Shattered Memories

by Leoheartxx2

Chapter 1- The Grim Future

" Common Spike!!! I'm eager to try this new spell I just found when I was in Cantelot. " Twilight was flipping through her books in her library. A large brown bulky book lay open as she uses her magic to flip each page.

" What's so special about this spell? " Spike ask as he clean the piles of books that were laying on the floor. Typical Twilight.

Twilight was in Cantelot last week. During her stay she browse the National Library and came across a particular book of spell. The title wasn't very clear, probably because the book was old and covered with dust. But as she read it through, the book describe a spell that was suppose to allow the caster to see into the future. The spell require several material as describe and right before she went back to Ponyville she obtained them all at Cantelot.

" You know Twilight...the material that this spell require...really got me worrying. Scales, metals and gems...." Spike express his worry as he unloads all the materials from a large sack. A large piece of Obsidian drop from the sack, making a odd but unworldy sound as it fell onto the floor.

" Carefull Spike....I want to make this stop messing around...."

" Yes...Twilight...." Spike lets out a sigh.

Spike immediatly prepare what was needed. Based on the book, all the material are to be arrange in a specific manner. Spike lay the gem and different types on metal on the floor in an orderly fashion based on the instruction on the book. The large Obsidian was place in the middle, surrounded by the other materials in a group of circles. Spike look at the book once more to check if everything is in place.

" All done Twilight.....but are you sure about this? I heard of magic doing thing of sorts but time itself?...."

" Based here it grants the caster a glimps of the a vision....and I'm eager to try if it's possible...."

" Glimps of the future ha?? I wonder what will be of me and Rarity in the future?? " Spike blush as he lets his imagintion runs wild in his head.

" ohhhhh Spike...You cheeky dragon....I wouln't be sure myself....the spell didin't say which part of the future....I only guess in a period of 30 or 40 years maybe?? Well, no matter. Let us begin!! " Twilight's horn is envelop in a purple aura, which then levitate the book as she chants the incantation.

Spike stood behind her as she perform the spell. The air in the library thicken as Twilight's magic fills the room. The materials on the floor levitates and now rotates around in circles. Static starts to form in thin air and moments later the large Obisidian that was in the center burst forth a bright beam, creating a very mirror-like matrix in the middle of the room.
Spike's jaw drop. He never knew how capable Twilight's magic were. After a series of flash and minor explosion, everything came to a stop.

" Wow Twilight....I never knew you were this good....I mean this spell isn't easy you know..." Spike picks up Twilight back on her feet. The spell must have really take a lot of concentration and efford to pull it off.

" Thanks what to do with this...." Twilight points at an unknown object in the middle of the library. A large sphere, floats in the middle of the room, static and sparks flies from its surface at random direction.

" So how does it work...." Spike tries to poke it but the static just zap his finger, a slight shock discourage Spike from poking it again.

"Hmmm....let me try...." Twilight stood infront of the sphere and concentrate. An image or sort starts to form in the sphere in a swirly movement. After a moment, the atmosphere starts to feel heavy, as if a magic field of some power fills the room.
Static starts to dart out from the sphere in a frenzy manner.A mixture of aura of diffrerent colour burst out in a large gust from the sphere. Twilight was too amased by the manner of magic that she didin't realise the aura was enveloping her. Spike tries to pull her away but was knock back, as if block by an invisible field of magic. Spike tried to scream at her but it is as if she couldn't hear a thing. The whole room suddendly started to shack violently. Twilight, finnaly realise the situation at hand, panic and tries to break herself out of the ever closing aura around her.

" SPIKE!!! GET ME OUT OF HERE!!! " Twilight scream desperatly as the aura close in on her. Spike reach out to a nearby wooden chair and try to break her out, but to no avail as the chair simply bounce back. The aura finnaly close in around Twilight, and in an instance a bright flash appears, blinding Spike. After the blinding light fade away, all was left was a burn out Obsidian stone in the center of the library. Twilight was nowhere to be found.

" Twilight?! TWILIGHT!!!!!! "

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" head..." Twilight finnaly awoken. Her head still hurts from before, all she could remember was being envelop by an aura then it all black out. Still confuse, she tries to get a visual of her surrounding. Piles and piles of books was the first thing she saw, but she knew where she is. The library. But something doesn't feels right. The whole place is a mess. Books and papers scatter across the floor, like a typhoon just hit this place. The air smells dead and musty, like this place hasn't been touched for ages. Then, the tought of Spike came to her. Where is that little dragon? As she futher investigate the whole place for any sign of Spike, she ponder what happen. Spike usually keeps the place clean and spotless. After a while she gave up.

" Maybe I might have more hope looking for him outside..." As she open the door, all she could think, was what had happen. Before her eyes, Ponyville lies in ruins. Instead of the once bright town full of joyfull pony, now a desolated town shroud in darkness and destruction. The stench of Death is thick and strong. Twilight's feet became soft, as her eyes watches on. What happen? How in Celestia's name did all of this happen? Uncertain and devasated, all she could now is find Spike.

Twilight journey out into the town. No pony was insight. All the building were either boarded up or destroyed. TownHall was in ruins. The whole structure had collapsed on itself. Even Sugarcube Corner was in ruins. It's wall collapsed and destroyed.

" SPIKE!!! " She yell out loudly, hoping she could at the very least find Spike. She continue to call out as she journey into the desolate town. Even the sky was dark and miserable. The moon was showing itself, but it was red like the colour of blood. After an hour of relentless searching, Twilight finnaly gave up. Seeing that it was pointless to go on, she immediatly return to the only place she could think as shelter. The library. A few minutes later she arrives at the entance of the library. But as she tries to open the door, she notice a large shadow flying pass her. She looks up, only to beget by horror a large dragon decents upon her. Immediatly her feets tells her to run. A loud roar echos from the sky, as the dragon flies in closer. Twilight ran as fast as her hoofs could carry her, but the dragon wasn't far behind,the sound of it's wings flapping in the air was like death's own. Twilight's heart beat ever s fast she could hear it, her adradeline pumping in her veins. But no matter how hard she ran the dragon was always on her tail. She tries using her magic to teleport herself to safety but somehow her magic wasn't working. Unable to use magic she darts around corners of building, trying to lose the tailing dragon.But her luck soon runs out as she meets a dead end. Her eyes darts around, trying to find another escape route, but her heart shrunk low as the sound of heavy claws decent on the ground behind her. She turns around, only to see a set of claws, and pairs of eyes staring down on her. Twilight closes her eyes, she knew there was nowhere for her to run or fight. She swallow down her last drop of saliva, and brace for her end.

" Twilight? Is that you?" The dragon speaks softly, trying not to scare Twilight any further. Confused, Twilight open her eyes slowly.

" Hooowww do do ddooo... you know me? " Her voice breaks a little, still frighten.

" It's been a long time Twilight, how have I missed you...." The dragon walks nearer to Twilight. As the moonlight slowly light the dragon's face, it all became clear. Only one dragon she knew has such eye and colour. Spike.

" Spike?! WHAT IN CELESTIA'S NAME HAPPEN TO YOU!!! YOUR'R 10 FEET TALL AND...AND....HUGE!!! " Twilight shows a mixture of expression. Shocked and astounded at the same time.

Spike appears to have grown up. His claws and body wasn't the same as before. His wings grew large and powerfull. Not only that, Twilight noticed there was a long scare running down the left eye of Spike's face.

" What happen to you Spike? Those scars.....who did this to you...." Twilight raise her hoof, touching the long ugly scar that run down his left eye.

" A lot has happen since you left Twilight.....many things....change..." Spike slowly open his huge claws, allowing Twilight to climb in.

" But how long was I gone?" Twilight ask.

".......60 years Twi......60 long years......." Tears starts to flow down the ugly scar.