//------------------------------// // "Did the Darkness Just... " by Negi // Story: Ponies and Pactios: A Negima Crossover // by funkyferret //------------------------------// "Did the Darkness Just..." by Negi "This is so boring," Chamo muttered. "Shh! You're being rude," Negi shushed him and returned his attention back to the chalkboard. The ermine grumbled, then curled up into a ball and fell asleep. Ever since Twilight had woken up after the accident the day before, the librarian had begun to take Negi's claims more seriously. She had taken it upon herself to teach him the basics of unicorn magic and despite Chamo's objections, the lectures had been quite interesting. Still it chaffed a little, feeling like he was back in magic academy all over again. At least Twilight was an eager teacher. She had spent a good portion of the night gathering material together for this lecture and so far was powering through quite a bit of material. Already it was late afternoon and she showed little sign of slowing down. Despite his skill in the area, Negi's head was beginning to spin as he tried to absorb it all. Luckily, Spike wandered in to the 'lecture hall' Twilight had set up in the library's main room. "Uh, Twilight, don't you think that's enough for today? You two have been at it since breakfast." The purple unicorn paused and frowned at him for a moment. He pointed to the clock and raised an eyebrow. Twilight glanced at it and blinked a few times. "It's that late? No wonder my throat is so sore. I guess I just lost track of time." She rubbed a hoof across her throat and smiled sheepishly. Spike rolled his eyes and handed her a lozenge. The studious unicorn popped it into her mouth and wrapped her assistant in a tight hug. "Thanks, Spike. You're the greatest number one assistant anypony could have," she cooed. The dragon grumbled and pulled away but he was smiling while he did so. "If you're that grateful, you'll take me out to eat tonight so I don't have to cook for everyone again." Twilight smiled. "Sure thing. We can-" She was interrupted by a loud thud that shook the library. Chamo fell off the arm of the chair he was dozing on and landed on his head. "Where's the elephant?" he muttered blearily. "What was that?" Negi asked. Twilight sighed. "Probably just Rainbow Dash crashing into the door. Again." The grumpy purple pony tromped over and yanked the door open. "Rainbow, what do you think you're... oh sweet Celestia!" A lasso flew into the library and wrapped around the frightened unicorn, whisking her away. "Twilight!" the three boys cried in shock and dashed to the door to look outside. They gasped at what they saw. The darkness hovered in front of the library. Seated on top of it were three ponies, their eyes blazing red. There was a grey pegasus, a mint green unicorn, and an orange pony with a cowboy hat. The orange one had a rope in her teeth which passed through the cloud and wrapped around Twilight dangling below it. "Applejack, why are you doing this? Please let me go," the purple unicorn begged, tears streaming down her face. "No dice, Sparkles!" Chamo yelled. "She's been possessed by the darkness. You just gotta beat some sense into her." Twilight frowned and began firing blasts of magic from her horn at the cloud. She managed to punch a few holes in it but they kept closing up. She gritted her teeth and charged up her horn. "I got this," she said. The determined mare didn't notice the possessed unicorn floating behind her. "Twilight, look out!" Negi cried out, but it was too late. Before Twilight could even turn, she was hit in the back of the neck my a small bolt of lightning. Her body stiffened and the spell she was working on blinked out of existence. With a strangled cry, the unicorn fell limp against her bindings. "Twilight!" Spike screamed angrily. He aimed his snout at the smirking mint pony and shot fire at her. The unicorn sidestepped it midair and yawned, mocking his attempts to thwart her. "Foolish lizard," the three dark ponies intoned together, "you cannot defeat us." Spike growled and tried again, but the cloud and the ponies merely floated higher up out of his reach. The possessed ponies laughed at his failure as Spike fell to his knees sobbing. "Why can't I ever do anything right?" he cried. Chamo hopped up on top of the despondent dragon's head. "Whoa, calm down scale-face," the ermine said. "Lucky of you, my quick wit has made it so that your little accident yesterday can be used to our advantage. Negi!" The colt blinked. He had been staring numbly ever since he saw Twilight go limp. He shook his head, trying to clear it. Without his other spells, there was the only thing he could do in this situation. Steeling himself, he activated the pactio. "What the hay?" Spike cried in terror as he was lifted into the air. "What's going on?" Negi was too busy with his spell to answer the dragon. He just focused on the magic and prayed it would all go right for once. The magic flowed through him, faster than it had the day before. The magic words rolled off his lips and he was met with a familiar sensation as the spell completed. Opening his eyes, he looked down at a black card he was somehow holding in his hoof. He smiled. "Sweet, rare card!" Chamo hooted. He rubbed his chin as he looked over the transformed dragon. "A bit ironic, but it works." "Whoa. This feels awesome," the dragon said. Spike had grown about a few feet in height and was wearing a full suit of armor. The metal had a golden tint to it and its accents matched his spines. The armor was normal, save for a purple belt wrapped around his middle, which contained several pockets. He poked at them. "What's this?" he asked. "Probably your artifact. Now use it!" Chamo commanded as the possessed pegasus swooped towards him. "How?" Spike asked. He turned towards the ermine and the pegasus swept past him and into the side of the library. He turned around and blinked at the grey pony. Negi stared at the grey pegasus as it flipped its yellow mane out of its eyes and charged Spike again. It missed and crashed into the mint unicorn. The two went down in a tangle of limbs that crashed into a nearby bush. Chamo face-palmed. "Seriously, I don't know what's worse, you or that pony's aim. Why don't you just get Sparkles down while those two are busy?" Spike nodded. With his new height, he reached up and grabbed Twilight, snapping the rope with his claws. He placed the unconscious unicorn in the library and shut the door. When he turned around, the possessed ponies had sorted themselves out and were preparing a three-pronged attack against the dragon. "Use the artifact!" Chamo shouted from the sidelines. Reaching into one of the pockets, Spike frowned as he pulled out a handful of green powder. "What am I supposed to do with this?" he asked. The dragon shrugged and threw it at the approaching ponies. It fluttered to the ground. Spike swallowed hard. "G-guess that wasn't it," he said. The three mares continued to approach him, grinning manically. Eyes wide and knees knocking, the dragon backed away until he ran into the side of the library. The enemy laughed at him and approached him leisurely as if enjoying his suffering. Their hooves pounded the powder, kicking it up into a cloud around them. The green dust only added to their eerie appearance. Negi frowned. He took a step forward. Chamo grabbed his leg. "Are you crazy, bro? Or did you just forget you don't have any spells right now?" the ermine asked. Negi shook him off. "I can't just sit here," he said as he looked over at the cowering dragon. "I have to try." "But-" Chamo began. "ACHOO!" went the pegaus. The wizard and his companion looked on in confusion as the grey pony went into a sneezing fit. The two other minions seemed just as puzzled, but also annoyed. The cloud overhead shuddered. A tendril of black smoke flew out of the pegasus's head and rejoined the main cloud. The grey pony blinked and her eyes turned yellow before the pony went cross-eyed and fell on her side. Chamo and Negi watched numbly as the two remaining ponies rolled the pegasus out of their way and glared down at her. The grey pony blinked. "Hey, Applejack, whatcha doing?" she asked. "Achoo!" Chamo blinked. "T-that..." he stuttered. "Did the darkness just... unposses her on its own?" Negi asked dumbly. The ermine nodded mutely. "Uh, guys? Little help?" Spike called tentatively. The two remaining evil ponies were standing above him. The dragon opened his mouth and shot a shaky trail of flame. "FOOMP!" The green power exploded in a wall of flame which engulfed the possessed ponies as well as the dark cloud hovering above them. The darkness shrieked in pain and retreated, leaving behind a pair of dazed, soot covered mares. Everything was silent as the ponies all stood there blinking. "Huh. So that's what its for." Spike said. His armor disappeared and the dragon shrunk back down to his normal size. "Ugh... hungry," he muttered as he fell on his side. In a flash of color, Rainbow Dash arrived on the scene. "What's going on?" she demanded. "I saw this flash of light and... wow." She looked down at the dragon laying on its side, the sneezing grey pegasus, and the two mares who were only now starting to notice their surroundings. "W-what in tarnation? This isn't mah farm," the orange pony said. She began to sweep the soot form her coat. "Bon Bon? Where are you?" the unicorn wandered off, leaving black hoofprints behind her. Chamo looked up at the blue mare and frowned. "Where were you, Bluebird? We could've really used your help five minutes ago." His eyes lit up and he smiled. "Say... maybe there is something you can help out with after all." Negi frowned. He didn't like where this was going... "Negi could use another pactio," Chamo said. "You seem a lot more capable than the lizard." Spike looked up from the cookie he'd found to munch on. "Hey!" he protested. Chamo ignored him. "Just one little pactio and you get magic powers and a sweet costume to help us fight evil and protect the town. What do you say?" Rainbow Dash landed in front of him. "Super powers huh? Well, I'm already pretty super, but adding a few more powers sounds cool," she said. "Particularly if it means helping to protect Ponyville. What do I need to do?" "Just stand next to Negi and I'll get the magic circle ready," Chamo said. "Pactio!" The familiar light flashed up around Negi's feet. He sighed internally. Chamo sure liked to rush things at times. "Hah! It tickles! Now what?" Rainbow asked. "Just lean forward and kiss him," Chamo said. "W-w-what?" Rainbow Dash spluttered. She glared at the ermine. "What do you take me for? I'm not a foal-fooler!" Chamo rolled his eyes. "Seriously what's with girls? It's just one kiss. Don't be such a baby." Dash bared her teeth at him. "Didn't you say you wanted to help save Ponyville?" the ermine asked. Rainbow Dash shuffled her hooves. "Yeah..." "Then get to the smooching!" "But-" "Oh! I'll do it!" A chipper voice called. Negi blinked as a pair of lips met his. They didn't belong to the rainbow-maned pegasus, but to a grey one with skewed yellow eyes.