Fading Rainbow

by TenebrisSol

Fading Rainbow

You are Spectrum Light, son of Rainbow Dash and Lightning Blitz. You are pegasus. You have your mothers rainbow colored mane and Your coat is White like your fathers. Your cutie mark is Thunderbolt with rainbow flames coming from it. You remember the day you got it and how you run to your mother and father so you could show it to them. This brings smile to your face. Your smile fades as you remember your father and how he died ten years ago.

It was your day off and you were going to see your parents. You come to your parents house and see that there is ambulance carriage in front of it. your eyes widen and horrible images run through your mind. you start to run fast with horror gripping your stomach. as you come in front of the house you see mother talking with the nurse. You’re happy to see that your mother is alright, but you can’t see your father anywhere. you come to your mother and ask where Lightning is and why is the ambulance here. She looks at you with tear filled eyes. she tells that your father was tending the clouds above their house when his left wing had cramp. He fell straight to ground and died in impact. you couldn’t believe that your father was gone. Couple of tears fall as you remember your father and how he and your mother taught you how to fly.

You snap out of your thoughts. You’re now in front of ponyville general hospital. You look the sign and sadness takes hold of you again. You have come to see your mother because she had heart failure yesterday. they told you that she probably wouldn’t survive much longer because of her old age and the stroke. You go inside and find nurse. you ask from her where is your mothers room. She looks at you and asks your name. when you tell it she points at the hallway and says the number of your mothers room. You thank her and start to trot towards the room.

As you come in front of the door you take couple of deep breaths before knocking. “Come in” Says voice from inside. you open the door and step inside. As you come inside you see pictures in walls. You see pictures of your mother posing in wonderbolts flightsuit. There is picture of your mother and her pet tortoise and of course there is your family picture. One picture strikes your eye and you take it to your hooves. In the picture is your mother with five other mares. You remember all of them from your childhood.

There is Pinkie pie. Ex baker of Sugar cube corner, Element of laughter and party pony extraordinaire. You remember all of the birthdays she made for you and you can’t forget how random she was. You always smile when you think the pink party mare.

Next to her is Applejack. She was element of honesty and greatest apple bucker in this side of Equestria. You remember the story about how she tried to harvest the whole Sweet apple acres alone.

Then there is Fluttershy. Element of kindness and animal tender of ponyville. She was sweet and all, but when she got angry even drgon would fear he stare. you remember one time that manticore attacked ponyville and fluttershy drove it off alone with her stare.

Next to Fluttershy is Rarity. She was element of generosity and she was, And still is, being hailed as greatest seamstress in Canterlots history. She would tell you about all the dresses she made to Canterlot nobles. Of course you weren’t really interested about that, but it still brings smile to your face how her eyes would shine when she told her stories.

And finally there was Twilight Sparkle. The element of magic, protege of princess celestia and strongest unicorn in history after Stars swirl the bearded himself. She created hundreds of new spells and in her older days she would teach in Celestia's school of gifted unicorns.

You smile to the memory of theirs, but now they are all gone. your mother is the last one of old elements of harmony. Now there are new bearers who fight the evils that tries to destroy equestria.

Your mothers voice snaps you from your thoughts. “Is that you Lightning?” She asks. You look at her before answering. “No mom, it’s me Spectrum.” You say “Don’t you remember? Dad died years ago.” She looks at you and smiles. “Spectrum my son How have you been?” She asks and turns under the covers.

You look at the old mare and her now faded rainbow mane. it has little silver in it, but mostly it still has its old color. Her face is covered with wrinkles, but her eyes still have the same glow in them. You smile at the sight of her grin.

“I have been well, mom. Rain dancer is waiting my foal and we have beautiful house near ponyville.” You tell her. “You should come live with us, after you get out of here.” You say and look at your mother. She looks you with smile on her face. “Yes after i get out of here.” She says and looks out of window.

You look out of the window and remember how your mother used to do tricks over the field near ponyville. You remember the time when she showed you Sonic rainboom and how it inspired you becoming stunt flyer like your mother.

She turns to look at you before talking. “I know i am not getting better.” She says with sad smile. You look her with wide eyes. “Mom, please don’t say that. i know you will get better.” She looks at you, but turns her gaze towards ceiling. “No, i won’t.” She says and sighs. “Do you know what happened last night?” She asks and Turns to look you. You just shake your head and wonder what happened. She laughs little before coughing. “Yesterday i saw your father.” Your eyes widen after hearing this, but before you can say anything she continues. “He came to me last night to tell that my time has come.” Hearing this made tears fall from your eyes.

Words were lost for you, only thing you could do was watch your fading mother. “Do not cry for me, Spectrum.” Rainbow says and dries your tears. Suddenly she starts to cough violently. she puts hoof in front of her mouth and when she takes it off there is blood in it. “My time has come.” She says and turns to look ceiling. “I-i can see them.” She suddenly says. you look her with confused eyes. “I-i can see all of them. Pinkie, Aj, Rares, Shy, Twilight. they are all in there light waiting for me.” She says

You hear the beeping of heart monitor starting to get quicker. “Lightning, i can see him. He is calling me.” She says and turns to look you. “I-i Love... you Spectrum” She says and closes her eyes. Suddenly the beeping stops and transforms to one long beep.

“G-good bye, mother” Is all you can say through your tears. You hear the sound of door opening. Nurse and doctor come in and try to revive her, but in vain. The doctor looks at clock before talking. “Death 10.15.”

Nurse comes to you and offers help. The doctor asks if there was anything about her burial. You look him and tell that she would’ve liked to be cremated and you would like to take the ashes. he just nods.


Two weeks later you stand in top of the mountain near ponyville. Rain dancer is with you and you have the ashes of your mother. You look at your Beautiful wife before going near the ledge. You watch ponyville and everything else from there. You can feel how wind blows through your mane and you can smell rain in air. you open the lid of urn, where Rainbows ashes are. You wait little before pouring the ashes in wind. as you watch them flying only one thing goes through your mind. “Now even in death you’re one with the wind.” After saying this you turn and go to Rain dancer. After while you trot together away.