full diagnostic to see if it was a glitch.” The ensign recommended.
[Get on it, let’s make sure of this before we report it to the Vice Admiral.] Tran ordered.
“Should I send a message down to them?” Three of Five, who was manning the helm, asked.
[Best not, from the looks of things they’re having a fun time. Let’s not interrupt them with a trivial manner until we know for sure.] Tran answered.