The Bloodwings: The Warrior Pegasi of North Mountain

by HaywireSavage

Capter 1: The First Fight

North Mountain. Equestria. Jace Screamwing. Bloodwing Alpha leader. Expert dog fighter. The Great Winged War. Day 2,473. In this war there were two sides: Bloodwing and Darkwing. The war had started 23 years ago and still continues to this day in Equestria. Jace was 27 and his birthday was coming up in a week. Jace needed to get out on the battlefield. His comrades needed him in dogfights. He was Bloodwing Alpha.

"Jace! So good to see you again!" Commander Stonefield. Stonefield was a good man and had retired years ago but was still working in Hangar F to keep the Zeppelins going. A Zeppelin is, as you might expect, a type of plane. It has two retractable Wingsabers on either side of the body armor. In front of you there was a mask with cross-hairs at the end of it. Under either wing there were two epic miniguns, each loaded with 180 bullets of pure hard steel. Your two front hooves fit into the trigger steps which activated the miniguns on either side of your stomach. The bottom right accelerator is, as you might guess because all modes of transportation need one, a turbo booster.

Jace slipped into his personalized, flame orange Zeppelin and loaded his guns with a fresh set of rounds. "Good luck out there Captain Screamwing." Jace saluted the old warrior as he did the same and watched Stonefield move over to the hangar door lever. As the retired fighter stalked over to the lever Jace thought back to his nice soft couch in his room and his PPS3 (Pegasi PlayStation Three). Then the hangar doors opened, ripping Jace away from his visit to happy land. The battlefield was pure chaos. It was like turning on a TV with a dogfight CD inside. Jace heard a small yell through the conundrum. Stonefield was wishing him luck. Jace gave the commander a smile and picked up speed on the runway. He had his wings retracted until the last moment to pick up speed. Then, with a rush of adrenaline, Jace opened his wings and soared into the air.

It felt good to be out in the air and yet it felt horribly wrong to Jace. He quickly turned to his left and was met by a Darkwing. They were fierce looking ponies and were not ones to be meddled with. Unless, of course one has skills to blow the jackasses out of the sky. The Darkwing looked like it had been flying around the hangar for some time. They were as dark as their name defines them with manes as white as the clouds they fly in. This one looked like a Gamma from it's body armor. Jace noticed that it was an allicorn which he had not see in a while. He knew from his dogfight practice that most horned Pegasi would use magic first to introduce their powers. The best strategy was the Roller Coaster Trap. The Bloodwing would veer of to either side and wait for their pursuer to get directly behind them. Then the Bloodwing would do a back flip and end up behind the other Pegasi for a clear shot. Jace used the tactic and found that after the veer off (he chose to veer off to the left) the Pegasi was a remarkably good shot. He nearly missed a couple of shots and took a bullet to part of his body armor. Then for the back flip. Jace swooped upward with pure confidence and landed right in position. He pushed the trigger pedals and felt like thunder was coming out of his weapons. He heard the anguished cry and saw as the Pegasi soared down toward the ground.One down today and more to come he thought somewhat overconfidently.

The next fighter Jace encountered met him with a different angle: coming up out of the air under him. It had been some minutes since he had killed that other fighter. This one would be a breeze. Jace knew the tactic and knew the countertactic -- was that a word? -- to catch the enemy by surprise. The DNA. The enemy was coming up from below so Jace knew all he had to do was go down low and create a sort of DNA shape with the enemy. He tried that tactic and... crap. He anticipated it! He didn't follow Jace down below the clouds but rather readied himself for Jace to come back up. Jace realized it as clear as day as he felt a bullet pierce his body armor and hit him in the arse. Jace then flipped backwards so he was upside down and then turned to meet the enemy face to face. He let his Wingsaber pierce the enemies shoulder which would cause their wing to not function and spiral downwards. This was a tactic Jace had made up himself for when he was pissed off at another flyer. The Iron Falcon Wing tactic. As the pony rocketed towards the ground Jace decided to get some higher air.Jeez he was sure a handful!

Jace flew around and recognized one of his fellow fliers. He had a -- was it Beta or Charlie? -- body armor -- yep it was a Charlie -- meaning that it could only be "Harn!" Jace yelled to his friend. Harn Amer was a Charlie of Bloodwing and was a good fighter."What's up nimble wings?" Jace heard Harn jokingly say. He laughed and Harn joined in. "So how long you been out here?" Harn asked. "Only a couple'a minutes. Got two of the jerks down within 25 minutes!"Jace responded. "Well don't get cocky birthday boy!" Jace now cracked up. He had to admit Harn was about as funny as he was a good dog fighter.
"So you wanna take down some more of the suckers or what?" Harn asked "I would be delighted to my good sir!"
They both laughed so hard they cried.