//------------------------------// // Heart of a Lion // Story: Eclipse Bane // by Nightwing //------------------------------// Luna charged forward at the armed, pink pony recklessly, her horn glowed as it summoned a translucent blue bubble of a shield in front of her. Pinkie smirked and pulled the mechanism back, another shot ringing out from Pinkie's hoof-cannon. As it connected with the shield, the lead shot ricocheted upwards, the immense force of the impact shattering the magic shield around the charging Princess like glass. Pinkie hurriedly reached to cock the weapon's slide back to load a third shot, but Luna had already closed the distance. A forceful tackle was enough to knock Pinkie off balance and fling her onto her back, shouting. Luna grunted at Pinkie and rose her hoof to stomp down and break the hoof-cannon on Pinkie's left foreleg, when an unexpected jolt from the pink pony's right hoof caught Luna's eye. From the right foreleg was a second mechanism concealed by the cloak; some form of hidden claw weapon. Luna managed to rear back and out of Pinkie's lunge, Luna keeping her distance as Pinkie managed to stand up onto her legs. Big Macintosh found his own hooves full as he swept his powerful legs into another guard, dropping him to the ground with an audible crunch, knocking him out instantly. Two guards immediately attacked Big Macintosh from behind, the farm colt just barely kicking away their spears and launching them both off of the ground with each back leg, the signature applebuck kick. He was finding himself surrounded by three new guards; their numbers just kept coming. One managed to leap onto Big Mac's back and attempt to restrain him while the other two carefully closed in with their spears. Macintosh struggled until he forced up the strength to reach his forehooves up, grab the head of the guard on his back, and in an amazing display of strength, hurl him end-over-end into the other two attackers. He smirked at his slightly humorous accomplishment before more guards closed in on him. Biggs and Wedge kept back to back, both of their spears in hoof, circling around the buffaloes in a protective stance as several guards closed in. A few of them they knew from their training days, and knew that Luna did not want anyone to be killed. A guard lept at Biggs, leading with his spear. Biggs swatted away his spear and quickly returned a blow with the blunt end of his own weapon to his head, dropping him. Wedge shoved an attacking guard back with the shaft of his spear and brought the blunt end down upon another guard's head. They were doing their best to stick to non-lethal means. More guards circled around the pair, each one attacking in-turn to be knocked out cold by accurate and swift blows of the brothers' spears. Luna swiftly ducked and weaved her head around Pinkie's claw swipes, backing up slowly, biding her time as the pink pony relentlessly lashed out both of her forelegs. Neither claw nor hoof touched Luna as she continued to swiftly evade Pinkie's attacks, but Luna was being worn out. She had to charge up a spell, and fast. Her horn began to glow faintly as it drew upon the power of the cosmos. Pinkie took notice of the glowing horn and took a single forward lunge, leading with her claw. Luna managed to dodge and weave to the left, but the claw slashed along her right flank, Luna letting out a shout of pain, drawing royal alicorn blood. Panicking, Pinkie fretted with her hoof-cannon and pulled the slide back, loading another shot in place and taking aim. Luna didn't finish charging her spell, and had to use what little magic power she gathered immediately. Pinkie raised her hoof-cannon. Luna reared her horn skyward. A golden-glowing swirl launched forward from Luna's horn as a loud, deafening bang sounded. However, it was not from Pinkie's weapon. It was a sonic boom, conjured from Luna's magic. The spell sent out a ring of compressed kinetic energy, which, when it contacted with Pinkie, exploded like a wind grenade at a speed higher than speed of sound, producing the immensely loud bang, stunning Pinkie and throwing her a good ten feet backwards. Pinkie struggled to regain her bearings as her vision blurred and her hearing deafened, slowly recovering. This may be my only chance, Luna thought to herself. She summoned all of the magical power she had remaining, her eyes flashing pure white as her horn gleamed like silver. A magical sphere gained more and more power upon the tip of her horn. Pinkie opened her eyes to witness the magic at work, her hearing restored. Luna stomped downwards, her voice thick with volume and authority. "Remember who you are!" An arc of electricity fired from Luna's horn and enveloped Pinkie in a glowing light. Big Macintosh, Biggs, and Wedge were rounding off the last remaining guards when their heard Luna's shout and the sound of lightning. They turned to see Pinkie being lifted into the air and engulfed in a bright blue light, screaming out as Luna kept focus on the spell. Pinkie continued to shout and scream as the magic wrapped around her in a dazzling lightning storm. She opened her eyes, and everyone saw her slit-shaped pupils expand into their original circles. Pinkie's black robe burned away. She fell unconscious in Luna's magical grasp, the Princess gently setting her down. AUTHOR'S NOTE: I listened to a certain song on repeat while writing this part of the chapter, which I thought fit perfectly, and really helped me to write it out. It's not required to listen to, but I'll put the link here if you're interested. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8C0phclVqA&feature=watch_response Everyone including the buffaloes surrounded the body of Little Strongheart. All were offering a moment of silence and mourning tears. After a few minutes of honoring a fallen comrade, the sun began to set. One of the buffaloes softly wrapped her in a blanket, everyone helping to secure Strongheart to his back. "We will... Bring Strongheart back to her father," one of the buffaloes said. "You are Princess Luna, are you not?" Luna said nothing, but nodded her head, staring at the ground. 'Tis all my fault. She was merely a child... Why, Celestia? Why are you doing this? Luna turned her head to the fading sun, a tumbleweed blowing in the cool twilight air. I don't know what to believe anymore. One thousand years ago, you were the only one I could look up to. You showed me everything I needed to know, only for me to betray you. Even after I returned... You showed me nothing but love and respect. ... I suppose I know how you felt a millenium ago, now. I'm sorry, Celestia... I suppose it was I that failed you. She turned her head back to the mourning buffalo. "I am sorry, good sir... Were we there earlier... Perhaps she would have lived." "Nay," spoke the buffalo. "Little Strongheart was... Truly a valiant leader. She never backed down from a challenge, and always led with the heart of a lion. She truly was the chieftain's daughter. Fear not, Princess Luna. Little Strongheart died with honor. Now... She can watch over us for all eternity." Luna smiled softly. The pain eased a bit. Biggs, Wedge, and Big Macintosh went to Luna's side. The ponies and buffaloes offered their final respects to the brave Little Strongheart, and parted ways. Luna brought her company to the unconscious Pinkie Pie, who was beginning to stir from her rest. Pinkie rose up. The electric shocks had aided in restoring her mane back to it's full poofiness. Her eyes were normal. She was the same Pinkie Pie as before. Everyone smiled as Pinkie gleefully leapt up at Luna, hugging her tightly in her forelegs as Luna happily returned the embrace. "Princess Luna, you got me out of there! It was like a really really bad dream but I knew I was still awake but I didn't control what I was doing which made things really weird but anyw--..." Pinkie's joyful banter stopped itself short as she lowered herself back to the ground. "L.. Little Strongheart...?" Pinkie looked up to Luna with regret in her eyes, sniffling a bit. Luna could only close her eyes sorrowfully and shake her head. Something rare happened. Pinkie Pie began to cry. It wasn't the over-the-top cries she normally did during her antics. It was a soft, sad, mournful and regretful cry. She dropped down onto her stomach and hid her face in her forelegs. She killed Little Strongheart. She committed murder. "Wh-.. what kind of... horrible monster am I..?" Pinkie managed to utter between sobs. Luna, Big Macintosh, Biggs, and Wedge all wrapped around Pinkie in a warm, loving embrace. All was silent once more as they comforted their friend. Celestia, Luna thought to herself. You will answer for this...