//------------------------------// // Chapter 17 // Story: Sins of the Mother // by Duffman18 //------------------------------// He tracked the winged bastard with keen precision. It was flying sedately over the land, obviously convinced that there was nothing to fear, and why should there be? The forces of the Empire were waging war in the lands of Equestria and at last report the Griffons were winning in the East. So why should it fear anything while soaring over its own homelands? That was its last thought before the human sharpshooter took him out with a single, well-placed shot. With only a small smirk to show his satisfaction, he quickly displaced and lit the small signal fire he had made on the outcropping beside him. The fire was answered from the ground with the lighting of a long line of signal fires which stretched back to the human army arrayed in full combat readiness. Their ranks were ordered and disciplined, but were anyone to look closer they would be able to see the undercurrents of discomfort that permeated the army. And in no part of the army was this discomfort more strongly felt than in the center where the source of these feelings was being stored: The Dragon Banner. It was glorious and honorable to fight and die for Magnus and Empire, but to fight under the Dragon Banner was something no solider ever truly wanted. It had a long and bloody history and under its aegis one would not find glory or honor, only blood and death. The forward scouts spotted the signal flame and sent a runner to inform the General. Like a ripple on a pond, the news of the advance was met with more and more men standing to attention and readying themselves for the fight ahead as the runner dashed through the ranks. General Julius took a moment to ready himself after seeing the approach of the runner and when he came gave the only order he could: “Move out!” ---- The town was just getting into the rush of mid-day. Griffons visited the market and examined various odds and ends in a variety of shops around town. The laughter of happy chicks could be heard throughout the streets and there was the hum of conversation and background noise that pervaded all larger towns. But all this was shattered within moments. A great chorus of thundering booms rang out and seconds later the walls were ripped apart with the buildings following suit not long after. The griffons reacted in shock and scattered in all directions not knowing what they were running from, but knowing that they needed to get away; to be anywhere but here. Some of the more foolhardy or courageous among them flew into the air and moved forward to see just what was assaulting them. And what they saw sent them shrieking in the opposite direction. Coming over the ridge of a nearby hill was a living army of flesh and steel. They stood tall and strode alongside truly massive engines of war which belched thunder and death with every passing moment. Soon enough the full bulk of the army passed over the ridge of the hill with the front ranks dangerously close to the ruined wall of the city, and it was there that they stopped with even the cannons silenced. A second of silence passed before a single command was given: “Raise the Banner!” With that command, the army stirred itself back to life as a great banner was raised overhead. The Banner itself was blood-red with no other design or heraldic markings on it. It seemed to radiate an aura of power and ferocity which spread to the soldiers that fought beneath it. With the Banner raised the cannons began to fire once more and the army no longer marched, but charged over the broken walls and into the town. Local garrisons, severely depleted and undermanned due to the military’s massive conscription for the war effort, struggled to meet the heaving mass of human soldiers but failed utterly. As they wheeled toward the humans, swords and axes clasped tightly in their talons, the staccato cracking of rife shots echoed throughout the city. Dozens of griffons fell to that volley with many more wounded, but it was too late to abort their ill-planned charge. When the humans and griffons clashed it was a fierce, but short-lived, struggle which followed. The griffons brought their weapons to bear on the human invaders, but the humans made liberal use of their bayonets to block, parry, and impale the defenders. Griffons were dropping like flies as the sheer ferocity and numbers of the human army were brought to bear. A few more units arrived to reinforce their comrades, but when they saw the bloodshed they felt their resolve fade away like the morning mist. Many of them threw down their weapons right then and there and started shouting out their surrender while the rest took flight and shot off through the air in an attempt to get as far away from the humans as they could. Some escaped, but the rest were not as lucky as human sharpshooters began to ply their craft. Fleeing griffon soldiers’ bodies crumpled to the ground under the weight of human rifle fire. Eventually the melee fighters had been wiped out to a griffon as the human forces approached the cowering forms of the surrendering defenders. “Please! Don’t kill us, we surrender. We’ll do whatever you want!” There was not even a moment of hesitation as the humans cut down the defenseless griffons without compunction. The others were horrified at this behavior as they scrambled to get away but, like the others, they didn’t get far. And so it went for the next few hours as humanity swept the city clean of all inhabitants. No prisoners were taken, no griffon was spared, and there were no civilians or soldiers: There were only enemies to be purged. When the city was deemed to be completely empty, with no living soul remaining within its walls other than the human armies the final step of the ritual was taken. The human forces pulled out as cannons and mortars loaded with incendiary rounds began to bombard the city. The buildings were leveled and the streets torn into pieces as the constant salvos took their toll on the city. Finally the fire was able to take and within moments a great conflagration swept through the city, razing it to the ground and finishing the job the infantry had started. This was what it meant to fight under the Dragon Banner. It had been named after the dragons that had constantly besieged the human settlements of old. The great beasts would swoop down from the skies above and tear the settlements apart. All within the city became victims or food to feed their insatiable hunger. And when all were slain or devoured, then the dragon would use its fire to torch the settlement and wipe out almost all evidence of its existence. Under the Dragon Banner no quarter was to be given and none was to be expected. You either fought or died. The Banner was never raised except in the most desperate or extraordinary circumstances. And, from the Emperor’s orders, the majority of their campaign would be fought underneath this fearsome and blood-stained banner. General Julius was examining the maps of the area they had been provided with. There were a number of settlements near them, but there were also many that sat atop the great mountains and hilltops that dotted the landscapes. Those would be difficult if not impossible to take under normal circumstances, but with the Dragon Banner raised the goal of conquest had become the goal of extermination. When they ran out of ground settlements, if the Emperor’s goal had not yet been achieved, then they would move on to full-scale bombardments of these mountain top cities until only rubble and dust remained. Marking the next site of their attack on the map with a large red X, Julius gave the order to move out. The army roused itself from the brief respite it had received and made ready to make war on the next Griffon settlement . . . and the next . . . and the next . . . and the next. . . ---- “How did this happen?!” The other assembled griffons could barely meet the eyes of their king, who sat in a large throne at the head of the oaken table. He was an older monarch, streaks of grey running through his plumage clearly showing that he was long removed from the prime of his life. But right now his age was the last thing on the minds of any of his advisors as they heard the strong voice echoing from his beak and the blazing fury shining clearly from his eyes. “To be fair lord, we had no way of knowing the humans had more numbers than those deployed in Equestria. Their armies are massive; there is now conceivable way we could have predicted this turn of events.” The king’s fury quickly found its first target. “It is your JOB to consider all possibilities! Why else do I keep you useless sacks of feathers around?” Another griffon cleared his throat, drawing the king’s attention away from the quivering councilor before him. “Regardless of how they got here my king, they are here. We must now focus on what to do next.” The king simply sighed as he struggled to reign in his temper. “You are right. Blame can be assigned later, after we have dealt with this latest issue. What is the situation as of now?” There was a shuffling of papers as the various advisors searched the sheaves of paper before them for the most up to date reports on the human’s movements. When they were finally found, they made for grim reading. “As of now my king,” one of the advisors began. “The humans have followed the main roads out from the coasts. They have swept through three cities already . . . none have survived. The humans have slaughtered and torched every single city they’ve come across and they have shown no mercy event to those troops who surrendered to them.” The king was speechless as he heard these reports. The humans had conquered the Equestrian towns and cities, Celestia’s ponies put into prison camps or forced to live under human occupation. But now they were unleashing hell upon the griffon lands. Why? What was so different here that it made them go to such extremes? “How are our forces in the homeland?” The aide shook his head. “They are minimal at best my lord. We drained almost all of the army to war against the humans and we are still being held off in the west. The best we have are some local town garrisons and I don’t think I have to tell you that they are unreliable at the best of times against trained soldiers.” The King looked over the reports from the war effort in the west. “How is the campaign in Equestria going?” “General Steel Talon has managed to seize a number of townships, but the coastal settlements and southernmost territories remain firmly under human control. Their ships are supplying their coastal settlements and their weapons wreak havoc on any who try to take the towns. The southernmost territories are a mess of trenches and makeshift fortifications which our armies have not yet been able to breach.” “Current casualties number well over two thousand. The human casualties are uncertain, but it’s likely that they have lost similar numbers. However they appear no closer to defeat than they were before our assault.” The king all but buried his face in his claws. When the offer to support Equestria had been formulated, the humans had been thought of as an enemy who could be overrun and then defended against with ease. It was to be a simple war that could grant them a massive advantage in the future. Now? Now it seemed like this was had been a terrible idea that would only cost them warriors and subjects. “Something has to be done soon or we will be wiped out.” ---- “Why didn’t you tell us about their weapons?! Or their sheer numbers!” Celestia and Luna looked uncertainly at the irate diplomat finally ended a rant that had been going on since this morning. They looked at each other before Celestia turned back to the diplomat with a slight sigh. “I apologize ambassador, but I’m not sure what you’re talking about. What has happened?” The ambassador remained furious, but the two sisters could see a mixture of grief and fear entering his eyes at their question. “The humans have strange weapons that have been killing our warriors in droves. We have had to throw the majority of our army at them just to make progress. And even now we are being bogged down in the East. Worse, the humans have invaded our homeland. Why did you not tell us anything more about them or did you want something like this to happen to take pressure off of you?!” Celestia and Luna were both taken aback by both the news and the ambassador’s outburst and accusation. “Ambassador, I can assure you that we would never willingly withhold any information that could help you. We know little enough of their weapons as well and we simply assumed you either knew or would have learned of their abilities before your first battle.” The ambassador simply sighed. “At any rate, is there anything else you have to tell us about their forces that you have learned?” Celestia shook her head. “Fairly little. Besides their weapons, some of them seem to repel magic and they have control of the coasts and rail lines. Our forces are almost fully trained however and we should be able to launch a renewed offensive soon. But tell us, what has been going on in your homeland?” The ambassador simply stared at them for a time, clearly struggling to decide if he should tell them the full details. However in the end he knew that it wouldn’t make much of a difference if they knew or didn’t know. “The humans launched a naval assault on our lands and forced a landing. They now have an army numbering in the thousands rampaging through our lands. But something is different. They fly a red banner and the army has obliterated every settlement in their path without exception.” Celestia and Luna were horrified at this. Not only did humanity have the numbers to simultaneously fight Equestria and Griffonia, but this new tactic was extremely brutal. It made them terrified of what could happen to Equestria should they lose this war. “I cannot begin to express my grief at the losses your people are suffering . . .” began Celestia. “Save it,” interrupted the Ambassador. “We do not need your pity nor your platitudes. We shall rise or we shall fall. There is nothing more to this war than that.” With that the ambassador turned around and left the building, taking flight as soon as he had cleared the doorway. “Sister,” said Luna. “If the humans truly have such numbers and if they truly have resorted to such tactics to secure victory than we may have to unveil our newest weapon sooner than we had planned.” “But it hasn’t been fully tested yet. If we use it now we’ll simply be revealing an inferior model which could get our ponies killed.” “And if we don’t than they may very get killed anyway.” Celestia’s silence was all the confirmation that Luna needed. She summoned an aide to them as quickly as she could. When the pony arrived Luna fixed him with her most serious gaze. “We are going to move up the launching schedule. Tell the engineers to have the Mark 2 to be ready to launch within the week.” The pony left to deliver the message after giving a quick bow to the princesses. ---- “So what exactly does this “Crimson Warlord” wish to say to us?” Helmholtz stared down at the Diamond Dog delegates. He was unsure how to think of them. They didn’t appear to have any inherent magic, or at the very least nothing too flashy or powerful, but at the same time the dogs behind the diplomat all looked to be shifty and nervous. This could unfold in a variety of ways and Helmholtz did not yet know which way this particular encounter was to turn out. “The Crimson Warlord requests your assistance in a delicate matter which could soon escalate into a major problem.” “I’m afraid you’ll need to elaborate a bit more than that.” The dogs conferred amongst themselves for a moment before turning back to Helmholtz. “I apologize Governor. I forget that you know little of our race. As I have said we are the Diamond Dogs. We have a fondness for rare minerals and gems and to meet these ends we have crafted a great network of mines and tunnels to dig deep into the earth. However we are a race divided into tribes and inter-tribe fighting is more common than any of us would like. The Crimson Warlord is one of a group of similar warlords who have attempted to stem the tide of the fighting by unifying various tribes under their banners. However, now the various warlords are vying for ultimate control. We are currently embroiled in a great civil war and we fear it will destroy our race if action is not soon taken. We need your help to carry the fight and if you do we shall provide you with gems, minerals, and our finest warriors.” Helmholtz was torn. They had more than enough on their plates with the war with the Griffons heating up and the unexpected resistance of Stalliongrad in the south. Yet . .yet. . . they were so like us. The tribal warfare, the threat of extinction, and the constant warring looming over their heads all resonated with the governor. This was a race humanity could trust, a race humanity would be proud to call friend. But . . . at the same time was there honestly enough of their own forces to spread around without stretching them too thin? Without warning a harried looking messenger rushed into the throne room. “My Lord Governor! I have an urgent message from the Emperor!” Helmholtz immediately rose from the throne to receive the message. As he opened the letter, he realized that it was a report on the status of the battle for Stalliongrad. They were encountering problems, and their cannons were still out of commission. Without a sure way of turning the tide, the battle was sure to last for at least another month as they besieged the city with antiquated weapons. This news galvanized Helmholtz and gave him the final push he needed to make a decision regarding the Diamond Dogs’ proposal. Walking up to the delegates he extended his hand and gave them his answer. “We are with you brothers. Your enemies shall be driven before us like leaves caught in the winds of a hurricane.” ---- Applejack walked through the city streets, returning from a long day of work organizing the production of ever greater numbers of rations for the near constant influx of conscripts entering the city. As she returned to the rooms the princess had given her and the other elements of harmony she could only feel the bone-deep weariness that came from the long, tedious work she had been put through. After entering the rooms and dropping off her saddlebags, her ears finally picked a light susurrating sound coming from the room besides hers. As she put her ear closer to the door, she could just barely make out what sounded like light sobbing. When she knocked on the door there was no response. After debating for another moment or so she slowly eased open the door and stepped inside. The lights inside were all turned off and with the curtains almost fully drawn only a single beam of the setting sun was able to enter the room. What Applejack saw inside struck her to the core. The sobbing noise was coming from the corner of the room where Rainbow Dash was curled up into a ball, her back turned towards the door. “Rainbow,” she said, rushing over to her friend. Putting a hoof on her shoulder Applejack just sat there, simply letting her know that her friend was here beside her. After another few moments Rainbow finally stopped crying and turned around to face Applejack, her eyes red and puffy from the tears. “Applejack,” she began slowly, sounding as if she was trying very hard to keep herself from breaking back into tears. “Yeah Rainbow, what is it?” Taking a deep breath, Rainbow Dash stared at her friend with a strangely serious set to her face. “AJ, after everything that’s happened . . . and everything we’ve learned about the past. . . Do you think we’re honestly fighting for the right side?”