The Awkward way of how I Survived World War Two

by Sarged

What Just Happened

Cold, so very cold, even before I opened my eyes I knew that the coldness I felt was made from the metal I was laying against. Slowly I opened my eyes to see the truck that I was in on its side. First confusion set in 'What the hell happened!?!' and 'Where am I?' Then it hit me like a ton of bricks falling from the Statue of Liberty on my head. The screams and groans of agony along with gunfire and explosions. Then came the pleading voices of the wounded or the captured as they were executed or dragged off screaming for mercy. I wanted to help but the driver told me that someone was going to be needed to lead the troops against the Soviets. So he grabbed his Luger as the Soviet soldiers were checking for survivors and when they got close to our vehicle he shoved the door open and killed five of those bastards before he him self was shot straight through the head. The blood pooled out of his head onto me and around me making it look like I died in the crash. Maybe I did? I don't really know. I also remember one of them jumping in and prodding me with his gun joking with the others about how weak we Germans were and just as he was about to shoot me to confirm my death his commanding officer yelled at him to not waste ammo. So just because he could he knocked me into actual unconsciousness.
When I finally woke up I looked around and could not find any my other soldiers' guns that were under my command in the convoy nor could I see any of the supplies in the trucks ahead of me. I started to panic because without a gun I was defenseless, until I remembered the secret compartment under my seat. I chuckled to myself remembering that I put my Luger in there and how the other officers in my convoy would tease me about putting it there saying "Richtofen if we got in a firefight do you think that the Russians are just going to stop attacking so that you could get your gun out from under your seat." "Who's laughing now." I muttered under my breath.
Once I checked that my gun was loaded I looked out the front window double checking for any soviets who might attack me. After I confirmed that there weren't any out there I climbed half way out of the door and see someone in the distance walk into an unknown object. Not caring if the person was a soviet or not whatever they walked into had to be better than freezing to death 50 km west of Stalingrad. I quickly clamber the rest of the way out of the truck and run in a full sprint towards the tall box. While running towards it I trip and fall catching my self on the handle to the door. I look up and see that it says 'Police Box' written in English; I also notice that it is blue which is rather strange that there would be an English 'Police Box' this far out into Russia. I was completely confused and decided to look down and saw a really creepy looking Stone Angle that I couldn't take my eyes off of because something in the back of my head said 'Don't blink'. While I was starring at it I could have sworn I heard I weird noise coming from inside the Police Box and a male voice yelling one word "ALLONS-Y!!"
Then, just like that I was hanging on for dear life as the Police Box sent me through time and space. I held on for as long as I could but eventually I lost my grip and crashed painfully onto a red carpet. I look up and there standing in front of me with looks of surprise and confusion are two of what I am guessing were horses that both had horns and wings also crowns on their heads. "Wow, congratulations Richtofen, you are finally going crazy or I'm dead." I said to myself. Then the white one with the different colored mane went running off yelling "DOCTORRRRRRRRR!!!!" by the sound of the voice I am guessing that it was female and she was yelling something about destroying the TARDIS and having him banished to the sun.
The other one just stares at me before looking at where the white one ran off to and started laughing like a little kid. "HAHAHAHAHA!!" "We feel so bad for thy Doctor right now. Oh our apologies, we are sorry that we did not properly introduce ourselves to thou. May we ask what thou name is?" She said with the most beautiful old English accent that I have ever heard. "My name is Noah von Richtofen. Lieutenant of the 22nd German Infantry Battalion. Now may I ask what is your name and where I might be located?" I asked her. "I am Princess Luna, ruler of the night and that was my sister Princess Celestia, ruler of the day, and you are in the land of..."
Then she was rudely interrupted by some black guy yelling "OLD SPICE GIVES YOU THE POWER TO INTERRUPT OTHER STORIES TO DO THIS COMERCIAL!!!" The Princess immediately levitates the man who is for some reason not wearing a shirt out of the door and at the same time levitating two guards inside the throne room closing the door behind them. "Well now we are sorry for that rude interruption as we were saying you are in the land of Equi..." she was yet rudely interrupted again by the same man yelling "ULTIMATE POWEERRRRRRR!!!" Little explosions started coming off the guards as he yelled at them. When the smoke cleared there stood a soda machine and a snack machine in their place and he just punched a hole in both of them grabbing a snack and a drink. Princess Luna jaw was hanging wide open at what she just witnessed while my left eye twitched a little bit wanting to shoot him right then and there for rudely interrupting the princess and for breaking the laws of physics and matter. Instead'This is going to be a long day' I thought to myself. It was then that it finally hit me I am in the land of talking equines who are still in the medevil era of technology and I am the only human here, with no known way of getting back to the land I love.