The Incredible Flutterhulk

by spideremblembrony

Thunderbolt's Vendetta

A visit to Director Fury’s office wasn’t exactly the highlight of General Thunderbolt’s morning. The director of the organization of super spies called N.E.I.G.H.S and the famed general did not often see eye to eye. Their base of operations was always bustling; with more ponies coming in and out the general cared to count. It was N.E.I.G.H.S job to deal with threats normal ponies couldn’t handle and to prevent problems before they arise. But with the count of ponies with strange abilities and powers on the rise, Thunderbolt believed that more drastic measures were necessary to protect the security of this great country, Equestria. Of course, not every pony had the stones to take those drastic measures.

“General,” a light purple mare called to the pale green Pegasus as she appeared from Director Fury’s office. “Director Fury will see you now.

A slight smirk appeared on the general’s face. “How sweet. He finally took time out of his busy schedule to see me.”

Thunderbolt rose from his chair and marched into the director’s office. To his left a bookshelf stood, carrying hundreds of books, all matters of law, security and even religion. To his right, a series of pictures depicting a war hero from years ago. One image, in particular, revealed an earth pony in a strange outfit leading a charge, with several other ponies behind her. The general had heard the stories before. He knew them all too well. But his attention was hardly focused on them. He paid more attention to the pony sitting in the back-center of the room.

A white unicorn with a bright blue mane sat in his chair with only a desk and a wooden chair in between him and Thunderbolt. Director Fury’s right eye pierced at Thunderbolt with resentment, while an eye patch covered his left eye. Scars dispersing from his left eye to be seen just beyond the eye patch.

“Sit down, general,” Director Fury requested.

Thunderbolt cringed at the thought of himself being told to sit down like he was some badly behaved colt. Regardless, he sat down without saying a word.

“I’d like to talk to you about the Fluttershy situation,” the unicorn stated.

“The Fluttershy situation is under control,” Thunderbolt replied.

The unicorn raised his eyebrow. It was clear to the general, Director ‘Shining’ Fury was not convinced. “Is it?” Shining Fury’s horn then began to glow a dark blue as a folder on the desk began to float. It soared its way towards him until it was in his hooves.

Opening it, he began to read the reports out loud, “March 24th, target nearly captured. Containment unit failed. One pony dead.” He then shot the general a stern look. “Need I remind you that the containment unit was over 42 million bits to complete?”

“If I can get Fluttershy, we wouldn’t have to worry about bits,” Thunderbolt explained.

The unicorn continued to read off report after report of the general’s attempts to capture Fluttershy. With each report read back to him, the general’s temper flared. If Fury’s purpose was to tick Thunderbolt off, he was doing an excellent job.

Finally the unicorn spoke, “You’ve been chasing her for what... nearly 20 years. 11 of those years, she was alone.” The tension in the room was already high, and these two were just getting warmed up. “You want to explain why you’ve lost track of the most dangerous pony in all of Equestria?”

Thunderbolt was silent. There was nothing to say that he hadn’t already said to everyone else. ‘Fluttershy was gone’ they would tell him. ‘You’ll never find her’. Others would attempt to convince him to turn away from his mission. He wouldn’t give up his mission, not after all that mare had done to him. What her and her family had put him through. Had cost him. He would never stop hunting her. Not as long as he continued to breathe.

“A lot of ponies feel that you can’t complete this task,” the director finally stated bluntly.

Thunderbolt’s voice grew louder as he leaned forward with his elbow on the desk. “You can’t take this away from me! I’ve been chasing Fluttershy most of her life! She cost me a star!” Fluttershy’s elusiveness had cost the general much in his time spent pursuing her capture.

“Which is why we believe you are being vindictive.”

Thunderbolt couldn’t believe what he just heard. He stood up fast pushing the chair behind him. “I’m being vindictive?!” His voice now in a shout, “That filly is the most elusive and dangerous criminal this country, this world has ever seen! And who better to take her down then me?!”

“Sit down, general!”

Thunderbolt glared at the unicorn, with the unicorn replying in the same manner. Finally, the Pegasus submitted to his opposite.

“Many ponies, including myself, believe you are incapable of performing this assignment.”

“Is N.E.I.G.H.S threatening to take over this?”

Fury leaned forward. “Do your job and you won’t have to worry about that.”

There was an eerie silence that fell upon the room. Thunderbolt’s shoulders felt as if a huge weight had been placed upon them. He needed to find Fluttershy and he was running out of time.


General Thunderbolt, once a great four star general of the Equestrian Air Defense Force, loomed in his office for hours upon hours searching for any clue as to the whereabouts of one little filly. It haunted him to be avoided by such a tiny pony. No sightings; not even so much as a clue to where she was in the last seven months. Thunderbolt was going through the files of his last encounter with the yellow Pegasus when a blue unicorn rushed into his office.

“Sir, we just intercepted a police call. Some pony spotted a pony that matches Fluttershy’s description.”

The general’s ears perked up at this moment. His eyes piercing at the unicorn in front of him. “Where?”

“Just outside Baltimare, sir. In the Pabulum Circus,” the blue unicorn replied.

Fluttershy! At long last, she had finally slipped up. Thunderbolt would finally have his chance to get Fury off his flank. “I want you to call the Baltimare Police Department, tell them to stay out of this. As of right now, this is now a military operation.” He needed the police force to stay out of the way. This was his moment and he wouldn’t have it messed up by a bunch of amateurs.


General Thunderbolt stood tall as he scanned his military base. Ponies of all shapes and sizes; unicorns, earth ponies and pegasi were readying themselves for any moment when they might be called into action. A brown Pegasus, with a gray shield cutie mark, stood by him with a folder in his hooves. “I got you who I could on short notice, but their all mission prepped.” He then handed the folder to Thunderbolt. “And I pulled you an ace.”

A helicopter appeared from the sky, several meters from both of their positions. It descended onto the ground and the side door opened to reveal a gray earth pony with a serious look about him.

“Guamadillius Exracillius Maximillius the 4th,” the brown stallion introduced, as the stranger from the helicopter leapt to the ground. He was unusually short for a stallion. The general gazed upon him, surmising that most mares would be taller than him.

“Dumb name,” the general replied.

His associate gave a smirk, “Yeah, we call him ‘Guam’ for short.” The general started flipping through this ‘Guam’s’ profile. His partner spoke, “But don’t be fooled by his size, he’s a fighter.”

As the general scanned the record, he could see that he was a fighter. Enlisted in the Equestrian Military at 16, served overseas as part of the group that wiped out the Zebra fighters, a group of guerillas determined to take back their country, and trained in the Griffin Militia. “An impressive resume,” Thunderbolt thought to himself.

He then closed the folder and diverted his attention back to his partner. “I appreciate you doing this for me, major.”

“Glad I could help. Just make it good,” the major replied as he walked away.

Thunderbolt couldn’t help but cringe. Every pony knew of his record. He remembered the days when he was respected. He was a pony who got the job done, no matter the risks. Now, thanks to one little filly, many ponies were dubious. Well, not this time. This time, he’d have her.


Guamadillius, or Guam as most ponies called him, sat on the jet, eager for his orders. It had been a while since he had called to serve. His method of shoot first, questions later had always been the subject of issue. He didn’t care. He just got the job done. A mare stood over him and six other stallions describing their mission parameters to them. He hadn’t been on the plane for more than five minutes and this dark blue unicorn was already irritating him. Her high pitch voice sounded like a chipmunk. It was all he could do not to cover his ears. She began to describe the target as she passed around folders to each of the ponies, with Guam receiving his last.

“You have all been armed with tranquilizer rounds. Live fire only when necessary,” the unicorn spoke.

Guam studied the image carefully. She didn’t look like much. Hardly cause for alarm if he saw her on the street. “This little mousy pony? She’s the target?” he asked the unicorn raising his eyebrows.

A voice from the front of the aircraft replied, “That little mousy pony is a fugitive of the Equestrian Government.” The group looked to see General Thunderbolt marching towards them. “She is also implicated in the deaths of two scientist, three military officers, a Marandan state trooper and possibly two griffins from the north.” His eyes then turned to Guam. “So, don’t underestimate her because of her size.”

Guam still wasn’t buying it. A little mousy pony capable of eluding the Equestrian Government for so long? “No chance in Tartarus,” he thought. He continued to scan the folder, but nothing of interest presented itself. He placed it on the ground when he was finished. This wasn’t what he was hoping for. He was expecting something a little more exciting than a simple ‘tranq and grab’. He wanted something bigger... Much bigger.


Fluttershy sat alone in her trailer after long day of work. She spent most of it either taking apart some piece of equipment or moving boxes to the trucks.

Blackberry had been unusually distant from her. She couldn’t understand why. She and Blackberry would always talk to each other while they work. However, every time Fluttershy would try to strike up a conversation, she would always be met with a stone wall of silence. She wished to Celestia she knew what was wrong with her friend. She tried to get Blackberry to say what was wrong, but she was only met with the ‘I’m fine’ lie.

Maybe Fluttershy hurt her feelings in someway. She thought back and tried to remember what she could have done to upset her. In the end, nothing came up. Still, she felt that she should do something to help her friend. “I’ll take her to breakfast tomorrow, if she’s okay with that. And then we’ll talk about what’s bothering her. I mean, if she doesn’t mind,” she thought to herself.

Her arms felt sore. She had been moving boxes for hours. Sure, she had help most of the time, but she still wasn’t a very physically strong pony. She wanted to just place her head down on her pillow and rest for the night. She placed her head down and started to close her eyes. Her thoughts haunted by the nightmares she was sure to have. Suddenly, the phone in her trailer rang. She wondered who would call at this time of night. She pushed her sheets off her and swiped the phone off the stand. She greeted the caller with a nervous response.

“Look out the window,” the caller said. Fluttershy couldn’t mistake that voice. It was Monsieur Pabul, the griffin who had taken her in. But why would he be calling her at this time of night? The voice repeated after Fluttershy failed to give a response, “Look out the window.”

She took a look out her window. There wasn’t anything out of the ordinary. Not that Fluttershy could see. At first she thought it was a prank, but then she saw movement in the shadows. When she focused her gaze, she saw ponies, sneaking around in the dark. The uniforms they were wearing were a mix of different shades of green, perfect for camouflage. There was no mistaking it; they were soldiers of the Equestrian Military. The ones she had been on the run from since she was little.

“They found me,” she murmured under her breath. How could they have found her after all these months? She had been so careful. She hung up the phone as gently and quietly as she could. Her heart began to race and her breathing became rapid. They were so close. So close that, it would be near impossible for her to escape. Regardless, she had to think of a way to escape and she had to do it fast.


Guam and the two other ponies positioned themselves near a small white trailer. None of the lights were on inside, indicating that the target was asleep. The plan was simple. Knock down the door and tranq the girl before she could realize what happened. “Easy mission,” Guam thought to himself.

One of the ponies activated his com-link and spoke in a whisper, “Base, this is Alpha Team. Do you copy?” A second later, a mare replied through the headpiece.

“We read you, Alpha Team. This is Base, what’s your status?”

“We are in position,” the stallion replied.

Guam was growing impatient. His trigger finger itched at its chance to open fire. He wasn’t fond of using tranquilizer darts, but if this pony is THAT important. Celestia knows why. He noticed the pony was mouthing the countdown to entry. Three... two... one.

He kicked open the door as hard as he could and quickly regained his balance. He opened fire on the bed directly in front of him with three of the darts. After the shots were fired, he removed the sheets to see his target. Sadly, there were only pillows, fluffed up to look like there was some pony there. He quickly scanned the area around him, seeing several books, lab equipment and finally a window. He took a peak out and saw a bed sheet tied to the trailer. It slithered all the way down to the ground. It was only an eight-foot drop. Maybe even ten. “She’s not here, she’s on the move,” Guam replied in his headset.

“Fan out. She couldn’t have gotten far,” Thunderbolt’s voice replied through the headset.

The group of three exited the trailer and dispersed into the campsite. Guam paid special care to every detail for any sign of where his target could be. If she was as dangerous as Thunderbolt claimed, his senses and reflexes needed to be sharp. He was still doubtful of the pony’s abilities, but he didn’t live this long by taking foolish chances. He heard the crunching of leaves to his left and quickly shined his light towards where he thought he heard the sound. What he saw was a giant, gray elephant standing in its cage. Its trunk behind its massive head. It was standing on a pile of leaves, which Guam suspected made the sound. He scoffed as he walked away. “Stupid animal.”


Bertha turned her head towards her trunk with Fluttershy wrapped within it, hiding her from her pursuers. Fluttershy gently hugged the massive creature. “Thank you.” The elephant set her down gently. Tommy cried in a faint yelp. Fluttershy hugged her favorite baby elephant tightly. “Good bye, Tommy.” She didn’t want to leave. She loved it here. All the friends she made, the family she was able to rebuild. But she couldn’t stay. It was too dangerous for all of them.

After leaving Tommy’s embrace, Fluttershy made her way to the fence, being as silent as possible. She climbed it without making so much as a sound. So far, so good. Now if she could just make it into town without being spotted, she would be able to escape.

However, just as she began her tread to the city, a voice came from behind her, “I’ve got a visual, she’s heading to Sector 452.” Her heart began to pound, and in that instant, her feet burst into a sprint. She could hear some pony yelling at her from the distance. She didn’t hear what he said. She didn’t bother looking back. All she did was run.


After a few minutes, she found herself in an alleyway. It was like a labyrinth. The perfect place to lose someone, or the perfect place to get lost in. She knew it was a risk, but if she did get lost or meet a dead end, she had one thing at least. Her wings. They weren’t very strong wings and flying, even a short distance, was difficult, but it was an advantage against earth ponies and unicorns at least.

She made her way into the labyrinth, turning left, then right, then left again. Every turn she made, she hoped she wouldn’t see the ponies that were after her. She eventually turned left again and found a solid brick wall. A dead-end. She heard voices coming from behind her. They were closing in.

It was time to head for the rooftops. She flapped her tiny wings as hard and as fast as she could. Little by little she ascended to the rooftops. She was struggling, her wings aching with pain. Flapping them became harder by the second, but she kept pushing herself. She was almost there. Tears started to develop from the pain. A second more and she would be at the rooftops. Then her wings started to cramp. They stopped flapping almost instantly. She stretched out her hoof to reach the rooftop. She gripped the ledge as tight as she could, holding on for dear life. She struggled as she pulled herself up. She tumbled to the roof taking deep slow breaths. A bullet bounces off the wall of where she had previously been was heard, causing her to give a small yelp.

She narrowly escaped the ground forces, but there was no time to rest. She got up as quickly as she could and started to run once more, knowing air forces would soon be on her.


A trio of Pegasi swarmed the sky, franticly searching for their fugitive. Alpha Team, who had remained on the fugitives tail until she took to the air, gave the last known location to them. A second later, one of the ponies saw the yellow Pegasus leaping from rooftop to rooftop. “Got her! She’s heading north in Sector 491.”

The first Pegasus swooped down following her position, with the other two not far behind. She was running fast, but they were flying much faster. It was only a matter of seconds before they would be on her. The first one pushed himself even harder. He became so close; he could almost hear her breathing. Even as she darted through a jacket hanging on a clothesline, the Pegasi knew he had her.

He flew through the same jacket, when he smashed into the wall only several feet from it. His head throbbed with unmentionable pain. His vision was blurred. The other two came from behind him and spoke to him, but his ears were ringing so loud, he could barely make out what they were saying.

He looked down to see an alleyway, where she had no doubt had taken to. One of the others spoke to his headpiece, “This is aerial units. We’ve lost the target. Last seen heading east in Sector 494.”


Fluttershy had escaped the air forces, but she was back on the ground and growing tired fast. She rushed across the street and into another alleyway. Just as she made it a few feet, she saw in front of her a very tall fence. She looked to her left to see a dumpster a few inches from the fence. She could use that as a stepstool to help her climb the fence. It wasn’t much, but she couldn’t go backwards. Not with them still chasing her. She scaled the dumpster and put her hooves on the fence. She struggled her way up, nearly losing her grip twice. After several seconds, she finally arrived at the top and attempted to climb her way down.

A booming voice then echoes in the alleyway, shocking Fluttershy into letting go of the fence. She falls onto the pavement, her body trembling in pain. She lets out a cry as she steadily picks herself up. She looked to her front left knee and saw blood rushing down it. It burned as she moved it. She took several deep breaths. She spoke out loud, reminding herself to calm down. Despite how much she wanted to just take a moment to catch her breath, she knew she would have to move fast. Hoof steps resonated all around her. She ran, despite the pain, despite the weariness. She ran out of fear, but not of them. Of herself.


Guam spotted the tiny pony jump the fence and followed her. He climbed the fence with a speed considerably higher than his target. The yellow Pegasus darted into the road as she was almost hit by an unsuspecting car. Guam could have sworn he heard that pony apologize at least six times as she continued to dart to the other side of the street. He landed on his hooves and started after her.

At first, the car in the road sped past him, preventing him from passing. Then at the first second he had, he continued towards the fugitive. A speeding car came down the road and headed towards Guam. The car stopped just short of hitting him. “Hey!” Guam shouted. He then bucked the vehicle in frustration. “Bucking idiot!”

He continued to chase after his target, completely ignoring what the other pony was shouting at him. If that idiot made him lose his target, there would be Tartarus to pay.


Fluttershy continued to run down the street, passing pony after pony as she went. She tried her best to ignore the pain, but it still flared. Burning like a lighted match pressed against her knee. She was so focused on the group behind her; she didn’t even pay attention to what was in front of her. She slammed into a group of ponies in front of her, knocking them down, her along with them.

She quickly got up when she heard one of them shout, “What in Tartarus?”

She looked up to see a pony she recognized from the other day. Ringleader and her two stooges. And she didn’t look happy. She looked down to see a coffee stain all over her coat. Of all the ponies, in all of Equestria, she had to run into the one who might be upset at her. She had to run into the meanies who picked on that little kitten. She wished that she were just hallucinating from the fall she endured a few moments before. That she was delirious. But no matter how many times she tried to will herself out of this situation, the situation stayed the same. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry,” Fluttershy begged as she slowly backed away.

“Oh, you’re going to be sorry!” Ringleader shouted as she and the others stepped towards Fluttershy.

Fluttershy smiled nervously, sweat began to build on her face. “Did I mention I was really, really, really, really sorry?” She turned around fast, knowing they wouldn’t accept her apology, no matter how she pleaded. Ringleader grabbed her back sack, hoping to slow her down. Fluttershy quickly slipped the sack off her back and continued to run. She abandoned her bag so quickly Ringleader tumbled backwards with it.

Ringleader got up quickly after shoving the bag to the side. “Come back here, you bitch!”

Fluttershy ran down an alleyway. This wasn’t going well for her. Not only was she sought after by the Equestrian Government, now Ringleader and her gang were after her. She had to lose them quickly, before ‘she’ came.


General Thunderbolt paced impatiently for any sign of Fluttershy. The two groups had both lost sight of the target. “Any pony got eyes on target?” he asked.

Major Strawberry, the blue unicorn from the jet, spoke into the microphone, relaying the general’s request.

Guam replied, “Negative, ground units have no sign of target.”

The general shook his head in disapproval. He couldn’t lose her again, not this time.

Another voice then came over the radio, “Base, this is air unit. We have positive visual on target. Sector 489, old bottling warehouse.”

A sealed environment. The perfect place to trap some pony. There was nowhere left for Fluttershy to run. It was only a matter of moments now. Then Thunderbolt’s reputation, his name, and his title would be reinstated.


Fluttershy entered the old building hoping to lose her pursuers. She was so concentrated on flying over the tall fence; she didn’t even look to make sure they weren’t following her. Her heart was still beating like a drum, and she was short of breath. She wanted to rest. She just wanted to lie her head down and fall asleep. That’s when she heard Ringleader’s voice, “Oh, Filly Scout!”

Fluttershy’s heart beat even faster. Those big meanies followed her. She looked up to find a staircase that led to a walkway. If she could climb it quietly, she might be able to escape them. She was too tired to fly up there, and her knee made walking difficult. Still, she couldn’t stay there. She climbed the staircase as quietly as she possibly could, paying very close attention to the sounds around her. She could see an opening ahead. In a few seconds, she would be free of all of them. The Equestrian soldiers, Ringleader and her goons. All of them would be behind her.

Just as she started to rush in anticipation, she saw a pony step in front of her. “Hey, Filly Scout,” Ringleader taunted.

Fluttershy gasped as she saw the pony in front of her and stepped backwards. Two pair of arms grabbed her hind legs and pulled her to the ground. The two members of Ringleader’s gang picked up Fluttershy by her front legs and forced her back against the nearby wall. Fluttershy was so close to the exit, and yet she couldn’t be further away.

She struggled and struggled with all her might, but the ponies wouldn’t let go. Ringleader stood right in her face with a look of satisfaction.

Fluttershy took a deep swallow. “Please, just let me go. Please.”

“Oh, don’t worry, little filly,” Ringleader spoke in a mockingly mother voice. “I won’t hurt you.” She then smacked her in the face with her hoof. “Much.”

Fluttershy’s pulse started to skyrocket. She took several deep breaths, trying to calm herself down. She tried to ignore the pain, but it was in vain. She needed to get away from every pony, from everyone. “Please, I’m begging you. Don’t do that again.” Tears started to develop in her eyes, not of pain, but of fear.

“Oh, did that hurt?” Ringleader mocked. She smacked her across her face again, this time harder. “How about that?”

Tears started swarming down Fluttershy’s face. She was losing control of her temper and it terrified her. She took several more deep breaths, but they weren’t helping. Her heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest. Tears continued to soak her cheeks, as she looked up at her attacker. “Please,” she weakly begged with all her heart and soul, “I don’t want to hurt any pony.”

Ringleader and the other ponies laughed. They thought her as nothing but a crybaby. “That sounds like a personal problem,” she uttered. She then socked Fluttershy in the gut. They then watched her drop like as sack of potatoes.

As she fell to the floor, she grew frightened. But just as quickly as fear appeared, a second later, it vanished, along with her world. The only thing that was left was pure rage.


Guam and the others entered the warehouse as cautiously as possible. Staying ever alert to their surroundings, searching for their target. They hear the sounds of two ponies talking, a meek little voice and another voice, a much more aggressive voice. They followed the sound of the voices, knowing that one of them could be their mare. Just as the warehouse went silent, they heard a mare’s scream.

The soldiers rallied towards the sound. As they came upon the staircase, they saw a mare they didn’t recognize soar above them and slam into the brick wall. The mare then fell uncontrollably to the ground. They looked back towards where they had seen the pony come from, but saw nothing. “What in Tartarus?” one of the ponies said.

Guam continued scanning the walkway, knowing something more was going on. The other soldiers kept at their surroundings. Suddenly, they all heard another mare scream, followed by a powerful and angry roar that shook the entire warehouse. They all stopped in their tracks, in shock at what they had just heard. What animal in Equestria could make a sound like that?

The soldiers looked up to see a unicorn running across the walkway in horror. She was just out of the shadows of the facility when a huge green hoof grabbed her by her tail. She screamed as she desperately tried to grip the walkway to keep her from the darkness, but the huge hoof wouldn’t let her go and effortlessly pulled her into the darkness. A few seconds later, the screaming stopped.

“Did every pony else see that?” one of them asked.

Guam saw it, but he couldn’t bring himself to believe it. He had seen big things in his life, but whatever that hoof was connected to must have been eight or ten feet tall. The sight that he had just beheld distracted him so much, he wasn’t even thinking about Fluttershy.

“What in Tartarus is going on down there?!” the general’s voice shouted from their com-links.

Suddenly, a tremor shook the entire warehouse. Every pony stumbled trying to regain footing. It only lasted for a split second, but it felt as if something heavy had just hit the floor. One of the soldiers looked to the darkness where he heard the sound. When he glanced towards the darkness, he saw a shape of a beast. He wasn’t sure what that animal was, but it was huge. The creature turned towards the trooper and gave a mighty howl. “Sir, we’ve got a bogey of some kind! Holy shit, that thing is huge!”

“That is the target! Use every tranq you got now!” Thunderbolt shouted over the radio.

As quick as lightning, the soldier opened fire on the giant creature. Two more troopers came from behind the first one and followed his example. Dart after dart flew to the unknown behemoth. After the salvo, the creature shrieked in anger and began its acceleration towards them. The ponies rushed backwards, astonished at how none of their tranquilizers were stuck in the creature’s body. The creature grabbed one of them with its massive hoof and tossed him to the wall.

Guam continued to the walkway to get a better vantage point. He spotted the massive creature chasing down two troopers.

“Go live! Go live!” he heard one of them shout. The tranquilizers didn’t work.

Guam quickly gripped his weapon with the real ammunition and started to unload on the creature. The two ponies below followed his example. The bullets seemed to have no effect on the creature. No matter how many rounds they fired, it didn’t even seem to slow it down. The creature replied by gripping one of the massive containers and tossing it towards its frontal opponents. Glass bottles flew from its confinement, shattering all around them as they tumbled to the ground.

Two more soldiers came from behind and open fire on the monster. The beast screeched as it rushed towards them. They scream in pain as they were sent soaring through the air by the sweeping of its mighty hooves.

Guam’s gun thundered as it fired more rounds at the creature. The animal screamed in rage as it turned its attention to the pony above it. The creature charged for Guamadillius as he darted down the walkway. Behind him, pieces of the walkway were ripped away coinciding with the beast’s movements. Guam quickly realized the creature would gain on him in a matter of seconds. Guam, now panicked, quickly scanned his surroundings, hoping for a miracle. It came in the form of another nearby walkway within jumping distance. It was a far jump, but better a long jump then being on the walkway just below the mysterious monster.

Guam stood atop the railing, balancing himself as best he could, and only a moment later, leaped as far as his legs could. He grabbed the edge of the walkway with all his might. He took several deep breaths before pulling himself back on the path. Looking back to his previous walkway, he saw the beast had torn it apart like it was made of paper. If he had been standing on that platform, who knows what he would have looked like? He watched as another group of three readied their weapons against the beast.

“Grenade!” one of them shouted, as he tossed the explosive at the creature.

The beast ran towards them with great speed, only being cut off by an explosion that engulfed the beast. After the fire blast, there was only smoke and silence. The ponies stood very still, haunted by the images and the sounds they had heard several minutes ago. Then the same mysterious roar broke the silence.

The shape of the giant creature appeared before them. Terrified, they opened fire once again. The beast, however, would not be stopped. It raised itself up on its hind legs and simply smashed it’s enormous hooves into the ground. It caused the ground to crack in a jagged path towards the soldiers in front of it. As the ground was uprooted, they were sent soaring through the air, catapulted by the tremor. They found themselves trembling at what had just happened. Not just in pain, but in fear. The creature hadn’t even slowed down since they started their attack and they were down six to none.

Guam picked himself up and opened fire once again at the creature. The creature growled in anger at its adversary, as it was battered with bullets. Once out of ammo, Guam quickly reloaded his weapon, digging a new clip from his pack. He moved as fast as he could, not wanting to let the creature have a chance to counter attack. He pointed his weapon once again at the creature, which now moved into the light.

The creature... was a pony. But it was unlike any pony Guam had ever seen before. Its emerald eyes, full of rage and anger. Its red flowing locks of hair, hanging off of each side of its head. Its teeth grinding as it growled at the much smaller pony. Guam couldn’t believe what his eyes beheld, a giant green Pegasus. The beast grabbed a forklift truck with its hooves and tossed it at the Earth Pony. Guam’s feet took over and ran as fast as he could to get out of reach of the flying object. The truck tore up the walkway behind Guam, causing it to slant. Guam wrapped his arms around the railing, stopping him from falling to the floor. When he looked towards the beast, it had ripped a hole in the wall next to it. The creature unleashed a mighty shriek before disappearing into the opening. Something that Guamadillius was all too grateful for.