The Bloodwings: The Warrior Pegasi of North Mountain

by HaywireSavage

Chapter 2: The First Fall

They flew for a little while until they encountered some more Darkwing. There were two of them and there were two of the Bloodwings. "You take left, I take right!" Jace knew the routine. It was vice verca to confuse the enemy. So Jace and Harn would go for opposite ponies. Both sides started firing as they came within firing range. Jace noticed one of the cutie marks on an Alpha. It was an explosion and a sword mixed together. "CALIGALMA!" Jace screamed. The look on Harn's face was pure fear as anypony's would be when you encountered Caligalma. Caligalma was the most fierce fighter of Darkwing at the time and was nopony to trifle with. But it was to late. Blood started squirting out, lightly, of Harn's back as he turned away. Jace heard the same anguished cry that he heard from the first fighter he encountered. He was filled with rage as he confronted this goddamned pony. He used the Engine Failure tactic. Jace went straight upward and then dove into a falcon dive and opened fire on Caligalma and the other pony but as soon as the sound was there it was gone.SHIT! DON'T HAVE TIME TO RELOAD! The other pony went sailing down in pain on to the cliff but Caligalma was unfazed and ready for a good fight. Jace opened his Wingsaber's and prepared to slice through Caligalma. But as he did so Caligalma turned and dove straight up, opening a path for him to strike and Jace to miss. Jace felt the blade slice through the underside of his wing. The was pain. So much pain that his vision was white. He could see the mountain. Then no more pain. Then blackness.

Beep.....Beep.....Beep..... "Twilight, do you think he'll be alright?" "He has a pretty bad wing wound which will take some time to heal" "Well Ah hope so sugar cube. Look he's coming too!" I blinked."AAAAUUGH" I wondered who screamed. Then I realized it was me. I couldn't move. I now opened his eyes slower than before to see two ponies. One was an orange earth-pony and the other was a purple unicorn."Wh-where am I?" I asked."You're in Ponyville sugar cube," The orange one said. Jace looked as confused as a wounded pony could."Hi! I'm Twilight Sparkle and this is Applejack!" The purple one added."Ponyville is a town South of Canterlot!" "I'm Jace. Jace Screamwing.Wait... Canterlot's real?" I asked "Yes of course! Wait... You didn't know that?" Twilight said "Yeah. It's just a legend to me until now" I said "WHAT? But you learn about that in Fillygarden!" Twilight said. She was obviously the brains and Applejack was the strength."Where did you say you were from?" Applejack asked. Her voice was getting more and more southern as I regained consciousness. "North Mountain" I say. "WHAT?" Here we go again. "But there are no known records of ponies in my History books? So how is that possible?" Twilight pesters."It just is. I've been living there for 23 year, or my whole life, until... how long have I been here?" I say "Two days" Twilight replies. "Until two days ago. I was shot under my wing in a dogfight." I reply "Did you get shot by magic?" Twilight asks "No by bullets" "What are bullets?" "Round ,metal cases that are shot out of guns" "What are guns?" And it went like that until I explained my whole life to them."So you want to get back to North Mountain?" Twilight asks "Yes but i have to get my wing healed and i need to fix my zeppelin" I reply "So you'll be here in Ponyville for a while?" Twilight asks, here voice getting higher."Yep I guess so" Now her eyes look like a fillies eyes on Christmas. She obviously wants to-"Great! So can I research you and your tribes?" BINGO."Ok if you don't get to creepy about it" She blushes. Then a tall, obviously high-class pony walks into the room. My eyes widen. I have only ever seen here in Mythbooks. She has to be-"I introduce Princess Celestia!"